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Messages - Lolitra, Celorrim Purrty Twins

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Fan Art / Request for a sword...
« on: October 22, 2005, 05:52:32 am »
Ingame Lolitra has a very pretty crystal sword that sings... We would love it if you could make a picture of it...

it is a short sword, with a platinum handle with gold Glyphs inset into its hilt and the gold and platinum spread like viens up the crystal blade.  there are also gems inset on the handle...

Enscribed in the blade is

Ethoram purity paltros

We would be sooooo grateful...

Way off topic...
ok, I think you are starting to freak people with the whole \"we\" thing, just make two fricking accounts, one for each of \"you.\" It\'s really rather retarded to share an account, besides the fact that it\'s creepy...
aslo, you are one person using 2, not 2 people (I think) using one. JELLYWERKER

use \'pm\' if you have a problem with us? please - as we don\'t want to cause this to go off topic, as the art being discussed here is great. [/SIZE]  

Fan Art /
« on: October 22, 2005, 04:26:07 am »
look at the Menki thread...

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / the Tail of the Twins
« on: October 20, 2005, 05:30:14 pm »
firstly we would like to thank you the PS family for such a great game, and for all the hours of fun we are having.

It is our intention to start to write about the trials  ;(  and tribulations  :D  of our adventures here in the planeshift world here... and will do soon so come and see.. we will work on it as best we can...

If we miss anyone who joined in when we write our tails... please let us know and we will try to incorporate it in..

Love to you all...:]

( Can\'t wait to read, you certainly have a way with words :) For future reference, however, may I suggest not making any posts until you really have the content to fill them up with? \"Placeholders\" generally aren\'t a good idea. )

oops sorry Kayruu

Here Goes.


The winds were howling like a pack of angry wolves, battering at every door and window, whining through every hole in the castle\'s defences; but that was not all, they rallied their ally in the rain that lashed out at all who stood on the battlements, causing their fur to matt and their step to fall heavy with their hearts.

\'YEARRRRGGGGG\' a scream echoed down the corridors that could be heard over the bellowing winds, the crashing shutters and the cussing of the guards.

Mrs Hollinthy Purrty was far into her labour and Mr Raouldar Purrty walked briskly along the shiny floor towards the bedchambers from whence the screaming emitted.

\'Hagarath, did I not tell you, \' he shouts over he shoulder as he strides with purpose, his masculine menki physique clad in dripping wet armour that seem to be confused as to whether to shine or cry off its host of rain droplets. He flings a soaked cloak on a large oak chair as he passes it and it accepts the leather with a damp slapping noise.

\'Aye you did - but it is no use... how can we defend against it when we cannot see further than our arms Sire, the weather \' a stout Menki wearing reinforced leather and a heavy raincoat, that clings to him as if in fear of being blown away by the wind that presses to pass him as he stands in the doorway. \'It is unearthly I cannot...\'

CRACK! Hagarath is silhouetted by a flash of light that is shortly followed by the sound of thunder like a thousand horses galloping on stone...

\'You will and you must... Riquir!\' Raouldar flings the door to his bedchamber open... \"WHAT THE...!\"

Raouldar slips his trusty bow from its holster and levels an arrow and draws it taught, his eyes wild with anger and yet with a hint of fear. Swoosh. The arrow spins as it takes flight and hurtles to its target... \'Away with thee foul stench of a beast...\'

The room was lit with the flash of lightening, the arrow passed through what stood at the foot of Raouldar\'s wifes bed and sunk into on of the posts on the grand four poster bed with a wood-splitting-thud.

\'NNNNGGGGGG!\' Hollinthy clamped her claws deep into the bedclothes as she gritted her teeth, her fur matted with sweat and the bed sheets stained with blood about her waist.

Raouldar stared in disbelief at the apparition that stood in his bedchamber, angered that it would dare intrude at such a sacred time. The two maids that were there to help his wife were sprawled on the floor, given the illusion of life only by the movement of magic chandelier that flickered... the Dark Spirit hovered underneath and seemed to suck up the light like a black hole. It looked about at Raouldar, its ghostlike robes that had no end, just faded off, swirling as it turned.

\'\'SSSSSSSS\" the sound was like someone dragging a heavy cauldron along a gravel floor... it was Hellacious.
It reached for Hillinthy passing its spindly fingers into her belly.

\'NOOOARRRRRRGGGGGGG!\' Hollinthy\'s blood curdling scream yanked Raouldar back into action, drawing on the magic of the Crystal, dropping his bow, his arms frantically forming, weaving, his words, well practiced, summoning and commanding the Ways together...

The Dark Spirit then shot towards Raouldar with a force of a hurricane, just as he uttered the last word in his spell. Raouldar was flung back out the room the Spirit upon him as the spell burst into action, letting out a blinding light and hissing noise as the water on Raouldar\'s armour fizzled away... the Spirit lost in the light.


Celorrim sat up with a start, sweat dripping from her brow...
\"Celors, are you ok?\" Lolitra stood up from her chair and moved over to the bed in which Celorrim lay picking up a wet cloth from a bowl on the table at which she was sat; sitting in the edge of the bed started to mop her sisters brow...

Celorrim despite being exhausted, looked frantically about.

\"Celloran is safe\" Lolitra pointed over at the base of the bed to a pure white kitten whose fur is ethereal in its pureness.. \"she is a sleep..\'\' The kitten was curled up on a cradle made of bed linen, and look at peace in her slumber.

Celorrim relaxed her self and looked up at her twin sister \'I started to have that dream again...\' and picked up Celloran and hugged her.  Celloran just continued to sleep only pausing to stretch and poke out her tongue.

Lolitra nods, trying to look as intelligent as her sister, but knowing deep down inside, she is far from it, the only thing she has the same as her sister is her looks - but somehow Lolitra is able to make herself look more pretty, maybe its her fascination with all things pretty.

Lolitra sat and combed her hair as her sister Celorrim suckled her daughter...

The room was silent, but for the noise that fought its way through the floorboards, coming out baffled and muted by the groaning of the oak.

Celorrim quietly placed Celloran into her makeshift cradle at the foot of the bed, looked at Lolitra, smiled a smile that only sister can share, then said soothingly \'You really need to get rid of that crystal sword... you don\'t know what you are playing with...\'

\'but its pretty\' Lolitra mumbled as she continued to brush her fur and main.

Celorrim was too tired to argue, and lay on the bed. Her eyes had been fighting the weight of sleep, pulling at her eyelids like some kind of odd torture that left them bloodshot... she gave into it and closed them, and drifted off into the world of dreams, nightmares and unknown...

Lolitra stood up, slipped her bag over her shoulder, put a letter she had been given by the court on the dresser and moved quietly out the door... \'Sweet dreams sis... love you...\' She pulled the heavy door closed and stood at the top of the stairs for a moment, as the sound drifted up from below. She could hear strange things, but her curiosity was itching her. What was in the letter... what could it be that Raouldir Moran would say to her sister, and not her... if only she knew how to read...


Darkness swirled about, fading into the crevasses of the corridor as Raouldar sat up... \'Riquir.. RIQUIR!\' His head pounded as he sat up, the Dark Spirit was nowhere to be seen. His armour hissed with the heat of his spell.

\'Lord... \' Riquir came crashing down the corridor accompanied by a cohort of other Menki who had heard the scream... they were all soaked and their hair hung on them like it was only the water holding their fur to them in matted feather like masses.

Raouldar struggled to his feet \'Holly..\' he spoke with concern... but urgency.

\'hmmmrrraa\' silent groan came from the bed chamber.

Raouldar staggered, punch drunk from the pummelling he\'d received from the strange being; he entered the bedchamber and steadied himself on the bedpost in which his arrow had embedded itself. His eyes drank in the devastation, the carnage of bodies that lay on the plush once cream, but now crimson carpet... and his stomach churned \'Oh by Talons No... \'

He sunk to his knees slowly and caressed the faces of his dear departed, loyal staff; tears bulged out of he eyes and he frowned in pain and anger. \'Raouldar..\' Hollinthy was weak and her call was barely audible as the thunder shook the very foundations of Raouldar\'s world.

Raouldar moved with sudden speed, clambering onto the bed, towards his wife Hollinthy slowing to a shaky stop... his paws trembling as he smoothed her brow lovingly, gently.

\'They?ve gone.... they\'ve gone\' Hollinthy\'s words were faint and full of tears that made her almost gurgle.

Raouldar slowly, as if being compelled, but not wishing to see, looked down to Hollinthy\'s belly. \'NOOOOOO\' the word came out like he had not breath and he collapsed onto his love distraught... Thunder grumbled its presence as the storm moved on and away, the patter of rain on the windows fell like tears streaming from the gods themselves.

General Discussion / PUZZLED.
« on: October 20, 2005, 10:36:17 am »
we are thinking that in a game so young... so yet to be developed... why worry about these things - as they will balance themselves... better to RP... and let the Dev\'s who already have said elsewhere that this is an issue they are going to look at as the game develops,  develop.

It is a game, and a great game at that... especially as it is free... we intend to RP and enjoy it..

Love to you all and have fun ROLE PLAYING,

just realised that this is posted on its own - it was supposed to be on the debate about sword costs and econimies...

laughs so so hard... oooooops

But hey the responses are great..

Sorry Kayruu...

We have to add that we agree with most of what is said below, and do believe in feedback... it was only the post we were reading at the time seemed to harp on about nothing the developers or players had not already addressed.. and it had fallen into a \'who can belittle who match..\' we can only apologise for not posting it correctly...

General Discussion / Totally agree...
« on: October 19, 2005, 11:01:45 am »
we are in agreement to Pip\'s rules...

Lolitra \'I so hate it when people just challenge me for a fight without reason... \'

Celorrim \'Just pure thuggery..\'

Lolitra \'they are so rude and really spoil my day\'

Celorrim, whilst playing with her tail... \'it\'s probably because they have no grasp of lingual skill, or common curtisy...\'

Lolitra \'and its not pretty...\'

both nod and say... \'here here to the code of confrontations... \'

Celorrim \'so much more civil...\'

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: October 17, 2005, 01:16:24 pm »
Ummm, what is a CD player?...

We have more vynal... errrr

We\'re not really that old... honest.

We have only one CD and that was freee. with the paper, some classic music...  tend to listen to internet radio... and vary what I listen to.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: October 17, 2005, 01:09:51 pm »
We do not know if we really have the right to comment on any of the above, as we have had nothing but a great experience  with you as both a DM and as a RPer in my introduction to PS and in my endeavour to RP to my fantastical imagination, which I hope all who join enjoy, you made the time \'real\' for us in our imagination time.

Having played RP for some 30 years, it is sad to see anyone bicker about a GM without going to the GM first... and have heard unfounded comments spurred by spurious rumours - and know how difficult it can be to please all most of the time, it is impossible.

But, you Keyaz, what you do need to do is decide for yourself what you want to do , set yourself a standard, and stick to it.  Then you will gain respect, even from those who you have to chastise as they know you are fair and just by your own standards.

Also PS is a game, and a very enjoyable one too, but it is fantasy not RL, if people want RL, they should go elsewhere...  

Keyaz, If RL gets in the way of being a GM, take a break, and recoup... maybe RP with friends and leave the GMing for others during your recoup time... then come back refreshed and set to stick with your standards fairly.

To sum it up, you are the only one who knows whether or not you have the desire and commitment to be a GM, and the TEAM are best to judge if you can return.  But you have shown maturity in inviting comments on your abilities as a GM, and do so openly - and therefore get our vote of confidence...

In relation to:
i know responding to the post of others wasnt desired, but i think that statement is wrong. it is a choice that he should make himself and not have to involve all others. many people here will have no clue what alot of this is about but in the end i guess its his choice.

It was only a vote of confidence ~ if you read it in context, you would realise we already said it is his choice alone... and acceptance is via the Team..   but as in all political campains (for that is what it is...) he is placing his past up for judgement and constructive critisism thus feeling for support as to whether or not to stand for such an important role within the structure of the game. He may also learn much from this exercise, like where he might improve upon his ethics as a GM and how to ignore others who are just out to goad him...

Never-the-less we wish him all best and hope he deliberates carefully how he wishes to move forward within the \'family\' of PS and its wonderful development.

Fan Art /
« on: October 17, 2005, 12:09:39 pm »
I think the ideas are very good, but the drawing still unfinished, fluffy.. it would be nice to see some of the weapons with clean lines  :)

Lolitra \"Fluffy... \"
Celorrim \"I suppose it\'s because being a Menki, he likes the fluffy things...\"
Lolitra \"I like fluffy...\"
both giggle.

Fan Art / cool
« on: October 15, 2005, 03:40:09 am »
They are very good cartoons of your charactor. please don\'t change your style, as I think it is unique. 8)

The Jacket is kind of like that charactor off blade...  also are they eyebrows or eye whiskers, or maybe just tufts of hear that fall over your eyes  ?(  - not to worry though it makes him look very moody.... :]  

Lolitra \" are you sure you haven\'t met him?\"
Celorrim \"Yes, I am more than sure\" and starts to play with her tail...
Lolitra \"Yes, yes, I suppose your right, he is kind of cute,\" also starts to play with her tail \" in a dark sort of way...\"
Celorrim \"I just like the way he is dressed, very cool.\" and giggles.
Lolitra giggles with her.

Fan Art /
« on: October 07, 2005, 05:12:37 pm »

As an artist of portraiture myself, not so good at the cartoons, I am in awe of your fantastic pictures... 8o I feel like I am but a child in my work compared to yours... :baby:


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