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Messages - potatoehead64

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Linux Specific Issues / Re: Cant find screenshots directory
« on: March 28, 2008, 07:43:41 pm »
Names of files and folders starting with a dot mark/show same ones as hidden - dont forget to have your favorite filemanager show you hidden files o/

Ah  yes the files were hidden and I've now worked it out. Brilliant! Thanks very much for your help.

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Cant find screenshots directory
« on: March 28, 2008, 06:35:56 am »
The Planeshift folder does exist. It has all the (I guess) expected folders in it i.e. pssetup, psclient, art, data, docs, guide etc etc. It even has the text files of the books I've saved within the game, but none of those folders or files has the screenshots I made of the chat logs.

I'm running 7.10 Gutsy Ubuntu.

BTW, I've tried a search of my hard drive for those file to no avail. Seems odd because when I use the /screenshot command in game it does notify me that the screenshot has been created.

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Cant find screenshots directory
« on: March 24, 2008, 09:56:04 am »
look in /home/<username>/.PlaneShift and the path to where you installed is correct the game makes a folder to install in named PlaneShift so that if you uninstall you dont delete for example your home directory.

Still can find the screenshots or quests folders or documents  :@#\

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Cant find screenshots directory
« on: March 24, 2008, 07:00:44 am »
I'm having this problem too. I guess its because my knowledge is a bit shady here.

I've been told that quest text and screenshots can be found in the PlaneShift folder, yet I don't see them.
Screenshots appear to save ok. I'm wondering if its a "permissions" issue or that I'm simply looking in the wrong place.

an explanation.

I installed Planeshift in a "Games" folder I created myself rather that "opt".
Seems a bit odd, I know, but its set as Games/Planeshift/PlaneShift

Book text saves ok in that folder as well as all the other expected stuff such as setup, launch, guide etc. But I don't see what I need as mention above.

Can anyone help?

Marty [IC Marthron Decksar]

Complaint Department / Re: Gugrontid Blockade
« on: March 23, 2008, 02:35:33 am »
Firstly if this is in the wrong place I apologize.
Secondly if the blockade in question just dissolved on its own and I'm simply misinformed I apoligize.

But if I was correct why activily remove it in an out of game/RP fashion? If it was an in-game/RP method then I apogize and just stop reading here.
1. It was interesting: It made for a change and gave characters a challenge.
2. It wasn't like a player who didn't want to have anything to do with it couldn't just walk through it.
3. I'm annoyed because my character had just made a plan to try and slip through it.

Alright then and if I was wrong for any reason I once again profusely apologize.

I think this was an in game RP situation. I was there and it was pretty disorganised, so I went mining instead.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Phi day?
« on: March 19, 2008, 07:08:19 pm »
Phi day, I my opinion should only be celebrated alongside the fibonacci sequence! :-p ;-)

Someone gave me the following code to add to the end of the psclient.cfg file

"Video.OpenGL.UseExtension.GL_EXT_texture_rectangle = false
Video.OpenGL.UseExtension.GL_ARB_texture_rectangle = false
Video.OpenGL.UseExtension.GL_NV_texture_rectangle = false
PlaneShift.Client.Loading.PreloadModels = true
System.PlugIns.iSndSysRenderer ="

Did that and saved and I found all was fixed!

Good luck.

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Newbie guide to installation on Ubuntu.
« on: March 14, 2008, 06:32:32 am »
This is an excellent guide. Thank you. I think I'll bookmark this thread for use when the next major update comes along. I recognize everything you have shown here when I installed last time although I couldn't lauch from the icons. It's not been a problem though because I launch from terminal anyway (or the non GUI icon PS client).
Interestingly, I think I chose KDE desktop despite running Gnome, by accident, however the game still runs. (I did this when I reinstalled after finding the launch icons failed to work).
Guides like this are really useful for folk like me who have limited Linux knowledge. I'm learning quickly though.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: How long have you been playing?
« on: March 11, 2008, 08:19:00 am »
Just started 'bout 3 weeks ago.

General Discussion / Pronounciation
« on: March 11, 2008, 08:17:33 am »
Hi Folks,

If there is proof that PS is beginning to affect me in some weirds ways, then here it is  ;D

I'm pretty new to this game (about 3 weeks) and I love it. It's become my latest distraction and obsession.
Now I have to ask the question. How do folk pronounce the names of characters and places?

For instance. I think and pronouncing Hydlaa as ""Hidlarrr" or sometimes "Heedlar" .... or maybe even "HudLAR" (emphasis on LAR)

Does anyone else wonder about this, or am I just completely off the wall!!!!???  :woot: :-[ :-\


Seems to have been down since mid morning for a few hours today. (or is it just me?)
It's been down for over four and a half hours.

Server site says its online now, but I still get server failure

Seems to have been down since mid morning for a few hours today. (or is it just me?)

I spotted last night that when I go to purchase government training, a bug causes a quit out of the game. Has anyone else come across this?

Add it to the end of psclient.cfg in the \planeshift\ folder.

Thanks. Will give this a try.


; This prevents some clients from crashing
Video.OpenGL.UseExtension.GL_EXT_texture_rectangle = false
Video.OpenGL.UseExtension.GL_ARB_texture_rectangle = false
Video.OpenGL.UseExtension.GL_NV_texture_rectangle = false
PlaneShift.Client.Loading.PreloadModels = true
System.PlugIns.iSndSysRenderer =


Like some others, I crash when opening the inventory and noticed that all items are now missing. I also noticed that rats can no longer be attacked (is this intentional in the upgrade?)

Re: the code written above. How do I use it? I'm an Ubuntu Linux user. Just wondering if its code I need to run in the terminal in some way.

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