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Messages - Vaneal Serozen

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Hello again,
I think you ...Blah blah blah blah... that what it looks like at first glance.

Did you ever try PvP ? it's strange I've never see you fighting any of us...

There is 2 school of PvPing as following:
- Timing, those who has a clock in mind at anytime and know exactly when they gonna hit.
- Chasing, the art of moving and chasing your opponent, more chance to get him if you are alway close enouth to hit even if your timing isnt perfect.
OH and there is third one,  the LUCK.   ;D

If you're interested in learning PVP there are actualy some good ones, here are the names you should look for ingame:
- Farriro
- Jhe
- Bonifarzia
- Dalos
- Deryna
- Tazaun
- Wouli
- Ewek

I may have forgot some but here are a link of one of the last PVP event.

Ok, First of all I would not recommend learning anything from Jhe as that player has been banned for harassment and using bots more times than I can keep track of.  I know for a fact that at least two of the remaining characters are played by the same player.

Bonifarzia, the player who won the grand prize, is someone who I count myself as a friend of and I hope she counts me as one too and I am certain she could teach my volumes of ps mechanics alone.  I am good friends with and also guild mates with Farirro and have discussed pvp in depth with him. We both have our respective preferences him being a dueler and me being primarily a mage.  We NEVER fight about who or what is better.

I'm not trying to argue with you on the best way of fighting but when some, not saying you, players argue with Eonwind, a planeshift developer, about armor being to much to cut through and he tells you its not one really does have to wonder what is being missed.  I am simply trying to give some incite to a new player.  I know that the dueling community is very outspoken and so I did not bother explaining anything about that because there are more than half a dozen other people that can do that as you already pointed out.   

Unfortunately, what you refer to as luck is more often and much more easily referred to as frames per second and the server lag.  These things will ALWAYS create uncertain variables in the equation.  Being a dueler is to embrace these variables and let yourself be subject to them.  Being a mage is to work through more a certain but much slower method.  **Dueling does not equate pvp but rather a part of it.**  That event that you provided a link to was STRICTLY FOR DUELING ONLY.  You were not allowed to use an enchanted weapon and were not allowed to have anything magic at all in your entire inventory.

When I began pvping in ps I had about 1200 ping.  No player, no mater how good can duel with that ping.  Magic was my only choice.  I had no time to learn to duel for the event because I was in the middle of my final semester of college.  Farriro is my witness to that.  I was plenty stressed at that time and due to some confusion and a great deal of foolishness on my part I got very upset about that event and created this post.

Now, this post remains because I don't believe in hiding my mistakes or past.  I would have thought you would have used this for ammo instead. That was then, I let it go as I have let many other things go for the sake of my own health and for the health of the game.  I do not know or where this bitterness came from as it existed before I began playing PS but I think it is high time it ends.  Some players told me to organize my own mages event but what they did not and probably still do not realize is that magic is so imbalanced right now that a good mage without any enchanted gear can easily out heal an opponent of equal strength resulting in an indefinite fight.  I've never encountered so much hate and poor sportsmanship in all of my PvP gaming than I have in PS.  What gives?

Thanks for the huge amount of replies :D

PvP seems interesting too but from what ive seen most people who play PvP have been training for years and are all mostly maxed out, so being on par with their level will take ages.

Hello again,
I think you greatly overestimate the time it takes to get a character into PvP shape.  The most important part of PvP in PS is understanding the game mechanics.  Second most important is what skills to train and how high to train them so that your time and effort is having maximum effect.  The problem is they are not documented very well even though for a long time there have been groups of people who really like to engage in friendly and often downright deceptive/hostile PvP.  As you can imagine secrets are heavily guarded.  The way I see it is that this level of secrecy is about pointless when there is next to none pvping anymore.

From what I've seen in PS is that there tends to be two different kinds of PvPers as far as their methods go.  Those who prefer using a small subset of skills and claiming it takes more skill and is therefor superior to other methods and those who will use anything and everything so long as it works.  You tend to see this attitude reflected in some npc too.  But when you look at the strongest of characters, like those in Bronze Doors Fortress for example, they embrace more diverse skill sets.  The biggest and most noticeable skill is magic.  I'll not go into the amount of name calling that has come from niche fighters who will only use weapons to such an extreme degree that they don't even understand magic mechanics well enough to counter a mage and then complain about over powered magic and spells.  I've used magic primarily in pvp for as long as I have pvped in PS and I can tell you that I have (almost) never killed anyone who was actually on their toes enough to have a plan in case they were attacked ( Edit: there are a few exceptions that come to mind. Lets just say those spells were kinda new in the game and not expected so..... yeah).  Time permitting I plan on writing some guides as to what skills to focus on depending on a players particular focus and talking about some game mechanics as I think this would greatly help new players and answer a lot of questions.  Maybe even get new players to realize the complexity of the game so they realize there is more to it that what it looks like at first glance.

Ive started playing a few months ago and i'm enjoying this so far, i've been grinding for the most part though.

i was wondering however if there is an actual reason to grind? is there any dungeons/raids like other MMOs have? any bosses that require a group to take on? PvP?

Hello and Welcome to Planeshift.  Not certain if you are still looking for answers or even if you are still playing but thought I would at least try to give you a bit more insight into the game and what if any advantages there are to grinding up skills and stats.

PS, like others have already said, is not your typical mmorpg.  We do have some pretty tough bosses that you can take on and it is advisable to do so with a group.  Last I knew the toughest one was a decent challenge though it is bugy but it will be a while before you are ready to face him so I wouldn't worry about that.  All my knowledge of that is second hand as I've yet to try it myself.  A good number of the bosses are something one very advanced player can take down but that all depends on said players skill set.

A big thing is the freedom to explore.  If you want to go into all the deep dark places and live to tell about it, then you are going to need some way of mitigating damage and neutralizing threats.  Potions are only going to buy you time.  There are not many aggressive enemies in PS at this time but the ones that are will generally be a much tougher than a normal enemy of their type.

(EDIT: Left some stuff out.  Aggressive enemies are becoming more common and are not always a lot tougher than their respective type.  Whether an aggressive enemy attacks and how they attack you is dependent on how strong your character is relative to the specific enemy.  If you are significantly weaker then the enemy, it will attack you in a aggressive or bloody stance that will allow them to do more damage to you but take a lot more themselves.  If you are stronger then them, they will attack in a normal or defensive stance to reduce incoming damage while still being able to dish it out pretty well.  Unlike most mmorpgs enemies in PS will chase you for a long distance or until they become stuck on something or are no longer able to target you, like when you go through a load point.  This might have changed so they might have a maximum distance.) 

PVP, one of my favorite topics, not what it once was in ps.  Due to some recent additions to the game the damage and defensive system is a little lopsided and a general lack of pvp zones that are big enough to contain fights or any incentive to even be in them.  We used to have a VERY popular pvp zone with gladiators in it that you could kill for the best loot in game but the gladiators were removed.  Now that pvp zone is empty and very neglected.  There are other pvp zones but they really do not compare.  A new damage system is being developed and that should fix some of the problems.  As to a reborn pvp zone,  That remains to be seen.

RP reasons, some players like to rp as a warrior and not have any skills to back it.  That is completely up to the player to decide. Personally, I don't want to walk around acting like a tough guy and then been seen running away from a diseased rat.... it just looks wrong in my honest opinion and so I have invested in my characters skills and stats to better fit him.

Hope this helped you or any other new player with the same question browsing the forums.

General Discussion / Re: Whats Happening?
« on: October 20, 2016, 04:40:06 pm »
*I am still very concerned as to why there has been no news or confirmation on being able to change masteries.  It seems only logical that this would be done.*

We want people to have the opportunity to be specialist in their own field of choice, we don't want to impede them from training
whatever skill they want. But from a IC, and gameplay perspective there must be choices to be done.

Therefore the basic idea is players will be able to train whatever skill they want but only pick up a single specialization for a given category (i.e. choose to posses sword or axes special attacks, but they can train both skills up to 200).
We are also accounting for the possibility for players to forfeit their previous choice and pick up a different specialization. The price is to give up the previously obtained special attacks and pick up the new ones.

There will also be set of special attacks everyone can get no matter what specialization they pick up (i.e. shields and two-handed).

I hope this explain a bit more.

Thank you very much for this explanation.  Yes, it does explain.

Vaneal, I was not talking about you.
Read my post again. It is an answer to Illysia, who seemed a bit unpatient, "venturing" forward not even one day after your original post.

Ah, ok.  I miss some obvious stuff I guess.

Answers from well informed players, devs and gms are welcome.

When people ask questions, Gonger, they like to have an answer as soon as possible. A day later is not considered a quick response when people are posting in other threads more frequently, so I ventured an answer since I knew that I more than likely had the answer. My answer may not have been as detailed, but if you read back you'll see it was accurate.

I didn't want Vaneal to feel like their post was being ignored, especially since the question was also open to players to answer.

You did bring up a good point that I had not thought of previously even though it seems rather obvious now. (obvious again  X-/ ).

Thanks for the responses.  Sorry for my delayed responses, just a bit busy.

General Discussion / Re: Whats Happening?
« on: October 17, 2016, 09:14:42 am »
Thank you all very much for your answers.  I have to admit that I really don't know how many devs or gms there currently are but something that has confused me is why ps has so very complicated mechanics.  I understand they provide the best possible opportunity for realism and I have only seem a few games that dare to try to factor in item quality into the effectiveness of gear. 
we are working on a new damage calculation system that will be more balanced as a whole. Once this is done it will be possible to check the weapon balance.
Regarding dagger speed there is minimum delay set by the server of 1.5s no weapon (daggers included) can have a lower value.

This is nice peice of news.  At least, I hope it makes your job easyer in the long run. 

Since no one else has answered, I'll venture that the problem is a manpower issue. I don't think the team still has the devs necessary to address the dangling ends. They have some devs but maybe not enough or not the right devs for the job.

And I'll venture that not everybody has as much time on their hands as you...  ;)
"Patience is the key", I tell all newbies. And lo and behold, give people some time, and they answer.

Not sure I follow you Gonger,  I don't know if I made it clear or not but I'm not exactly new and most of my progress in ps has been due to my multitasking while working on homework for college.  My post got eaten by the 60 min logout timer the first time I wrote it so maybe I left some stuff out in the second version.  I have played for a long time and even started playing in the middle of a huge dry spell in updates.  We had a lot of players back then and were pretty happy.  Even had two servers running.  I think a lot of changes drove players away before the update cycle could go in a full circle so to speak and create new social hot-spots like the dlayo pit and plat mine that was removed.  A lot of people don't like the loot and I know that was a huge attraction before.  The looting seems better for those people who want to make tria as a warrior or hunter but for those of us that are more treasure hunters are having a hard time excepting the changes.  For all I know, there is a new avenue to the loot system coming that will make looting those rare treasures easyer.

*I am still very concerned as to why there has been no news or confirmation on being able to change masteries.  It seems only logical that this would be done.*

General Discussion / Whats Happening?
« on: October 15, 2016, 07:31:26 pm »

After speaking with my guild mates and sharing our mutual concerns and questions I decided to make this post.  My goal is to inquire about content that has seemingly been forgotten or perhaps silenced.  Answers from well informed players, devs and gms are welcome.  We have played ps for a long time and are well aware that it all takes time.  I believe that our concerns reflect those of a great deal of the player-base and even if not our guild alone can make up 25%-50% of the active player base assuming that none of the players are alts.  Regardless of the game being free to play I believe we deserve some honest answers.  We have invested a great deal of time into ps and hate to see so much inactivity in even the most faithful of players and guilds.  Here are some of our biggest gripes.

Content stuck in Limbo - This goes for many things that were promised over a year ago in some cases.  This includes but is probably not limited to:

Mastery changing/reseting - Currently this only effects magic but according to the dev team it will grow to involve combat skills and crafting as well.  We have worked hard to reach full potential in many different skills and to have all but 1 or 2 skills in each category limited by an end-game system that, in all honestly, looks like a slightly reworked class system is a real slap in the face.

Weapon Balancing - This applies to all weapons.  Looted weapons were balanced so you can potential get one that is better than the current best crafted weapon.  Not a bad idea in my honest opinion but the changes to the chance to loot good names in general have been reduced to an abysmal low.  I don't want to know how many hours it would take to loot something that is even comparable to crafted gear.  Looting aside, what about two handed weapons?  Their damage per delay ratio is always worse than duel wielding two one handed weapons and they have no noticable damage reduction or block advantage or rating on them.  On the opposite side of the spectrum daggers have a fixed delay that cannot be modified by either enchanting or looted names.

Shindrocks Crater - This project has some serious excitement building but it seems to have fallen off the face of Yliakum.

Laanx Mind/Wrath Weapons - This fix was expected at least 4 months ago in a mini update but seems to be being delayed and coming in a different mini update with other stuff?

Quivers - Not essential but given the insane amount of arrows it takes to kill stuff we are really missing it.  I almost think a weight and size reduction is also in order for arrows or a accuracy buff for bows.  Seems at the moment ps is bent on making ranged weaponry very inferior to that of close quarters.

Mastery Wands and Gear - These were worked on probably over a year ago now and I've not heard anything of them.  I have wondered if this is due to the magic system being delayed until weapons catch up for I don't see the point in this when close quarter melee weapons when combined with magic buffs/debuffs have always been top dog when it comes to spike and sustained damage regardless of pvp or pve.

I believe that the majority of our problems comes from the large amounts of loose ends that are left dangling.  Has this content been aborted?  Is it being developed for the Unreal Engine 4 client?  Is there even an Unreal client or what is exactly meant by "A working demo"?  There are so many questions and concerns for the furture of ps but there is so little information to be found.

If I had to stress the major problems that I personally have with the game at this time, I would have to say the mastery system, weapon balances and loot chances.  Now, I'm not saying that I hate the idea of having a few skills picked out at a time that you can reach maximum potential in and not the others.  I think it could be a good opportunity to create more defined play-styles but to make it so that a player can NEVER change his masteries or make it so it will potential take hours of questing to change just one of them is not acceptable.  Had I known this was to happen I would have invested in 2 or 3 characters instead of just one.

Please forgive any glaring errors in my post.  I broke my glasses and have yet to get a new pair.

Thanks for reading.


General Discussion / Re: PVP tournament rewards, a new game imbalance
« on: March 31, 2016, 05:59:48 pm »
Yeah about the poem-ish paragraph.... It started as a joke between me and some guild mates but I wanted to make it something more.  I tried to make it sound more like a call for reform and rebirth but I think it dwelled to much on the dying part.  Like I said previously, I like creative joking or insults.  I was trying to make it be a little humerus but I don't think most people perceived it that way.  It was my first poem that I ever wrote so... I can't say I'm surprised.  To any dev or gm who may have been offended by it, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.

Furthermore, I would like to apologize to the devs and gms for any incorrect assumptions (probably all of them) that I made.  I think I let the current irl politics of my location blead into my ps mindset. (We have really gotten the raw end of some stuff here.)  It was relatively late for me to be typing up forum posts let alone forming valid arguments.
Sorry to all you honest hardworking devs and gms.
As for the rest of you, lol not sorry.  ;D

You Guys are overpowered, in your guild most of your members maxed everything,
Just join and show us you skills and get a chance to win those Brute weapon,

But no, I'm sure you won't you guys prefers posting on forum... "Kingdom of valour" where did you put your valour ?

Work at it as long as I have and you will be just as strong, there is no secret or elusive offer with that.  You will not though,  you just call things that you do not understand op.

General Discussion / Re: PVP tournament rewards, a new game imbalance
« on: March 31, 2016, 12:05:55 pm »
What I find most interesting about this is that people seem to actually express themselves much more and reveal more of their true nature when someone posts a rant that takes less than half the effort of a good post.
Yes assumptions were made as is acceptable in all scientific scenario that I have been in when you really don't know what is true.  Make and prediction and see if it is works.  I see nothing wrong with the assumptions made because the information is almost never revealed about events. 
As to weapons not being able to touch someone with master work gear, I think you have overlooked certain attack buffs but I've not tested it myself.  With those weapons out side the arena that were 300q when I saw them I estimate I could hit for 2000-3000 damage, no joke (This is why all the looted weapons were nerffed btw). 
As to me deleting anything, you can keep dreaming.
Also, if those weapons were not the reward then why did they get reduced to 50q suddenly?  Another observation is the community seems really fast to rip into anyone that a dev or gm disagrees with. Its happened to me before and probably will again.  As to attacking the wrong party, that is false because you don't just loot 300q named gear, you have had the help of a gm or dev.
And yes, there have been named weapons that have been made 300q but it is not common knowledge, one of the devs at a dev meeting I attended was not even aware of this.
Normally I find insults humerus, when they are clever and/or creative, this deletion spam in comments is ..... just .... zzzzzzzzz.     

Ok, let me make it clear that I am trying to remain calm and civil in this post but I assure you I am feeling anything but that.

This post is in regards to the DarkStars Duelist Championship rewards.  The rewards consist of several 300q weapons with various names that have previously only been available on looted weapons.  These names include stats bonuses, defense multipliers and attack multipliers.  They can be seen at the Hydlaa arena entrance by a tent and bulletin board. The damage of these weapons ranges from a bit high to absurdly high.

What in the name of sanity are you thinking?!  >:(

If there are no plans to make these items craft-able for everyone else in relatively short order then you have absolutely no right to be doing this.   :thumbdown:
Need I remind you that you just nerfed the relative power of ALL the looted names less than a month ago because they were to powerful!?  And now you want to give a few players exclusive ownership of weapons that make even the old looted items pale in comparison?!   ??? 

How do you expect the player base that is not into pvp dueling to feel about these insane weapons being given to whomever can win the competition.  Having a competition will only ensure that he player with the best hardware and internet connection has a much larger chance of getting items.  Not to mention that the players who are most likely to win the competition are the ooc pkers.  :@#\

The whole event reeks of deception and a biased distribution of power.
You might be thinking, "Really man, you are over reacting".  I think not.
Look at the forum post announcing it, you will only see rewards listed as  "tria and special items". 
There is no indication as to the nature of or the identity of the "special items" in that post.  It is conveniently left out so the only way you will see what those items are is to see them in game.  To me it sounds like there is a gm who is purposely pandering to one particular player type that do NOT need more powerful weapons.  Currently, regardless of the recent changes, weapons still greatly outperform magic so any excuse of being under powered is absurd.

To let this happen is absolute madness.  I demand action be taken.  I've played this game over a 6 soon to be 7 year period and I have never seen anything that can compare to this.  It is inexcusable.

Dev oh dev, where art thy brain?
Drunk and washed down the drain?
Dev oh dev, what's your name?
Hunt them down, end the insane.
Dev oh dev, Lie in pieces so plain.
Rot in thy grave, you tortured slain.
Dev oh dev, rise strong again.
Rinse thy mind and wash all stains.
Dev oh dev, prove worthy thy rain.
Save player and plane from hideous bane.

General Discussion / Re: PVP tournament rewards, a new game imbalance
« on: March 30, 2016, 10:12:25 pm »
Ok, let me make it clear that I am trying to remain calm and civil in this post but I assure you I am feeling anything but that.

What in the name of sanity are you thinking?!  >:(

If there are no plans to make these items craft-able for everyone else in relatively short order then you have absolutely no right to be doing this.   :thumbdown:
Need I remind you that you just nerfed the relative power of ALL the looted names less than a month ago because they were to powerful!?  And now you want to give a few players exclusive ownership of weapons that make even the old looted items pale in comparison?!   ??? 

How do you expect the player base that is not into pvp dueling to feel about these insane weapons being given to whomever can win the competition.  Having a competition will only ensure that he player with the best hardware and internet connection has a much larger chance of getting items.  Not to mention that the players who are most likely to win the competition are the ooc pkers.  :@#\

The whole event reeks of deception and a biased distribution of power.
You might be thinking, "Really man, you are over reacting".  I think not.
Look at the forum post announcing it, you will only see rewards listed as  "tria and special items". 
There is no indication as to the nature of or the identity of the "special items" in that post.  It is conveniently left out so the only way you will see what those items are is to see them in game.  To me it sounds like there is a gm who is purposely pandering to one particular player type that do NOT need more powerful weapons.  Currently, regardless of the recent changes, weapons still greatly outperform magic so any excuse of being under powered is absurd.

To let this happen is absolute madness.  I demand action be taken.  I've played this game over a 6 soon to be 7 year period and I have never seen anything that can compare to this.  It is inexcusable.

Dev oh dev, where art thy brain?
Drunk and washed down the drain?
Dev oh dev, what's your name?
Hunt them down, end the insane.
Dev oh dev, Lie in pieces so plain.
Rot in thy grave, you tortured slain.
Dev oh dev, rise strong again.
Rinse thy mind and wash all stains.
Dev oh dev, prove worthy thy rain.
Save player and plane from hideous bane.

Wish list / Re: Resurrect the PVP Zones
« on: March 10, 2016, 12:15:17 pm »
Players were Rping and RPer were Playing

This is the best.  My favorite grinders could RP with the best of them, and conversely my favorite RPers both ground out what their characters needed and roleplayed the rest (e.g. would rp an aggro warrior if they had stats/skills for it, or a healer if their crystal way was high enough (didn't need to be maxed at all) and if not, would rp that they were semi-pacifist or not able to heal - hope that makes sense).

Anyway, it's certainly my goal.

Eonwind, is this going to happen?  Or have we dissipated the energy by YAPPING about it for ages?

Vaneal, if we can't have it in the dlayo pit, do you want to advocate for a PVP area filled with dlayos who drop unique loot in another area?  Or did you lose interest?

It is still something I would like to see be brought back to ps.  Eonwind already mentioned making some changes to the platinum mine but I'm not a big fan of the area due to the crazy geography.  I have not said much do to nothing new being brought up and I still think that being rewarded per kill is a flawed reward system for pvp.  I have played enough pvp oriented games to realize that this is not what ps needs and perhaps not ideal for any game but it is easy to implement so it is the preferred system.  I thought I was really clear about what would be an easy reward that people have always liked,  good loot.  Maybe not unique loot pools but good loot in the form of named gear drops. Npc type could be changed but I personally would prefer humanoids.  Some of the other ideas are good ones but as of right now I think the devs have more than enough to focus on.  I don't know for certain but I think the loot is the most simple solution for rewards atm. As to would I like a new pvp zone with dlayo like mobs in a relatively flat area?  Yes, I would love to see this.  BD is freaking huge and has a ton of potential for areas like this.

I've not lost interest.  I just have not said much for a while as I am having a hellish time with classes.

Wish list / Re: Resurrect the PVP Zones
« on: March 03, 2016, 12:47:58 pm »
How much is PvP related to "roleplaying"? ... PlaneShift used to be a roleplaying-promoting game, which made it an exception among all the lot of other combat oriented games.

I don't mind allowing PvP for fun. But I doubt it should be a primary element.
I would have to agree with you about it not being a primary element but I don't want to see pvp zones also become ooc zones.  Some people are better than others at being consistent with their  actions but every now and then someone feels like goofing off and starting a little chaos.  Do I want to see a lot of /me or /my chat in pvp zones? No not really, we can do that any place atm.
I did not mean an active ability to /yield, but the passive mechanics that you get knocked down when your health is depleted. So, if you want to kill someone, you'll have to deliver another finishing blow.
Not a big fan of this because some time ago I have had a defeated target in yield state bug up so they were next to impossible to kill and even worse, could move and still attack.  Not sure if this bug can still occur and is rare or has been fixed.  Even if it was added to pvp zones it is not bullet proof as some enchanted weapons and damage over time spells kill targets in spite of the yield mechanic.  What annoys me the most is the screen confirmation window.  It has the potential to block your field of view and increase the time required to kill.  Not an issue if you are fighting a single target but if you are engaging multiple targets (players and/or npc's) things are going to be that much harder.

Wish list / Re: Resurrect the PVP Zones
« on: March 01, 2016, 11:54:24 am »
Just have certain areas in the wilderness set as PVP zones. Set them far enough away from the roads and cities so that someone can't just accidentally walk into them, but so that they are potentially in the path of the quickest route between cities. So, if you were to run in a straight(ish) line from, say, Ojaveda to Hydlaa, completely ignoring the roads, you run a risk of being killed along the way. This would have the added benefit of more player interaction on the roads.

Another good but questionable idea is to add small PVP zones into cities, for example the hidden alleyways and sewers, but tucked far enough away from places where beginners might go to train or quest. I swear that these at one point existed, but were rare.

As for making PVP worthwhile, we know for certain that we will never allow players to loot other players, so I propose this: allow stealing from other players, but only conditionally, and if the victim chooses. Assume that a player has been beaten or has yielded. The attacker can either kill the victim, let them go, or steal. The victim has a choice to offer something for their life. You'd need a longer wait period between losing and release, but I think this should only apply to PVP zones and be five minutes maximum.

Final idea (I swear), which I think would really help roleplay and tie into mechanics, is to make faction-based PVP. This is drawing from Dark Souls, but I could see it working really well here. Once you've joined a specific faction, a Dakkruist one for example, killing people could reward you with more faction rank but additionally give you points that you could exchange for money or items with an NPC in the Death Realm. Another (legal) example would be a gladiator faction, which gives you a point upon defeating another player in the Arena, and those points can be redeemed for money at an NPC in the Arena.

Tell me how all this sounds, because I'm pretty sure these ideas would save PVP. We need to make PVP great again!
As far as pvp zone placement goes, I have never been a fan of smaller more plentiful zones as players just run in and out of them freely to avoid any kind of conflict and may even abuse the boundary.  As far as pvp zones in towns go, I had high hopes that shindrok's crater would be a pvp zone seeing as though it is run by outlaws and cutthroats but i doubt this has been considered.

As to yielding in pvp zones, I am skeptical but if properly done it could be a nice feature. I believe it should be an option for the player to do if they want to avoid death and not forced on them like it is in a duel.  If it is forced on the player, it opens up the possibility of them being practically stun-locked by anyone who has nothing better to do than be a jerk for an indefinite period of time until they use the /die command to "escape" to the DR. 

Faction based pvp sounds like a nice idea but I am not certain it could be implemented with the factions in ps because a lot of them are not war-like and even dakkru only values the lives of the strong if I remember right.  I know, I mentioned it previously but I think it would be a headache to develop into game mechanics.

Wish list / Re: Resurrect the PVP Zones
« on: February 28, 2016, 02:02:06 pm »
Personally, I dislike PVP, but I do understand how it appeals to some, and that's fine. The point is, to be able to just go player on player is very shallow. I think a lot more could be done to deepen the experience, and I'm not talking about trying to mix in RP. The two should not be mixed, ever. I think having a mechanism for matching players on skill and armor level might be one enhancement, another would be to have a graded set of goals and rewards to provide reason to continue and opportunities to participate before maxing out. The PVP crowd would be more suited at pitching ideas on this.

I feel that the pvp element of ps is very similar to all the pve and rp elements of the game.  The lore and role play atmosphere is something that is very unique to ps that I have enjoyed for years. I have never participated in any kind of in-depth or lengthy rp but I respect and enjoy being part of it just by performing various actions in game.  Every action, pvp included, should be something that reinforces and builds your character.  For those who just want mass murder without even identifying the other players, there are tons upon tons of games solely focused on pvp that allow you to fight with or without stat balances.  Ps is not about those things.

Now, if there were a resource in the area, like the platinum mine, that could be considered a capture point that you would have to hold.  You will still have to dig it up though.  That is an acceptable implementation of that idea but other than things of that nature I see no place for such mechanics in ps.
The only other thing that I can think of for rewards or mechanics that would go well with ps is having a character's faction standing be effected by who he kills or engages.  The effect will depend upon the reputation of the target's/victim's own standings. If a player becomes to infamous/evil then he can be engaged anyplace and killed repeatedly.  This would rely heavily upon some kind of marking system to allow players to identify the standings of others.  The only thing I can think of for this would be a mark from a god like laanx, talad, xosia or maybe even dakkru.  These marks could be a result of players who have been killed by the player to be marked praying at a temple for the god's to avenge them.  This would take a prayer and maybe even some materials as an offering but would add an extremely cool element to the game in my honest opinion. These marks could stack so that for every kill the evil character could also be killed if the victim chose to pray for revenge and make an offering.  I do not know how practical or possible this would be to implement so take the idea for whats it worth I guess.

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