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Messages - evil

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PvP,PK and Thieving / true nature of good and evil
« on: November 30, 2008, 03:39:46 pm »
true nature of good and evil
It's been a while since i have posted, or written anything ....heck i'll be honest it's been a long time since i've played....or maybe a long time since i've used this account...maybe i've been playing creating and destroying trust inside the game and guilds....
Yeah, i think i like that last one.
So, here i am again, evil, or eevviill, and some other names you'll never know me by. But you have and will meet my minions again and again.
This is what my wish list is, ...that we as gamers create our own dynamic in this world, i've been doing my part but has taken longer then i thought it would. Took me a few years, to get certain people in places of authority in guilds, make sure some of the higher guilds treasurers are .....friendly to me and my cause?
well like i said, i want planeshift to be more player dynamic, no reason we should follow a storyline, we can make our own, certain things are easier then others, like being evil, which i am, is easy i admit, all i have to do is get everyone to trust nobody, not even me, and from there the dynamic will continue to change. But it's all roleplaying so don't hate me to much, i'm just trying to make the game a little more interesting .
I've been an online player for years and years and one thing all mmorpg's have in common.....well everyone can basically be trusted....not anymore. And i'm going to make sure of it.
So the next time someone shows you to a treasure, or gives you some money, or gems, or equipment, remember, that person could just be spreading the wealth or....they could just be luring you into a life of crime where the rewards are more then you can ever imagine, it just might cost you
I"ll see you in the game, and our secret guild is always looking for members, but don't ask, we'll ask you.

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