Author Topic: Becoming the Masque - Logs  (Read 756 times)


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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #30 on: January 02, 2012, 08:04:21 am »
The madness doesn't stop - Love

Edaru looks up when hearing the music. He turns to Lillia then stutters. "Should we..I you want to dance?"
Lillia giggles "Of course." she holds out her hands for Edaru
Mordaan makes a lame attempt to dance
Seazu grins impishly again as she pulls edaru and lillia onto the dancefloor too.
Edaru takes a deep breath then steps closer to Lillia and offers her his hands. "So...may I ask for this dance Princess?"
Lillia giggles Seazu pulls her
Mordaan wipes his brow
Seazu says: let's go you both!
Mordaan says: Enough for me for now.
Seazu says: A wonderful couple you are!
Onilise laughs okay
Lillia giggles and takes Edaru "Yes."
Dalmurr looks at Laspeyresia "Maybe we should go back to the pillows though."
Dannae gets to her feet and wobbles a bit
Mordaan takes a long drink
Travosh has his one good arm ready incase she topples
Celizan listens intently to the music
Onilise watches Dannae with concern
Laspeyresia says: Haaa, yeah...
Dannae says: I'm ok, I'm ok
Seazu says: Let's see if the girls have more guts *pulls Jjairr onto the dancefloor*
Celizan claps softly
Dalmurr offers an arm for Laspeyresia to get up
Travosh says: Best stay away from those poison spewing vases.
Mordaan chuckles
Qed smiles to Onilise
Onilise shouts: We are the archers we hunt our prey with arrows!! RAWR!!!
Fyrre's ears lower in disappointment when she can't seem to find anything in the vase. She pulls her hand back out and slowly faces the wall with her purr growing louder still.
Dannae takes some steps
Laspeyresia takes the arm and carefully get up.
Travosh considers killing onilise
Jjairr does her best to resist, attempting to stay seated. "Oh, thank you, but I couldn't, darling. I really can't dance."
Onilise raises her mug to her sister in bow and laughs then drinks
Edaru follows Lillia, obviously getting a bit nervous again. Once they stop he tries to run his arm around her arm while taking her hand with his free hand. During that he steps on her toes. Quickly he lowers his head. "Sorry...not a good start."
Voron stretches briefly and smiles at Dannae.
Korumak begins to sway to the music
Mordaan leans in towards Jjairr "Me neither."
Laspeyresia lets herself fall back ontop the pillow.
Mordaan smiles
Lillia winces but murmers an "aww" sound when she look at Edaru
Dannae turns looking for the vases Travosh mentioned
Seazu says: And you both too!
Voron says: Me both who, Seazu.
Seazu takes Voron's and Evirea's hands and takes them both onto the dancefloor
Onilise sits, out of breath from all the dancing and the smoke
Icerra rolls her eyes away from Waesed and towards the dancing crowd and wonders if the dwarf is going to answer her question or not
Fyrre exclaims in joy and excitement to someone unseen, "Frrost!"
Seazu smiles "Let's have fun tonight!"
Jjairr smiles back at Mordaan. "I'm only good at a handful of things, and dancing is certainly not on the list."
Dalmurr sits beside Laspeyresia and grins [mask still off?]
Voron tries to swiftly free himself from Seazu's grip.
Mordaan laughs
Lillia giggles and waits for Edaru
Seazu grins at Voron "No way. You're way too good at dancing."
Edaru taks a small step back from Lillia and starts to dance with clumsy movements.
Voron chuckles. "Maybe so."
Onilise points to Sasigher, then the dance floor and laughs
Korumak grins impishly
Dannae says: Did I hear someone was looking for you Oni?
Lillia giggles again and lets Edaru lead her "Relax Edaru..."
Travosh says: You'd think the organizers there would be a tad worried that they brought along poison vases
Qed whispers "hello dame Dannae - nice mask"
Onilise turns to Dannae "Oh yes I guess a Dermorian lady"
Seazu says: Awe.
Celizan smiles at Korumak and claps
Edaru raises his head looking into Lillia eyes. After a long while he says softly. "It's hard Milady....being that close to you."
Seazu leaves pouting "That's poor."
the smoke seems you swirl around the people dancing
Voron says: It's a poison, but weak and only hallugenetic, not worse than alcohol Travosh.
Korumak sings, "Some where over the rainbow, way up high, theres a land that I dream of, once in a lulla-bye."
Korumak sings the chorus a secound time.
Travosh says: Alcohol doesnt make the user blind
Dalmurr looks at Laspeyresia "So that Kelan guy... he's a friend?"
Evirea taps her foot. "Hm, perhaps they are enjoying the effects they are having, thogh somehow I don't think it's a terribly bright idea, considering that this lady right here almost met the floor with her face." She looks pointedly at Dannae.
Dannae turns with a smile to Qed, "Thank you.. so nice of you to say"
Lillia giggles at Edaru "I think you will get used to it."
Icerra clears her throat and asks again, "I said you kill the menki yesterday?"
Fyrre converses with the wall in a voice partly drowned out by her simultaneous purr, "How'd you get here? Yer mask's real interestin'!"
Travosh says: Oh, Onilise, did you return Dharah's mask to her?
Waesed says: Curehan, yes
Dannae says: Hmm, well sure when you blew that stuff at me
Laspeyresia says: Oh, yup! I kept running into him!
Voron nods at Evirea. "It's a celebration - being irresponsible is part of the fun."
Voron smiles at Evirea. "Dance?"
Onilise looks over at Travsh "no I haven't. I have it here" she pats her bag.
Icerra says: How'd ya do it?
Travosh nods.
Waesed says: Magic
Onilise smiles "thanks for picking it up for her"
Evirea shrugs her narrow shoulders. "I would disagree with you, but I suppose that's not up for question." She arches a scaled brow at the inquiry. "I suppose if it is required," she replies. "Though I assure you there are plenty here with lighter feet than I who would make more fitting partners."
Mordaan claps
Waesed says: I had no armor on
Edaru opens his mouth under his mask and forgets to go on with the dancing movements for a moment. He just stands there and stares at Lillia for a long while before remembering everything around him again. Slowly he starts to dance again while whispering in a nervous tone. "I....would like that Milady."
Dalmurr grins "I keep running into beautiful women pretty frequently, too."
Korumak bows to the group and puts away his lute
Icerra frowns in dissapointment
Dalmurr winks
Celizan smiles brightly
Jjairr says: Mordaan, may I ask you something?
Voron laughs at Evirea. "Look out for those with the face to the floor then, that's better anyway."
Mordaan says: Sure
Travosh says: My my Voron, moving in on the femros?
Korumak says: Thoes are the new ones
Lillia tilts her head and giggles at Edaru stopping "well you better."
Voron says: You're not taking any shots, Trav.
Celizan says: great songs, Korumak, I wish i could have heard the new one
Onilise giggles
Laspeyresia suddenly turns around and looks in the direction of the stage. "Oh no! We forgot all about the knife!"
Travosh says: Have no need, already had enough of her when I had to swallow her damned elixer.
Jjairr turns toward Mordaan and lowers her voice slightly. "What would you say are some guilds worth knowing these days? My knowledge of the up-and-coming in Hydlaa is a bit outdated, I'm afraid."
Waesed says: Kiso carved me up with his blades. Easy mark with no armor.
Fyrre says: "Oh. Er, d'you wanna..." Self-consciously, then Enkidukai looks around and mumbles, "Nevermind. But there's somethin' I been really wantin' to tell you."
Onilise downs the whole mug and then rocks twice to get up off the bench and get a refill
Dalmurr says: Right... rotting dust.
Mordaan looks around "Hmm"
Waesed says: Ruined my costume, too
Voron looks from Dannae to Onilise and back. "I am not letting Edaru dancing alone out there. Anybody fancy a dance of you?"
Celizan leans in to whisper to Korumak
Evirea stamps her feet on the stone, first one, then the other. She looks down as if observing something, apparently not at all concerned at the conversation between the men, disregarded quickly as irrelevant. "Ah, but it worked, and requires no more testing."
Icerra seems to lose interest in Weased for a moment, but it's peaked again when she hears of his death, "Oh yeah? so you died too?"
Laspeyresia looks at Dalmurr, confused. "...rotting... dust?"
Waesed says: yes I did
Travosh says: Find another test subject, I'm not eager to drink it again
Mordaan says: Knowledge Seekers are still around and kicking. Daughters of Xiosia is good people. I'm sure I'm going to forget some.
Edaru makes a humming sound under his mask..even seems to relax a bit. "You want me this close to you?"
Dannae looks at Voron, "Mmm, I don't know... I want to"
Dalmurr looks at Laspeyresia "Eh? That's not how you curse around here?"
Lillia giggles "Of course silly. Why would I want you far away?'
Icerra smirks, "you know they's sayin' no one woulda died had you not chased after them."
Voron tilts his head a bit at Dannae. "But?"
Laspeyresia laughs. "That's a curse?"
Waesed says: It is better to die and have Dakkru restore one rather than be maimed for life.
Evirea chortles at that. "As I said, it needs no more testing. There are worse fates than a bad taste, a quick bit of sweetbread would offer a perfect remedy."
Jjairr nods. "I've heard good things about the Daughters. And the Knowledge Seekers, of course. Old friends."
Mordaan says: The Hammers and the Bloodstones are around quite a bit. Good to know if you need some crafted wares I suppose.
Fyrre says: "I, uh..." Her purr fades and she stumbles backward with a surprised growl, muscles tensing.
Dannae says: Well... ok... but you might have to hold on
Icerra says: Whatchoo think they was gonna do to the girl?
Dalmurr says: Of course it is! Like pile of dust, rotting meat, or dustbag as an insult. You never heard of it?
Travosh motions Dannae over. "here, Think I've got just hte thing for that."
Voron bows his head to Dannae. "I'll try."
Edaru sighs softly but casually stokes Lillia' s back with his hand "I''s just that never ever anyone wants to have me around at all."
Waesed says: I had no problem with paying a ransom for her freedom, but Kiso showed up screaming to kill her.
Travosh passes a hand near Dannae, giving a small strength spell to help with her jelly-legs
Laspeyresia shakes her head. "Where I'm from, we say.. Did rats take a..."
Korumak shrugs and whispers back
Lillia giggles "we have been together through so much... Why wouldn't I want you around. You even saved me...."
Laspeyresia blushes. "...wait, let's not go there."
Dannae steps closer to Voron then looks at Travosh, "What... a thing for ..." 'scuse me Voron"
Waesed says: Curehan did- slit her throat. And Kiso kept me from being able to heal her.
Dalmurr suggests "...dust?"
Mordaan says: I don't know too much about others.
Evirea looks over at Fyrre curiously upon hearing her growl. "Ah, ah, relax fenki," she says. "Nothing to be angry about."
Lillia gazes dreamily into Edaru's eyes
Icerra says: Kiso you say?
Jjairr says: Do the Daughters have a leader?
Voron smiles. "Sure."
Seazu's head turns into Jjairr's direction
Mordaan says: I believe it's Dannae if I'm not mistaken.
Fyrre says: No! What're ya---Why?
Onilise follows Seazus gaze
Waesed says: Yes. He is crazy for blood.
Icerra says: I'ma have ta seek him out, then
Dannae says: Ok, I'm ready Voron
Fyrre quickly stumbles away from the invisible threat, about to crash into Evirea.
Travosh moves back to his seat, grinning at the thought of where this might lead.
Edaru keeps his eyes on Lillia and says in a somewhat sad voice. "I never could take my eyes off you...I even followed you in secret just to get a glimpse of you. That's why I was around that day to safe you."
Dalmurr yawns "You know, I'm tired now."
Voron smiles and leads Dannae to the dancefloor.
Seazu smiles at Jjairr "Not a leader, a high priestess."
Evirea frowns beneath her mask. She turns and moves towards the fenki, raising her hand to bring it towards the side of her neck and the beginning of her shoulder. She brings her other hand around, and tries to press her thumbs smoothy into the arteries supplying blood to the fenki's brain, clamping down just long enough to cause her to lose conciousness [If it works.]
Waesed says: Kiso, most likely, serves no gods
Onilise sneezes and hiccups at the same time making a weird noise then she giggles
Laspeyresia yawns along. "I suppose it is getting late..."
Lillia makes an "aww" sound "Well I am glad you did... I don't want to think of what would have happened if you weren't there."
Seazu says: Leader sounds so... military
Dalmurr says: Where are you spending your nights?
Mordaan smiles at Seazu
Icerra smiles to the dwarf, the tips of her fangs bared briefly, "If he's goin' 'round killin' fer no reason... then no.. he ain't... death has gotta be just as meaningful as life fer it ta count."
Onilise nods "she's our high priestess"
Lillia moves closer to Edaru and leans her head on his shoulder
Mordaan says: Without knowing anything about the guild, one would not likely just say "take me to your high priestess"
Laspeyresia waves in the direction of the plaza. "Oh, there's this... house."
Laspeyresia grins.
Mordaan grins
Onilise shrugs
Waesed pulls out his pipe and fills the bowl from a pouch on his belt.
Dalmurr says: Remember my offer to take you home?
Seazu says: We are a guild of followers of Xiosia. It doesn't sound too unlikely to me.
Onilise says: Hi Celizan
Waesed says: He seems to just enjoy killing.
Jjairr turns to Seazu and nods, correcting herself. "A high priestess. Thank you." She looks at the amulet around Seazu's neck. "Would you be her, then?"
Seazu says: But you were right, our High Priestess is Dannae.
Mordaan sees a yulbar and doesn't even pay attention any more
Celizan says: Well met, Onilise I have not seen you in a day or so
Fyrre frantically, uselessly tries to grab at Evirea. An unconscious body falls and audibly hits the stone ground.
Hallucination starts to sway in time with the music.
Laspeyresia says: Haha, well you can take me as far as the plaza.
Onilise smiles "yes good to see you! Are you enjoying the ball?"
Laspeyresia holds up a finger. "I don't even really know you, you know!"
Voron smiles
Edaru sighs slightly relieved at the replay. "I thought...that if I tel you, you don't want me around anymore." He tries to pull Lillia even a bit closer to himself as he leans his head against hers and whispers. "I always loved you...since the first day I say you."
Celizan says: I like Korumak's new songs
Mordaan says: No Dannae is a Nolthrir.
Onilise says: Oh good I'm glad to hear that!
Travosh chuckles at Fyrre's tumble, fully capable of softening the landing and choosing not to
Icerra shrugs nonchalntly, "Ain't nuthin' wrong with takin' pleasure in killin'... but there's gotta be more reason to it, else it's all wasted."
Mordaan says: A masquerade ball is not a good place to have to identify people.
Mordaan chuckles
Dalmurr nods "Oh, that's alright, I guess I'll find a place to stay for the night. Wasn't asking for that."
Travosh blinks, noticing something not quite right on teh floor.
Voron begins to carefully make some dance steps with Dannae.
Lillia says softly "I love you too Edaru."
Laspeyresia says: Oh! I hadn't even thought about that...
Icerra says: see, the girl... her death was wasted... but yers... you died tryin ta save someone, so it's got meaning to it, get it?
Hallucination prances around the couple who are dancing.
Dannae smiles to Voron, "Not 'xactly the kind o' dancing I usually do"
Seazu waves at both, Mordaan and Jjairr
Celizan leans and says softly, "I'm actually terrible at parties, i think I'm going to sneak away soon."
Travosh says: Ah... Who's yulbar is that?
Seazu picks up the little Yulbar
Waesed says: I would rather heal than destroy. Even the Dark Way makes me uneasy.
Fyrre stares up at Dannae and Voron through glassy, dilated pupils in the shadows of her mask.
Edaru pulls Lillia tight to himself and leans his head back a bit to plant a kiss on her hair.
Voron titls his head a bit. "Well, lead then." He smiles at Dannae under his mask.
Seazu says: Awe, cute
Waesed says: Yes, and I have no fear of dying
Dalmurr says: Eh... all right. You think I'm a thief or something?
Onilise waits for Celizan's reply
Icerra says: Yeah... didn't think ya did
Icerra says: Death ain't somethin' ta be afraid of
Seazu snorts at Icerra
Celizan says: Did you say something, Onilise, I didn't hear you
Waesed says: I can even take myself to the Death Realm to help another.
Lillia relaxes and leans more on Edaru
Onilise says: Oh yes I just asked if you were enjoying the ball
Laspeyresia grins. "...or something..."
Laspeyresia carefully gets up and takes a moment to keep her balance.
Celizan says: MMMM well...I'm not very good at parties
Fyrre winces and curses a few times, clumsily grabbing her head.
Seazu says: So what's missing?
Dalmurr shrugs "I ehm...", then gets up as well
Mordaan remembers something and turns to Jjairr "Ah and what's Elady's guild?...ah yes, Gifts of the Dome.
Waesed says: I must say that Dakkru fasinates me.
Onilise waves her mug of lakka around "well just have a drink or two and enjoy the view! We want you to stay"
Icerra lifts her chin and looks at Weased doubtfully, "Oh yeah?"
Waesed says: Nite, Las
Mordaan says: Elady is a good friend, helps run the Stonehead in Gugrontid.
Jjairr looks back to Mordaan. "Ahh... The name sounds familiar, I don't know if I know her personally though."
Dalmurr smiles, looking as bit disappointed "So I'll take you to the plaza."
Laspeyresia waves over at Waesed. "'nite!"
Hallucination stand up on his hind legs swaying back and forth imitating the dancers/
Edaru rubs his body slightly against Lillia's while speeding up the dancing movements a tad again. Leaning is head against hers he whispers. "I'm happy...please make this moment last forever."
Mordaan says: Is that yulbar never mind. Nothing surprises me any more at this party.
Travosh frowns beneath his mask, thinking he'll have to redouble the spell keeping the air around himself drug-free
Waesed says: It is a real mistery too me. She is a healer and the final true death.
Icerra nods her head, "That's right, the fina"l truth.
Fyrre looks around in confusion until her gaze locks on Travosh. "...The h#^&?"
Onilise says: pushes a mug of red liquor over to Celizan and makes another toast "Hail Xiosia!"
Lillia giggles and sways along with Edaru "It will..." she closes her eyes and just leans against him
Travosh says: Stay on the floor savage, you huffed too much of the drug.
Celizan lifts a cup to Onilise's toast and takes a sip
Onilise pulls her tail off her costume and throws it over her shoulder, laughing
Travosh looks down at his new benchmate. "Umm... Hello there?"
Hallucination jumps up on the bench and sniffs at Travosh
Edaru withdraws on of his hands and reaches up to his mask. He takes it off revealing his deformed face then leans his head against Lillia's again and rubs his face against her hair.
Travosh attempts to prod at the Hallucination
Onilise notices the yulbar "awwwee don't hurt him"
Hallucination turns and lifts his leg towards Travosh and starts to relieve himself.
Fyrre awkwardly, shakily stands. She glares at Travosh, removing her hands from an aching head to aim a swipe of her claws at him.
Onilise gasps and laughs
Travosh immediatly begins to spark violently, at both the yulbar and the savage
Hallucination finishes and hops off the bench and trots off.
Fyrre slashes at the air, not even coming close to hitting the Klyros. She backs away, nearly losing her balance, with a grumbled string of curses.
Qed casts a Quick Dry spell towards Travosh's leg
Lillia holds onto Edaru tightly as the dance
Travosh isnt actually wet, considering its a hallucination. an illiterate hallucination
Jjairr says: This ball is getting weirder and weirder.
Icerra's attention is brought over to the commotion around the dancefloor
Qed whispers to Travosh "sorry, can't do more for he smell..."
Mordaan nods at Jjairr
Waesed says: It has gone way beyond wierd.
Edaru has a few tears run down his cheek as he goes on dancing, tightly entangled to Lillia
Travosh cant smell anything, only seeing a visual hallucination
Celizan takes a sip of red liquor
Qed smiles and mumble "a visual one - but it stinks..."
Travosh isnt talking aloud Qed.
Fyrre suddenly tips her head back to stare at the sky as if in awe, though nothing especially interesting is there. She reaches out to paw at an empty space of air.
Icerra wonders about the people on the dancefloor, "..and they call me insane..." she thinks (for all the Azure Way mages to hear)
Waesed smiles
Waesed says: Are we not all insane?
Celizan says: How are you Waesed?
Icerra glares at Weased, "Magicks..." she mutters under her breath
Masaro walks back to the party and looks around
Waesed says: sad
Celizan says: Why sad? Korumak told me what you did, you're a hero
Edaru takes a deep breath then leans his head back again to put the mask back in place. Then he has to chuckle and mutters softly. A ball that makes dreams come true. Worked pretty well I think."
Mordaan says: So Jjairr, anyone else from Felines Lair around these days?
Icerra looks at Celizan and at Weased, "Why you sad? You regret what you did?"
Waesed says: No, Trav and others think that I slew Dharah.
Fyrre sends a flurry of strikes at the invisible prey floating in front of her, and her tail swishes with the excitement of this attempt at playful hunting.
Waesed says: falsely accused
Lillia giggles and looks at Edaru "Wonderful."
Travosh raises an arm, contemplating incredible weighting Fyrre to the floor
Celizan says: Well Dharah knows what happened does she not?
Waesed says: I admit that I killed her kidnapper
Masaro looks over at Fyrre, tilting his head
Waesed says: Yes, and so should her guild sisters, but they don't seem to want to speak up for me
Edaru looks in Lillia eyes and replies. "Indeed. It was worth every bit of effort I..we put into it."
Fyrre unknowingly invites Travosh to cast the spell on her: she runs over to him and clambers onto the bench in persuit of the prey.
Lillia giggles "I'm glad."
Jjairr says: Oh yes. Haraun and Minks are still around. Haraun was here earlier, in fact.... He left a bit before you arrived.
Travosh gladly sticks out his leg to try and trip her
Jjairr says: Shurrim, too, Shurrim's been in the guild house. I haven't seen her myself, but she's here.
Icerra says: The worst part is her death was meaningless, this Kiso made it that way
Celizan says: Waesed, it will be straightened out in time....for now can i get you anything?
Mordaan says: Ah, I never paid attention that Haraun was in the guild.
Dannae is oblivious to everything except the dancing
Waesed says: No, thanks. I have drinks and food.
Celizan says: alright then
Mordaan says: We are down to a small handful as well. Activity comes and goes.
Mordaan says: Every once in awhile we get a new member but they rarely stay long.
Edaru nods "So am I."
Jjairr says: Sad, isn't it? Half the people in Hydlaa these days couldn't care less about old hands like us, yet our guilds have been around longer than they've been in the city.
Voron tries to dance so that Lillia and Edaru do not appear to be alone on the dancefloor.
Icerra turns to see Masaro take a seat. Her dark expression brightens visibly even from beneath her mask
Fyrre barely avoids Travosh's leg and soon scampers laughingly away.
Lillia giggles and looks from Edaru to looking around at all the people standing around
Celizan says: It was nice talking with you both, but now I must be off.
Voron smiles under his mask. "What do you think about them?" he asks Dannae, nodding towards the couple next to them?
Waesed says: see you later
Icerra dismisses Celizan without notice


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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #31 on: January 02, 2012, 08:05:07 am »
Lillia's songs

Lillia giggles again and gets a sparkle in her eye "Stay here Edaru."
Dannae gives a slight shrug between dance steps, "Seem nice enough to me... and Lilia's always so happy... I like that"
Edaru reluctantly withdraws from Lillia then nods. "Everything you wish Milady."
Waesed says: Maybe if I go hunting I will feel better
Lillia giggles and runs around to get on stage
Voron nods. "You know her well?"
Icerra looks at Weased with interest, "Oh yeah, whatchoo hunt?"
Lillia comes out on stage and removes her mask. she sets it down next to her
Waesed says: Tefus and consumers with my sabres
Seazu awws
Dannae says: Not well, but just from what I've seen so far
Icerra smiles, "See... that's a respectful kill."
Edaru quickly turns to the stage, not taking his eyes of Lillia for even a second.
Dannae stops moving her feet to the music to look at Lilia on stage
Waesed says: I use all that I get, also
Voron nods and slowly comes to a halt and smiles.
Lillia smiles widely and looks right at Edaru "I'd Like to sing a song for everyone one and I'd like to dedicate it to my loyal knight Edaru." she looks lovingly at him
Travosh groans
Voron turns is attention to the stage.
Voron says: Don't say it, Travosh.
Icerra's smile grows as she warms up to Weased, she says with a light chuckle, "yeah... I bet you do."
Travosh says: I'll say whatever i damn well please.
Seazu smiles below her mask about another romantic scene tonight.
Voron says: Damn straight, Travosh.
Lillia starts to sing loud enough for everyone to hear "I've always known..."
Voron smirks under his mask.
Travosh feels Voron is being rather bipolar
Edaru quickjly stares to the floor as his name is mentioned. But as soon as Lillia starts singing he looks up again and seems to forget everything around hi and just listens to the song.
Dannae turns to look at Edaru to see his reaction
Lillia sings "That love was in your eyes."
Edaru closes his eyes and leans his head to the side obviously lost in the song.
Lillia shouts: "And when Iook at you," she grins at Edaru as she sings
Travosh does a bit of magic to replace his hearing with thunder
Icerra's ears flatten to the singing, "What's she cryin' 'bout?" she asks with a snarl
Lillia shouts: "it seems times flies."
Lillia shouts: "looking in loves eyes..."
Waesed chuckles at Icerra's words
Lillia shouts: "That's all I need to see." she ups her hands together and brings them closer to her heart
Edaru has some tears rolling down his cheek under his mask and becoming visible at his chin.
Lillia shouts: "Looking into your eyes...."
Lillia shouts: "That's enough for me...."
Icerra says: sounds like two fenkis gettin' ready ta fight
Lillia starts a new verse "Many Days..."
Dannae removes her own mask as she listens before wiping the back of her hand across her eyes
Waesed says: Is that what fenkis fight about? Love?
Sasigher says: Bah. get a room you both.
Burrt carefully takes Fyrre's other hand and leads
Lillia shouts: "I am lost in your eyes."
Mordaan chuckles
Travosh is happily lost inside his own personal thunderstorm
Voron puts his mask down, a polite smile on his face.
Fyrre tries to move away and opens a tightly clenched fist to show the purified glyph held inside.
Lillia continues singing "And everyday..."
Lillia shouts: "is a wonderful surprise."
Icerra can't help but laugh a little, "For any real Enki, Fighting IS Love."
Burrt just tries to take her wrist instead
Zalya looks to Fyrre and Burrt, with a smile from a distince.
Waesed says: much as for the dwarves
Lillia shouts: "Looking in love's eyes"
Lillia shouts: "that's all I need to see."
Lillia shouts: "Looking into your eyes..."
Fyrre whispers in an unsure, shaky voice, "Flame Spire." Dropping the glyph to the floor after a red-orange circle surrounds the two, she awkwardly follows along with Burrt.
Lillia shouts: "That's enough for me." she smiles at Edaru
Edaru opens his eyes again, starring to Lillia but still ahrdly moves at all.
Icerra frowns and withdraws away from Fyrre's use of magic
Lillia starts the final verse "In your eyes, I see love.."
Lillia shouts: "staring back at me."
Seazu sighs
Zalya looks a little concerend for Fyrre and Burrt's safty at first, but relaxes and begins to move back to her stall with a grin.
Burrt smiles at Fyrre, continuing to lead
Fyrre laughs, watching Burrt's feet, and murmurs, "Idunno how to dance like this."
Lillia "Looking in your eyes..."
Icerra looks at the dancing couple with a glare icy enough to put out the flames
Lillia shouts: "That's enough for me..."
Lillia sings as her eyes water slightly "In your eyes I see love"
Burrt's lips tremble slightly as he moves along with Fyrre like this
Lillia shouts: "Staring back at me."
Lillia shouts: "Looking in your eyes..."
Fyrre breaks away from Burrt. Surrounded by the last of the flames, a fiery-colored figure twirls with confidence but bad timing in a tribal sort of dance.
Lillia shouts: "That's all I need to see..."
Burrt goes along with it
Mordaan finishes his red
Lillia sings with her heart "That's enough for me..."
Fyrre tries to take hold of Burrt's hands again and mix the two dancing styles.
Lillia shouts: "That's enough for me..."
Zalya pauses to look back at the new dance.
Waesed says: At least dwarves can dance to the music
Telena smiles to Kolela then looks back to Lillia.
Lillia finishes the last part of the song slowly "Love's eyes are enough for me." she blows Edaru a kiss
Mordaan politely claps
Edaru sighs out then nods and mutter softly to himself. "But I will try to offer a lot more."
Waesed says: I cannot understand why more haven't come to the ball
Seazu sighs again happily
Jjairr claps as well.
Travosh takes that as a cue to end his self-enchantment, his hearing returning to normal
Dannae turns to look at Edaru as she claps
Edaru twitches as the blown kiss and quickly looks around to see the reactions of the others then lowers his head to stare to the floor.
Voron looks over at Edaru, then back at Lillia and claps.
Burrt finishes the dance and hesitates for a while, before turning towards the stage and clapping as well
Icerra takes a look over her shoulder at Masaro and wonders what's got him so quiet, she then looks at Weased and at the two dancing enki and says, "Yeah... I don't know what they's doin'"
Edaru applauds then slowly raises his head again to look to Lillia.
Dannae turns back to see Lillia
Burrt quickly looks back at Fyrre
Waesed says: Looks like they have been rolling in the katnip
Icerra says: Ha!
Fyrre slows down and watches Burrt for a time. "Er..."
Lillia giggles "I noticed a few of you seem to have a little trouble with that song."
Burrt presses his lips together, then reaches forward to try and take her paws one more time
Edaru quickly shakes his head. "Not at was wonderful Milady."
Telena chuckles lightly.
Lillia giggles "Well for those that had a problem with that song... I'll sing another for you."
Fyrre crouches and picks up the glyph once more. She turns her gaze to the ground in embarrassment, barely noticing as her hands are taken.
Waesed says: Time to kill tefus.
Zalya smiles warmly at Fyrre and Burrt, and watches happily with anticapation.
[Group] Edaru says: very often*
Icerra looks up at Weased, "May Dakkru take they souls"
Waesed bows to Icerra before leaving.
Lillia shouts: "Oh those of you who didn't mind might like to know that the previous song was called 'Love's Eyes'"
Burrt steps closer, then carefully attempts to rub his face against Fyrre's, like she did before.
Lillia shouts: "The next song I'll sing is called "My Dearest Love" but this sis more of a humorous song than a real love song."
Edaru chuckles softly.
Dannae turns to Voron with a soft gaze, "I thank you for the dance"
Fyrre closes her eyes and does the same, purring noisily in Burrt's ear.
Travosh groans again, and gets up. "I think I'll take my leave."
Voron smiles and bows his head to Dannae as a sole reply.
Icerra stands at stretches her legs, she turns to face Masaro and address him, "Hey."
Travosh says: Take it easy Dannae, and you keep an eye on her Voron
Voron nods.
Lillia starts to sing in a lively, up beat pace "I found myself a land away."
Dannae says: Bye Travosh
Lillia shouts: "With no one at my side."
Lillia grins as she sings but this time shw looks out at most of the people in the crowd "And all I know, my home is far..."
Jjairr finishes her drink, stands, and stretches. "I think I'm going to slip away for a bit, as well. It was lovely seeing you, Mordaan."
Mordaan says: Likeweise.
Lillia shouts: "A long long way to ride."
Mordaan says: Take care.
Burrt closes his eyes as well and purrs only slightly less noisily. He takes another step forward, their bodies almost touching each other.
Lillia shouts: "But then you came, that fateful day."
Jjairr dips her head. "You do the same, darling."
Dannae says: I'm afraid I must go. I have to take care of some things I've neglected. Take care Voron"
Lillia shouts: "Came quickly to my side."
Mordaan casually slips out the back
Zalya continues to watch in anticapation.
Lillia shouts: "And that is when I knew for sure..."
Voron smiles. "And you as well, Lady. May the Great Mother protect your steps."
Fyrre moves backward, lifting her mask just enough to show Burrt a wide grin of yellowish teeth.
Dannae dips her head to Telena as she passes offering a smile"
Lillia nearly giggles while trying to sing but she catches herself and keeps going "That I would be alright."
Dannae says: Xiosia bless
Icerra wonders if the nolthrir's screeching music has somehow gotten to Masaro and kept him spellbound, but she shrugs it off and decides to let the menki have his moment. She walks off without another word, she's got some hunting to do as well.
Dannae says: See you soon Seazu
Telena smiles at Dannae, making a small bow.
Lillia changes the pace of her singing for the chorus "My dearest love.."
Lillia shouts: "You'll always have..."
Seazu says: see you soon Dannae
Lillia shouts: "A place within my heart."
Lillia shouts: "And so it is."
Lillia shouts: "That I do wish..."
Lillia shouts: "We'll never be apart."
Burrt smiles back at Fyrre, then turns down at the ground "ehm..."
Zalya throws her arms back and stifles a loud 'ugh' noise.
Lillia changes the paces back to what it was previously " "And so that day you took my hand..."
Fyrre studies the stones beneath their feet, turning an ear toward Zalya. "...Uh, th-thanks."
Lillia shouts: "And told me all was fine..."
Zalya jumps up and down trying to get Burrts attention, all the while mouthing the words 'Now!'
Lillia starts to almost giggle again ans she grins as she continues the song "And then you showed me all the land..."
Edialeda claps her hands
Lillia shouts: "And said that it was mine."
Lillia shouts: "And soon it was that we were wed."
Burrt looks up at Fyrre, hesitates before saying "Thanks to you... Fyrre..." and doesn't realize Zalya's efforts.
Lillia shouts: "And happy as can be."
Lillia shouts: "And I believed it all too quick...."
Burrt forms a small tear in his left eye "Fyrre..."
Lillia shouts: "How silly this of me." a giggle sneaks out as she tries to keep singing without breaking into laughter
Zalya leans in, biting her lip hoping that Burrt will say something pretty.
Edaru watches Lillia, having to laugh himself.
Lillia quickens the pace for the chorus "My dearest love..."
Fyrre looks back up at Burrt, laughing softly at the sight of the tear.
Lillia shouts: "You'll always have..."
Burrt speaks very quietly "I... I... need you."
Lillia shouts: "A place within my heart."
Lillia shouts: "And so it is..."
Lillia shouts: "That I do wish..."
Lillia shouts: "We'll never be apart..."
Lillia grins widely before she begins to sing the slower next verse.
Zalya can do noting then watch and hope at this point.
Edialeda leaves a bag of gifts for the singing you lady,
Fyrre's eyes widen and she merely stares in surprised shock at Burrt, standing still.
Lillia shouts: "I bet you thought it was not bad..."
Lillia shouts: "To play with my poor heart."
Edialeda shouts: No you're great madam
Zalya turns one ear to the Lillia and the other to Burrt and Fyrre.
Lillia starts to sing the next verse but breaks into giggles at Edialeda's comment before composing herself and starting again "But let me tell you here and now..."
Lillia shouts: "That it was not so smart."
Burrt looks down "I... if you weren't there, I'd be gone now. I mean, gone. Gone like Kurisa. I need you, Fyrre" the tear escapes his eye and vanishes into his fur
Lillia's eyes sparkle with mirth as she keeps singing "Maybe if you had not done..."
Fyrre finally manages a barely audible reply. "Oh... Er... th-tha-anks I... guess."
Zalya decides to leave Fyrre and Burrt to their conversation. She subtly crosses her fingers as she moves back to her possition near her stall.
Lillia shouts: "All the things you did..."
Lillia shouts: "Then maybe you'd have all your gold."
Lillia shouts: "Not have it all hid." she grins impishly as she quickens the pace for the last chorus
Lillia shouts: "My dearest love..."
Lillia shouts: "You'll always have..."
Lillia shouts: "A place within my heart."
Burrt drops his arms, and a few more tears escape his eyes. "Please ... don't ... send me away."
Fyrre averts her gaze and runs away in a rhythmic clinking of bones.
Lillia starts the next ling but giggles and has to start over "And long as you've done..."
Burrt reaches out his arm in the direction Fyrre ran "No... wait..."
Lillia shouts: "What you did..."
Burrt trips over his own feet and falls to the ground
Lillia shouts: "Your gold will you depart." she finishes the song by breaking out into laughter and falling into a sitting position on the stage
Telena chuckles and claps
Edaru quickly steps closer to the stage though has to laugh. "All fine Milady?"
Lillia nods and laughs
Burrt stays in the awkward position in which he hit the ground, quietly weeping.


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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #32 on: January 02, 2012, 08:05:55 am »

Lillia gets up and brushes herself off
Lillia looks around at the sparse crowd and tilts her head for a moment, in thought
Edaru walks to the stage and offers Lillia his hands to help her down....but then withdraws them again as he notices she is not finished yet and steps aside.
Lillia seems to make up her mind "I'd like to thank everybody for coming to the Ball."
Lillia shouts: "This has been wonderful!. And I hope that Edaru and I have at least been able to bring you a little closer to your dreams."
Edaru nods to Lillia words, looking around the people.
Burrt finally rolls over to scare at the sky
Lillia shouts: "Now, on this final day, it is time for the Ball to end. But that doesn't mean your dreams to. Please continue to live, love, and dream." she smiles more at Edaru as she speak this part
Edaru turns his head to Lillia, happy to wear a mask that covers his blushing.
Lillia shouts: "Thank you all. Please sign the guestbook so that we have record of who came. And with that... I give the very last show." she picks up her mask and disappears off the stage
Three glowing red balls bounce into the air from behind the stage curtain. They raise about 10 ft beyond the top of the curtains and then begin to fall straight back down. Just before they disappear behind the curtain, three glowing yellow balls rise between them to form a brief red-yellow alternating pattern. As the yellow balls fall toward the backstage area, three glowing purple balls pass between the yellow balls. The red balls reappear to pass between the widely spaced purple balls. The red balls rise higher, with the yellow balls bouncing up as the red balls are half way through their descent. The purple balls rise again in the same fashion as the yellow balls. The red balls rise higher to allow red and yellow to be visible longer. The purples rise again, but the red's reappear before the purple's disappear. The three colors bounce up and down from behind the curtain causing a cascading pattern of alternate colors across the length of the wall behind the stage.
Burrt picks himself off the ground and struggles to carry his body out through the east gate.
Telena smiles, watching the fireworks and enjoying it.
Edaru leans his head back to look up to the sky and watch the fireworks.
The red balls and the yellow balls cease to rise. As the purple balls fall below the level of the wall, a greenish flaming trail gives a high pitched whine as it lunges into the sky running diagonal left to right. Another one rises quickly after but from diagonal right to left. Two more times trails of greenish flame scream into the sky, diagonal left, diagonal right, diagonal left, diagonal right. Just as the last trail fades away....
Lillia walks up to Edaru's side and grabs onto his arm and just leans her head over on his shoulder as she watches the fireworks
Edaru reaches around Lillia's waist with his arm and pulls her closer while keeping on watching the fireworks. "It's beautyful."
Two thick orange trails leave from opposite ends of the wall. With a deep whooshing sound they arc toward each other into the sky as if to form a giant X. A second after they pass each other they erupt into two orange domes composed of hundreds of sparkling lights that stream downward from the sky...all winking out well above the rooftops. Amongst the falling streams of color, three thin fire trails silently race into the sky one behind the other....
Lillia murmurs "It is isn't it..."
Before the last of the streams of color fade away, hundreds of tiny rays ignite in the sky to form the illusion of a sphere. In quick succession before any of the rays of light can fade, the same type of sphere appears in yellow and another in green. The spheres' rays overlap each other with no apparent sense of symmetry. The thumps of the explosions are low and seem to be almost felt in the ground as much as heard by the ear. As the sound of the thumps die away. Four quick hisses can be heard from behind the stage. Only the keenest eye might catch the four pin points of red light that leap to join the spheres....
The sky is suddenly filled by a myriad of red star shapes that hang in the air at random angles to the each other. The stars continue to expand into fading rings of light. With wild abandon thin lines of light leap toward random points and heights in the sky...
The lines burst with a sharp popping sound at random times, some erupting simultaneously. Each pop reveals a unique outline: Clacker, Arangma, 'Naut, Rivnak, Drifter, Groffel, Yulbar, Rat, Tefuslang, Trepor, Carakass, Comati, Kikiri
Lillia looks over at Edaru and smiles "That's it... The end."
Lillia pulls Edaru's mask back slightly and plants a kiss on his cheek
Dharah applauds
Edaru nods slowly. still looking up to the sky. THen he turns his head to Lillia and hums at the kiss. "Guess it's time to get some rest...we both earned it after all this I think."
Lillia nods "yeah... A rest sounds nice."
Telena applauds
Lillia says: How about we head in for the night Edaru?
Mishka uncerimoniously slumps on a bench and folds her arms
Edaru nods to Lillia "Sounds great for me."
Lillia smiles "wonderful!" she says sleepily
Telena stands up, nodding to everyone she passes by as she leaves.
Mishka looks around and stands up as well
Dharah says: Hello
Lillia looks over at Dharah and says "Hello" sleepily
Dharah says: I was curious who won the costume contest, or did we have one?
Lillia says: Oh... There wasn't a costume contest.... I'm sorry.
Dharah says: That's okay, I was just wondering
Ketta says: Just a few diehards...


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #33 on: January 02, 2012, 08:07:25 am »
Edits to the logs:
  • Removed, channels, group, help and tells
  • Removed OOC chat from main
  • Minor typo corrections (mostly if someone corrected him-/herself in an OOC-line afterwards)
  • Removed most /emotes