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Messages - Lyciss

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PvP,PK and Thieving / Re: GOOD PVP systems
« on: January 10, 2007, 05:35:46 am »
What are really the issues here?

Since there is no perma-death what is so bad about open PvP? You die, you go to death realm and your back. There is no loss execpt for a few minutes of making your way out.  How can you cry about open pvp? 

Ok role playing is the goal for PS.  Well how come open PvP can't be apart of such a role playing experience?  Doesn't the opposite make even less sense in such a world?  Some guy is role playing an a$$h0le and gets killed for it.  You think it is really roleplaying to have to request such an attack first?

Ususally the ONLY reason players cry about PvP in the first place, is because games are TOO unbalanced when it comes to character level or strength.  The degree of a noob vs. a veteran player is just too much.  It would be better to bring these seperations much closer together, giving even the noob the chance to kill a veteran player.  Will a system like this ever come about, probably not because of poor design for character stat builds.


It is stupid to cry about being killed when you lose absolutely NOTHING from dying.

What is the difference between a monster killing you or a player?  The monster kills you, you accept it, but if it is a player then that is somehow wrong??

If you want GOOD pvp, then you need to have a system that is generally fair for everyone. Allow even the newest character to have a chance against the oldest character. But most veteran players will cry about this since they dont like the idea of being killed by a noob. But if you bring these two closer together then you will not get a veteran player griefing noobs either.

All other systems will be horribly broken or make no sense in the context of the world or for an open roleplaying experience...


Sorry I wasn't more discriptive, I was in a hurry when I first posted.

Just as pizzasgood stated, my inventory is "empty" and I am not over weighted. The quest does not even write to the quest book so there is nothing to actually delete and you can request the same quest again and again.  That is why I was asking if I had neglected to give a proper response to make it activatate.


The NPC in the arena, Vresa Nohdirr, the "Bring me a sword" quest seems to be bugged. That is unless I have failed to do something to get the piece of paper she is suppose to give me to give to Harnquist. I tried to respond with several responses but none of them have succeeded in aquiring the note. If it is not a bug, can you tell me what I am doing wrong or neglecting?



General Discussion / Re: Target Icon
« on: January 08, 2007, 07:50:27 am »
Thank you for the pointers Karyuu and Bereror. It is SO much better now! Thousands of thanks...


General Discussion / Target Icon
« on: January 07, 2007, 05:45:49 am »
Is there by any chance a way to change the target icon or have the ability to change it manually myself?

The hot pink arrow thing-a-magig is kinda getting on my nerves. It is really out of place for me. Maybe no one else has any problem with it and that is fine, but me personally it is too distracting and out of place.

If it can't be changed then that really sucks and I guess I'll just have to target stuff less often.

If I can change it, where exactly is the icon, I have checked through the game directory but can't seem to locate it.



Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: So im new...
« on: January 06, 2007, 06:39:59 am »
Wait, how does it not make sense to consider a beast twice your size as dangerous, especially when it possesses some sharp ends? Is it normal behavior to rush at such things blindly?

Well to a dwarf pretty much everything is twice your size, so I guess all dwarves should steer away from one eyed rats? Is anything ever thought out anymore before it is posted? hmm  :detective:

chain does infact protect you more then leather...'

example... l/a lv 10 ; m/a lv 10

mob - ulbernaught

using l/a 70-80 h/p damage
m/a 40-50 damage

see the dif? i would hope so.. sure you threw pp at l/a dont mean a thing.. O.. not to mention that that was all 

You completely misunderstood what I was pointing out, so let me explain it again...

1 point in light armor vs. 1 point in chain.

If you have 1 point in light armor and wear a full suit of leather it protects better than having 1 point of medium armor and wearing chain.

So the basic run down is

1 point of light armor, leather is better than 1 point of medium armor, chain.

So leather is better than chain. Perhaps as medium and light armor are trained this may change as you pointed out with 10 pts in each. But that is not what I was talking about.  Early points of medium armor are completely "useless" since you are better off sticking with leather until you train up medium armor.

Understand now?

Id like to add something similar to this situation of the original poster...

Having one point in LA and wearing the full get-up of leather armor, I was able to defend off many of the mobs in the arena. When I finially got the strength to wear chain, I upgraded thinking this would improve me. Yet it didn't. I had 3 points in medium armor yet the chain armor protected me far less than the leather.  Yes I was using the chain torso, and chain arms, a battle helm with the rest being leather, boots, gloves, legs...

My point is. After all the work to get my strength up to wear chain and I can already hear people responding with, "You need to put more points into MA", it still does not make any sense. There are SO many points just to get the stupid chain armor, then on top of that I need to dump more into MA and LA just to make it AS effective as the leather was already?? This is back peddling... It basicly renders low level MA completely USELESS...

There is definately and inbalance here... I understand the requirement issue, so that people wouldn't just by-pass leather armor and go straight for chain if there were no requirements to use it. However the effectiveness is far below all the effort just to aquire the use of chain, it makes it pointless to even use until you have dumped considerable amount of PP into it.

My solution is to bump up the effectiveness of chain a "little" bit more at lower level of MA skill. The reason being, is all the effort put in for the strength increase, there is basicly nill reward for upgrading to chain even after meeting the minimum strength requirement.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: So im new...
« on: January 06, 2007, 02:45:21 am »
I played daggerfall... Infact the death realm was not completely randomly generated. I discovered that it was a variing of eight maps, once you learned the signs of each of the eight you could immediately tell which one you were in and thus find your way to the exit as simply as going from point A to B. 

But that is my point. You learn by taking in information of success and or failures. So how can you expect to know just how dangerous a Tefusang or Ulbernaught can be? You can't without first trying them out in battle.  It is only stupid if you die after discovering you were no match for them, yet you try to battle them again with the same failure. 

They could have just as easily made a cute pink rabbit nearly impossible to kill. Yet would you say that since it "looks" less threatening since it doesn't have large claws or fangs, that it somehow is defeatable?  Your logic makes no sense, that is, if you can call it "logic".

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: So im new...
« on: January 05, 2007, 02:05:11 pm »
Climbing mountains, skydiving and surfing aren't very good examples to compare to attacking a bear or a tiger. Look at the probibility of suviving any of them and compare. Now look at the things that kill these people (Leaving aside the few killed by rats.) A Tefusang undoubtedly looks more ferocious than a Tiger. Only an idiot would approach it.

Well just looking at it really doesnt help. I've even used the look function on a few possible targets and one even said, the mob was much stronger than I was, yet I killed it with ease... So you can't judge the mob by it's cover... Better yet, how are you really suppose to know anyways? In real life you would never know if a bear was deadly, its only because you saw them in shows, or heard stories and what not. If you didn't know any better, you would probably approach it...

If you saw a one eyed rat the size of a large dog in real life, would you go up to it? They might be easy to kill in the game but would they be so harmless in real life? My bet goes to a big fat no...

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: So im new...
« on: January 05, 2007, 01:48:39 pm »
Dumbest? Thanks. Your too kind. Eventually you will end up there yes. Like in RL eventually we will die. Why are we so cautious in RL though. Do we approach tigers and bears the same way we do Tefusangs and Ulbernaughts? No. Only the stupid people do. These stupid people die.

You can't really even say that... Is it stupid for people to climb mountains, skydive, surf, join the military?  While the first three I just mentioned are hobbies that thrill seekers go after. They say if life did not have thrill seekers, we wouldn't have the type of society that we have because these are the people that take risks. So is it stupid to take risks? If you don't take the risk, you never learn from anything... and yes dying is always the possibility but thats what makes it meaningful to them.  The last one, do you call the people who choose to die for their country stupid? If you do I would like you to stand on stage infront of a thousand or so vets and say dying for your country is stupid...

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: So im new...
« on: January 05, 2007, 11:40:08 am »
Actually, it was borderline one of the dumbest replies I have ever heard...

Eventually you will end up there... You dont know what you can or cant fight, the only way is to try stuff out.  But attacking something is not the only way that you can die. You can fall off the smallest ledge and die. One time I was running down the steps in town and died! This was more than likely due to a bug. There was another time when I climbed a ladder in the sewer and when I reached the top I fell and died, which was also due to a bug. The fact of the matter is you will eventually end up in the death realm sooner or later.

There is not just a single spot in the death realm that is challenging to navigate. So don't act all high and mighty. You may have won but you really want to be in a "multiplayer" game with only yourself?

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: So im new...
« on: January 05, 2007, 10:30:04 am »
I would just like to add...

There are moments when trying to figure something out just gets to your wits end.

For example, the death realm is not the easiest place to navigate on your first venture through. You gotta admit that it is not THAT easy to just walk through to the exit and call it good. Ok there might be some genuses out there who when from point A to B without any problem. So koodos for you, but my concern are with the people who aren't so quick to discover just how this place works.

I have spent some time just hanging out in the death realm to help guide some new visitors through. They are quite greatful however there have been about a handful so far (this is my third day here) that have just up and quit because of continously falling off ledges or frustrated from not knowing which way to go. Not to mention the lag can creep in right at the wrong moment sending an unexpected new-comer plumiting to their death to only have to restart the maze again.

I'm not saying to make it simple, or a breeze, because I understand it's purpose but come on, atleast throw them a bone and give some clues as what or where to go. I hope this is taken into consideration since dying is more than likely an enevitable experience for all and it might break many a player.

Just a thought~


I'm not sure if this is known or not.

I removed my worn duel axes and went to harnquist to purchase two new ones.

I didn't sell my worn axes, only removed them into my inventory slots.

After purchasing my two new axes, I come to discover that the two new axes took on
the worn axes durability.

This is obviously a bug, or I would hope that it is considered a bug since I really can't see why
two brand new axes would be effected by worn axes.



did you wipe the rain out of your eyes?  ;D

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