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Messages - Nicana

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General Discussion / Re: Say thank you
« on: November 11, 2007, 11:02:49 pm »
Some of the people that make this game "truly amazing" for me (in no particular order):

Stylee - friend IC and ooc, cheering squad for all his guildies, awesome dueler, one of the most dedicated PSers I've known
Patuljaka - "Pat" - always makes brings a smile to my face, extremely hardworking
Tomislav - great guildie, extremely enthusiastic about PS
Durwyn - "master of knowledge" ;)
Lele - a great friend and excellent "questor"
Ithwaynn - my twin.  I miss our talks.
Symasta - he's travelled to another world for a time.  Looking forward to his return.
Palacius - fairly new friend but no less enjoyable
Rongar - don't know you well but I have a pair of your swords which I treasure.  You too are an awesome dueler.
Macanune - late-night duels with you will be missed
Marqsaynt - haven't been around you too often but I truly enjoy your sense of humour
Qeliza - a truly enjoyable travel-mate and dedicated Pser
Dru - first one in PS to call me "Nic" (and it was like an epidemic after that!! ;) )
Jongeol - gave a newbie a "decent sword" on her second day.  Thanks!

My other guildmates ... Dzyann, Grakar, Bellor, Marcaius, Raiki, Enecota, Mocola

... and to any and all who've helped me with quests along the way or with finding a trainer ... THANKS!

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Weapon repair
« on: August 08, 2007, 12:01:17 am »
Up until last week (definitely since the upgrade) I've been able to repair my Frosty BS (took me about 280 seconds).  Today I can not. 

Have changes been made? (yes, I've done a search)  If it's a change that's been made then it's not a bug so I don't feel it belongs on bug tracker (yet). 

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / lost PS password
« on: August 01, 2007, 04:25:38 pm »
 :oops: My daughter has a PS account and hasn't played in a few months ... she also can't remember her password

Is there any way to retrieve it?

(I did a search and at the time of the last post (2 years ago) it wasn't possible.  Not sure if it is with the newer version)



okay ... I found the answer in a Nov 2005 thread

Feel free to lock/delete this thread

[ Double-post merged. -Karyuu ]

lol @ Unnamed Source's explanation

Xoleron, if you were headed toward Oja, you probably also stepped through the Bandit's zone (and he probably started following you) ... he's worth 4 PP

As to why you got the PP?  -shrug-

I've never had the pleasure of doing a quest in which the NPC will give me change (I don't always test it)

It's not a quest, really. Worrem Dhoshi will exchange your money anytime (limited to values of 10, 50 and 250 tria.)
No, I meant that I've always had to give the NPC the exact change ... (and I don't ALWAYS test if they'll take an Octa and give me change for it ... e.g. give Jayose an octa when he asks for 50 tria for paper and ink ... sometimes I test it, for kicks.  It's never worked, for me)

Caarrie was nice enough to correct me as I mispoke a bit.  :)  Yes, even mods are wrong from time to time.

well, you didn't really "mis-speak" ... it was good info.  Even the most recently added quests require exact change (I did the one with the attitudinal-cutthroat leader on Friday).  I've never had the pleasure of doing a quest in which the NPC will give me change (I don't always test it) ...  if I'm at a merchant, I usually end up buying something and selling it back to him immediately to get change)

General Discussion / Re: Fighting on Plaza ALWAYS OOC???
« on: July 10, 2007, 06:36:21 am »
I think that it's more the "law" that's being questioned rather than "settings rules" (i.e. the law in Hydlaa says there's to be no fighting in the Plaza.  We know it's physically/settings possible)

Remember, it is IC law. "Common law" in Yliakum is roleplayed. Those who break this law are to be scolded in a roleplaying manner ... if they don't understand the common law, they obviously don't understand this game. And those who scold them out-of-character, don't either.
I agree fully. 

General Discussion / Re: Fighting on Plaza ALWAYS OOC???
« on: July 09, 2007, 01:26:38 pm »
GMs don't assume there are rules. GMs have them via settings material - the same material that is available to everyone else in the game libraries.
I think that it's more the "law" that's being questioned rather than "settings rules" (i.e. the law in Hydlaa says there's to be no fighting in the Plaza.  We know it's physically/settings possible)

... and Draklar ... we're talking about "fighting in the plaza" ... why, when it comes to RP you can see a thousand guards but not the opportunity to shiv someone??  is it only your RP that counts?

General Discussion / Re: Fighting on Plaza ALWAYS OOC???
« on: July 09, 2007, 12:22:32 pm »
I think the idea is that he is replying so gullible people don't take your ideas whole heartedly on board. Our CHARACTERS do think the guards are coming to get them. Its the PLAYERS that don't. Hence bad roleplay. There could be a million guards for all you know.

This is a RP game. Not a PvP game. Find a PvP game or learn to RP here.
Why would everyone's character think that the guards were coming for them?  If true RP is encouraged then there would be possibility of very agile and cunning criminals, just as in real life, just as there were in medieval times.  What if "our CHARACTER" was one of these?  Or is all RP just meant to be a "hiya/social" network?

In answer to the Drah's original question (and as has been dispersed throughout this thread) I think that the reason for "no dueling" in the plaza is an ooc reason, "because it's the busiest area".   In reality, if a shady character wanted to "take someone out" they'd sneak up behind them, perhaps while they're busy at the smiith's furnace and stick a shiv in their side ... unless of course you're assuming that everyone in Yliakum plays by the "Warrior Code" of challenging someone to a duel and meeting them "in the arena at noon" ...  

General Discussion / Re: Fighting on Plaza ALWAYS OOC???
« on: July 09, 2007, 10:03:08 am »
In response to this ...

why was there a GM dueling event in the plaza not long ago?

(I'm all for GM events and truly appreciate the effort that goes into them ... it just struck me as odd)

Forum and Website Discussions / Re: 108 guests???
« on: July 09, 2007, 07:19:02 am »
My explanation ...

not everyone who plays PS has an account here ... but many want to read what's going on.  Unless you feel the urge to post, there's no real need for a SN/login.  -shrug-


While /die will work, another thing to try is to quit and relog.  Sometimes it will then "let you off the wall". 

 I had a particularly laggy day ... ran from Hydlaa out to BD and (because of the lag) got stuck in the wall halfway up the canyon.  There were no GMs on and I really didn't want to face going through DR and all the way back up to BD, so I logged out.   When I logged back in later, I was able to walk off the wall.

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Re: npcclient?
« on: May 18, 2007, 11:05:45 am »
AS of 9:30 a.m. EST they were still down .... (just an update)

Well, it was addressed already in the other thread (because you're already technically "in the game", this problem belongs in the "IN GAME problems" section?? ... not sure) ... but lol, I know what you mean about avoiding places that you're not aware of (although whoever told you about the mine probably referenced it as "the bdroad2 mine"). 

Btw, I've crashed there four times ... three times heading toward the mine.  From what I understand (and I am NOT a programming guru) the problem has arisen because of some changes that were recently made to some of the monsters (for version 019) ... they're working on stabilizing the area.  They've told me to "stay tuned to the forum".

This is the same problem as this

The MOTD warns about bdroad2 (that it's crashing ... especially in the mine area ... "steer clear of it if you can").  Unfortunately the advice on what to do if you're stuck is cut off.  They'll ask you to create an alt, type "/who game master" and petition someone on the list to move your main char.

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