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Messages - Jacula

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The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Happy Birthday!! Have some cake and such.
« on: July 03, 2013, 07:16:41 am »
Gah... It's too bad she ain't here... I think Jac ate her for breakfast or something.   :(

She was delicious.  ;)

Complaint Department / Re: Responsiviness of Dev/GM team
« on: April 04, 2012, 01:19:07 pm »
To simply provide a "yes" or a "no" is a function of authority, and to disregard it in favor of obfuscating, lying and proceeding to mince words is ultimately ridiculous.

We just didn't have the time to look at your request, this doesn't imply any lying, obfuscating or similar. I really don't understand how you can go to those conclusions. We just have limited time, like everyone else.

My conclusion would be the product of the claims offered by the GM I had contact with throughout what appeared an implementation process of the concept I had raised.
That leads me to believe that either the GM's have the authority necessary to alter or add to policy without higher consent, or that there simply was no contact what so ever between the GM's and developers when it came to this particular proposal.

Either way, I find my reaction reasonable.

Complaint Department / Re: Responsiviness of Dev/GM team
« on: April 04, 2012, 04:33:11 am »
It is not a matter of whining from my side.
I do not expect whatever proposals I might have forwarded to be simply accepted, nor do I delude myself to think that I have a special right to see them come to fruition.

What I do find a fair courtesy. And even what should be a development function, is to provide a straight answer.

Leading someone on by claiming processing and implementation of a proposal, only to drop it once the proposing player loses both faith and interest is in many ways fallible.
To start it creates a significant lack of trust, damaging relations between players and the developing team.

More so, it cripples what could be a meaningful exchange of ideas rather than aiding it.
To simply provide a "yes" or a "no" is a function of authority, and to disregard it in favor of obfuscating, lying and proceeding to mince words is ultimately ridiculous.

Turning ideas and concepts down off the bat is far more progressive than leading players on, and if the motivation to uphold such a charade is derived from the idea that "some players just can't take a no", then those weighing decisions truly needs to reevaluate what it means to wield authority over others.

If there is a gripping fear of being rendered unpopular or losing players in doing so, guess what?

deceptively obfuscating and abusing whatever sense of trust players have provides the very same at what appears even more staggering rates.

I truly wish the best for this project, so again, I say this with no intent to insult. But this infantile execution of authority needs to be reconsidered.

Complaint Department / Responsiviness of Dev/GM team
« on: April 03, 2012, 05:55:45 am »
Sticking to one's claims and promises would be a start.
I did previously consider joining Planeshift anew, raising the idea of name change changes to bring forth a fresh start to Role-players of old.

I was told a variation of the concept was in the works, weeks of discussion passing before I realized the futility in pressing the cause.
I was told that an answer would be given, for better or worse, yet none was received. Months now having passed.

It would be naive to uphold a sense of trust, as well as contribute to a project shrouded in deception.
If a request is denied by the general consensus of the time, simply say so rather than make a month long song and dance about it.

Having previously enjoyed Planeshift for years, I write so not to insult. But clarity is something I've perceived to be ridiculously lacking.


Fan Art / Re: Jacula's Design And Character Concepts
« on: February 12, 2012, 06:14:35 am »
My thanks for the comments. I did indeed have Zak in mind whilst going about the design, coincidentally enough  ;)
I usually make use of my draw pad, Photoshop CS5 and various blending gadgets when I go about designs. Thus, overall or completely digital, indeed.

Fan Art / Re: Jacula's Design And Character Concepts
« on: February 11, 2012, 09:48:29 am »
I've updated the original post with a rogue concept, attempting upon capturing a sinister mannerism.
I had The Outlaws in mind as I went about designing it, and I may well look to make a banner as well when time presents itself :)

The Outlaws have been active since 2006, and I have very much enjoyed being a part of the guild. I would encourage those interested in opportunistic and stealthy role-play to apply, as there is much fun to be had within.

Fan Art / Re: Art...sort of
« on: February 10, 2012, 05:23:25 am »
Nice work indeed. Clear improvements can be seen when overlooking the thread as a whole, and I like the idea of depicting characters familiar to the game.

A study of symmetric proportions should be of use however, if only to improve what talent you display.

Keep on drawing :)

Fan Art / Re: Jacula's Design And Character Concepts
« on: February 09, 2012, 04:01:13 pm »
My thanks for the comments. I am pleased to hear that my scribbles are well received :)

As for working more towards depicting Planeshift races and other designs actually beneficial to the community as a whole, I'll consider it.

Should specific matters related to the game unfold within reason, I may well find the motivation and time to help out here and there.

Wish list / Re: Name Changes & Role-playing Implications
« on: February 08, 2012, 06:25:17 am »
Any official statement or comment on such a claim?

Fan Art / Re: Mellas' Little Sketchbook
« on: February 06, 2012, 06:43:09 am »
An awesome design, from an admirable artist. I am curious to see what mischievousness might follow once she is to be encountered in game.  :lol:

Wish list / Re: Name Changes & Role-playing Implications
« on: February 06, 2012, 04:19:13 am »
The concept of this idea seemed to be overall well received at the Developers meeting last Sunday, which is something I found to be a pleasant surprise.
Allegedly, an announcement of added policy should be made within "the next few days", in whatever form the leading consensus decides upon.

Fan Art / Re: Jacula's Design And Character Concepts
« on: February 04, 2012, 05:05:27 pm »
I've updated the thread, adding a Diaboli concept I've been working on here and there over the week.

As for my style being dark and gloomy, I am quite aware. I enjoy portraying characters of an insidious nature, although I can very much appreciate the exact contrary from an observing standpoint.

With that in mind, I find the set traits of the Diaboli appealing. Thus I thought I'd give it a go.

Also, take note that some of the designs look darker than they actually are depending on the resolution of one's screen.

Fan Art / Re: Jacula's Design And Character Concepts
« on: January 30, 2012, 03:59:50 pm »
I've updated the first post to sort out some corrupt file formats, as well as added bigger sizes and more concepts.

Many thanks for the comments at that.
As for applying to the development team, the thought has not come to mind. Nor to I see myself fitted for such a purpose.

Dannae: I find your artworks admirable in turn, and I very much enjoy the style you make use of.

Wish list / Re: Name Changes & Role-playing Implications
« on: January 29, 2012, 10:18:25 am »
Presuming, or more so, hoping there to be a GM meeting today [Sunday], let's hope a decision on the matter is made.

Fan Art / Re: Jacula's Design And Character Concepts
« on: January 28, 2012, 06:13:20 pm »
Take note that I use a combination of merging, drawing, cloning and rendering when creating the designs seen in this thread. As such, making use of stock photos occur, which in turn can leave the finished product with fragments of designs not made by me.

An example of such would be a quick sketch I made, being my take on a Klyros. As can be seen in the original post.

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