Author Topic: The Octarch Council Room.  (Read 4504 times)

Under the moon

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« Reply #45 on: May 19, 2005, 06:11:09 pm »
*As the last vote is slipped into the slotted box, a quiet falls over the room. The crowd outside goes silent as well, the Sounding Glyph repeating every word to them. Arnigus stands slowly, his chair creaking with relief as his great mass leaves it. He reaches out and takes the box carefully, as if it is made of glass, though the thick, iron strapped, wooden sides are in no danger of breaking. It is the peace he is afraid of shattering. Once the votes were counted, there was no turning back.

He signals to Had and the big Kran walks over. Had bows his head formally and offers Arnigus a small key. The key to the future, as it were. With slightly trembling hands, he gives the box to Had for the Kran to hold while he opens it. It takes two tries to get the key into the small hole due to Arnigus\'s wobbling hands.

Then, there is a click. The box\'s lid slowly opens of its own accord, due to small springs in the hinges. Arnigus reaches into the box and pulls out not the folded votes, but a flat, slate covered book. He nods to Had, the Kran nods back and sets the box on the table and returns to the door. As Arnigus holds up the book, some may notice that there is a large Glyph imprinted on the cover. A simple but powerful Glyph meaning one thing... Truth.

Slowly, Arnigus opens the book, revealing the votes inside, neatly bound into the binding by heavy thread. The ink of the votes has been replaced by raised platinum, the paper by gold. Each page is marked by its own Glyph, also Truth. Arnigus begins paging through the votes. He clears his throat and begins speaking.*

I see that some of you have signed your names. A good precaution is most cases, but unnecessary here, as every vote was bound to its caster by the Glyphs in this book and the ones hidden in the box. I know that you are all...

*He stops at a page, one of his eyebrows rising. He then glances at Am-Heh before returning to the book.*

...honest and honorable people...

*He again glances at Am-Heh*

...though you must agree such precautions were needed.

*He turns to the eighth page. One that contains no votes...just the names of two people. One of whom was going to be the next Octarch. The hope of the people. Two small Glyphs appear on the page, one over each name. Every colored Way marks their surfaces in a complicated weave. Long leather cords pass through holes in the top of each. Arnigus takes the Glyphs and closes the book, resting it on the table.*

These two Glyphs are to be worn be those that you have chosen. They are badges, but also they are protection. No harm will befall you while they are worn, and they can not be removed by any power but that of the final election. They then lose all power. I tell you this so you know you have no fears. Please stand.

*All in the Council stand, some slowly, some fast. All gaze at the two Glyphs dangling from his grasp, slowly spinning at the ends of their cords. Arnigus waddles around the table towards a grinning Am-Heh. Am-Heh?s grin slips as Arnigus passes on, continuing until he reaches Nilaya. He reaches up and places one of the Glyphs around her neck, careful not to catch her ears.*

Nilaya Kaeli, you have been chosen by this council. Wear this Glyph with pride, and carry it with honor.

*Cheers can be heard outside. The fenki reaches up and touches the Glyph, then bows to Arnigus. Arnigus bows back and moves on, still holding the one Glyph. He passes by a smiling Tybalt, but instead of the smile fading as it had with Am-Heh, it grows larger. And for some reason it seems to be directed in Nilaya?s general direction. Was he?!?no, he couldn?t be?Arnigus shakes his head, thinking that it would be impossible for anyone to flirt in this situation. He must have been imagining things. Realizing Tybalt?s distraction had taken him past his other goal, he turns back. He reaches up and places the other Glyph around another neck.*

Netrhys Tanhren, you have been chosen by this council. Wear this Glyph with pride, and carry it with honor.

*Before she can react, Arnigus waddles back to the head of the table as swelling cheers begin out side.*


*The cheers do not seem to be choosing between them?but celebrating the names equally. Arnigus smiles. So the people would accept either of them. Truly, this was a good sign. He turns to the Council, still smiling.*

With that, this Council is disbanded. Know that I am proud to have known and conversed with all of you. I take my leave now, for my job is done, as is yours?er?except for Netrhys and Nilaya of course. Soon, the voting shall begin, and one of you will be Octarch. I know that either you will do well. You will be receiving the official papers soon. I bid you all a good evening.

*Arnigus bows and walks stately out of the room?well, stately for a man nearly half as wide as he is tall. The damping Glyph is released, and Had enters. He begins handing back weapons with a look that tells all that they had better not use them in his presence. He then strolls back to the door, waiting for the Council to disperse while the cheers continue on outside.*

[ooc]Thank you all for participating. You all did so amazing I am sorry to see this cycle end. The goal of this endeavor was to bring role-playing back into the spotlight for a time, and in that, it has been a great success. Mostly due to you. Again, thank you. Now it is time for the final cycles. PMs will be sent to Candidates and a poll will be started sometime soon (hopefully within a few days).

Don?t forget to vote!
« Last Edit: May 19, 2005, 08:24:20 pm by Under the moon »


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« Reply #46 on: May 19, 2005, 07:58:28 pm »
*leaves the council chambers and sees it\'s night again.*

*Goes home for some well deserved rest.*

May the best person win :)

I am sure both of you will make a great Octarch so my dreams shall be pleasant ones I am sure :)

I am not surprised to see the two of you being candidates although some may :)
« Last Edit: May 20, 2005, 07:22:11 am by Pestilence »


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« Reply #47 on: May 19, 2005, 09:22:10 pm »
leaves the council quarters knowing that the city is in good hands.

\"Good luck to the both of you, twas good sport, but you have proven yourself worthy\"

*with that Druke pulls a glyph out and teleports back to wherever he came from*

my how times have changed.....


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« Reply #48 on: May 20, 2005, 12:37:34 am »
*As the council members leave, John takes a last glance at Netrhys.*

\"So my plan has succeeded after all. This wasn\'t a complete failure. No, this was better than I have expected.\" *He thought as he walked towards Had.*

\"Here\'s your fine weapon, sire.\" *Said Had.* \"Maybe you\'ll have a better luck on next elections.\"

\"Maybe I will, Had...maybe I will.\" *John said as he was walking away, chuckling quietly.*

\"Me an Octarch, that could have been amusing, but the plan was the plan.\" *Were the last thoughts before John left the Council chambers.*
« Last Edit: May 20, 2005, 12:39:12 am by John_Thazer »

You can try, but you shall fail! Seek us not, we shall find you.


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« Reply #49 on: May 20, 2005, 06:16:14 am »
*smiles and bows at Nilaya and then also at Netrhys

I am relieved to see that you were the ones to succeed where I failed

Good luck to you both!

*nods at Arnigus, as if to thank him for organizing this, and then turns around, once again pulling his hood over his head. On the way out, Tybalt claps his hands, saying goodbye to Had in a way, probably, only the two can understand.


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« Reply #50 on: May 20, 2005, 11:11:41 am »
*That Arnngus walked past her didn\'t surprise her. That he came back did the more. The glyph he had placed around her neck made the realization dawn in her mind. She was one of the two chosen ones. With that, she couldn\'t keep the expression she had managed to maintain all along anymore, clutching her trembling hands towards her sides.*
I... uuh...
*shaking her head as she couldn\'t even think of a word to say, she slowly walks out and would have forgotten her weapons had Had not stopped her. Seeing the crowd, she wants to turn back but is frozen to the spot.*
{It shouldn\'t be me...}
*Looking at Nilaya another realization dawned her. She would be running versus Nilaya. Once more, her heart sank, and she quickly turns her gaze to the ground. She had been believing that having to run against Amheh would be the worst possible outcome, but in a way, this was even worse. Forcing a smile back onto her face, she slowly turns back to Nilaya, to see what she would do. Would they stay companions? Or would they henceforth be enemies?*
« Last Edit: May 20, 2005, 11:14:03 am by Seytra »


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« Reply #51 on: May 21, 2005, 01:05:20 am »
Nilaya\'s heart races as Arnigus draws forth two necklaces, wrapped in all the colors of the magical ways. Trying not to shake as he pauses behind her, she looks up.

\"Nilaya...\" The enkidukai\'s ears twitch as he places the glyph around her neck. Struck by the moment, she bows her head in silence...

\"Netrhys...\" he speaks...the words echo inside. Netrhys...?

She looks on as Druke, John, Meriner, and even Tybalt depart...Tybalt...for sure Tybalt would win...but...what unable to find words...

The thought comes around again. Netrhys... Netrhys? Nilaya! Say something. Yes.

Suddenly her eyes meet those of Netrhys, who is...discomforted? Moving quickly to join her at the door in but a few steps, she smiles warmly upon her friend, placing a paw on her shoulder.
\"Netrhys...\" she whispers: \"...I\'m proud of you, friend.\"

A tingling sensation trickles up her spine, as if telling her amiss. Turning her head slightly, she realizes that one is still seated at the table. With as much of an uncaring nod as she can muster, she adds gruffly: \"Let\'s go.\" The two leave the room.

Once clearly out of ear-shot and sight of the last candidate, she confides: \"I\'ll see you soon. Take care...and whatever you do...\" she nods her head in the direction of the conference room, grinning: \"Don\'t die.\" With an excited giggle, she turns and scampers vaguely in the direction of Hydlaa Forest. A final cheerful call rings out: \"Rest well, Netrhys!\"
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Nilaya and Kalyan Kaeli - The Explorers Guild


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« Reply #52 on: May 22, 2005, 04:11:55 am »
Watching on as Arnigus reads the two names of the candidates, that are to step forth, one to be the next Octarch.
  Most of the hopefuls follow with  fixed gazes on the fat figure, as he proceeds to grab what seems to be a couple of cheap amulets and walks amongst the councillors.

Smiling as Arnigus aproaches, trying to be friendly to the obviously stressed, short and now very sweaty man. Amheh smile drops as Arnigus passes, flashing him a very smug look and proceeds to place one of the amulets around a now radiating Nilaya.
 His mind already half pre-occupied by thoughts of vengence and retribution towards the other councillors. The other half on what he planned to do next, to fill in a little time in his never ending life of debauchery.

Bearly noticing as the other candidate is given her amulate,thus dubbed candidate number two of the round table...Amheh remains seated..
Wakes from his thoughts, brought back by the growing chanting from the crowd.....

Had stands patiently with Amhehs arsenal of weapons in his hands.
Standing and walking over to the large Kran, Amheh takes the assortment of swords, daggers and a garrotte still with bits of gristle and blood from its last victim. One at a time placing them in there respective place on his person.

The Kran nods, Amheh returns the gesture swiftly,  then winks.
 At this, Had murmurs.

\"You might want to use the back door.... The others left some time ago.\"  

 Smiling back, but then continuing out the frount doors. Amheh steps out into the crowd...
 The crowd dropping in volume as many turn towards him. Amheh cheeks lift to form a sinister but charming grin...

 \"The two Candidates as you all know have been chosen... Some what poorly.. but chosen none the less. Remember when voting. Chose carefully...Someones life is in your hands.\"

The crowd revelling in the fact they have an opportunity to celebrate something. Raise again in volume.
 A few shady characters flash Amheh a  grin equally as wicked as his own and motion for him to drink with them at the bar..

Enjoying the festivities through out the night. Drinking, gambling, drinking , flirting and doing even more drinking. Amheh opens his eyes briefly to see  a beautful lady asleep on either side of him..Not quite sure where he is.. or really caring, closes his eyes again and falls asleep..Smiling as his previous thoughts of the day take seed in his head...Ready to be exercised some time soon in the near future.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2005, 10:00:52 pm by Am-Heh »


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« Reply #53 on: May 22, 2005, 07:41:12 am »
*letting out a sigh of relief at Nilayas words, she even manages a faint smile. As Nilaya departs, she gazes into the distance for a while before she walks away as well, back to the back alleys, trying not to think of what the next days might bring. She still felt awkward, but not as bad as before.*