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Messages - DaveG

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Hmm... not sure what triggers this.  I'm working on writting a new map loading system, as the current generic one in use is pretty much tapped out.  All sorts of weird things can happen, sometimes just depending on the order in which you load things.  (checkerboards are all to common because of this)  Hopefully I can hash something better out for the next release.

I thought so too, however some have got it working.  It depends on the card manufacturer.

Uh... yeah, big detail.  Good Vista graphics card drivers may or may not exist and work correctly with CS/PS.

So, step one:  Update your drivers to the newest from the manufacturer, not MS.
Step two:  The network voodoo you'll need to know is here.
Step three:  Check here to see if/when the server is/was up.  If the stats pane shows players on, and the report time is not way out of date, then it's currently up.

VisualC++ / Re: Need help please
« on: July 29, 2006, 10:36:51 am »
No one else had these issues, and the CS_IMPLEMENT_APPLICATION is in that exact spot in that and previous revisons.  I have no idea what you did to get these problems...

Again, please tell me what you meant by:
you have to install the WordNet dictionaries (it does not say this in the docs)
[do it after this part, wait till that part when it says to get the files, its in two diffrent places]
I don't understand what you're saying.  You're saying "it does not say this in the docs" but it is, and you quote it just after this.

If you think the guide is missing something, please explain what it needs better so it can be added.

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / Re: i'm stuck..
« on: July 29, 2006, 10:27:15 am »
Reboot.  Read this.  Extract the patch zip into PS' folder, overwriting old versions.  Then run the updater.  The end.

VisualC++ / Re: Need help please
« on: July 29, 2006, 10:08:17 am »
Under the "Get the Server Running", yes, it does tell you to copy the WordNet dictionary files, which is what you're quoting there.  What do you mean by "it does not say this in the docs"?  Were you using an old version for some reason, or something?

The reason it doesn't tell you which cswinlibs to get, is that v22 is new.  I should probably note in there that it needs newer CS, and v21 only works with older, until we bump the date to match v22.  (though, it does currently tell you to check the date)

With the typos, there's a little checkmark button you can click there to check them all for you.

The weird problems you were getting were because you were not building from the listed revision, and unless you actually needed that app you could've ignored.  What CS are you using there?

If you have load all maps or keep maps loaded on, turn them off.

Mac OSX Specific Issues / Re: Frozen at Loading Screen
« on: July 28, 2006, 01:26:11 pm »
In the future, you can ask a GM for a position reset for known things like this.

Zarj Prax:  You really need to calm down.  As I have already told you, if you want the server read the guide and ask for help on IRC in #planeshift-build on FreeNode.  Please, please, please, stop posting long rambling posts that contain nothing.  Read over them before sumbitting; check your spelling, punctuation, and grammar; check to see if you actually had to say all that.  When I have to re-read lines, chances are you probably didn't read them at all.

If you followed the guide and no one could help you on IRC, then you probably lack the computer skills to do this.  Don't get mad at us for that.  You asked if we would build for you, and the reply was no.  I, nor any other dev, will be creating any server binaries packages because it simply is a waste of our time.  It'd take forever, and we'd be doing it every other day.  Just build from CVS.  That's what it's for.

If you give up on building the server, you can still test virtually everything yourself, as we already said.  All GUI and whatnot can be tested with the client on Laanx, and all the textures, maps, models, whathaveyou can be tested using one of CS' apps.  (which Xordan pointed to some binaries for)  The only stuff you'd be prevented from doing is quests, scripts, items, etc.  If you're not setting your own server up, then you have no need for this.  Again, the 2 are mutually required.  In other words, the stuff you can't do without building your own server is the stuff you won't need without hosting your own server.

Sure, you might think it'd be fun to screw with quests and stuff for no reason, but without hosting your own server they're useless.  In other words, there's no point in modding a server if you're not going to actually host it.  (and without C/C++ knowledge, you're really not going to be able to mod much)

If you post another long blob like the ones before, I will lock this thing.

The account would probably be around still, but if you don't even have that email account anymore, re-sending the password probably wouldn't be usefull.  Just make another one.  They're free.  ;)

First of all, don't spam rant like that.  Use the shift key for something other than emphasising a word, and don't trail off whining.  Act slightly more mature here, please.

Look, we can barely put out binaries for the client.  We are not going to do so for the server too, expecially because it changes ever few days.  We have no our obligation to build your stuff for you; if you want it, build it yourself.

Let me put it to you this way:  If you can't build the server yourself, chances are you lack the technical ability to actually use it.  Follow the guide with MSVC selected, and it's really just a matter of smacking a few buttons.  Rooting through all of the data which the server uses is much more complicated.

Also, that's not what I'd call a "mod".  You just added a few numbers, that you don't really need to see all the time, to a window.  The real mod there is the layout of the window, which is based upon a new one I created before I became a dev here, and was distributed in a fan art thread for a while.  And even then, it's just XML.  (and I'm still not fully statisfied with it)

Just a hunch, but my guess is that having either a wireless connection or a crappy ping causes issues, and the two together makes things die.  PlaneShift, due to having our server in Singapore 1/3 second ping away, just doesn't work on anything but the most stable of wireless connections.

Mac OSX Specific Issues / Re: Intel Mac
« on: July 27, 2006, 02:53:16 pm »
So, these "universal" binaries are both builds smushed together?  That's a waste.  Just installing the one you need sounds better to me.

Actually, if we can get this sort of mulit-hardware installer working well, it would be nice to be fancy and do it for optimizations too.  For example, a while back we had issues when we put SSE2 optimizations into the Windows build.  People with older computers didn't have it, and it crashed.  If the installer simply had both versions, it could install the most compatable version available and still leave open backwards compatability.

Mac OSX Specific Issues / Re: Intel Mac
« on: July 27, 2006, 11:03:47 am »
Maybe.  You just have to realize that an Intel Mac is not a Mac; it's a new platform which we do not yet have a package for.

One idea I'm thinking of is to have some kind of multi-hardware packages for Linux and Mac.  The Linux one would have binaries for both 32-bit and 64-bit hardware, and the Mac package would have binaries for both PPC and X86 hardware.  (and 64-bit X86, if it becomes available)  The installer would then just need some voodoo to detect the system and install the appropriate one.

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