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Messages - SaintNuclear

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Wish list /
« on: April 17, 2004, 02:14:07 pm »
Nice idea.
I think that feeling-dysfunction could actually be implemented too...
Let\'s say you fight someone, and he casted a no-feeling spell on you. It\'s alot harder to fight him, because you lose coordination.
Also, if someone slashes you while you can\'t feel anything, you don\'t know you got slashed.

The way it should be when you lose the feeling sense is that you won\'t see your hp draining, you\'ll have more chance of missing attacks, and you won\'t be able to perform complicated combos.

There is a problem though, if someone suffers from more than one sensory dysfunction, he won\'t be able to operate. If you lose both sight and feeling, how will you be able to move around? You\'ll just bump into buildings without knowing it, and walk off of cliffs until you die.

So maybe there should be only one type of sensory dysfunction, or that a char can\'t suffer from more than one at a time, and it\'s also rare for a char to have a dysfunction.

Wish list /
« on: April 16, 2004, 02:26:49 pm »
Originally posted by Mordaan
That\'s what I think of when I hear the term \"guild.\"  Something to do with skills or a profession (like a writers guild or an actors guild).  Personally I would prefer the guilds as they are currently in the game to be called \"clans\", instead.  Then we can have both and there won\'t be confusion.

Yeah, the current guilds are more like clans than guilds. My idea is to have both clans, as there are now, and guilds too.

Originally posted by Fenrison
Jobs will likely be second interests anyways. I plan on becoming a weapons smith in the service of The Explorers, i\'ll be spending most of my time exploring though.

I agree that they\'ll probebly be a second interest, because most people only care about killing stuff and come to games like PS to play a fantasy-CounterStrike. But these people are stupid and shouldn\'t be taken into consideration anyways.
You say you\'d want to be a smith and part of The Explorers, and explore most of your time. But besides money that you\'ll get from killing beasts, forging will provide you a nice income. What if some other smith will start selling stuff in wholesale price? You\'ll earn nothing out of forging. That means less income, so you\'ll have less money to buy good armor and items that will help you while you explore.

I don\'t say that jobs should be the main thing people should do in PS, and I don\'t say we should drop the current guilds system. I think that anyone that will spend even a bit of time working in his job at PS will profit from a Job Guilds system, and it\'ll also make the game interesting in the rear, and not only in the frontline.

Wish list / Job Guilds
« on: April 16, 2004, 11:08:45 am »
Before you say it should be moved to the guilds forum, read.

I think there should be a guild for each type of a job in PS. These guilds should be diffrent than the regular guilds. First of all, a char is automatically in a Job Guild once he starts the game (according to the job chosen in the char creation). Also, a char will be able to be both in a Job Guild, and a regular guild, because everyone will be part of Job Guilds anyways.

These guilds will be like the real guilds that used to be in the medievel times, to arrange all the people of a certain proffesion to favor all of them.

The way I see it should be implemented in PS will be like this:

* The Job Guilds will be official, they\'ll be part of the game, and not owned by chars like regular guilds.

* The Job Guilds will have meetings, in wich they\'ll discuss things that have to do with the guild.

* In the meetings, they\'ll solve disputes, and decide things for the good of the whole.

* If a certain member of a Job Guild does something that harms the other people of the guild (e.g. very low prices, wich forces the others to drop prices or lose customers), it can be either solved in a meeting, or if he won\'t stop, the guild can hire a mercenary.

* The Job Guilds will discuss stuff among themselves (e.g. Chefs\' Guild asks the Merchants\' Guild to make a certain merchant stop asking for really high prices from the chefs).

As a part of a Job Guild, chars of that proffesion will have a say. And when a certain char of another Job Guild suddenly does something that harms that Job Guild, the harmed Job Guild can take actions. Boycotting, hiring a mercenary, etc.

An important part, though, is that these Job Guilds won\'t be like regular guilds. Less people will join Job Guilds because they\'ll prefer other guilds.
Also, if it\'s official, and not in the hands of chars, it can be implemented better in the game. Like that when a player chooses his char to be a smith, he\'ll automatically be in the Smiths\' Guild. It makes sense, isn\'t it?
And that\'s why I think that this thread should be in this forum and not in the Guilds Forum.

I think that the Job Guilds will make the game very interesting, and it won\'t just be a kill-many-monsters game like many other mmorpgs.
I don\'t think it can be fully implemented in CB, but as the game will develop, I think that Job Guilds will add a great pan to the game.

General Discussion /
« on: April 16, 2004, 10:16:23 am »
You guys that say we shouldn\'t worry about economic problems in CB because it\'s pre-alpha are too optimistic...
If the economy is ruined now, more and more people will stop playing PS. If that happens, there\'ll be less beta testers. That means it\'ll be harder for the devs to make new versions, because the bug-finding efficiancy will be very low. That means that the versions will probebly have more bugs from preior versions. That means more fuss for the devs, and the players, wich means more players dropping.
It\'s one of those loops that never end, and why? Because someone thought that pre-alpha economy doesn\'t matter.

Kyp14, this problem can be solved in the TOS. If they say in the TOS that you\'re not allowed to sell money, chars, items etc. outside of the game, and with real money. Yeah, most people don\'t read the TOS, but it provides a legal backup. Also, if it\'s put in more places besides the TOS, like in the FAQ or something, people will notice.
I doubt that sites like Ebay would like to host illegal auctions, and if the buyers will read it they wouldn\'t want to buy it either. Less sellers, less hosts, and less buyers.
And those that will sell, host, and buy, will risk legal actions taken against them :D

I agree with Gronomist that those that will work hard will have more success in the long run.
And even if you\'ll have thousands of trias in the beginning, and you\'ll buy the best items (by items I mean weapons, armor, misc, and everything else that goes in the inventory), it\'ll be easier for you to kill monsters and stuff, wich means you\'ll die less.
But dying is learning too (atleast in games). Just like falling off of bicycles teach you how to avoid it.
Dying in PS will get you to this death maze thing. And the more you die, the more experianced you are at passing it.
Even if the maze will randomly change every time you die, there\'s still a pattern.
So a fighter with cheap items has more chance of dying than the other guy that got the best items, but the poorer guy has more chance of surviving against stronger monsters, and going out of the death maze easier and faster.

Toadman31, this can be prevented. If the NPCs will sell stuff that aren\'t forgeable by players, people will buy these stuff from them. So the money that is given to the NPCs will be drained out of the world.
If the money NPCs get won\'t be drained, but instead be the money that the NPCs will use to buy stuff from forging chars (if such an option will be available), then yeah, there will be inflation over time.
A thing that will slow the inflation is that people come and go. People that stop playing will stop using their money, so it\'s as if the money was destroyed.
This isn\'t enough to stop inflation, especially not if there are many people fighting monsters and looting them, but it\'s still a factor.

Inflation can\'t be absolutely prevented, and it shouldn\'t either. An economy can\'t be always stable, no matter what. Things change all the time, sometimes there are inflations, sometimes there are deflations. That\'s not the problem.
The problem is when there\'s a big inflation, or a big deflation.

I think that a major anti-inflation factor will be the deteoration of items. Even if deteorated things can be repaired, it\'s money that gets \'wasted\'.
If there\'s less money wasted than money that is created, there\'s inflation. If there\'s more money wasted than money created, there\'s deflation.

I think that forged items should be diffrent than NPCs\' items. Not necessarily better, or worse, but with diffrent specs, more customizeable.
Customized items might be a bit harder to develop, but it\'s better for the market.
Let\'s say I want to be a warrior, but an agile one, that avoids the attacks of the enemies, I\'ll need a strong weapon (warrior) but I\'ll need it to be light as well. So I go to a smith, and tell him that I need a strong but light weapon.
That makes specialization alot better.
I\'m sure that everyone would agree that an assassin, a warrior, and a mage, all need diffrent types of weapons. An assassin needs it to be small, and deadly, so he can strike his enemy from behind and run away. A warrior would want a very strong weapon, without caring much about weight. A mage will want a weapon \'just in case\' that won\'t take much space in the inventory, but will be good enough to face an enemy.

At this point you might say \'but then the smith can charge alot for it\'. Well, go back and read Slabbertooth\'s post, he got a point. If someone thinks a certain item costs more than what it worth, he simply won\'t buy it, or go to that other smith that sells a smiliar item cheaper (unless the smiths form a cartel, but that\'s solveable too).

I think I had more things to say, but this post is too long anyways so I\'ll just stop :P

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