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Messages - BrotherCaine

Pages: [1] 2 3
The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: February 25, 2006, 06:05:18 pm »
I second that El Yucatan green is good.  For hot/med-hot flavor I like  Key Lime Habanero hot sauce.

For mild heat, especially on eggs, I like \"the Pepper Plant\" hot sauce (any variety).

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: February 25, 2006, 02:46:42 am »
1. Falling in love
2. Making love
3. Dark chocolate

Hmmm... diet coke may be on the list.  It\'s not a favorite though, more like an addiction.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: February 24, 2006, 09:28:24 pm »
zanzibar, I see that you list Fundamental Christianity along with racism and illiteracy.  I\'m not sure I\'d have the courage to make that parallel.  I\'m not sure that anti-intellectualism confines itself to red states; I\'d guess it\'s about equal.  One thing you are missing is divorce in your stats.  Nine of the top ten divorce states are red states.

ThomPhoenix,  Here are some sites that are non-vegetarian from which you can estimate the relative value of soy vs. beef.  I particularly like the first link, which tells us days of protein requirements per acre of use. 2224 soy vs. 77 beef.

I am no longer a vegetarian, but I cannot defend my meat eating ways from an environmental or moral perspective.

Eating meat may be natural in the context of a hunter-gatherer society, but in a post-agricultural society it is somewhat ridiculous.  Very few of us exert enough energy on a day to day basis to justify our extreme caloric intake.  This applies not just to meat, but also to processed foods loaded with high-fructose corn syrup.

Of particular interest to me when I was a vegetarian was the fact that mushrooms have a higher density of protein by weight than beef.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: February 23, 2006, 09:40:25 pm »
I did find this really nice smelling plant once, while walking in the woods, collected a few, boiled some water, and shoved some leaves in.

Please look plants up before doing this.  I\'d like you to live to a ripe old age.

I\'m American, and it is difficult but not impossible to find un-bagged tea here.  Also, people here tend to think orange pekoe is a flavor rather than a grade of tea.  On the west coast where I live it seems like it\'s easier to get green bulk tea than black bulk.  I wouldn\'t know much about tea myself, but I worked at a very good cafe in college that taught me a lot about tea, coffee and restaurant sanitation (both owners were PhD.s in microbiology).

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: February 23, 2006, 09:28:15 pm »
There\'s a bit of a difference between a fly and a pig or cow.

Sure there\'s a difference.  Is it a difference of degree or kind?  I\'ve noticed that cuteness seems to play more of a role in the treatment of animals than intelligence or consciousness.  My feeling is that any distinction made between what is morally edible or not is in the end going to be an arbitrary boundary rather than a clear ethical one.   I feel similarly about ethical boundaries for when a fetus is a life, and actually see a lot of parallels.

\"Then God said, \'Let us make man in our image, in our likeness and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth and over all the creatures that move along the ground.\'\"

from a christian standpoint you have dominion over the animal kingdom ( as an aside one could argue that there is an implicit exception here for whales and dolphins, but I\'d say that for the purpose of this quote they are fish ).   Christian moral philosophers have argued the point of christian stewarship, which implies that you have responsibilities to the animal kingdom and the earth as part of this concept.  Would you argue that you have the right to kill and torture animals purposelessly, or only for the purposes of feeding the hungry and clothing the needy?  What if it turns out that animals have souls, would we have more responsibility toward them from a christian perspective?

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: February 23, 2006, 08:40:54 pm »

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: February 23, 2006, 08:37:05 pm »
If you know _you_ wont destroy your friendship if she gently rejects you then go for it!  

Worst case: if it wrecks your friendship it is better to find out that they weren\'t a worthy friend.

Best case: you deepen a relationship with someone you love who you know loves you.

Also, second the no post rejection stalking comment.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: February 23, 2006, 08:28:21 pm »
On America:  

Yes, we are a violent gun obsessed culture.  I don\'t particularly see this as all that bad.  Statistically it\'s a drop in the bucket compared to the fact that we\'re a car obsessed culture.   Dying in a car accident, or being hit as a pedestrian is what you should be worrying about statistically speaking.  This applies no matter where you live.

Please don\'t confuse ignorance with stupidity.  The first is ostensibly easier to correct.

On pole-arms:

Technically, a spear is a subset of pole arms.  I would probably consider there to be four different pole-arm fighting skills depending on whether it was optimized to being used for stabbing, swinging blade, swinging hammer, or pulling to dismount riders.  Also, tactically most of the longer pole arms require formations to use effectively, which is another seperate skill from fighting out of formation

On vegetarianism:

I was a vegetarian for two years, and while I agree that it would probably be environmentally, and economically beneficial for everyone to switch over.  I found it to be incompatible with being a Type I diabetic and controlling my blood sugars.  

There are environmental niches where meat raising is possible where crop farming probably wouldn\'t be without a lot more cheap labor ( hillsides where terrace farming is not easy ).

I never really got into the issue from a moral standpoint.  I mean, I don\'t think about swatting flies or eradicating cockroaches.  Life is cruel sometimes.  Should we care about every life equally?

On things I hate:

Polemicism, fanatacism, and zealotry.

Ultra-nationalism.  Anti-ecumenicalism.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: February 23, 2006, 08:03:53 pm »
Assam or Keemun depending on how hard the water is.  As I\'m a tea heretic, prefferably over ice.  I agree that bags are not the way to go, but sometimes convenience should win over tradition.

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) /
« on: February 23, 2006, 07:50:31 pm »
I think it\'d be cool if all monsters attacked you when you came within range if they felt like they could take you.  Less artificial than just standing there till you whack at them.  Also, the combat initiator should not automatically get the first blow in.

Wish list /
« on: February 23, 2006, 07:37:45 pm »
It\'s actually pretty hard to spear a fish.  Not quite as hard as playing pool one-handed, but close.

While it is true that hammers would be useless for fishing, mattocks or planks might be useful.   There is a technique for stunning fish by smacking the surface of the water over them with a plank.  Most of the energy transmits through the water to stun them.  Kind of like a depth charge to a submarine.

Other methods of fishing include building fish weirs (progressive \'gates\' that allow the fish to swim in easier than out),  using nets, and thickening the water with crushed vegetation to stupefy the fish ( California Native Americans used whats called a soap plant to turn the water somewhat gelatinous).

Tickling fish out bare handed can supposedly be picked up in an afternoon, but definitely would require a lot of patience and maybe stealth skill?

Wish list /
« on: February 21, 2006, 02:27:04 pm »
Cool, I agree with this, and was thinking of posting something similar myself (less well thought out though).  However, I think that this should wait in the priority cue until after weapon repair or some other \'economic drain\' is implemented in PS.  

The only problem with P2P training is it keeps trias in player hands, which results in inflationary pressure unless you have some other kind of economic outflow like crafting or raw material purchases, or house rental.

Wish list /
« on: February 21, 2006, 01:48:57 pm »
Sorry to be nitpicky, but a Mace is a club with spikes for penetrating armor.   You are probably thinking of a flail.

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