Author Topic: Becoming the Masque - Logs  (Read 751 times)


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Becoming the Masque - Logs
« on: January 01, 2012, 10:05:46 am »
Doubt many will read them, but I still think it's good to have them here are the event logs:

It was kind of hard to highlight the musicians using the new game mechanics. In the later logs they started to use some hints in chat for those that play without sound and it became a bit easier. So if there is a section with the name of an artist but not much text from that char just assume it was a music performance.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2012, 08:25:42 am by Aiwendil »


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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2012, 10:06:38 am »
First Day


Lace smiles onilise "and another charmflower reveals herself "
Lillia says: Oh Edaru, I got a note back from Gugrontid. A Zalya also wishes to cook for the Ball as well.
Lillia giggles
Mesilla says: More plants! More plants!
Edaru chuckles. "THat's great Lillia. Seems a friend of Eonwind will come and sell some food also. So looks like food won't be much of a problem."
Mesilla says: Greetings.
Lace turn his head bit lillias direction after hearin zalyas name
Lillia says: Hello there.
Mordaan says: I'll take a drink. I'm parched.
Mesilla says: I brought some more potted plants.
Edaru nods politely to Mesilla. "Greetings Lady."
Haraun looks at the masks, several moments each and a grin might be noticed on his face
Lace winks haraun eye
Lace says: you too noticed ?
Haraun turns to Lace "S'cuse H... me. Noticed what?"
Lillia says: Hello.
Lace laughs a bit "oh dont worry that "
Lillia giggles and waves
Edaru looks up to Seaven. "Good day Klyros."
Lillia says: Such a pretty dress.
Solita says: Let's see if I have a few bread crumbs for the ... huge Kikiri!
Seazu smiles holding her wings proudly
Seazu says: Good day!
Edaru nods to Lillia word, still looking to Seazu. "Indeed, a great dress."
Haraun says: Is this place free?
Dharah says: Surely
Edaru turns to Haraun then looks to the pillow before turning back to the enkiduaki. "Looks free for me at least."
Lace bows edaru "welcome my lady im one of your entertainers tonight "
Lillia says: I hope we have enough pillows for peopel to sit on.
Haraun chuckles "Not that it's a very well masked dwarf..." and looks around then "Where got the drinks?"
Dharah says: I'm guessing they'll be up dancing a lot
Onilise says: Come share my cushion Seazu
Seazu smiles "Thank you!" and glances around looking at the other people's dresses
Onilise smiles "I knew it was you"
Lace takes a step and flinchin like shadow appears again near to lillia standin next to her silently with noble grace
Dharah says: Let me guess, from her feet?
Onilise giggles
Seazu blushes below her mask
Seazu says: Who?
Onilise says: You! haha
Seazu grins
Lillia looks up "Ohh..." she giggles and and says "it's you." to Lace
Onilise waves Seazu over and waves for the Ylian to come sit too
Edaru sighs and turns to Haraun. "I fear we have no bartender yet...But I hope soon there will be someone selling some drinks."
Mordaan says: Quite an elaborate costume.
Lace bows elegantly "im your sercvice tonight my lady"
Lillia giglges "Wonderful! That Ball will start soon."
Haraun scratches his cheek and turns his head to Edaru "Good question... Minks and Tarala are going to sell food... but not sure about drinks"
Lace slowly sits next to lillia and onilise
Onilise looks over at Seazu in her beautiful mask, "Actually it was the amulet that gave you away" she winks
Edaru looks to Haraun. "We have a few people wanting to help as bartenders. But I can't say for sure when they will show up."
Waesed looks over at Seazu, "that is a lovely costume"
Haraun nods and looks at the Daughters "Maybe Dannae will bring something from the Den?"
Seazu says: Oh..
Onilise says: Well *she raises her mug* I brought my own. Anyone want some?" She grins and takes a deep swig. "The mug might smell fishy"
Lace smiles a bit "ah priestress dannae is also present ..its nice"
Dharah says: I haven't seen Dannae lately....
Seazu quickly covers the amulet with her hands
Haraun raises a paw "Might bite into the mug then, though."
Onilise laughs
Onilise says: I've always dipped my fish delight into my lakka.
Mordaan sighs "I've been making bronze as of late so stored all my belongings, including my mug."
Lace sips his wine smilin a bit his mug
Onilise shrugs "Okay um... Dharah let's go get some"
Haraun says: Har... I would have an ulber heart if someone's hungry.
Onilise raises her eyebrows at Dharah to see if she'll say yes
Dharah looks up, startled, "Get some what?"
Onilise says: some lakka of course
Onilise says: we can bring it from Kadas
Dharah says: I don't think I have room
Onilise counts on her webbed fingers
Onilise says: I'll see what I can carry
Mordaan says: I'll go
Onilise says: Oh good thanks Mordaan
Mordaan says: I can carry lots at the moment.
Onilise says: [she's bartending?]
Lace bow his head elegantly "hello my lady "
Bavera says: Hello, handsome
Edaru looks to Bavera and nods slowly. "Greetings there. Nice disguise."
Bavera says: [Oh yeah, I should grab some on that other character...xD]
Onilise says: Well we'll get some anyway to be sure huh Mordaan? *she winks* let's go
Bavera says: [Hm, and see if someone has tea and such :s]
Mordaan nods
Solita says: More drinks required?
Bavera says: Thank you!
Solita says: Well, I should have some available too.
Lillia says: [don't forget the working prep table and tools.]
Lillia giggles "So many people."
Dharah says: And you were worried!
Telena smiles at the group. "I can't really say, if there are more people then I expected or less." She chuckles. "Greetings."
Lillia giggles and shrugs
Lace smiles telena charmingly "hello miss "
Areceus says: Greetings
Lillia says: Hello there.
Areceus says: What kind of meeting is this?
Lillia says: The Ball will start soon!
Lillia giggles happily
Telena returns the smile to Lace, not less charming at all. "I guess I know where I am going to sit." She walks to Lace. "I hope you don't mind me sitting here, do you?"
Lace smiles " ah i dont mind "
Areceus says: What kind of ball?
Lillia says: "I think our fish might need another seat when she gets back." she giggles
Telena chuckles and takes a seat on one of the pillows. "Good."
Lillia looks back at Areceus "A Masquerade Ball."
Dharah says: You'll need a costume!
Areceus says: A Masquerade Ball?
Waesed continues to play softly
Haraun chuckles behind mis mask
Lillia giggles "Look at all the costumes.
Onilise smiles to Mordaan then looks to the group "we have drinks!"
Mordaan says: We have beer and red!
Lillia says: *"
Areceus says: But I dont have any costume... Am I invited?
Lace smiles telena "welcome to ball my lady im one of the entertainers of this evening at your service "
Edaru turns to Lillia then lowers his voice. "Sorry, please excuse me for a short moment Milady. I want to check the stage again so everything it ready."
Lillia says: Wonderful!
Lillia nods "Ok Edaru."
Dharah says: Everyone's invited, I believe
Areceus says: When will it start?
Areceus says: And where am I going to get a costume?
Lillia says: very soon.
Lillia says: Where did all of you get your costumes?
Dharah says: I made mine, my mother was a tailor
Lace smiles lillia "ah i often use this at ouer household parties "
Bavera says: I had the dress sent from home - the mask was done by a menki I met in Gugrontid...
Lillia says: Oh...
Bavera says: And the wings
Telena makes herself comfortable on the pillow, obviously more used to clothes than a dress. She sorts her dress, so it doesn't get too many bends. She looks up and smiles to Lace. "Seems like a good choice to take a seat here."
Waesed says: Trasok made my mask and Toda had someone sew my hides
Edaru raises from his pillow then heads slowly to the stage
Haraun says: Haraun had quite troubles finding someone making one, but Telena *nods to her* was quick and created this within days.
Seazu replies snippy giggling "Mom's closet"
Lillia says: "Such cute wings." she giggles


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2012, 10:07:43 am »
[Editor's note: Sorry, miss a bit here as I had to take Edaru away to act with another char]


Lillia says: Does everything look good now Edaru?
Edaru approchaes the group "Greetings everyone."
Lace another wave at his left hand and darkwine bottle disapears young ylian sips his wine smiling
Edaru turns to Lillia "Everything is fine Milady. We are ready to go."
Voron turns his head to Edaru and greets him with a nod.
Lillia says: Wonderful!
Mariana shifts rather awkwardly, trying to fiddle with her overly long skirts and make them a bit more comfortable. She glances around with a polite, if not somewhat tense, smile, apparently not at all content in her current wardrobe.
Edaru returns the nod to Voron then then turns to Mariana. "Hello. Is Caraick around too?"
Mariana shakes her head. "I'm afraid I've not seen him, no."
Lillia says: Alright everyone! It's is time to start the opening! I have to go get on stage!
Lillia motions for everyone to follow
Voron shakes his head at Edaru. "I will tell him that you look for him when I see him."
Lace smiles onilise and telena "i would have offer this wine you too but.. its bit dangerous to people at this level since it makes you to see offerer handsome and fall him "
Edaru nods slowly. "I see..thank you Mariana. Do you have any clue about the guard arrangement?" Then he turns to Voron. "Or maybe you...Sir."
Lillia giggles "We can finally begin!"
Edaru turns around as he hears Lillia's voice. "But I guess that has to wait for now."
Voron tilts his head a bit. "I will see what I can do." he says quietly.
Mariana winks at Edaru, seeming to grow at least slightly more fomfortable at the mention of military-related arrangements. "Well, I figured I'd be enough at least for now, and Voron here is a capable fighter." She briefly pulls up her sleeve enough to reveal the red way gaunlets beneath, before carefully folding it back down again.
Edaru nods to Voronand Mariana then mutters softly. "Lets talk in a moment..." Then he turns around and gets a few steps closer to the stage.
Lillia seems very at ease on the stage "Welcome everyone to the first day of the Masquerade Ball. The Festival of Dreams!" she curtsies and bows her head
Mordaan says: Nice decorations.
Waesed claps
Haraun smiles under his mask and claps a moment, then looks around
Mordaan claps
Telena smiles and looks around, deciding for a spot to sit.
Voron walks with quick steps towards the stage.
Edaru looks around the guests then watches Lillia silently.
Lillia shouts: "I am am pleased to bring to Hydlaa. Three days of festivities and fun and I very much hope that you will enjoy yourself. So, for a few days, lose yourself in your dreams, let your cares fade, and enjoy yourselves!" she throws her hands up in the air
Dharah applaudes loudly
Mordaan smiles
Telena decides for a spot and walks to take a seat between Mordaan and Haraun.
Seazu flutters a little with her wings
>Telena Rakn takes a seat.
Eonwind smiles and applaudes
Haraun tries to follow the example, but it doesn't appear to be easy, then makes a little room for Telena, nodding at her with a smile.
Voron bows his head to Lillia again.
Lillia looks around "Edaru where are you?"
Waesed applaudes
Edaru chuckles softly and waits a little moment before raising his voice. "I'm over here Milady." Then he takes a few more steps towards the stage.
Lillia nods and motions for him to come over
Telena smiles to Haraun, then turns her attention back to the stage.
Voron nods at Ralas briefly, studying him like everybody else.
Edaru hesitates a moment before walking further towards the stairs. Eventually he climbs it and bows his head to Lillia.
Lillia whispers something to Edaru and motions around the stage
Lace stand relaxed and smiles lookin edaru and lillia
Mariana stands with her paws placed gingerly on her hips. Her nose twitches occasionally to test the air, and her eyes dart fluidly between those present. Not seeming paranoid, she's nevertheless alert, more focussed on her job than the actual ball.
Edaru listens to Lillia then nods to her without saying anything else.
Dharah shifts a little on her feet
Lillia giggles and heads back to the center of the stage
Voron appears to be unmoved by all the things around him, but he radiates a sense of... awareness.
Tarala feels a lil sparkle from Mariana and walks to her and rubs his had at her head
Haraun fiddles a bit around with his clothes while he watches, but takes care to keep the claws in.
Lace sips his wine keepin eye his surroundings at same time
Edaru ignites a torch then climbs off the stage again and walks to the next vase. He bends down a bit then ignites the incense in the vase, producing a sweet smell from it.
Eonwind seems interested at the stage, sometimes he turns to look at Voron and Mariana briefly
Lillia shouts: "To help set the mood. We will have incense burning during the Ball time. It will help put you into a good mood."
Lillia shouts "We will also have incense available for you individually as well. To help lift your spirits even when you aren't here."
Haraun leans to Telena "Lets hope it won't make Hara... me sneeze... just got used to the Lavender smell."
Eonwind get next to Voron and whisper something to him
Edaru heads on to the next vase.
Dharah sniffs the air
Telena chuckles at Haraun. "Oh sorry. But I can't change the smell, since I always put lavender in the bag with the clothes."
Edaru ingites this vase as well, having the same sweet smell spread around the area from it.
Mordaan says: I don't smell anyth....oh, there it is.
Lillia shouts: "Before I move on. I'd like to remind people to be consider of each other as we'd prefer that everything be pleasant for everyone. The guards are nearby should any disturbances come up."
Lace snifles a bit and smiles seemingly liken the smell
Lillia shouts: "Also, please sign the guestbook and record your presence here.. "
Voron whispers with Eonwind briefly.
Tarala looks up to marry and tries to licks her hand
Telena nods, speaking in a low voice. "Of course, of course."
Edaru ignites the last vase then turns back to the stage and watches Lillia again.
as the incenses are lighted a light smoke starts raising from the vases filling the area around the vase. The smoke has a sweet and pleasant smell to it.
Lace appears behind telela and smiles her
Lillia takes a deep breath of the incense
Telena moves a bit to the side to make some space on the bench for Lace.
Voron stares at Tarala for a moment from the corner of his eyes.
Lace smiles telela and sit next to her
Telena smiles at Lace.
Haraun waves to Lace and rather whispers "Going to bartend or show a song at the ball?"
Edaru looks around the audience then notices a vase among them he forgot and quickly heads there with lowered head as if hoping nobody will notice. Once he reaches it he ignites it as well.
Lillia giggles and her eyes sparkle "Again, thank you for coming and enjoy the performances over the next several days!"
Tarala sneezes and takes out a pan-fried fish of his bag and starts to chomp on it while listening to whats going on
Lace smiles "im only entertaining this 3 days so probably stories and songs "
Haraun startles a bit at the sneezing. His eyes then remain hungrily at Tarala's fish.
Aburan raises a corner of his mouth "Drinks, eh? Not exactly what I had been hoping for."
Monala takes a deep breath, enjoying the scent of the incense.
Mesilla says: What do you have to drink, Bavera?
Lillia giggles happily and waves before disappearing through the curtains
Mesilla says: I don't see a list.
Haraun forces himself to turn to the stage again.
Dharah applauds once more
Telena chuckles. "Seems like we are supposed to start now."
Edaru chuckles softly then extinguishes the torch again. "Now lets all have fun."
Lace claps and smiles his senses tought observes trough curtains where lillia wen
Lace smiles telena "mm perhaps "


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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2012, 10:08:59 am »
Dharah and Lace

Mesilla says: Ah, finally the kitty notice me.
Mesilla says: How much for wine?
Mesilla says: Free?
Mesilla says: I'll have some red liquor.
Telena smiles at Lace. "Oh come on. Look, she vanished from the stage. So we are supposed to start, aren't we?"
Aburan points at the other stalls and asks Bavera "Any idea when there will be more merchants there?"
Lillia giggles and stands next to Edaru
Edaru turns to Mariana and Voron. "Do you have a moment for me now?"
Haraun nods affirmatively
Voron nods.
Mariana nods as well
Edaru hears Lillia gigglin and turns to her. "You were marvelous on that stage Milady."
Mesilla says: Anyone want some Emerald Crystls?
Lace smiles"hmm maybe so what kind o song you want to hear later "
Lillia says: "Thank you Edaru." she giggles some more
Haraun chuckles and turns to Mesilla "If here were Kran, probably."
Waesed claps
Waesed claps
Mordaan claps
Telena grins at Lace. "A good one. I don't know any of your story's sadly. So I can't say which one I want to hear."
Aburan nods "Okay, thank you." He looks down at the mugs and takes a beer. "I can wait." He smirks slightly and turns to leave.
Waesed claps
Haraun's ears are turned to the stage and music while he listens.
Cabuil leans against the wall, juggling two balls with one hand, watching the crowd with a mischivous smikr.
Edaru looks back to the others. "I just wanted to have a word with you. It seems Milady became the witness of a comabt here in Hydlaa lately..and asked me to make sure you keep an eye on a person called Kisoji. Do you know anyone of this name?"
Dharah says: Thank you, I'll just play one more, then let someone else take a turn
Mesilla says: Kisoji?
Mariana narrows her eyes sharply. She jerks her eyes to Lillia, then back to Edaru. To the former, she asks, "Did he attack you. Harm you, in any way?"
Voron tilts his head. "Yes, he doesn't look so well last time I saw him."
Monala nods to Cabuil, giving a broad smile.
Tarala looks up to eonwind and whispers sth to him
Voron sounds completely emotionless
Lillia loosks back "Huh?"
Waesed claps
Dharah bows, and adds "All my music is for sale at the booth" before jumping down off stage
Mordaan applauds
Mariana continues. "Kisoji. Did he attack you? Did he harm you?"
Edaru shakes his head quickly. "No, no...seems he just started some fight next to the plaza. Probably he got caught by the guards by now anyway. But Milady is a bit worried as she was at the plaza around that time. So I guess it's better to be cautious."
Lace smiles telena "i have one my mind want to hear interesting story a life an certain bard then ? "
Lillia claps
Cabuil smiles at Monala and studies her appearance for a bit.
Tarala applauds and lets the bells chime
Haraun applauds aswell. After some moments, he uses the movemet to fiddle around some more at his sleeves and clothes.
Lace claps thens walks to stage
Telena leans to Haraun and whispers something to him.
Mariana removes her attention from Lillia and brings it back to Edaru. "I see." She puts on a cordial, if a bit plastic, smile. "Woud you mind if I spoke to you on this matter, whenever you have the time."
Lace bows elegantly with noble grace and smiles charmingly " i want to tell you an story of something that has happened here "
Telena turns her attention to Lace.
Edaru shakes his head, looking to Mariana. "Not at all. Right now if you want."
Mesilla says: Greetings. Dharah
Eonwind whisper something to Tarala's ear
Lace shouts: this offers romance adventure and danger it also lights bit an certain bards life *wink eye *
Dharah turns her head, surprised to be recognized, "Greetings"
Mariana glances back to Lillia. She keeps her eyes there for the briefest instant, and then looks back to Edaru, indicating she thinks it best the girl not be present for the conversation.
Haraun blinks and nods to Telena, then sits completely calm, except for some fingers twitching almost constantly what draws his own attention in time "It's hard..."
Lace shouts: sips his wine and smiles "tis is for those who wish to know truth this bard and might get suprise "
Edaru takes a short glance to Lillia then nods to Mariana. Then he looks around as if asked where to go...motioning Mariana to lead the way."
Lillia listens intently to the story
Lace shouts: start to sing elegant pleasant voice
Lace shouts: there was once travellin bard who singed and tell stories to ladys and audiences all over hydlaa
Smirick takes a drink of his ale
Telena chuckles at Haraun. "Give them something else to play with. Do you have a ring or another small object?" She turns silent and looks to Lace.
Mariana gestures towards the gate and moves fluidly towards it.
Lace shouts: he had pleasant voice with little dark echo at his tone and he danced with ladies all night long until the dawn
Lace shouts: wink eye playfully smiling boyishly
Lace shouts: charming smile and elegant bow all ladies liked him at row gentlemans looked pale and silently nodded at his aura of nobility
Edaru follows Mariana outside then gives her a curious glance. "I take my request is not as easy as it sounded to me. You know this person already?"
Lace shouts: laughs a bit sippin his wine
Lace shouts: young ylians soul had light and dark side inside him smeltin like a shadow in darknes dancin under the crystall light with ladies until the dusk
Lace shouts: smiles charmingly mysterious smile
Lace shouts: deadly with sword and magic charming bard and entertainer deadly dark assassin and ranger shadow at dark before dusk
Smirick wonders wheres the fun
Mariana flexes her paws for a moment, a bit on edge. She flattens her ears slightly at the clamor and looks to Edaru. "Kisoji is an animal. Rabid, he kills anyone he comes in contact with. Without warning, and without reason." She flicks her blackened tail around and grabs it, running her thumb, a bit unfeeling, along it. "He cut off my tail. I had someone help me with a replacement, but there were some...complications." She leans forward to whisper urgently. "He will harm and maim without provacation. You stay away from him, far away. If you see him, run."
Lace shouts: this young ylian bard shrouded with mystery smiles charmingly and bow elegantly with grace of nobles when night falls to all peoples at taverns or mansions
Lace shouts: sips wine smile at his face lookin all deep in eyes mysteriously
Lace shouts: at his own level he wield title of lord shantae of his household which is feared and respected among darkhouseholds of yliakum since its belong strongets 10 and part of shadow counsil but nay you cant tell it just glance at him
Lace shouts: laughs bit strange smile at his face
Lace shouts: destroying corrupted nobles vigesimis entertaining ladies with songs and stories this young ylian did all those with elegant grace
Edaru ponders the words for a long time then nods to Mariana. "Thank you for sharing this with me. So I guess it was good in a way that Lady Lillia witnessed this combat..and we got aware of him in advance. But do you think this person would dare to cause troubles on a crowded place like the ball?"
Lace shouts: this handsome and elegant bard before you smiles charmingly and bows you elegantly with noble grace and takes you dance under the crystal light until dawn arives
Smirick says: im going back to mining
Smirick says: more fun
[Editor's note: Sorry, my char was a bit away at that don't have the logs of the audiences reactions]
Lace shouts: winkin eye charmingly
Lace shouts: this handsome and elegant bard before you smiles charmingly and bows you elegantly with noble grace and takes you dance under the crystal light until dawn arives
Lace shouts: until he meets his end someday he follow his own kind of honorcode and path of shantae which has been decided since his birth
Lace shouts: he works at shadows and none know his deeds they disapear like mist and never see light and come know to normal people but its fine since thats the fate of shantae
Lace shouts: sips his wine smile at his face
Lace shouts: that how his life is and alwas be as shantae of mevango household he watch over the people of yliakum at shadows and punish the corrupted and wicked
Lace shouts: blade appears in shadows and strikes in heartbeat then disapears like mist back in shadows leavin dreadfull and deadly silence behind
Lace shouts: strange smile appears his face
Lace shouts: as normal peoples sleep peacefully shantae walks at shadows keepin eye their sleep unnoticed like a whisper or windbreath before dawn
Lace shouts: young bard smiles charmingly bowin with elegance entertainin all patrons and ladies dancing with them under crystal light to dawn with noble grace and smile in his face
Lace shouts: smiling charmingly bow elegantly with noble grace to all
Lace shouts: this who young ylian bard is mysterious elegant noble and entertainer who travels around hydlaa and its levels
Lace shouts: bows elegantly whit noble grace smiling charmingly and returns his seat
Nevis shifts looking a bit unsure of himself while looking at all the people wearing masks.
Mariana smirks coldly at the suggestion. "Oh, he would. He once wreaked havoc at a wedding...and slaughtered countless people. My fiancee among them." Her eyes flash, but she seems to grow calmer as she addes, "With the full force of the Adani here and defending you, though, you've not much to fear. If he does come, we will be able to hold him at bay easily enough."
Lace shouts: ooh there was lady fair and bright at tavern of kada el
Edaru gives Mariana a thoughtful glance but then nods. "Thank's good to know. We were really lucky to run into you. I still hope any intervention of you will be needed atll...but it's really good to have you around." Then he lowers his head before muttering. "Could you...I mean if that person shows up could you please make me aware of his presence?"
Lace shouts: moving whit grace that no one can tell
Keove waddles over to a bench and takes a seat.
Lace shouts: offering ales and beer with wines and cheers
Lace shouts: dancing like flower in wind she moves trought floor and smiles
Mariana smiles reservedly, her ear quivering a bit as she lowers her own head to catch Edaru's words. "Oh believe me...after his punishment, he'll be a hard menki to miss. I'm sure you'll be able to spot fur, no ears, a ball and chain for a tail. I doubt I'll actually need to point him out for you."
Lace shouts: winkin eye playfully
Lace shouts: smeltin all patrons hearts along the way
Edaru sighs softly. "Just unnecessary violence at the ball. Most important is the safety of the guest."
Lace shouts: and when dusk comes whistling goes home to her husband and child and cryes of man you could heard as she pass them by
Lace shouts: laugh sippin his wine
Edaru chuckles softly. "But back to the more..joyful topics. This dress really looks great on you Mariana."
Mariana winks once at Edaru. "I'll not be one to initiate violence, Edaru. But I won't stand by and allow him to wreak havoc here, amongst these people." She waves her paw towards the party. "Now please...go enjoy yourself. I..." She pauses in her rambling and blinks, looking down. The tip of her nose grows pinker. "Er...thanks."
Lace shouts: grins and wink eye "i take wishes for stories and songs all night long so dont be shy im at your service these 3 days "
Edaru nods. "THat's all I wanted to ask for." Then he chuckles again and nod towards the gate. "I guess we should get back inside then...and you should try to have some fun as well. I'm pretty sure some of the men inside can't wait to ask you for a dance."
Lace shouts: dark shadows swallows young ylian and then he appears nex to lillia
Mariana grunts in a rather unlady-like manner. "I'm not a dancer, unless you're spreaking of a duel. I'm here to do my duty, not much else." She clears her throat and forces her voice to be softer, smiling a bit. "However, I see you've managed to do what you wanted. You've brought quite a bit of revelry and joy here, harbringer. You should be proud." She waves her paw towards the gate. "Shall we?"
Edaru keeps on chuckling but mutters. "Sorry Mariana, just teasing you a bit. You made clear already a few times you won't dance. But it's a day of laugh a bit." Then he nods before turning to the gate and starting to walk back inside. "But yes, I'm kind of proud somehow. Seems this ball is going to be a success."
Mariana continues to smile, the expression crinkling her eyes a bit to give it a more genuine appeal. She nods in agreement, and steps smoothly through the gate and back into the throng of chattering people. "Yes indeed, I think it already is. Well done, Edaru. You're right to be proud of it." She dips her head in a sign of respect.
Onilise stares at the teeth
Eonwind says: Greetings milady
Onilise says: Ahhh Eonwind haha
Edaru looks around, searching for Lillia in the crowd.
Onilise laughs and tries to see under the costume a little "I didn't even recognize you!"
Eonwind smiles at Onilise "Very nice mask milady"
Keove eyes Travosh. "And you?"
Laspeyresia pokes Waesed and points at Travosh. "Look, he's dressed up like I normally look."
Halbor says: well i just got here so theres still time, there's 3 days right?
Onilise says: thanks *she smiles *
Waesed says: I saw that.
Onilise says: I like your costume
Travosh says: Free drinks.
Haraun stretches as well as he can do in the clothes "Time to have a look at the Lair again."
Waesed laughs
Lace smiles lillia
Laspeyresia says: There's more people as animals than I expected too.
Keove says: Really? Free? Where?
Eonwind smiles to Onilise "Thank you, if you could'nt recognize me it means my mask maked did a very good job"
Travosh says: At the drinks table of corse
Keove cranes his neck to take a look behind him.
Halbor chuckles ""well i might be biased considering i know a couple nolthrir barmaids"
Onilise says: Yes I would definitely say so!


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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2012, 10:09:36 am »
Telena's riddle

Telena smiles to Tarala. "Let's see if they like riddles."
Keove says: Ahh, thanks. Want another?
Telena heads towards the stage.
Travosh shakes his head. "I pace myself."
Onilise says: I'm glad to see you. Would you like a drink?
Edaru eventually notices Lillia at the bar and walks straight there.
Haraun changes his directions to exchange his empty mug for a new one...
Hertikef's sit
Keove says: Too bad. I can drink a lot and doesn't seem to affect me for some reason.
Telena takes a seat on the edge of the stage, making herself comfortable there. She raises her voice. "I am no bard. But a merchant who travels from town to town. One story I heard in the past, I want to tell you here. It is more of a riddle though." She chuckles. "I hope, you will all take a part in it and try to solve it."
Eonwind smilses "Yes why not, but please let me offer you"
Mariana settles herself on a pillow, struggling a bit to get comfortable in her long gown. She manages somehow, and sits with her legs folded off to the side, again resuming her intent, careful watch of the party, making no move to take part in the festivities.
Hertikef's familer is happy
Lillia giggles and sings about mugs incoherently
Onilise holds out her empty mug "Okay I guess I can use another one now, thanks"
Lillia looks towards the stage
Laspeyresia turns to face Telena.
Telena shouts: "Once upon a time there were three women. They had to stand as flowers on a field during the day. But one only one was alowed to go to her home at night. One time she spoke to her husband before the break of dawn when she had to go back to the other womenn onto the field and change into a flower."
Tarala waves "fine food. cub loves and made himself"
Eonwind looks at Onilise and smile "Very well, I'll bring you soon" then turns to the bar
Telena smiles and continues with a changed voice, indicating that the following is spoken by the woman in the story. "'If you come to the field this forenoon and pluck me, so I will be saved and wil stay with you forever.'"
Seazu pulls on Oni's arm softly "A riddle!"
Cresyda seats herself, stretching her legs out and watching people, bored.
Edaru walks closer to the bar-stall then says in a uncertain voice. "What are you doing here Milady?"
Haraun sips slowly and listens with tilted head while he stands.
Onilise says: Hi Voron where's your costume? Not that you aren't handsome as you are.
Lillia waves goofily at Edaru "Look Edaru. Now I am a Barmaid."
Onilise smiles
Tarala smiles "Good day Dwarfen kind. what might it be?"
Telena pauses a moment, then continues in her normal voice. "And so it happend. Now is the question, how her husband recognized her, as the flowers were all the same without any diference."
Lillia giggles "Our barrender had to leave for now."
Caraick steps back into the Ball area, looking around. He reaches up to adjust his mask's alignment, as his attention is drawn towards Lillia and Edaru at his left.
Telena shouts: "Does anyone here know the answer? How did the husband recognize his wife?"
Onilise says: You look great Voron!
Edaru quickly shakes his head. "No, no Lady Lillia. I can not allow you to do such a work. This is nothing for a elegant Lady as you."
Voron chuckles.
Haraun scratches his cheek "Certainly the distinct smell."
Keove looks at the Nolthrir behind the counter. "I was told drinks are free?"
Onilise giggles "It's good to see you here"
Cresyda notices Mariana sitting down and nods politely to her, not saying anything.
Lillia giggles "but this is fun Edaru."
Mariana glances back and smiles slowly. Standing, she swiftly moves from her pillow and occupies another, her eyes on the familiar dermorian woman. She sinks semi-fluidly to her knees and resumes the same sitting position with less difficulty than before. "You look like you're having a blast," she says, voice a tad on the sarcastic side.
Eonwind looks at Lillia "Milady... are you ... bartender?"
Tarala smiles and nods to the Dwarf Hertikef
Telena chuckles. "No. The flowers are all the same. Look and smell. There is no difference." She looks to the dwarf. "And he didn't go with her there."
Cabuil makes two swift steps, slides between Mariana and Cresyda with a grin, lets himself fall on the back and starts juggling. "You look bored."
Haraun says: He ruffled her hair so the blossoms were all weird? That counts as looking the same?
Onilise elbows Seazu gently "have you met Voron?"
Lillia giggles "I'm a Barmaid... well for now at least."
Lillia says: Free drinks for everybody!
Caraick glances over towards Mariana briefly, smiling underneath his mask, before looking back over at Lillia.
Voron bows his head, as his mask has no mouth his smile is unseen.
Keove looks over the selection at the table.
Telena shakes her head. "They all look the same. But he still could recognize her."
Edaru still keep his eyes on Lillia as says in a unconvinced voice. "But as soon as it's no fun anymore tell me Lady Lillia and I will take over that work."
Eonwind smiles to Lillia and takes two mugs
Seazu pauses a moment "I'm not sure. I don't think so"
Onilise says: Seazu, Voron, Voron, Seazu my guild sister
Mariana slowly raises a brow at Cabuil, that 'I've seen you somewhere before' expression on her face. "Well hello," she says. She smiles warmly enough. "Aye, I suppose this really isn't my cup of Tinga tea here." She nods once at Caraick, to acknowledge him.
Tarala takes out a wiggly roll and sets it on the table
Voron bows his head to Seazu. "A pleasure do meet you."
Lillia giggles "Ok Edaru."
Telena shouts: "Good idea. But it still isn't. Let's say, all flowers look in the same direction, look the same and smell the same."
Cresyda chuckles, watching Cabuil. "Yes, this isn't really the sort of party I'm used to."
Seazu courtsies elegantly
Haraun tries to get more ideas "Or it's possible to move the blossoms like ears - or leafes like a tail."
Edaru chuckles softly. "But if you are there already Milady. How about a tiny little beer for your humble servant?"
Onilise says: Hi Eon did you find some? *she smiles*
Eonwind smiles to Onilise and hands her a mug "Enjoy"
Caraick dips his head in return to Mariana's nod, contuing to look between her, and the two at his left.
Onilise says: OOh thanks!
Cabuil smirks, his tongue in the corner of his mouth as he focused on his art. "Yeah, well....the bard was bad, no mood now unless somebody causes an accident with the beer barrels."
Haraun looks rather clueless then and scratches his other cheek as much as his mask allows
Tarala shakes his head and looks after the dwarf
Voron disappears into the crowd again
Onilise takes the cold mug and grins "yummy!"
Lillia giggle and leans over to push a beer closer to Edaru "Like what one?" she giggles
Mariana snorts softly. Her eyes glitter with amusement as she eyes the jester, and she waves a paw towards the stage. "And you, oh master of the arts. Could you do better to entertain us, hm?" Her muzzle twitches slightly and her tone drips with irony as she issues her little challenge.
Edaru notices Caraick and nods to him. "Good to see you here. But seems you people do pretty well even without their leader. So far I can only say I'm completely satisfied by the guard aarrangement."
Eonwind smiles "You are welcome, I really hope to see you play your panflute tonight"
Onilise looks over at Eonwind and blushes "I'm not sure I'm brave enough to stand up there"
Haraun pretty much empties his mug while he ponders.
Cabuil giggles. "Well, I am at least not boring, I guess." He trows his arms up and a small cloud of charmflower petals flies into the air. He grins.
Caraick smiles behind his mask, dipping his head in return to Edaru, unsure of whether or not the man actually knows who it is behind the mask. "We do our best," he says, settling his staff on the ground.
Halbor looks at the stage for a moment before asking "how did the man meet his wife to begin with?"
Onilise guesses at the riddle "He called her name? haha"
Lillia says: Oh everything is going nicely so far.
Seazu says: You'll do great Sis
Lillia giggles
Eonwind looking at Onilise "I heard your performance and I am sure you are"
Edaru takes the mug from the bar then replies Lillia in an amused tone. "Just this one...and maybe another one later before I get to the dancefloor."
Lillia giggles
Onilise looks between Seazu and Eonwind "well I guess maybe one song wouldn't hurt... if I drank some more of this" She raises her mug to Eonwind and Seazu "Hail Xiosia!" She drinks a long drink
Cresyda nods slightly at Cabuil, her smirk audible in her voice. "More interesting than most folks here, at least.I expected the semi-anonymity and funny outfits to stir up more excitement than this."
Mariana smiles at Lace and bows her head in return to him. She blinks as the petals fall around her, and glances at her shoulders for a moment. "Impressive," she admits. "A bit flash though." She moves to dust the petals from her dress and ruffles her fur with her fingers to extricate the petals tangled therein.
Hertikef says: [are the free drinks reel or just rp?
Caraick chuckles behidn his mask, seeming satisfied that Lillia and Edaru are enjoying their own party, and he walks over towards Mariana's pillow area slowly.
Eonwind raises his mug and say "Hail!"
Tarala smiles "Drinks are free. food not"
Cabuil giggles. "A bit flashy?" He continues to juggle, using his feet to keep four balls in the air. "Well, at least there's enough to do for me around here."
Edaru takes a sip from his beer then walk to the next stall to have a closer look at the food.
Caraick tilts his head downwards, looking over Mariana, and the two next to her. He smiles widely underneath his mask. "Hello, Mariana," he says.
Haraun shakes his head "Haraun's clueless."
Onilise giggles and looks up toward Telena hoping for some additional hint.
Lace sneaks behind seazu and onilise smiling and puts flower behind each ear "i would love to hear your sing "
Tarala smiles and waves a greeting "Hello Anything i can give out"
Eonwind nods at Lace
Onilise spins around, surprised "Oh thanks for the flower! I'll consider that" she grins
Mariana watches Cabuil's antics with amusement and a bit of admiration in her expression. "Not bad, you have talented toes," she quips, a soft chuckle reverberating in her chest. Mariana tilts her head upwards as she speaks, canting it backwards in a comical way. "Hello, master," she says, the usual irony placed on the term.
Edaru looks to Tarala. "Greetings Sir...and I'm not sure. It all looks so good. Anything you can recommend?"
Seazu says: Oh, see... he brought you flowers
Haraun nods agreeingly
Seazu giggles
Lace smiles charmingly "they are beutiful at your ears "
Onilise says: Have we met?
Lillia giggles and moves some of the mugs around to amuse herself
Onilise blushes and squints up through the crystal light to the gentleman
Caraick grins slowly, chuckling audibly as the familiar salutation from the Fenki, with the all-too familiar irony as well. "Nice costume," he says.
Cabuil laughs and hums. "Which is why I am not dancing tonight, nono, not with these kormiherders in lace, no no...."
Edaru turns his head to Lillia. "What about you Milady. Hungry?"
Cresyda watches Cabuil with mild amusement, then glances over at Caraick and offers him a polite little greeting nod.
Lace says: ah we have met once but briefly
Geriah shouts: It pleases me to see those who revere me celebrating on this day. Donning the mask is a testament to my presence in the great city of Hydlaa, and those who would worship me further, I will greatly reward. Who among you is worthy of such?
Tarala nods "for small hunger some fish, for bigger stew or pot roast and for sweet tooth baked honey glazed apples or a pice of pie"
Onilise says: hmmm and what is your name again then?
Mariana wrinkles her muzzle a bit. "Meh," she says. "It was required with the territory." She reaches up to scratch at her ear with the tip of a single claw. "Now sit down, you're making me feel even SHORTER than I usually do."
Lillia says: Umm... A little I suppose, Edaru.
Caraick looks over to Cresyda, and dips his head in return, smiling behind the mask. "Hello again, Syd. I've not seen you for some time."
Onilise looks over at Geriah to see who's shouting
Caraick glances over, tilting his head back to laugh loudly at Mariana's words. He pads over, and takes a seat mid-way between Cresyda and Mariana.
Cabuil chuckles. "Yo, menki, all buisness or what?" He throws a juggling ball at Caraick in a way that tests his reflexes only
Tarala smiles "and i just recently learned to make some rolltok. but they fill your stomach forgood"
Cresyda chuckles at the recognition. "Clearly, masks and costumes don't do as much for anonymity as I had thought. Well met again, menki, though I'm afraid I don't recall your name."
Telena raises her voice. "Seems, like a small hint is needed-" She stops and picks a small letter up from a groffel. She sighs. "Seems like my presence is needed somewhere else, so I am continuing with the answer. I am sorry about it."
Haraun counts on claws "Look the same, smell the same, don't move..."
Hertikef says: May i buy Baked Rolltok?
Edaru looks uncertain to Lillia. "Some fish Milady?"
Mariana smirks at Cabuil's display, watching the path of the ball and no doubt wondering if perhaps it will smack the menki full on in the face.
Telena shouts: "And this is the solution: Since she stayed at home during the night and not on the field, the dew had been on the other two flowers and not on her. This way her usband was ble to recognize her."
Tarala nods "Certainly sir. how many you might wanna have?"
Onilise nervously watches Eonwind approaching the stranger "be careful!"
Hertikef says: 2 please
Caraick is fortunately just in the process of sitting, and manages to bat the ball away with a paw, instead of catching it. He grins at Cabuil, knowing all-too-well the Fenki's intentions to his right. He tips his masks up a bit, winking to Cresyda. "Caraick. Teshia's very glad that you've joined us.."
Lace smiles and wink eye "i see two charmflowers before me dancing in the wind with grace any man would love to hear their sing "
Edaru shrugs to Tarala. "Depends how much Milady here want....just a moment."
Haraun rolls his eyes "Should've thought on that..."
Telena chuckles and makes an elegant bow, before heading off in a hurry.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2012, 10:30:09 am by Aiwendil »


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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2012, 10:10:18 am »

Tarala takes out his bag and looks for the jar with baked rolltok and takes 2 out "That will be 2 circles then"
Onilise smiles at Lace "You're definitely very charming"
Hertikef passes himm the tria
Haraun grumbles about not having guessed the solution and finally leaves towards the Lair.
Mariana glances to Cresyda and winks knowingly at her. She twitches her nose a bit, folding her paws in her lap and keeping her display subtle before turing her head away from Caraick inconspicuously.
Onilise takes a step back from the booming voice at the gate
Solita waves goodbye.
Hertikef says: Thank
Caraick reaches up, tugging his mask back down, after smirking at Mariana's expression. "What's that about, Fenki? I saw that!"
Lace bow elegantly with noble grace "you are kind miss i only speak truth you both are very charming ladies "
Cabuil sticks his tongue out at Caraick. "Ball please."
Tarala turns back to Edaru "well for appetizer you might try some weegly rolls Sir Edaru"
Edaru hands the money to Tarala. "Here you are. I will be backk soon probably."
Caraick smirks slowly, not looking away from Mariana as he reaches back for the ball in question, flipping it over to Cabuil one-handed.
Onilise giggles at Seazu "thank you sir. And such a compliment from such a handsome man" she fans her face
Mariana places her paw over her heart with greeat drama and says in a mockingly posh voice, "I can't believe you'd accuse me of any nefarious endeavors, I'
Lillia looks back at Edaru "Yes, some fish would be good." she sounds very happy with that choice
Mariana says: *I've always been the image of propriety."
Caraick just grins wider, reaching up to ruffle at his headfur. "Oh, yes, my dear Apprentice, how could I forget..."
Hertikef says: is the keg for sale?
Caraick winks, the expression barely visible underneath the mask's slit-eyes. "Scouting out yourself an Apprentice already? Hm?"
Cabuil easily catches the ball and contineus to juggle, listening to them
Lace smiles "i am at your service to night and next 2 dont hesitate to ask me anything "
Onilise's eyes widen at the exchange between Travosh and the stranger
Edaru chuckles. "So give me two Rolltok please. I gues htat should do for the moment. But I bet we are back pretty soon again."
Edaru produces a few coins from his purse and hands them to Tarala
Lillia says: Umm.. not the whole keg.We need that.
Lillia giggles and looks at Hertikef "but you can have a mug."
Onilise says: excuse me sir *she bows to Lace* and lady *she smiles at her sister* I promised I'd bring some food for a friend who couldn't come. I'll be back in a moment.
Tarala counts the trias "Hm there are 50 Trias to much"
Lace bow and smiles
Mariana snorts softly at Caraick. "Syd hardly needs a master. friend in arms, however, to bounce ideas off of. A friend and a fellow learner...that, perhaps, could be arranged." She winks at the dermorian once more. "If she wishes, of course, but I think she's still deciding if her place is truly here, with us."
Hertikef says: Thank yyu
Edaru takes the rolltok. "Thank you." Then he turns to Lillia's bar and heads there to offer the Nolthrir one of the Roltoks.
Onilise smiles and looks at the goods set out on the table
Seazu blushes below her mask about Lace's compliment and nods gracefully towards him, happy he can't see her face.
Caraick grins a bit. "That sounds so....familiar," he muses, out loud, chuckling, as he looks to Cresyda, awaiting her response.
Lillia says: Oh the drinks are freee.
Lillia giggles as Hertikef holds out the circle
Tarala nods to Onilise and smiles a greating "Food this cub loves and made himself. Everything is finely done"
Onilise says: Can I please buy two baked Roltoks a cheesy stew, and pot roast?
Onilise smiles at Tarala and digs in her bag for tria
Lillia says: "Oh thank you Edaru. " she takes the roltok from him
Mariana glances over at narrows her eyes at Geriah. "Hey. You. Full of a bit too much hot air. Shove a pile of trepor dung it it, will you?"
Tarala looks sad "Only have one rolltok left"
Onilise says: I'll take the one then *she shrugs*
Lace smiles seazu charmingly "you have beutiful dark diamonf eyes and feathers lika and angel "
Lillia giggles and takes a bite of the roltok "Oh... food is good after giving out drinks."
Edaru nods slowly. "You are welcome Milady." Then he looks down to his own food and starts eating.
Tarala nods happily "Certainly lady"
Caraick looks over towards Mariana's area of focuse. He closes his eyes, sighing. "Mari, can you handle that?"
Cabuil looks at Cresyda and smiles. "You are a learner?" He tilts his head
Edaru chuckles to Lillia comment. "Food is even better with something to drink for yourself."
Lace smiles addin "mysterios and beutifull priestress "
Lillia giggles
Mariana rolls her shoulders with harsh sounding, distinct pops. "I don't think I'll have to, he's already making a bit of a run for it, it seems." She snorts and waves a paw. "I'll be right back," she says, and move over towards Travosh.
Onilise says: I'm afraid I didn't bring exact change
Caraick nods his approval, watching Mariana walk towards the opposite side of the area.
Seazu snorts at Lace "That's enough. Don't overdo it sir" and giggles
Onilise says: Thank you! *she smiles wide, obviously very happy*
Tarala nods "Is happy to share his beloved food with others"
Cresyda shifts in her seat better look at Caraick and shrugs casually. She smirks under her mask. "Mariana hit the nail on the head, so to speak. She sold me on the idea of joining the Order, and now I'm here." She chuckles. "I hope it turns out to be a good fit for me. Speaking of which, Mariana had promised me a ring."
Onilise carefully rolls soft leaves around everything and places them into a special place in her bag. "it's for someone nice who couldn't be here. Thanks again"
Edaru finishes his food then looks to Lillia. "I'n going to have a look is all guests are fine..and happy. Call me if you need someone taking over that bar."
Lace smiles and bow elegantly "as you wish my lady "
Lillia finishes her roltok and says with a partially full mouth "ank uu Eharu."
Lillia says: Ok .
Lillia giggles and waves to Edaru
Cabuil sits up and makes himself comfortable on some pillows.
Onilise says: Oh the god left?
Onilise giggles
Seazu says: There you are again
Edaru chuckles. "That's what bartending does to you forget all your manners and even speak while eating." Keeping on chucking he slowly heads off.
Cabuil giggles. "Yes, the god left." he says more to himself.
Caraick watches over where Mariana's walked off to, before looking back to Cresyda, seeming satisfied that the situation is handled now. He grins underneath his mask, reaching behind his belt for something, which he keeps kept in his fist, though he brings it back to his front. He winks underneath his mask at Cresyda. "Aye... The Novices of the guild are given their Adani rings, when they're promoted to that rank. And, it seems you've been with us long enough for usto tell you're a good fit. The choice, then, is yours."
Onilise nods and looks over her shoulder and winks at Travosh
Seazu laughs "Yes, after facing mortal problems like the Ochtarch's law against offensive spells in town, he left"
Seazu says: Sir Nevis did a good job there.
Onilise says: Oh no what? No casting and smashing? *she rolls her eyes and laughs*
Lace grins a bit "hmm well that odd mister was funny "
Voron approaches silently. "Drinks?" he inquires.
Lace laughs a bit "i didnt have a chance use my shadowblade at him "
Onilise says: he's maybe compensating for... something *she grins at her sister*
Seazu says: I bet so!
Seazu laughs
Caraick looks up to Voron, and shakes his head quietly, before re-focusing on Cresyda. "No, thanks, Voron.."
Voron nods and sits down silently.
Edaru nods to Aariah. "Having fun?. Why all alone..if you don't mind me asking."
Cresyda nods slightly, smiling unconcernedly under her mask. "I've said all I have to say... I'm glad to be a part of this guild if you'll have me."
Onilise shrugs "well you'll have that"
Cabuil chuckles and nudges Voron's shoulder buddylike before turning his head towards Solita. "Why are you sitting there so alone, Miss?"
Onilise says: You should go up on stage Waesed!
Voron looks from Cabuil to Cresyda to Caraick, remaining silent.
Caraick tilts his head to the side, smiling, before flipping the ring over across the circle to Cresyda. A beautiful cabachon ruby is set in the middle of a large golden ring, sized hopefully for Cresyda's fingers. The ruby and ring are still without adornment, yet. "All yours, then, Syd." he says.
Lace smiles onilise "and another mysterious beutifull priestres what might be your toughs now if i may ask ? "
Solita says: Just listening with a distance.
Tarala nods to Eonwind "Hello anything you wanna taste?"
Onilise tilts her head at Lace "my who?"
Eonwind says: Hello Tarala!
Cresyda takes the ring and slips it on, testing to see which finger it fits best. "Thank you kindly, Caraick."
Cabuil smiles at Solita and motions her to come over. "It's no masquerade if you're sitting alone." He grins.
Caraick chuckles, shaking his head. "I've done nothing. Only recognizing what already should have been done. Seems you've already got an angle on a Master, too."
Eonwind says: I am in the mood for a sweet and can I open my stall next to yours?
Solita says: Aha?
Lace smiles onilise charmingly "im shantae i regonize priestress if i see one but you are lady of flowers if that is your wish "bows elegantly
Tarala smiles happily "sure me is getting bored"


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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2012, 10:10:54 am »

Edaru approaches the group sitting and looks around. Finally he turns to Caraick. "All fine here? Enjoying yourself and having fun?"
Voron looks up, nods at Solita and then looks at Edaru
Lillia says: "Hello there" she giggles and waves at zarre
Onilise giggles but looks like she has no idea what to say and blushes
Aburan looks at Tarala's goods
Zarre motions to the red liquor. "Hello there. I'd like a glass of that red liquor please."
Halbor says: i'm going to take off for a bit, i'll be back later
Caraick looks up to Edaru, and nods his head. "All fine, and all's well."
Tarala nods back and smiles "anyithing to your liking sir?
Seazu winks at Onilise "He stops once you slap his hands"
Lace claps waesed
Halbor walks back towards the main plaza
Lillia says: "Oh!" she giggles some more "Sure." she leans over and pushes a mug of red liquor over to Zarre "Help yourself."
Cabuil smiles at Solita. "Drink? Entertainment? Making stupid jokes? Tieing shoelaces togehter? How can I entertain you." Then he looks at the others.
Onilise giggles
Zarre turns toward the stage as she waits for her drink
Cresyda chuckles and gives a slight shrug at Caraick's words. "Well, I don't know about that... anyway." She gives a polite little greeting nod to the others who've come by.
Solita grins at Cabuil
Onilise says: Hi Laspeyresia your gown is beautiful
Edaru chuckles. "Glad to hear that. " Lowerinf his voice he bends down a bit. "I might need a favor of your later on Caraick...meaning if you are up for it."
Solita says: I already tried music and drinks.
Aburan shakes his head at Tarala "Not looking for a meal actually"
Caraick nods his head to Edaru, tilting his head, moving as though to perhaps stand. "Certainly."
Laspeyresia smiles and nods at Onilise. "Hi there! Ah, thank you!"
Tarala looks saddend "Maybe some sweets?"
Laspeyresia grins. "Not as good as yours though..."
Rhianon moves gracefully into the marketplace. She looks around her and slowly arches one of her thin, manicured brows, placing a hand on her slender hip. She purses her lips. "This is a party? Tsk. This is a pity."
Onilise smiles "you're very kind." She makes fishy face and laughs
Cabuil says: Shoelaces it is!
Aburan shakes his head "Sorry", then his gaze wanders over to the next stand to his right
Cabuil licks his lips and gets up swiftly.
Solita says: Oh, no, please...
Zarre picks up the glass, "Thanks miss" then smiles
Edaru walks around the others then bends down to Caraick. Then he stumbles. "You know...over there we got some place for dancing....and I really would like top ask Lillia for a dance later on. But...I don't want to be the only one dancing. Do you think...I mean...could you maybe also ask some girl to dance with you?...later...if we have a bard around."
Cabuil laughs and shakes his head. "Not yours, Miss." He smiles at Solita
Voron looks up and at Caraick and Edaru. "I could, mabye. If I find mine, that is."
Aburan looks back at Tarala "I'll be back if I get hungry", then walks over to the other stand
Solita says: Ah, see, a bard arrived.
Lace turn his head bit toward edaru then smiling a bit after hearin his words hint of sadnes his smile
Edaru looks to Voron. "That would be great. I can...use all help I can get."
Eonwind looks at Aburan "Greeting Sir, may I help you?"
Tarala waves after Aburan
Caraick tilts his head back, in order to respond to Edaru. He chuckles quietly. "I'd be happy to brign my wife to dance, later, Edaru. Seems Voron would, as well."
Aburan nods back at Eonwind "Greetings sir... what do you have to offer?"
Voron smiles. "Just relax. Ain't worse than hunting ulbers." He looks at Edaru.
Lillia rearranges the mugs again
Cabuil grins and walks up to Rhianon, makes a bow. "Why yes we are."
Lillia looks over at Eonwind and Tarala "This is so nice, but not very many people are coming over here."
Edaru takes a deep breath. "Thank you. Then I better get going now and find someone to take over the bar...or I won't get Milady out of there."
Caraick grins again at Edaru, nodding his head. "Just let me know when."
Lillia giggles and calls out "Free drinks at the bar!"
Lace looks rhianon and smiles charmingly bowin her elegantly with noble grace admiring her courage
Eonwind smiles at Aburan "Potions of healing and mana, but my specilty today are body and hair dyes and fragrances"
Edaru slightly shakes his head and mutters softly to himself. "Milady as bartender...that's just wrong."
Voron nods at the mime. "Ask him, Edaru. Just be carefull."
Cabuil hurries of to get another drink.
Tarala nods to Lillia "Brought much fine food but nearly nothing is sold"
Lillia says: Hello.
Eonwind winks at Lillia "No problem let them have a good time, maybe they will come after soem drink"
Lillia giggles happily
Caraick looks across the are to Rhianon, and, not nowing who the masked woman is, he nods his head in greeting.
Cabuil gets himself a mug for each hand. "You should go party Mylady."
Lillia says: Oh but it is fun being a Barmaid too.
Aburan nods at Eonwind "Sounds interesting. I take it you can't sell at larger capacities from here?"
Voron looks around, sighs and gets to guard duty again.
Lillia moves some of the mugs around to amuse herself
Edaru turns to Voron and chuckles. "What's wrong...have some fun. No sighing or bad thoughts on this ball."
Caraick tilts his head, offering a quiet chuckle. He reaches up to tap his mask. "Afraid I'm not too sure."
Cabuil chuckles. "You should move some boys around over the dancefloor, Miss. These mugs hardly are good company. Well, for me maybe." He grins. "But I'm old."
Eonwind nods at Aburan "It takes a lot of time to prepares them so I do not have a large stock to sell"
Edaru slowly heads to the other side of the plaza.
Voron turns his head to Edaru. "Hm, yes. But still. Always vigilant and such."
Zarre peeks around Lace's shoulder to see the next entertainer
Edaru nods to Voron "Of course...just wanted to remind you to have some fun as well."
Onilise furrows her brow and blows really hard like something's wrong
Lace fkinches like shadow and moves bit better spot
Rhianon squints at him from across the courtyard. Her eyes move over him assessingly, and then flick to Voron, watching him with the same quizzical air. "Tut, it's still so sad to see such a lifeless gathering," she insists, and begins to sway gracefully to the faint rhythm coming from the stage.
Laspeyresia looks around. "Oh hey there Edaru!"
Waesed claps for Onilise
Zarre smiles at Onilise
Travosh looks over ot the femros sitting next to him and waves
Lace claps onilise
Voron snickers and walks up to Rhianon, tilts his head a bit.
Onilise giggles and runs off stage toward her sister
Onilise says: thank you!
A light colored smoke lifts up from the vases as the incense burns emitting the sweet smelling smoke
Edaru looks to Laspeyresia and chuckles. "Glad to see you here. Hope you are having some fun."
Onilise lifts up her nose to smell the aroma and flexes her gills
Travosh says: Hrm.. Smoke
Voron flinches.
Travosh makes a concious decision to not breathe as much.
Laspeyresia says: Haha, yes, thank you. I'm afraid I rather rushed my outfit at the last moment though...
Rhianon's bright green eyes glitter at Voron. "Hmmmm, are you going to be brave enough to take me up on my offer to dance, or are you, like the rest of the men here, lacking in courage?"
Onilise raises her mug toward the stage "who's next!!?"
Zarre whispers to the Ylian next to her. "Are you going on stage next?"
Travosh laughs. "Perhaps you are too forward demorian."
Edaru chuckles still facing Laspeyresia. "Most important is that you made it at all."
Travosh says: Most of us are proper, not strutting around in half a suit of clothing.
Lace smiles "i already performed this evening sadly "
Voron looks at Rhianon, chuckles softly and takes her hands, making half a step back and whirls her around, using his momentum to nearly let her fly before pulling her close again. "Depends. What's courage?"
Solita says: Please excuse me for a while...
Zarre smiles slightly. "sadly? How so?"
Solita waves goodbye.
Lace start play nice little playful tune as rhianon and voron dance
Edaru looks around then raises hi voice slightly. "Do we have any bard around here?"
Waesed says: Encore, Lace!
Onilise shrugs and hiccups. She pulls a fish delight from an unseen pocket and throws a chunk into her lakka, then drinks again
Travosh looks at the dwarf with as much negativity as can be conveyed behind a full face mask
Lace raise his hand
Rhianon arches a brow at Travosh, looks down at her lengthy skirts and tunic. She sticks a leg out of one of the slits, showing of her fitted black trousers, and smirks at him. "I know. I'm scandelous," she replies, before looking back to Voron as he spins her around. Surprised and nearly caught off guard, she recovers and stops gracefully in front of him. "Ahhh, seems you are in possession of some," she replies to him.
Lace bow edaru elegantly "at your service"
Edaru looks to Lace then lowers his head slightly. "I...can you maybe do me a small favor?"
Lace nods "of course im at my ladys service these 3 days "
Voron slowly begins to dance with Rhianon and quickly lets it evolve into something that envolves more speed.
Edaru stutters. "I...would like to as Lady Lillia for dance. But can't really do this without any music."
Lace plays wals of charmflowers then smiles "i can arrange that "
Edaru nods to Lace. "Just a moment...I have to find someone first who wants to take over the bar for some time...othrwise I won't be able to lure Milady here."
Seazu watches Voron and Rhianon dance
Rhianon smirks at Voron as the dance picks up pace. She spins around him in quick, high-stepping sorts of motions, mostly balanced on her toes, performing elaborate spins and jumps. Her hair spins out around her shoulders and she brings her handds up to clap them a few times beside her face, her eyes glittering again with amusement.
Lace finish his wine and let mug disapears
Edaru looks around the people at the stage. "Anyone wanting to bartend for some time? As the drinks are free anyway it shouldn't be much more than handing out some drinks."
Travosh silently prays for a trip between the duo, such high speed in such long clothing]
Seazu says: Bartend?
Seazu says: I can do that
Edaru nods to Seazu. "Indeed. I can to ask the lady behind the bar for a would need someone to take her place for a moment."
Lace smiles solita "it seems that i perform again "
Onilise smiles at her sister proudly
Voron smiles under his mask and touches her ear briefly while they dance as if part of some complicated acrobatic stageplay
Rhianon's eyes flit to Seazu as she spins. She suddenly stops and strides towards the klyros woman, an hand flashing out towards her. "Darling, it's all about snatching a man and dragging him out onto the dance floor," she says, and gestures fluidly towards where Travosh is sitting. "Look, there's a perfectly valid sample." She leans up and half-whispers, "And he's a handsome one too."
Seazu nods and glides gracefully over the ground towards the bar
Lace make move at his hand and lute appears startin to play ancien tune almost liek an wals
Edaru looks to Seazu. "Thank you very much. I just do a short announcement on the stage then come to the bar as well."
Seazu looks at Rhianon for a moment "Iiiiii'm busy" and rushes away
Lace then he takes flute at his hand and smiles
Onilise takes a drink and and sets down her lakka. She grabs a long piece of fallen hair and pins it back up to the bun.
Rhianon clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth in a tsk. "Shame!" She says, and places her hands on her hips.
Voron follows Rhianon and chuckles. "You just called Travosh handsome?"
Edaru steps on the stage and takes a deep breath. Then he raises his voice and shouts. "I want again to thank you all for coming here to the Masquerade Ball...and remind you to please sign our guest book."
Zarre glances in the direction of the male and nods before lowering her voice, "Indeed, he is a handsome one."
Rhianon glances back at Voron. She takes a step backwards and leans up to whisper something to him.
Lillia giggles and walks up to Edaru
Onilise steals another glance at Travosh
Travosh does not have the best of periphial vision inside a mask, and doesnt really notice
Zarre winks, "if you are partial to reptilian faces, miss."
Lace start play same tune as lute ancient wals called field of charmflowers pleasan beutifull tune fils the air
Edaru gets off the stage again and walks to Lace. "Okay, I will try to ask her for ...." Then he notices Lillia and quickly shuts up. Stuttering he says to her ." got away from that bar again?"
Lillia nods
Voron chuckles and nudges her carefully, nodding towards Lillia and Edaru.
Lace smiles lillia and edaru as he plays
Lace then wink eye charmingly to onilise
Voron looks at Rhianon and takes her hand.
Esalir observes the ball critically, particularily his Adani compatriots
Rhianon looks at Lace, perhaps thinking he's overcompensating a tad bit, before smirking at the nolthrir couple. "You drag the man out here...I'll get the girl to start dancing, yes?" She blinks in surprise, but allows Voron to take the hand.
Edaru looks pleadingly to Voron before turning to Lillia. Getting on one of his knees he reaches up with his armsas he looks to the Nolthrir. "Milady...would you honor me by joining me in this dance?"
Lillia giggles as she listens to Lace's playing
Esalir glances back to Caraick, his face rather blank
Lace as melody fills the air an image of lady and noble appears near lillia and adaru dancing around
Lillia looks at Edaru and nods enthusiastically "Of course."
Voron grins and leads Rhianon forward. "Let's dance, shall we?" He looks at Lillia and Edaru and winks at them.
Zarre enjoys the music and watches the dancers
Lillia holds out her hands for Edaru to take them
Esalir walks over to caraick "Seems pretty tame."
Rhianon smirks knowingly as she follows Voron, reaching up with her free hand to adjust her mask a bit over her eyes.
Lace almost like it were image of young ylians memory
Onilise watches the dancing and smiles. she picks a piece of glitter out of her lakka then flicks it away and takes a drink.
Edaru quickly raises again and reaches for Lillia's hands but hesitates for a short moment before actually touching her. Eventually he tries to take her hands. "THank you Milady."
Lillia giggles and looks fondly at Edaru
Lace plays now softly more ancient and beutifull tune
Rhianon smiles as she looks between Edaru and Lillia. She flicks her eyes to Lace and narrows her eyes briefly, before looking back to the nolthrir couple and tilting her head towards the dance floor.
Zarre chuckles softly seeing Nolthrir attempting to take the lady's hand
Edaru tries to dance though his clumsy movements give away he is not really proficient in this art.
Lace melody has ancient yet pleasant tone in it bit of ghostly as well
Lillia giggles softly as she lets Edaru lead her
Voron begins to move Rhianon carefully and ellegantly over the dancefloor, following the tune with soft sways and slow turns
Rhianon turns to face Voron fully and lets her eyes rove to her peripheral as she places one hand on his waist, and one up on his shoulder. She doesn't seem to be paying him much heed, her mind on other things, and continually observes the faces of other patrons, occasionally offering her dance partner a wide smile as force of habit.
Laspeyresia finishes her drink. "...time for a refill."
Edaru accidentally steps on Lillia left toe as he continues to dance with her. Quickly he lowers his head in shame trying harder to make up for this mistake.
Lace image of noble lady and lord beside edaru and lillia dance gracefully with melody guiding them trought ancient dance steps
Lillia winces a bit but doesn't say anything and giggles at Edaru's reaction
Voron chuckles. "Where are your thoughts, mylady?"
Lillia giggles and says "Thank you Edaru... for everything."
Edaru looks up to Lillia again muttering a very soft "Sorry" then continues with his clumsy way of leading her through the dance.
Lillia giggles a bit more
Edaru makes a humming sound under his mask. "You know..I would do anything for you Milady. So don't mention it."
Rhianon spins on her left toe, out away from Voron, then back towards him again. She looks back at his mask for a long moment, some recognition there. She struggles to make it surface, before letting her eyes fall back to watching the other patrons. "Tis a hard thing, to try and seek out those you know when they wear such masks."
Cabuil shouts: "Have a drink! Have a dance! Why am I only seeing two couples dancing over there?"
Lace smiles a bit after hearin edarus and lillias words
Jasyus raises an eyebrow, tilting his mask a bit but correcting it with a gloves finger
Lillia giggles "I am very glad we met Edaru. I'm just sad we didn't meet sooner." she moves a bit closer to Edaru as they dance
Lace melody changes more ancient bit dark but pleasant tone appears it
Voron smiles and spins her again, holding her close for a moment. "You sure."
Jasyus says: What's all these people doing? Dance?
Edaru's movements seems get even clumsier as a result of him getting nervous when Lillia moves closer to him. But somehow he manages to not step on her toes again and even runs him arm around her during the dance. "For sure not as glad as I am to have meet you Lillia."
Lace melody has now changed an wals that usually are played and nobles manors young ylian plays melody eyes closed almost like lost in memories
Rhianon glances down and away from Voron, unable to read any of his expressions from beneath the mask. "You're a sweetheart, truly, but I'm afraid beneath the mask I'm very much taken. Let's just keep it to dancing, shall we?" She flicks her eyes back to the solid silver mask, brow furrowing in a way that suggests something about it bothers her.
Lillia giggles fondly and Edaru leads here
Voron chuckles. "Oh, that's so sad."
Minks looks and sniffs around
Edaru casually strokes Lillia's back with his hand while dancin but stops as soon as he realizes what he is doing there.
Esalir situates hmself in the centre of the dance floor, widening the stance of his legs
Rhianon begins to dance in a way that is a bit more reserved. "You're charming, dear, but I'm afraid not much of a match," she continues, moving around Voron in quick, hopping steps. "I bet he could take you in a dance contest as well." She winks a single bright green eye.
Lace smile slowly appears at his lips as he plays the melody it changes more smoothly and softly
Voron laughs. "Outmatched in all ways? Can he fight?" His eyes watch her closely.
Esalir takes a deep breath, and starts to do rythmic pelvic thrusts to the side, whilst brings his right hand from his left hip, up to his right shoulder, finger pointed
Lillia looks at Lace "play something slower."
Travosh cackles, tapping his foot for a rhythem
Jasyus looks at Esalir with a bemused smile
Lace slower pace and change the tone more smoother and softer melody
Caraick slowly reaches up to rub at his brow, groaning underneath his mask as he chuckles at Esalir's display.
Travosh looks up at the fenki directly in front of him
Rhianon smirks at Voron, nodding her head. "Oh aye, he could probably beat you in a fight as well...he's swift in blade and spell." Her eyes deviate for a moment to the klyros and her smirk widens at him, a light laugh heard. "Nice," she says simply, before returning her attention to Voron.
Cresyda casts a look around, sipping from her drink.
Edaru twitches slightly as he hears Lillia's request but then tries to pull her even a bit closer to him...though his movements show off his increased nervousness immediately."
Esalir continues to point and thrust for a few counts before, with his hand at his left hip, he snaps his legs totgether, spinning around three-sixty, ending in a wide legged stance, with his finger pointed to the dome, and his head throwm back
Travosh claps, magically enhancing the noise
Lace playing now melody more slower it has now beutifull peacefull tone that fills surroundings
Lillia lets him pull her closer and she leans against him
Esalir composes himself. He then walks off the stage towards travosh
Seazu snorts softly
Travosh says: Quite the performance
Jasyus looks around again, his eyes lingering on evey single person around him for about one second
Voron laughs at the Klyros' display and returns his attention to Rhianon. "And he's rich and all, the whole thing?"
Esalir says: Yes. Now my turn. I dare you to kiss the ugliest fenki in the ball.
Travosh raises an eyebrow, though its unnoticeable. "I find all fenki suitably ugly."
Esalir says: Which makes it all the worse.
Esalir grins
Caraick grins widely underneath his mask, watching the two Klyros.
Travosh puts his hands over his face, or as much as he can wearing so damn much. "Be a pal and point one out for me then. Ill never decide on my own."
Rhianon spins around in a circle and stops with her head beneath Voron's chin, her back to him. "Nah," she replies. "Wealth is a poor judgement of character. It's all in the heart," she moves to elbow his chestplate lightly. "And I'm sure he'd beat you there, too."
Edaru breathes a tad heavier but continues to slow dance with Lillia, pulling her tight to himself.
Esalir looks around
Esalir says: Well, Mariana is right here.
Jasyus speaks loud enough "If no fenki is ugly enough, then kiss a menki."
Lace plays melody so it suits edarus and lillias dance space
Esalir looks to Jasyus "How about him?" he laughs
Voron chuckles. "Oh yes he would. But where is he now?" He looks at Rhianon.
Travosh says: You specified fenki, not loudmouthed menki.
Mariana narrows her eyes. "I will kill you."
Edaru chuckles softly hearing Mariana's name. "Someone should ask Mariana for a would be waste to not have her dance with that dress."
Jasyus can't help but laugh at both the offering and the reply
Travosh says: Ill probably kill myself before that m'dea.
Esalir shrugs, and walks across the dance floor towards caraick, to continue the conversation whilst watching Travosh, waiting.
Caraick nods to Esalir, stepping back a bit from the crowd.
Lillia leans into Edaru close enough for their masks to be cheek to check
Esalir folds his arms "His going to kiss mariana. Watch."
Tarala returns to oele
Edaru leans his head against Lillia's. "I hope this ball will never end."
Jawir shouts: Hey Oele
Caraick looks over at Esalir, and grins widely, rather disbelievingly. "no..."
Mariana rolls her shoulders a bit and glances back to Edaru. She mouths something to him, which looks suspiciously like, 'never,' before turning around and taking a seat on the bench.
Lace his calm eyes softesn a bit and young ylian smiles a moment before calm look retuns them
Esalir says: A dare for a dare. He wont break his word.
Cabuil shouts: "Drinks! All free! Dances! Free, if you drink enough! Come, party that the Dome comes down!"
Caraick grins a bit wider, seeing the logic in Esalir's words, as he looks back across the group, towards Mariana, and Travosh. "Will he?..."
Jasyus says: I think he'll have to pay her. Gods, I would pay her myself just to see that.
Rhianon shrugs her shoulders in a way that suggests a bit of sadness. "I'm afraid I've not been able to pick him out yet...leave it to him to select an elaborate costume."
Zarre hears beautiful music and takes a deep breath letting it out slowly
Esalir laughs at Jasyus' comment
Travosh drains his drink, puttin the cup down
Edaru leans his head slightly to the side after hearing Lillia's whisper to look at her. Then he whispers to her himself. "I was too afraid you could reject."
Caraick grins a bit, eyes locked on the red-clad Klyros opposite the area.
Jawir says: Hi Nevis, you look quite confused by all this people, he?!?
Jasyus digs his paw into a pocket and seems to count money, by the clinging coming from inside it
Voron smiles and whirls her around again, more slowly and carefully this time, then picks up the pace. "Good for him, but I am still dancing with you, and you dance very good Mylady."
Mariana tugs frustratedly on her skirts as she tries to situate them, without too much success, and dusts her paws a bit before looking out at the dance floor, observing with a faint smile.
Esalir cups his hands to shout at travosh
Lillia tilts her head slightly as she dances "why would I do that?' she looks curiously at Edaru "I would certainly want to dance with the man that saved me."
Esalir shouts: Get her done!
Jasyus says: Who thinks fifty circles are enough to make the fenki kiss the Klyros?
Caraick tilts his head downwards, covering it behind his shield to hide his laughter at the Klyrans.
Travosh zips his left arm around Mariana, pulling her with surprising strength as he tears off his mask and turns his head to meet it
Rhianon whirls with Voron easily enough. "Mm," she mumbles. Her eyes are locked on his mask now, slightly narrowed, and she takes a breath in and out through her nose.
Edaru sighs softly. "But you...deserve someone better than me."
Jawir says: Do you see Oele? There is a good number of enki here, I feel like at home!
Lace plays melody with ease changin it tempo and echo so it peacefully plays at air
Lillia's attention is taken from Edaru to look around at the people around the dance floor
Caraick laughs uproariously behind his mask, watching.
Zarre laughs, "Fifty circles may not be enough."
Cresyda seats herself and watches Mariana and Travosh with amusement.
Jasyus grins wide, lifting his mask to watch the scene better
Caraick swaps his staff to his shield hand, reaching up with his paw to whistle loudly.
Esalir joins in with the whistling
Voron tilts his head a bit, eyeing her. "What's the matter?" He inquires carefully.
Edaru looks around as well then turns back to Lillia. "But we wil have plenty of chances to repeat this the next days..if you want Milady."
Jasyus says: No jokes, that's how most marriages begin!
Oele steps a little closer, getting interested in the vase where the smell of incense is coming from.
Mariana lets out a half-horrified shout and reaches to try and stop the drunken klyros with her paw. "I swear to the gods I will never let you live this down," she grates out.
Tarala puts his paw over the nose and follows Oele
Lillia looks back at Edaru "Of course. yes." she giggles
A larger than normal amount of smoke comes out of the vase right when oele takes a closer look at the vase
Lace let slowly melody fade away
Oele snorts and takes a step backwards. She looks surprised.
Rhianon reaches up to try and subtly grip the edge of the mask. She brings her face closer to the crook of the dermorian's neck, and raises it ever so slightly, peering through the crack at something, before smirking and letting it fall back into place. "Mm," she says.
Tarala chuckles and has to sneeze
Lace bow elegantly with noble grace "thank you "
Travosh puts his mask firmly back on, grumbling, "And I'll never let myself."
Lace says: lets cheer ouer hos and hostess
Voron chuckles, flips a mechanism at his chin. "What do I get if you see my face?"
Mariana makes a face and sticks her tongue out, brushing at it with her paws. "!" She says, in child-like hysteria.
Lace smiles rhianon "and this beutiful lady and his cavalier here "
Caraick is still laughing uproariously. He reaches up, wiping at his eyes.
Netrhys applauds, a little clumsily in her dress
Edaru smiles unseen under his mask as he looks around. "Seems the ball is going to be a success Milady. I'm really glad to see that many people coming."
Jasyus covers his eyes and smirks
Travosh laughs. "You should count yourself lucky, No enkidukai on yliakm can claim what you can now."
Lillia giggles "This is wonderful!"
Esalir sighs, his posture relaxing into its usual, observant stance
Cresyda snickers, shaking her head. She tilts her mask back some to take a drink from her mug.
Oele frowns and steps closer to the vase again. She places her wand in her right hand and holds her left one over the vase, waving the air around.
Jasyus says: I don't think she'll consider that a privilege.
A light breeze swirls through the area turning then smoke this way and that
Tarala sneezes again as he breaths in some of the smoke
Rhianon smirks at Voron. "I imagine another dance might be enough compensation? Or perhaps I you a drink?"
Edaru chuckles softly. "And next time we get even more people to dance."
Lillia says: Wonderful!
Esalir says: So caraick.
Esalir says: your turn.
Voron chuckles. "I'll settle for the dance then. Can't dance with somebody so beautiful that often, hm?"
Caraick looks over to Esalir, crooking an eyebrow.
Oele pulls her hand back and with a thoughtful look on her face.
Jawir says: Oele, do you know if someone will perform music on stage?
Lace make little wave at his hand and lute disapears young ylian silently put flute as well away and walks like shadow somewere near
Esalir grabs his crotch "Prove you have some gonads Caraick. Im thinking of a dare for you."
Rhianon raises both brows and smirks slightly. "Why thank you," she replies. "You're very...charming."
Caraick manages a bit of a laugh at Esalir. "Says the Klyros?"
Oele shrugs absentminded at Jawir's question.
Esalir says: Yes. Says the Klyros
Esalir says: Can you sing?
Voron chuckles. "Well the, dare, this is a masquerade after all."
Caraick arches an eyebrow, replying carefully. "No..."
Esalir says: Good! I dare you to sing and dance obscenely. Seduce the crowd.
Edaru tries to withdraw his arm from Lillia. "That was wonderful Milady. THank you for the dance."
Caraick's eye twitches at Esalir. "Sing, and dance?"
Esalir says: Obscenely. Seduce the audience. Dont forget that.
Esalir points to the stage
Esalir says: Come on now
Lillia grabs his hand momentarily as Edaru pulls his arm away "Thnk you for asking me."
Caraick reaches up, facepawing. "My, we're such good guards, aren't we..."
Mariana continues to make gagging noises as she moves to the edge of the bench. "I'm going to make you pay for that, klyros. You've been warned," she says, her eyes flashing.
Travosh says: I'm already paying for it
Voron looks over at Edaru. "Come on Edaru. Dance some more. The night is not over yet."
Travosh says: can feel my brain dying.
Esalir folds his arms "im wating."
Caraick crooks an eyebrow at the Klyros again. "You honestly expect me to do actually sing??"
Jawir says: Oele, now I leave, see you, and have fun. Bye bye!
Edaru chuckles softly as he turns his head to Voron. "I think I need to give her sore toes a rest for now."
Tarala looks at oele as she is focused solely onto the vase and the smoke
Esalir says: And dance. Yes.
Lace smiles mariana "thorny flower as ever miss ? "turning then travosh "how about i offer you a drink sir there is no need to harash this lady ? "smiling calmly
Caraick laughs quietly, a bit nervously. "That's rather more...public than kissing a Fenki! What do I get out of this??"
Travosh says: Lace, I'll not hesitate to force your jaws shut.
Oele waves to Jawir and pulls her hand through her sleeves under her clothes, searching something in her numerous pockets there.
Voron laughs.
Mariana rubs her lips on the back of her sleeve adamently. "Oh can it," she says, ironically, looking at Lace. "I'll take care of him myself, thanks very much." She adds to the klyros: "How drunk ARE you."
Esalir says: A return dare.
Travosh says: Quite.
Caraick tilts his head. "For whom?"
Jasyus chuckles at the scene
Esalir says: Me.
Edaru looks back to Lillia. "Then I will try to find the courage of asking you earlier next time Milady."
Rhianon reaches up to slip two fingers underneath the mask. She moves as though to suddenly flip the thing off his head, backwards, a determined smirk present on her lips.
Lillia says: "Wonderful." she giggles
Caraick smirks a bit. "Not goign to let my wife see? She'll kill you for not letting her see..."
Lace smiles calmly "ah no need to violence ther sir " something at his presence tell that something is difrent "since lady here herself can deal it im not neede but dont bother her much "
Voron tilts his head, smiles softly and leans forwards to kiss Rhianon quickly.
Travosh says: Then do not bother 'me' much.
Esalir says: Dont hide behind your wife!
Caraick looks back around, then back to Esalir. "Oh, come on, Esalir..."
Lace smiles cold calm smile to travosh speakin with low voice dark tone at it "ah well i wish you good evening sir "
Mariana rolls her eyes at Lace. "You, are traying FAR too hard to impress. Go find some other damsel to save...I plan to flay this one on my own time." She glances back to Travosh as if already devising a suitible punishment for him.
Esalir says: Im as stubburn as a pregnant rivnak. Now do it.
Edaru chuckles as he takes a step back from Lillia. "And hopefully next time my own dancing skills already improved a bit." Then he turns to Lace and bows his head slightly to express his gratitude.
Oele pulls an Air glyph out. She turns her face at the glyph, then back at the vase in front her. She concentrates and creates a low wind, intending the carry the smell of the incense around.
Jasyus walks away slowly
Korumak smirks but says nothing and continues to play
Rhianon lets out a startled sound as Voron kisses her. She pulls back a bit and arches a brow at him. "Well you COULD have given me a bit of hint, love," she says, a smirk playing at her lips.
Lillia takes off her mask for a moment and leans over closer to Edaru. she moves his mask slightly to the side and gives him a little kiss before putting her mask back on
Lace bows edaru and lillian elegantly
Caraick narrows his eyes stubbornly, but finally sighs. "At least let me finish my guarding, first... Tesh is due to show up soon, and I'll be at the party, then.."
Tarala looks interested at Oele and has to sneeze once again "atchooo"
Esalir says: No. Now.
Travosh says: Remove this one from me and I'll take that flaying without retribution Mariana.
Lace walks silently as shadow deadly smoothnes in his movent past mariana and travosh
Oele turns her head to Tarala, obviously irritated by his sneeze. "Alright?"
Voron chuckles and smiles at her. "But this is a masquarade, is it?"
Caraick facepaws, groaning. "I can't believe you're making me do this..."
Edaru twitches at Lillia's touching of his mask but doesn't stop her from moving it. With closed eyes he returns the kiss but after Lillia pulling back he quickly takes a step back and stutters nervously. "Let the dancefloor....Others might need to space."
Esalir says: Believe it. Because am.
Tarala shakes his head "tooo sweet too much "
Rhianon winks at Voron. "I suppose so, darling, but you've taken it a bit farther than I. I'm afraid I'm a bit...obvious," she adds, the smile still present and growing wider. "You look quite dashing."
Lillia giggles and walks off the dance floor


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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2012, 10:12:11 am »

Esalir nods to sasigher, then returns to watching Caraick expectantly
Jasyus waves at Onilise and bows a bit "Good night."
Caraick turns over towards the newcomer, giving Sasigher a rather helpless look. "Sasigher!"
Lace looks edaru and lillia "no need for me .. well this is the best ,,"
Oele frowns slightly and points at the vase, still holding onto her glyph. "This?"
Jasyus says: Is this some kind of relaxing area?
Jasyus says: Chill out? Place to sit and rest?
Sasigher looks suspiciously at Caraick "Hello sir menki"
Tarala nods and points around to the other vases "Those all too"
Jasyus says: This is not a wand. It's a walking stick. But thanks.
Voron smiles at her, and takes her hands. "Do you want something to drink?"
Esalir raps caraick on the soulder
Caraick tries to edge a bit closer to Sasigher, speaking to Esalir. "I'm not part of your little game, Klyros," he says, edging nearer to the Klyros, still.
Esalir says: Im waiting
Lace fixes his hair at left side smiling a bit "shantae isnt probably first boyfriend candidate ,, "
Voron rubs his nose against Rhianon's.
Mariana seems unimpressed by Lace's "fluid dark" movements. She shrugs at Travosh." You'll get it either way, trust me."
Travosh says: Drop it Esalir, he has no manhood.
Edaru silently follows Lillia, his head lowerd and staring down to the floor.
Travosh says: I probably will.
Onilise says: I was nervous for a moment I thought you were going to zap me
Esalir says: Listen Caraick. How do you expect to ratain the respect of the council if you dont do a innocent dare?
Onilise giggles
Caraick pulls a face behind his mask. "Because it's hardly harmless!"
Jasyus smiles slightly "It needs to be unique, if it needs to hold a unique surprise."
Onilise tilts her head "Oh?"
Esalir says: How can i trust you to take a spear for me if you want even sing or dance.
Jasyus pats the carpet beside him, looking at Onilise from beneath his mask
Caraick sighs again, pulling another face. He hands, or rather shoves, his staff adn shield at Esalir, hopping up onto the stage on his right. "Right, Klyors. I'll end you for this."
Onilise walks over and sits down to hear more
Esalir holds the shield and staff, watching with a wide grin
Onilise says: what kind of surprise?
Onilise moves her mask to sip her lakka and chews a bit of fish she finds in the cup
Mariana slowly brings her eyes to follow Caraick, briefly forgetting her wrath on Travosh as she arches a single brow at him. "Well, this could get interesting," she says.
Lace notices onlises sittin near to jasyus and just smiles a bit "mm"then just turn his attention to his surroundings
Travosh says: Bah, even with a dare I doubt he has the skill to make it entertaining
Caraick shakes his head to himself, clearing his throat, and shaking his arms once, before beginnign to sing quietly, at first, but with increasing volume. The words are certainly not Common, they seem to be Enkien, and while the Menki's voice is not necessarily bad, it's clear this is far from his forte.
Jasyus starts twisting the Enkidukai head on one of the ends of the walking stick and pulls a little bit. Something silverish shines from inside the wooden stick
Korumak eyes Caraick and halts playing
Onilise looks closer at the the stick and gasps "wow what's that?"
Esalir shouts: Louder! I cant hear you!
Rhianon giggles a bit at Voron, and reaches up to clasp her hands around the back of his neck. She continues to dance with him, leading him in a gentle, swaying manner, her face close to his.
Tarala puts some trefoil onto the vase to lighten the sweetness
Oele turns to Caraick, listening to him now.
Caraick continues singing, getting a bit more volume now at the Klyros' bidding, and supplementing it with a bit of dancing, slow at first, but with increasing pace.
Jasyus says: Come closer and take a better look.
Lillia watches Caraick with unbriddled curiosity
Onilise scoots closer and squints at the stick tip
Esalir says: I said Obscene! Your being too conservative!
Netrhys applauds, then looks at the stage as well
Onilise says: OOooh a secret rapier! How did you find that?
Jasyus says: Ssssh.
Selrath watches Caraick while trying to keep an eye on the crowd.
Onilise nods, her eyes widening
Caraick begins to sway to and fro, at Esalir's shouting, and removes his cape from his shoulder, beginning to involve that in the dance as well.
Lace dark ball appears his left hand and young ylian talks silently with shadowish figure at it
Jasyus says: Special comission.
Onilise says: ahhh. So how is your wife?
Onilise says: and where is she?
Lillia tilts her head to the side as she watches Caraick
Korumak plays 'the stripper' for Caraick to dance to
Jasyus says: Wife? What wife? Am I that handsome, you thought I was married? But I'm wearing a mask...
Oele turns her attention to Lace right away when he starts casting.
Voron leans his forehead against Rhianon, following her movements.
Caraick continues to sing, the song increasing in speed and tempo as the dance does as well. He skips from one side of the stage to the other, still dancing with his cape.
Esalir starts to clap a rythm, with Korumak's
Onilise giggles "c'mon I know you must be married. Such a strong physique and all."
Edaru still stays mostly silent but his hand "causally" touches Lillia's hand next to his at times.
Lillia just giggles every time Edaru's hand brushes past hers
Jasyus says: I'd rather not tell. Where would be the fun if I told you my personal details? This is supposed to be a masquerade party, or ball.
Onilise says: well then why don't you make them up? *she laughs*
Lace says: i see make preparations for 3 days from now *shadow figure bows * i want that noble house down and its corrupted lord kicked so hard down that he dont know what happened
Caraick spins around a few times, turning slow revolutions, ending the song and dance simultaneously with the cape slowly wrapping around his body. Done at last, he leaps from the stage, casting a look to Esalir. "Happy, now?
Esalir hands Caraick his shield and staff, laughing
Esalir says: Aye for the moment.
Netrhys whistles somewhat, then claps
Sasigher says: Whoever that menki is, he'll be married soon
Selrath shakes his head, trying to decide if he should clap or not, and goes back to watching the crowd.
Telena grumbles something on her way, then smiles as she enters the ball again.
Jasyus says: Me? Just a merchant.
Caraick takes the shield and staff with a vengeance from the Klyros, strapping it back onto his arm. "I'll end you one day for this, Esalir.."
Onilise looks up and sees Lace looking her way and smiles before turning back to Jasyus "Ah a noble career"
Lace dark figure bows "it shall be done my lord they dont even know what hitted them before it al is ashaes "
Jasyus says: Well, the noble part has yet to come.
Esalir laughs, clapping "Aye, i dont doubt it."
Onilise says: I'm not sure what to choose for my career. I'm at the age now where I have to decide soon.
Caraick walks quickly off, wiping his fur and brow, casting a bemused look at the Klyros. "I'll be back," he says.
Lillia claps as well
Edaru allows his fingers to play with Lillia's hand for some time while turning his head and looking to the merchant stalls. Softly he whispers. "Seems there are a few more merchants now."
Oele sits down, not sure what she should do here, but obviously not bored listening to what is happening.
Onilise flips a stray strand of hair up and tucks it back into her bun
Jasyus takes his hat off and scratches the top of his head, reaching out his paw to Onilise "Well, I'm sure there's a pretty girl under that mask. And pretty girls can do anything they want."
Lillia looks back at Edaru and then behind her to see the merchants
Hertikef shouts: Amunet?
Lace nods "good offer usual compensation for rebuilding the house hold after we dont take pleasure innocent peoples suffering since we arent lawles beasts at loose
Lillia says: Oh good.
Amunet shouts: over here
Onilise laughs "well perhaps, but who knows what could be my destiny?"
Hertikef shouts: where?
Telena chuckles lightly on a part of a conversation she witnessed and steps to the book to enter her name in a clean handwriting.
Onilise looks down at the rug and picks at the fibers
Netrhys mutters something about beer and gets up
Edaru teitches slightly at the shouts.
Lace dark figure at young ylians dark ball bows him respectally and disapears
Onilise says: I could be a miner EW a writer BROKE or a mage... or a flutist I dunno.
Jasyus scoots closer to Onilise "Well, miss, you could always try the merchant sindicate."
Onilise shrugs and looks up at Jasyus "syndicate? Does Jirosh belong?"
Jasyus says: There's more to trade than Mikana's Company.
Netrhys's voice is a little muffled from the mask "Uh, I came for a beer, but how much is the liquor?"
Voron looks at Jasyus and Onilise, his eyes smile - and that's all you see of his face anyway. "Why you bother so much Oni?"
Korumak puts away his lute


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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2012, 10:13:19 am »

Onilise furrows her brow under the mask and nods "Oooh"
Jasyus turns to look up at Voron, raising an eyebrow
Eziar finishes the last of his red liquor.
Onilise looks up "huh?"
Waesed growls, "GRRRRR!", then beats his chest
Voron smirks and sits down next to them.
Lace appears near lillia and edaru "i hope ou enjoyed the dance "smiling "unfortunatelly i need to return my household for a bit but ill return tomorrow "
Onilise sips her lakka then almost spits it out at the sound of Waesed's growling as she laughs
Eziar says: Yessh, I love free drinksh....
Eziar gulps down a beer
Onilise looks over at Seazu "Hi again Sis"
Edaru turns to Lace and nods eagerly. "Yes, thank you again for it. It was....very enjoyable."
Voron says: Just go with the flow, Oni. Why bother with all these petty things like being rich or influential. Dance. Sing. Do good. Teach. Learn.
Jasyus looks at the newcoming Dermorian and Klyros, putting his white hat back on
Seazu takes the spot next to Onilise "Hey there"
Netrhys lifts her mask a little so she can speak better
Lace smiles "im glad if i was any help "
Netrhys says: How much for one liquor?
Jasyus says: I'm not saying she should be rich, but wealthy enough.
Onilise looks over at Voron and smiles "I guess you're right. Who says I have to have a title"
Netrhys says: Seriously?
Onilise looks to Jasyus and nods then looks confused again
Eziar says: I'm glad they're free, I've *hiccup* been taking them all *hiccup* evening.
Mariana reaches up to run a paw through the fur on the top of her head. She glances around at the gathering, but continues to say nothing, and remain totally silent.
Netrhys says: Heh! Now that is a fine ball!
Jasyus says: You can't do what your friend here mentions without money. Besides, nothing is free nowadays.
Onilise laughs "um... yes I guess that's true too"
Lace dark portal appears near onilise seazu and jasuys young ylian walks calmy front of it bowin to onilise elegantly before steppin the portal whic leads middle of dark figures armed and cold look at their eyes
Voron shakes his head. "All is free, you're just to stubborn to understand that. What is the greatest thing your ever got for free." He looks at Jasyus
Netrhys picks up a liquor mug and tries to drink from it, holding her mask up with the other hand
Onilise gasps at the large dark portal and her eyes widen a bit
Eziar says: Perhapsh I'll play a song! *hiccup* But think I need another drink...
Jasyus says: Well, I didn't want to reveal details from my personal life but here goes.
Eziar grabs a mug of liquor and drinks it all on the spot.
Onilise perks and looks back to her group and the conversation
Jasyus pulls from one of his gloves. A golden ring shines very lightly in the night "Yes, I am married. And it's the greatest thing I ever got for free."
Onilise coos "AWwwwweeee!!!"
Netrhys says: Will you be here for the entire ball?
Netrhys chuckles
Onilise says: how sweet she's a lucky lady
Netrhys says: I might need some more in time, anyway!
Jasyus says: if you think I'm stubborn, greedy, or simply materialist, think twice about it.
Onilise raises her eyebrows and sips her lakka
Waesed catches a whif of Minks cooking
Eziar finishes yet another beer and takes out his Lira.
Netrhys looks Cabuil over
Oele rolls herself to a small ball, either not caring, or not noticing that this isn't the right place to take a nap.
Voron snickers. "Money corrupts, even if you don't know it yet. There's much more to do than simple trade.
Eziar says: I'm *hiccup* getting better.
Mariana taps the stone bench with the tip of one claw. She rolls her nock to pop it, and glances over at where Voron is sitting. She cautiously gets up, eyeing the inebriated klyros, and steps towards the group.
Eziar says: Time for a, um, little nap...
Onilise downs more lakka, hiccups and pulls a bottle of her bag refilling her mug
Jasyus says: You don't seem to understand. My duty is to bring the piece A from the provider B to the customer C, and get some profit out of it to live. To support myself and yes, my wife too. And my sindicate.
Edaru looks to Lillia. "I hope there will be as many people performing the next days as well. Have you heard the stories they told before?"
Onilise shrugs "that sounds reasonable"
Lillia shakes her head "No.."
Netrhys says: Well, you do your outfit justice, anyway! *chuckles*
Lillia says: But I like hearing new stories.
Seazu says: So you don't trade, you run errands?
Jasyus says: I do trade.
Netrhys takes a few gulps off her mug
Voron chuckles and gets up. "watch your step, don't be blind - but you of course know already."
Edaru sighs softly. "Too bad...maybe we can get Lace to tell some again the next days."
Jasyus rolls his eyes
Lillia says: Maybe.
Lillia giggles
Edaru chuckles. "Meaning if we don't need him to play music to allow us to dance."
Lillia giggles "Oh don't you try to get out of dancing now Edaru."
Netrhys says: I guess I'll get me a pie to go with this, but don't leavce until I finished this one! *raises her mug to Cabuil*
Lillia looks around
Edaru keeps his amused tone. "No, no...I would never...I mean, I think I enjoyed the dance a lot more than you did. After all I wasn't the one who had to deal with a terrible dancing partner."
Netrhys turns to leave, then turns back and stares at the drink
Lillia giggles and shakes her head
Netrhys says: Uuh... now what is _that_?
Jasyus sighs "Well, I think I'll take a walk. You're free to follow." and winks at Onilise, barely noticeable under his mask
Onilise looks over at Seazu "so what ... where are you going you're leaving the party?"
Netrhys says: I see! Though actually I was asking about the drink you got there! *chuckles*
Onilise stops short and looks at Jasyus
Seazu shrugs "Are you?"
Onilise says: No I'm not
Jasyus says: Oh, then I think I'll walk around the city and check something. But I might be back.
Hertikef says: thanks
Onilise says: bye nice meetin gyou
Hertikef says: you to
Onilise looks over at Seazu and Dharah "now I'm more confused than ever"
Edaru reaches for Lillia hand. "I reall enjoyed the ball so far. That dance was already worth all the efforts so far."
Netrhys says: Uuh! Sounds like one of Levrus' experiments... the looks does fit as well! *chuckles*
Onilise grins
Waesed growls, "GRRRRR!", then beats his chest
Netrhys says: Tee-hee!
Onilise says: they're so cute though
Netrhys says: You already have a certain similarity to him, you know? *giggles*
Onilise says: the arms, the legs, the lips... *she nods* yea they're cute
Netrhys giggles
Lillia places her hand to the lips of the mask and makes kissing noise and then placing her hand to the side of Edaru's mask "Yes it was, hopefully everyday will be like this."
Seazu grins "pick your one"
Onilise laughs "who could choose?"
Netrhys turns "Well, I guess I should get a pie before the stand explodes, then!"
Onilise says: I have a delivery for one who's hungry. I'll be right back you two.
Seazu says: Fine
Onilise tucks the napkins in around the food in her bag again and takes off fast to get back faster
Seazu says: Don't wait too long
Onilise says: yes dear *she sticks her tongue out and giggles*
Edaru ribs his mask against Lillia's hand. "I hope so as well...and will do all to make it like this." Then he lowers his head to stare at the floor. " you think you can excuse me for a short while Milady. There is something I would like to...I mean I should do."
Lillia nods "of course Edaru."
Seazu grins
Seazu says: We could run around and advertise it
Korumak says: Try this one
Hertikef says: bye amunet
Edaru nods slowly. "Thank you Milady." Then he chuckles softly under his mask. "I'm sure you won't regret this." Then he waves to Lillia. "I'm back as soon as possible."
Lillia says: ok.
Lillia giggles
Edaru hesitates to turn around and take his eyes off Lillia but eventually does so and heads off in direction of the library.

[Editor's note: Here end my logs...the rest is from Lillia

Eziar awakens, appearing ill from all of the drinks he consumed a few hours ago.
Waesed says: where are all the story tellers?
Lillia says: How is everyone doing now?
Derator says: most titles sound unfamiliar
Minks says: I catch the carp myself near Gugrontid.
Lillia says: How is the selling going over here?
Netrhys says: Ah, that lake? Don't the Gobbles try to steal it from you?
Netrhys chuckles
Minks says: No, I fish in the middle of the lake, they don't go there.
Eonwind smiles to Telena "Why not, thank you"
Netrhys says: Or do you snatchi it off them?
Minks chuckles "No, I don't go near them."
Telena makes an elegant bow to Lillia, balancing her fish with one hand. "I am not sure about his one...." She nods to Eonwind. "But I am not selling my clothes at the moment."
Seazu watches Waesed curiously
Netrhys grins under her mask
Lillia giggles "Hopefully not the ones you are wearing."
Netrhys says: Yeah, they're not terribly friendly. *nods*
Eonwind turns to Lillia "Your majesty, my greetings. Well the business is not flying... but we'll see"
Telena smiles to Eonwind. "Nice. You choose something you like from the fenki with the bow."
Telena grins at Lillia. "No not at all. I have many other cloths I could sell."
Minks nods to Netrhys "Especially since this bow is just for decoraion."
Hertikef drifts aaway
Netrhys looks her over and nods
Eonwind winks to Telena "I would never suggest *selling* your clothes Milady"
Minks says: Did you make the rat costume yourself? It's good!
Telena grins and says in a joking tone to Eonwind. "Some people might want to see."
Lillia giggles
Netrhys says: It is a little large for you, agreed. Something more appropriate for your size would be better. I don't think you could even train proiperly with this one.
Derator says: i'd take the first and the second one
Onilise says: she's so good with the lute and lira
Minks says: Probably.
Oele wakes up and rolls over to look where all the noise is coming from now.
Onilise says: But so are you Waesed
Derator nods at Dharah
Waesed says: thank you, Onilise
Eziar says: Hello.
Minks says: Hello, Sir.
Onilise nods "you're welcome"
Netrhys says: Uh, thank you! Well, no... not entirely, anyway.
Eonwind winks at Telena "And I understand why, milady."
Eziar says: Do you have any omelettes?
Eziar says: I am terribly hungry
Onilise rubs her fish tail "I think I need a cushion"
Kelan waves at Oele
Minks says: Yes, i have omelettes made with meat and trepor eggs. They're 30 tria each.
Eziar says: That sounds delicious. I would like two please.
Telena chuckles at Eonwind's comment. "So are you choosing something to eat? I am getting bored of holding this." She glances at her fish, then looks up to Lillia. "Do you want to eat something as well? My teat."
Derator smiles at dharah "thanks a lot"
Minks picks up two omelettes in strong paper
Eonwind looks at Lillia "Do you like something to eat I was just going to but from the fenki"
Oele doesn't seem to notice Kelan.
Seazu grins
Minks says: There you go.
Seazu says: Are you going to stay for long?
Onilise presses her mug against her leg and spins it to get glitter all over the glass
Eziar says: Thank you very much, these smell wonderful.
Kelan sighs
Lillia says: Oh no. I am fine. Thank you Eonwind.
Minks smiles "Thank you, and enjoy."
Telena looks to Eonwind, correcting him. "I am paying. It is my treat."
Onilise says: I hope so but I'm never sure. Sometimes I get the mood to just run off.
Onilise grins
Eziar says: Perhaps I will be back later. Until then, goodbye.
Onilise says: Are you Sis?
Minks says: goodbye
Waesed says: did Telena just offer a teat?
Seazu nods carefully
Netrhys chuckles
Waesed snickers
Lillia says: "I think I need to go on stage myself." she giggles "I don't see anyone else that wants to go."
Eonwind nods at Lillia than looks back at Telena "I would really like to taste that Apple Pie"
Minks looks at Netrhys "Hmm?"
Hertikef says: May mee try out the song "Music alone shall live"?
Onilise almost spits her lakka then motions her sister to sit closer then "take this cushion then by me before your behind starts to ache"
Netrhys says: Ah, I was just thinking that it's funny that I had to ask how a dress is tailored first!
Hertikef says: yes please
Minks chukcles "I also wouldn't know"
Eonwind nods to Lillia "You could ask Onilise to perform or Sir Weased as well"
Telena smiles at Lillia. "I might try another time again. But not right now." She nods to Eonwind. "Sure. But you have to carry it yourself. My hands are full." She grins and turns around to the food stall.
Eziar sits on a pillow and begins to write on a blank music score.
Onilise hears her name and looks around but doesn't see who said it
Hertikef says: May mee purchase it?
Minks smiles at Netrhys "So this is a first try? It looks really good."
Hertikef says: How much money?
Waesed says: what happened to all the bards?
Hertikef says: certinley
Telena glances to Netrhys, then looks to the fenki. "Here I am again." She grins. "Can I have some apple pie for him?" She points to Eonwind.
Eonwind bows to Lillia "Excuse me majesty, but that Apple pie seems so inviting, I'll be back soon"
Onilise shrugs
Netrhys says: Eh, well, sort of. I can work with furs and such, but usually it's, well, more practical, heh.
Minks looks at Telena "Of course."
Lillia giggles
Derator nods at Dharah
Netrhys eyes the Mlemur
Minks hands out another apple hand pie. "That will be 75 tria, please"
Telena searches in her pocked and looks for the coins. She shakes her head as Minks holds the pie towards her. "For him. Not me." She points at Eonwind again and hands some tria over.
Onilise giggles "Im hearing doubles"
Jasyus reaches down to tap Onilise's shoulder lightly "Told you I'd be back.W
Minks says: Oh, sorry.
Jasyus says: "*
Onilise jumps "Oh hi! Join us"
Oele falls asleep again.
Minks says: Here, Sir, enjoy your pie
Minks says: Oh, no, your friend already paid me.
Minks says: Please take the money back.
Jasyus says: Well, now you know about me.
Onilise laughs "and?"
Jasyus says: And what?
Minks smiles
Derator says: they are heavy, one weights about 6 kilo
Telena rolls her eyes with a chuckle. "Really. How come you all can't deal with one person paying and the other one getting the merchandise."
Minks chuckles
Derator rummages through his backpack for his notes
Onilise says: you left me more confused than ever!
Minks says: I'm a cook, not a merchant.
Onilise laughs and shakes her head
Jasyus says: Why is that?
Hertikef says: may mee hear "morning has broken?"
Onilise says: I'm still trying to decide on a career.
Eonwind smiles "Thank you Telena, and please excuse me Minks, I'm a little bit tired"
Jasyus says: Why rush it?
Derator says: that'd be 4 circles
Minks smiles "No problem."
Netrhys says: Tsk... some would consider getting paid twice a good deal. *chcukles*
Onilise nods "I guess"
Derator says: its a pleasure
Telena points at the set up stall. "Still your food is merchandise." She grins and turns around. "Let us sit down somewhere."
Minks nods
Eonwind smiles "Surely
Onilise drinks down her lakka and goes to get a refill
Minks says: True
Hertikef says: How much will it cost?
Minks listen to the flute
Hertikef says: deal
Eonwind says: Do you like this place Telena?
Netrhys does likewise
Jasyus says: I think you're drinking too much.
Onilise laughs "It's a party!" she drinks again
Telena nods. "We both have a pillow, so it is." She sits down, somehow managing her dress not to get in the way as she does.
Netrhys says: Well, I guess I'll head back to the crowd... good trading to you!
Zandral sways into the ball area and look around
Minks smiles at Netrhys "Have fun!"
Lillia says: Hello there!
Zandral looks over at Lillia "This is it?"
Eonwind puts carefully the apple pie on the carpet and slices two pices of pie then he hands one to Telena
Jasyus eyes Zandral and takes off both his hat and his mask, in order to get a better look
Lillia nods "If you mean the Ball then yes." she giggles
Zandral looks around again
Onilise follow's Jasyus's stare "is that your wife?"
Telena places her flower on her lap and looks at her fish thoughtfully. "Hmm.. I guess I didn't consider that I need to eat it somehow without making a mess." She shakes her head at Eonwind's offer. "No thanks. That sweet smell is enough for me."
Zandral says: "If this is it.... I think you forgot the ball part." she says sarcastically
Eonwind grins and eat a piece of pie
Lillia tilts her head and looks around "Huh..." she looks some more "No, I think this is it..."
Jasyus says: I would say 'She wishes' but that would be a bit pretentious.
Onilise giggles
Lillia looks back at Zandral in confusion
Minks yawns
Onilise looks over at the klyros and smiles then back at her mug
Zandral just looks at Lillia and nods slowly "Right.." she turns away from the nolthrir woman
Zandral says: So what is going on here?
Eonwind point at the fish in Telena's hand "Tarala has left a knike somewhere, it may be handy for you"
Lillia just watches Zandral
Seazu turns around and waves to the rat queen klyros "Hey, sister. Why don't you join us?"
Onilise looks over at the fenki and stares at the elaborate costume in awe
Zandral stands with her hand on her hip "now don't tell me I came all of this way for nothing... No one even has anything to say?"
Telena sighs and raises her hand to somehow part that fish. She stops and glances to Eonwind. "Really? It could be of help. Though... I actually don't want to stand up again." She shrugs and takes a part off the fish with her finger anyway.
Eziar finishes his beer and takes a look over the score in his hand.
Jasyus looks the fenki up and down slowly "If I could see your eyes I'd most likely see they're beautiful. But it would sound too generic to be acompliment."
Onilise grins
Dharah says: I'm done with merchanting for now
Netrhys hesitates a bit, then nods to herself and goes over
Zandral chuckles at Jasyus "Probably would be..."
Telena laughs and looks up to see the complaining fenki
Onilise says: We've all been waiting for you laady *she winks*
Zandral looks at Onilise "Oh? Is that so.." she chuckles lightly "So what is everyone doing now that I am here?"
Eziar mutters to himself, "oh that just won't do. Perhaps a lute..."
Jasyus says: Just chilling. Join in.
Netrhys says: Thanks for the invitation...!
Eziar wanders off.
Zandral says: Chilling... I can do that in the tavern... I came here to at the least see something.
Zandral folds her arms
Onilise drinks more lakka and her face flushes under the mask from swallowing too much at once
Dharah says: We had some storytellers an musicians earlier
Jasyus says: Am I not enough? I miss the times when fenkis stared at me in awe.
Eonwind looks back to Tarala's stall and than shakes his head "I would stand to take it for you if sombody hadn't took it already. However I must really say your costumes are awesome, you are very talented"
Lillia giggles "Well, I'm afraid you have missed the storying telling and music from the stage so far."
Netrhys nods "You missed the performance."
Onilise laughs at Jasyus and regards Zandral "I'm afraid you missed quite a bit"
Zandral looks back at Lillia and nods slowly "Oh did I?"
Zandral looks back at Jasyus and laughs a bit "i'm afriad I am quite used to seeing menkis strut past me."
Telena eats her fish slowly, definitely enjoying it. She glances to Eonwind. "Does your pie taste good?"
Jasyus says: Well, I'm not strutting. I'm static and relaxing. Isn't that something admirable?
Lillia nods in confirmation "Yes. I'm afriad that it all happened earlier."
Solita says: Ah, mylady. Nice to see you again.
Seazu snorts
Zandral nods her head at Solita "Hello."
Minks slowly strtas packing up her things
Dharah toys with the ribbons on her sleeves
Seazu says: Oh, see, another menki
« Last Edit: January 01, 2012, 10:31:45 am by Aiwendil »


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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2012, 10:16:40 am »
More "dancing"

Zandral says: Well, at this rate... i'm going to have to get up there and dance myself if I want any entertainment.
Solita says: Leaving again?
Minks nods
Minks says: Yes, I'm tired.
Zandral looks over at Jasyus "No... I'm afraid less action is even less interesting." she grins
Netrhys chuckles
Minks says: I worked to much to prepare for the ball that I'm tired now.
Solita says: I see. Seems to be a quite hungry crowd, though.
Onilise says: Introduce me to your friend Seazu *she motions to the klyros with the rat head*
Minks nods
Jasyus says: There's no music. Maybe somebody could play and people would join you... and whoever offers to dance with you..
Solita says: I just put a table full of carp when I left...
Minks says: They mostly likes the apple pies
Lillia says: Hello there.
Seazu smiles at Onilise "If I could see her face I could tell you her name"
Lillia looks at Zandral "Well you are very free to dance if you like." she giggles
Solita says: Music?
Eonwind takes another piece of pie nodding at Telena "Delicious. Really delicious."
Onilise laughs "Oh I thought... nevermind haha"
Dharah says: Oni, did you bring your pan flute?
Mekora looks to Lillia, a smirk under his mask. "Greetings. Terribly sorry I have been late."
Onilise looks over at Dharah "um yes"
Jasyus winks at Onilise "Take care of my stick. Some fenki wants fun and I can't leave her hanging."
Netrhys says: Hiya Solita"!
Zandral looks around the area again "Well I suppose nothing else is happening. But I would need music to dance."
Onilise says: Okay
Onilise winks at Jasyus
Onilise says: have fun
Telena smiles. "Yeah. She is a good cook. I hope she will be there the next days as well, so I can eat her food again."
Dharah says: You could play, Oni
Lillia giggles "Well then ask someone... there are many musicians here." she giggles some more
Onilise holds Jasyus's staff while he traipses off after a fenki
Jasyus says: Well I'm offering to dance. Do you accept or reject, miss?
Minks waves to the group "I will go home now. But I left some more apple pies on the table over there."
Jilata keeps a distance to everyone. She has half of her attention at her falcon she is carrying on her arm and the other half on the party in front of her.
Mekora looks around, without any major success, for familiar faces.
Solita plays her lute
Eonwind smiles to Telena "Me too... may I ask you a question? Have you ever thought about joining a guild?"
Zandral looks at Jasyus "Ok, why not? I can always shot you down later."
Eziar applauds the music.
Zandral holds out her hand towards Jasyus
Jasyus says: I can always kidnap and enslave you.
Jasyus grins and takes Zandral's hand
Zandral chuckles "You could try, but I doubt you would like the result of that."
Zandral looks around "could stand more room for dancing than this."
Telena blinks, taken by surprise by the question. "Not really actually. I tend to travel around a bit, so there is no use to join a local guild. One I join, should be active over more levels." She shrugs. "There aren't that many of those."
Jasyus says: That's why there is a stage over there.
Mekora looks directly to Eonwind, always finding 'recruiters' fairly entertaining... Although he is somewhat of one.
Eziar says: This is very beautiful music. Did you write it yourself?
Zandral chuckles "you want to dance on the stage huh? Will they allow that?"
Solita says: Well, somehow ... I play melodies I heard somewhee else...
Eziar says: Ah. Well it sounds very nice.
Jasyus says: Well, know what, up to you.
Netrhys chuckles
Netrhys says: They will... I recall a certain dance that wasn't planned either
Lillia looks over to Zandral "You can dance on the stage if you like. No one is up there now."
Lillia giggles happily
Zandral shrugs "Stage it is I guess."
Jilata sighs and walks past the group, leaving the city.
Mekora slowly walks over to the apparent merchant.
Onilise smiles at Zandral
Jasyus says: After you.
Netrhys says: Now this is going to be interesting...
Lillia says: Ooh... I want to see this.
Netrhys looks towards the stage
Netrhys looks around
Netrhys says: Shan't we go to the stage and see how they do?
Onilise waves her mug in the air and glitter flies around
Solita listens to Waesed playing flute
Dharah says: Sounds like an idea
Zandral puts her hand on her hip and leaves one out stretched "Well... impress me." she smirks ar Jasyus
Netrhys eyes the glitter "Heya, nice!"
Onilise smiles "thanks"
Mekora walks over to the stage, seemingly unamused, yet continue to watch with a fake smile upon his face.
Seazu glides to the place in front of the stage
Zandral chuckles "Unless of course you aren't up to it..." she slowly withdraws her hand
Onilise tries to see what's happening
Netrhys mutters "A big mouth she has, alright..."
Jasyus raises an eyebrow and takes Zandral's paw, reaching out the other to rest it a tad above her hip "I'm up to it."
Lillia looks around and giggles "Now everyone is here."
Onilise speaks to Seazu in a low voice "they're cute together"
Netrhys lifts her mask to drain the rest of her mug, then puts it back down
Seazu whispers back "The more they pretend to dislike each other, the better they match"
Zandral rests the hand that was on her hip on Jasyus's arm "Well then... it's all you now."
Netrhys chuckles
Onilise giggles and nods in agreement
Solita tries to improvise a melody matching the dance
Hertikef cntinues to play random songs
Dharah says: Too many musicians, too few dancers
Korumak beats in time to the music
Jasyus grins and starts to move his feet at a steady, slightly quick rythm, from side to side, making his hips follow suit, swaying from left to right very shortly (am I doing it right?)
Solita joins the fast dancing melody of the flute players
Zandral follows Jasyus's motions be sways more seductively while staring straight at Jasyus
Hertikef says: Thank you waesed
Jasyus grins and tries to turn Zandral around, raising her hand a bit over her head
Zandral pivots on the ball of her foot and lets her tails curl around her as she comes around before slowly unwinding it "Now don't tell me that is all you've got."
Onilise nods for Waesed to play now and puts her flute away in favor of more lakka
Netrhys can't help an approving grunt
Onilise watches the dancers and pats her heart
Jasyus chuckles and keeps dancing, holding Zandral not very close but a tad closer than before, even though not half as close as he'd like, for the look on his face "I'm sorry to disappoint you."
Eonwind smiles at Telena whispering her "I am the best dancer, so please excuse me in advance" then gently takes her hands and makes an elegant bow
Zandral sways her hips gently as she dances and she stares right into Jasyus's eyes as if challenging him "Oh it's alright... I expected as much."
Onilise sings "D'laaayO Dlaaay OOOo"
Waesed says: that good or something slower?
Onilise spins to the song
Onilise laughs, dizzy and sits/falls down
Onilise says: haha
Seazu's head turns to Onilise quickly
Netrhys chuckles, then claps
Seazu says: Are you ok Sis?
Jasyus stares back into Zandral's eyes from under his mask, his own eyes gleaming a bit "This is not a versatile melody, but you'll see if it changes."
Dharah giggles
Onilise grins "yea"
Seazu tries to help Onilise up
Onilise grabs Seazu's hand "thanks"
Seazu stumbles a little but doesn't fall
Onilise stands closer to her sister for balance for both of them
Telena makes an elegant curtsy. "I probably wouldn't have noticed if you didn't say it." She winks and whispers to Eonwind as she gets into a dancing position. "I don't dance that often myself."
Dharah dances in place
Zandral chuckles and pushes away from Jasyus to dance on her own "Let me see what I can do then" she rolls her hips to the music
Korumak plays the song faster
Zandral looks back over her shoulder
Onilise laughs as Jasyus head bounces with Zandral's hips
Jasyus frowns a bit and reaches out to get ahold of Zandral again "Oh no, miss, you're not playing alone."
Onilise ignores the drifter
Korumak continues to play his jig
Korumak says: and cranks the tempo up another notch
Zandral giggles as Jasyus pulls her back closer "Oh well, you will have to do better than that or I will have to do just that."
Travosh decides to go scrounge what he can from the tables
Onilise downs more lakka "well I guess there's no proposal"
Jasyus slips his left arm behind Zandral's back and leans forward, getting his face closer to her "Well missy, allow me to show you what have I got."
Hertikef says: Thank you
Eonwind put gently his left arm around Telena's waist while hoding her left hand and slowly starts to motion following the rythm
Jasyus slips his left arm behind Zandral's back and leans forward, getting his face closer to her "Well missy, allow me to show you what have I got."
Korumak takes the tempo up yet another notch
Onilise smiles at Dharah
Onilise says: she makes me tired just watching her
Dharah says: My feets is tired
Onilise giggles
Zandral giggles but doesn't back down "We'll see..." she continues swaying along
Dharah whispers to Onilise "They do make a cute couple"
Telena places her hand on Eonwind's shoulder and follows his dancing movements, giggling softly at the performance of the two enki's on the stage.
Jasyus keeps leaning forward, intending her to bend backwards "Exactly, we'll see."
Thidin says: Hmm a show?
Teshia smirks "that's what you kids call it?"
Travosh chuckles, nodding at Eonwind. "Thats my boy."
Thidin shakes her head at Teshia, walking foreward.
Korumak plays "Irish Washerwoman" with a bit more spunk
Zandral bends be seems a little miffed to be put in a weaker position
Eonwind nods briefly to Travosh while dancing gently holding Telena and slowly moving to the centre of the dancing place"
Waesed says: a red liquor will do me
Korumak takes up to the big notch, hamming it up as well
Jasyus grins wide and immediately leans back, half-circling around her with his hand still on her hip, still looking into her eyes, first to the left, then to the right "Your time to impress me."
Zandral tries to move further away from Jasyus as she dances so she can straighten up
Waesed says: thanks
Korumak finishes it off with a big florish
Teshia stands quietly by Thidin, looking about, one brow slightly arched, although this would be hiddin by her mask.
Korumak bows to Onilise
Telena starts loosing her interest in the enkis. She follows Eonwind, enjoying her dance with him.
Seazu sits down besides the two nolthrir
Onilise smiles at her sister
Korumak glances at thidin but doesnt say anythng
Zandral grins and rather than settling in front of Jasyus, she proceeds to keep dancing around him with flowing movements
Thidin looks to Korumak, her eyes rolling behind her mask "Turn around you bard."
Onilise giggles and looks from left to right "it's the dox bench haha"
Dharah giggles
Korumak says: What?
Teshia's lips twitch and she cuts her eyes to Thidin.
Jasyus stops dancing, looking at Zandral dance around him and grins back "The music stopped."
Thidin twirls her finger in a circle "Turn around and do youre job."
Onilise wiggles her feet "am I short or is this bench high"
Dharah says: Yes
Korumak says: I already did but, thanks for noticing
Teshia grins and waves Korumak closer.
Onilise says: yes which? *she wrinkles her nose*
Zandral giggles "So... I believe you said impress me. Not play for me." she winks at Jasyus
Dharah says: Exactly
Korumak says: What is it Teshia?
Teshia says: Enjoying yourself?
Onilise laughs and drinks more
Waesed drinks his beer and puts his claws on.
Korumak says: Somewhat...
Thidin looks confused at Teshia
Teshia grins impishly "You should dance with Thidin."
Thidin laughs "i think not."
Korumak says: I have no desire to join the death realm today thanks
Jasyus sighs, faking being tired "You won, you won. It looks like I can't impress you. How about a drink?"
Teshia says: Oh but Thidin! You're such a good dancer... so I've been told....
Waesed growls. "GRRRRR!" and beats his chest.
Travosh says: Give it a whirl Thidin! Most have done something out of hte ordinary today!
Onilise jumps then laughs when she realizes it's Waesed growling again
Netrhys starts swaying her head along imaginary music
Teshia grins to Waesed, and nods to Thidin "you could dance with the Ulber too."
Thidin raises a brow at Teshia "Says who."
Teshia smiles sweetly "I'll only tell you after you dance."
Thidin sighs "I don't need to know everything."
Korumak says: Not wearing my steal plated boots, so she better not
Teshia laughs lightly "She wouldn't step on *your* feet... but you might crush her pretty paws."
Eonwind slowly motion following the rythm and dancing with Telena, he doesn't seems to care about what happen around "You are a very good dancer Telena, yuo were undervalueing yourself before"
Zandral says: "Now I'll show you what I got..." she sways her hips leading into a body wave while looking right at Jasyus. She hums slightly as she dances
Thidin narrows her eyes at Korumak
Korumak says: Dancing is also part of the art
Audrid leans over the guestbook and carefully writes "Audrid herogen"
Korumak exicutes a kerry dance on the spot
Korumak does very well at it.
Teshia grins "Oh go on, Thidin. Just a dance!"
Telena chuckles lightly. "Oh not at all. You are the one who is a good dancer. A woman is as good as a dancer, as her partner is."
Onilise gets all googly eyed and flaps her head back and forth singing to herself "fishy fishy fishy"
Zandral sways from side to side exaggerarting the stretching over obviously for Jasyus
Onilise says: swishy swishy swishy
Travosh chuckles. "You yourself are a fish, Onilise."
Jasyus stares at Zandral, seemingly impressed and amused "My..."
Dharah giggles and pokes her sister in the ribs
Thidin sighs "Why don't you Teshia?"
Onilise waves her arms like water and flexes her gills at Travosh "maybe haha"
Waesed growls. "GRRRRR!" and beats his chest.
Teshia grins "because he wants to dance with someone with a tail."
Korumak says: Why not you Teshia... I did see your hubby here earler danceing
Waesed says: Hi
Teshia frowns "Caraick was here?"
Travosh says: Maybe? Its science m'dear!
Thidin looks surprised at Korumak "Caraick? Really?"
Teshia says: dancing?
Korumak says: Oh eye, danced up on stage to the striper
Korumak says: I played for him
Audrid takes a step back "Hi there"
Thidin laughs
Teshia gets really quiet....
Travosh says: Just like I'm a fish. and a reptile. Some crazed new fangled combination. There isn't a word for it in common.
Zandral lifts one arm up around her head and spins before droping to the ground and slowly coming back up. He movements match the pass of her humming
Thidin says: Oh now Teshia, you must dance.
Onilise poofs her lips out "that's right Mr. and I'll outswim all those other fishes too"
Teshia snorts "I suppose I should strip too?"
Jasyus steps back and folds his arms, looking at the dance with interest
Onilise sings again and giggles almost spilling her lakka
Korumak says: Though he was dancing by himself on stage, he didnt dance with anyone in particular mind you, not that i saw anyways
Travosh says: Should hope you can outswim the other ifsh, most fish don't survive long if they can't!'
Teshia has a bit of a pout visible beneath her mask.
Thidin waves her hand to Teshia
Korumak says: Corse he was already here when i got here, so who knows
Onilise looks over at Travosh "well they don't if they swim inside" *she opens her glittery lips and points into her mouth with Jasyus's stick"
Teshia mutters under her breath about [cuss]ing menki.
Zandral hums at a quickening pass and Zandral shimmies her hipps to match the pace before coming to a quick and precise stop that shows off her level of muscle control
Travosh shrugs, cracking open the snout of his mask to drink more efficiently
Zandral giggles before continuing to ease back into swaying from the stop
Jasyus claps slowly, smiling a bit "Very good."
Onilise hiccups and her gills and eyes widen then she looks normal again
Thidin says: Oh it is just a dance
Thidin says: Go one Teshia
Teshia folds her arms, and shakes her head "No... I don't think I will. You go ahead.. I'm going to find something to drink."
Korumak says: Ovbiously Thidin cant, so perhaps you should show her a few moves
Zandral grins "That's exceptional but I suppse I'll let you get by with good for now." she returns to rolling her hips and moving the rolling motion upward through her body
Teshia murmurs absently, looking for something STRONG to drink "Oh I'm certain she can dance circles about either of us, Koru.
Thidin narrows her eyes again "I can dance."
Netrhys laughs
Korumak has a non bleaveing look, "I'm sure"
Dharah says: Oh dear...
Teshia looks to Thidin "is he trying to goad you?"
Zandral slowly winds down her dancing before coming to a complete stop
Zandral smirks and looks at Jasyus
Jasyus says: Not bad. Not bad at all. I'm impressed, yes.
Thidin says: Obviously
Onilise approaches the stage and quickly hands Jasyus his walking stick
Teshia nods "Is it working?"
Korumak says: nope, she dont want to dance, and most likely cant. So why presure her
Thidin says: No, I just care not to dance with you.
Jasyus takes his stick and looks at Zandral "May I offer you a drink at the tavern, miss? I'm offering a date, if you were wondering."
Teshia just smiles faintly, listening to the banter
Korumak says: I dont care either... all the same
Netrhys giggles
Zandral chuckles "Well I don't know... can't say I'm impressed enough."
Korumak says: Thats why i asked Teshia not you
Korumak smirks
Thidin shrugs "there you go teshia."
Teshia arches a brow "me!?"
Telena smiles enjoying her dance with the Lemur. She moves closer to Eonwind to whisper into his ear.
Jasyus says: I'm not precisely a professional dancer.
Korumak says: Its just a dance...
Teshia shakes her head "No...I really think I want a drink" She walks over to the bar.
Celizan smiles and waves hello to Korumak
Eonwind smiles to Telena and puts a fowers in her hairs
Zandral laughs "Oh trust me, I don't really judge on dance." she tusn and hops off the stage
Korumak says: Ladies... haveing a good evening I trust?
Zandral looks back at Jasyus "You'll just have to try harder."
Jasyus says: Harder, at what?
Thidin follows Teshia
Zandral grins "being impressive."
Ketta winks through her mask "I've only just arrived.."
Zandral looks around
Eonwind whisper softly at Telena's ear
Teshia looks to Thidin, picks up a mug, tips her mask up, and downs it in one gulp.
Korumak says: Can i interest either of you in a dance?
Thidin sighs "Whats wrong?"
Celizan smiles at Korumak "I don't know how"
Telena smiles wide at the whisper. "Good. Because I should get some sleep now. Alone. Cause I am tired." She winks at Eonwind.
Zandral says: Hmm...
Korumak says: oh then something simple then
Ketta smiles "I think I'll need some refreshments first...
Jasyus takes his hat and mask off
Teshia frowns and sets the empty mug down, picking up another "Car said he was going to bring me to this... a date... he's never danced with me once, not in the entire time I've known him, even though I've begged. Stupid menki!"
Zandral says: I suppose not much is going on here.. other than sitting around and talking..
Mekora takes off his mask, obviously uncomfortable and walks off quickly.
Thidin frowns
Jasyus says: That's something that could be done more comfortably at the tavern, downstairs by the fire.
Teshia shrugs, and drinks slowly from the mug "Well, you know that menki will help you in your cause."
Zandral looks back at Jasyus "Now that I can't disagree with."
Zandral says: Well, not the truth of it as least.
Thidin picks up a drink "Didn't know i needed help...."
Lillia says: Oh!
Eonwind grins and then winks at Telena "So have a good rest Milady", he slowly and gently release her and making an elegant bows kisses her hand
Lillia looks at the stage then goes around
Thidin takes a sip from her mug, turning to Teshia "Somethings happened..."
Celizan whispers to Korumak..."when are you playing?"
Lillia giggles and pops through the curtains "I'd like to take a moment and thank everyone for coming. I hope you are having fun and please remember to sign the guestbook."
Korumak says: Already did, if you like I can play you something new?
Telena says: "I will. I will. Good think I reserved a room when there were some still available. I am not too sure about it now." She makes an curtsy to Eonwind, then turns to Lillia.
Zandral looks behind her at lillia for a moment and shrugs "Why not."
Jasyus says: True, why not.
Celizan says: I didn't mean to come late...I lost track of time...I'd love to hear a song if no one would mind
Netrhys looks at Lillia curiously
Korumak says: alright
Korumak pulls out his lute
Zandral says: Well, I suppose I will go sign and head back to the tavern.. at least it is warm there.
Eardstapa looks expectantly at the menki lute player, nodding to Celizan with a smile.
Zandral walks up to the guestbook and signs her name in it
Telena says: "I did that already." She grins and blows a kiss to Eonwind. "Good night. And don't forget about your stall. I think, you left your goods on it."
Lillia giggles and disappears again behind the curtains
Zandral giggles and looks behind her "You coming?"
Netrhys grins "I was half expecting a long speech for an instant!"
Eonwind smiles as Telena kisses him "Farewell. I will. Good Night"
Mekora shakes his head as his takes a pouch from his side, "I don't believe that we've met."
Telena smiles and heads off towards the tavern.
Korumak bows
Celizan claps her hands "that was wonderful!"
Eardstapa applauds the musician.
Lillia giggles
Lillia says: From me?
Korumak says: Thank you, the are a few more new ones if you wish?
Ketta says: That was lovely!
Korumak says: Thank you Ketta
Celizan says: Yes, please play more!
Sanrai says: Hi, sis!
Eardstapa says: Aye, play thou on!
Eonwind heads to his stall seemingly absent minded
Ketta says: Hi sis! Hugs!
Netrhys nods "Aye, it did look quite like it!"
Mekora looks to Glupiizuli, "Ahh, hello newcomer. Welcome to Hydlaa... I am Mekora Dastrid of the Klyros Junction."
Netrhys says: And started, for that matter! *giggles*
Lillia says: Oh I won't be doing another very long until the end.
Eardstapa laughs and hums along to the lute.
Sanrai says: I like your dress....
Lillia giggles "even that won't be very long."
Thidin takes a sip of her drink before looking to teshia "Well, Caraick was here, unless someone signed that paper for him."
Netrhys says: Hehe, that's good, I guess!
Lillia chuckles "what a very interesting costume you have."
Mekora smiles, "Well, we are a guild, yet more like a home or Family for Klyros specifically."
Netrhys says: Tee-hee! *gives off a squeal that sounds deceptively like a real rat*
Thidin says: He's just a bard...
Netrhys then makes a flamboyant bow
Netrhys says: Thank you!
Sanrai says: I think I need a drink, sis.
Thidin says: What do you mean?
Eardstapa says: Greetings, Derator!
Ketta says: Indded, sis...let's visit yon bar
Thidin says: Ah..
Mekora examines the Klyros quickly and nods, "But of course. We Klyros are a species of union with one another. If it pleases you, I may tell you more about the guild."
Lillia giggles and claps in delight at Netrhys
Sanrai says: Cheers, Ketta sis!!
Ketta grns and raises her mug "Cheers!"
Thidin laughs "He should learn his place."
Sanrai takes a grateful sip.
Korumak bows
Korumak says: Thoes are the new ones
Celizan claps loudly
Lillia says: "So you are a...." me guesses "A rat..." she thinks some more "A rat princess?" she sounds hopeful that her guess is correct
Mekora looks to Glupizuli and smiles, "Well, if it suits you, we may want to go to a place slightly quieter."
Thidin says: He is a bard! Nothing more. Deffinatly not for me.
Celizan says: thank you, those were great
Korumak says: Sure, there will be more to come
Lillia looks at Netrhys eagerly waiting to see if she guessed right
Netrhys makes a couple more rat sounds, every of which sounds close to the original "Hehe, princess if you like!"
Thidin goes to bring her drink up to her mouth, but stops "I thought you were dead set on a certain elf for me?"
Sanrai says: How are you, Solita?
Thidin takes a drink
Solita says: Ah, you recognized me easily?
Korumak takes a drink of his beer
Korumak says: So how goes the flaming of the rats?
Sanrai says: um... must be the way you carry the lute....
Lillia giggles and claps her hands together "I was right."
Sanrai says: I love your masque!
Celizan says: I left piles of burning carcasses in my wake...
Thidin seems to grow concerned "Has something happened to him?"
Lillia says: I'm glad you made it and I hope you will come back tomorrow as well.
Solita says: Ah, well, I am here since the beginning, so I am tired already.
Celizan smiles
Korumak grins, "Always good to hear"
Thidin nods
Sanrai says: Mayhap sit and rest somewhere?
Solita says: In my bed, if at all...
Korumak says: Did you sighn up with that other guild yet?
Solita waves goodbye.
Sanrai smiles.
Celizan smiles, I found an interesting flying creature down there that's too much for me now...I had to run"
Sanrai says: Fare you well~
Solita waves goodbye.
Korumak says: Flying one eh... oh... I think i know the ones
Netrhys says: I was planning on coming tomorrow, but I made it here today instead. Possibly I'll be able to come tomorrow as well, but I'm not sure yet.
Celizan says: I haven't signed on with a guild yet...still getting to know people you know?
Korumak says: There queen can be troublesome
Korumak nods
Lillia says: "Well, i am glad that you have made it now at least." she giggles happily
Thidin nods a bit before taking a drink
Korumak says: Later on tonight another member of the guild i'm a part of said she would be here, she's literaly our priest of the group
Korumak says: really into Talad
Netrhys smiles behind her mask "I sort-of promised, I guess, so I sort of had to, eh?" *giggles*
Ketta says: Ahh...that must be Ven you're talking about...
Thidin says: Between him and me?
Korumak says: Aye... she has been going out on hunts with me
Celizan says: Interestings...actually the flying ones are poisonous crackersomethings
Lillia giggles "Well I am glad you did. I am happy that so many people came. "
Korumak says: Venorel
Lillia looks around
Thidin says: Well I would hope so.
Lillia says: There are still a lot of people here even now.
Netrhys nods "Indeed, it was quite a crowd."
Korumak drinks his beer
Lillia says: I hope everyone is having fun and that he people that left had fun already.
Lillia says: Shame there weren'tn more merchants though.
Celizan looks around for beer
Korumak says: Over there in the booth
Netrhys says: Hmm, the most important ones were there: food and drinks, anyway! *chuckles*
Thidin sighs "I know I've screwed up so much already for us that it is near impossible to bring it back."
Celizan says: ok i'll be right back
Korumak says: I reconize the "Wheres the beer?" look anywhere, corse its me who's usasuly wearing it
Lillia says: Yes, we had those... Shame that Bavera had to leave early, but at least I got to be the Barmaid for a little while.
Lillia giggles "That was fun."
Ketta laughs "or me....."
Korumak chuckles
Thidin looks down, obviously disagreeing.
Netrhys chuckles "Ah, the jester was called Bavera?"
Thidin laughs "I threw the engagement ring that I was begging him for back at him after I started loving another man..."
Thidin shakes her head.
Lillia says: No, that was someone else.
Lillia says: Bavera was the fenki that was there earlier.
Korumak says: Did you hear the one about the BBQ that went bad?
Thidin shakes her head "if you knew the other man...."
Thidin leave the statement as that.
Ketta says: No, will you tell us?
Korumak says: The cook said "Rats foiled again"
Lillia says: All is going well so far.
Ketta half-chuckles and half-groans
Thidin says: I did the same thing my sister did to him.
Netrhys says: Hmm... oh well, I guess I should make a habit out of asking bartenders for their names, then! *chuckles*
Lillia giggles
Lillia says: At least the drinks are free.
Korumak says: Well all the members got the Clack so it was pretty bad
Netrhys says: Hehe, was that a hint? If so, it was a good one! *giggles*
Thidin shakes her head
Celizan searches her mind for something witty to say
Netrhys says: Want me to fetch one for you as well?
Lillia says: Sure.
Lillia giggles "maybe there is some tea left.
Lillia says: *"
Korumak says: Oh they where up to their eyeballs into it, nearly got skinned
Thidin doesn't answer.
Netrhys says: Tea? Well, I guess you can't get drunk while running this, huh?
Korumak grins
Netrhys says: I'll see if I can find you some!
Masaro walks into the ball, looking around at all the various costumes, hiding under one of his own
Thidin laughs a bit "I didn't get this dress for nothing Teshia.."
Netrhys says: Looks like they actually left some... but it's a little cold I fear.
Lillia giggles "I don't get drink. But I wanted to try the tea."
Thidin rolls her eyes, still smiling.
Lillia says: Oh that is ok. Thank you.
Korumak thinks that last joke must have been so bad Celizan is speachless
Korumak says: The joke was sewer-worthy i know
Netrhys says: You're welcome!
Lillia sips the tea
Lillia says: Oh this is good!
Thidin says: Oh i could tell you a few!
Sanrai says: Is that you, sis?
Netrhys lifts her mask with one hand and takes a few gulps off what looks like strong liquor
Ketta nods to Sanrai, smiling
Sanrai says: Yay!
Sanrai says: Again?
Thidin shudders
Netrhys says: I must admit that Tinga Tea is a good replacement for alcohol.
Lillia looks around and just takes her mask off for a moment so she can get a good drink of the tea
Thidin says: Don't want to think about it.
Sanrai says: ah.....
Lillia nods and smiles brightly before giggling a bit
Celizan listens intently to the music
Netrhys looks at her "Oh by the way, this reminds me, I met Edaru a couple of days ago."
Masaro looks over towards the newcomers
Thidin walks off "I'll be back."
Lillia says: "Oh did you?" she drinks some more of the tea
Zalya looks around uncertenly. She jumps and turns around to face Lilura scared.
Netrhys says: Aye. Seems like you weren't exaggregating about his wearing the mask all the time!
Korumak dances slowly to the jig
Masaro's ears flick towards Netrhys for a moment
Ketta says: Lovely!
Lillia shakes her head "nope, we always wear out masks."
Sanrai grins.
Zalya looks up and down Lilura "Who-? You? Lilu?"
Zalya shakes her head and laughs a little "Well hi. Its good to see you here Lilura."
Sanrai says: hum.
Celizan smiles "that was lovely"
Lillia says: *our masks
Masaro smiles a bit... not that it's visible, "I know that voice... you changed colors."
Netrhys says: Hmm... well, I guess I won't ask further about that, then?
Lillia says: "Oh I always wear my mask because Edaru always wears his. we match!" she giggles "and edaru aways wears a mask because of the burn scars."
Korumak snickers
Masaro's ears flick towards Eonwind, listening in
Sanrai sips on her wine.
Ketta looks around and has a good drink from her mug
Masaro says: ... now I'm sure it's you, you purple Kran
Korumak drinks from his mug
Netrhys says: Oh! Sorry for that... *sighs and shakes her head*
Kisoji looks around cautiously as he trolls about the area.
Kelan smiles "Hello"
Netrhys takes another gulp off her liqor
Masaro snickers a bit, "What did you go right for?"
Lillia giggles "It is a shame about Edaru's scars but it's not so bad wearing a mask all the time. I like wearing my mask."
Ketta says: Hello, Kelan...Doing some archery?
Korumak leans to Celizan and whispers
Lillia sips her tea some more and looks at the mask in her hand
Kelan nods "Yep, have been in the arena for a while"
Masaro can't help but snicker a bit hearing Lillia; perhaps it's because he's always wearing one
Masaro laughs, "One of your weaknesses... but could be worse I guess."
Netrhys says: Well, I admit that it does have advantages at times. However, I don't think I'd get used to this anytime soon. Not even the dress, actually. *chuckles*
Ketta says: Ah...what were you shooting at there?
Kisoji curls up on the floor between Sanrai and Ketta.
Korumak nods
Kelan says: I tried to hit some gladiators. They didnt move fast today
Masaro says: Yeah, you could be addicted to pungent tubers. Then, nothing would mask you!
Ketta looks curiously at the ulber-creature...
Netrhys says: Then again, I wonder what Sharven would say if I were to appear at his place like this! *giggles*
Lillia chuckles "Well dresses are nice too but I do think there are times when it is not good to wear them."
Sanrai moves away slightly ...
Lillia says: Who is sharven?
Ketta says: Hmmm...the last time I brought an ulber to town, I got in trouble...
Sanrai says: hahaha
Sanrai says: Yes, you did!
Netrhys gestures vaguely towards the temple "The high pries of Laanx."
Masaro laughs a bit, "Though you can add an interesting flavor to cookies with a little of it... not one of my favorites though."
Kelan grins
Sanrai says: Has anyone given him a beer?
Kisoji rises up and growls a bit.
Ketta nods and has a drink from her mug "...but this one's not mine...I just want everybody to know..."
Sanrai says: Guess not.
Masaro nods a bit, then covers his mouth
Lillia giggles "Oh... I don't think that he would be so happy about a rat princess in the temple."
Masaro keeps his left ear angled towards Eonwind, listening in on what he can
Ketta chuckles " interesting costume, that..."
Netrhys chuckles "Probably not! Not even with the prospect of a potential follower, hehe!"
Celizan says: which one, ketta?
Kelan says: Yep, and a nice one too. He didnt bite
Lillia giggles "No, he might be scare that you start to nibble on everything in the temple."
Ketta says: The hairy ulber-looking one...too short for a real one, though.."
Celizan says: ah that one...
Netrhys says: Wooden prayer benches, yum!
Sanrai says: I think he left.
Lillia giggles
Ketta nods
Masaro looks over to Korumak for a bit, looking at his outfit
Kelan grins "Oh, thought it was a real one"
Lillia says: Oh1
Lillia says: *!
Lillia says: It's time to end the Ball...
Zalya looks around, not knowing really what to do. She steps around the large Vase and pretends to be admiring it, but she looks up to see what other peoples body languge is like and try and replicate it. She isn't very subtle though.
Lillia says: I will need to get on stage.
Netrhys giggles "The speech, huh?"
Korumak mumbles an excuse me
Kelan says: Have been many people here today?
Netrhys shakes her head "Hehe, just joking!"
Masaro says: Well... talk and dance with people I think. I don't really do much of either. There's food but...
Lillia giggles and nods
Lillia heads around the wall
Korumak says: Evening Zalya I see you made it, how is the ankle
Ketta says: It's been about the same since I arrived...
Ketta says: A few people arrived and a few left
Lillia pops through the curtains, obviously finding that amusing, and stands on the stage "Excuse me Everybody! Can I have your attention." she giggles
Zalya turns around to face Korumak. She looks him up and down oddly "I did.."
Ketta says: No...I got here a short time ago...
Netrhys looks towards Lillia, grinning behind her mask
Lillia giggles "I'd like to thank everyone for attending the first day of the Ball."
Zalya's ears perk up as she turns to face the stage. She moves up a little in order hear hear lillia better.
Lillia shout This has been a wonderful start to our event. Now the first day of the Ball is ending. But before it ends completely, we have one last show for you. "she giggles happily "I hope you will stay for the fireworks display and also sign the guestbook if you haven't done so already.
Ketta says: Ooh...fireworks?
Netrhys claps "Fireworkies!"
Sanrai backs up a bit.
Lillia shouts: If you could all come a bit closer, you will be be better able to see the fireworks.
Sanrai looks around....
Mekora nods to Netrhys, "I believe we have met before.
Lillia shouts: I look forward to seeing all of you on the rest of the days and I hope that now, all your dreams come true!


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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2012, 10:19:08 am »

Three angry hisses come from behind the stage, as three fire trails blaze in a diagnol trail from the right side of the backstage area toward the skies over the city wall to the left of the stage. As the firetrails wink out in the night a moment later they are replaced with three brilliant globes of light aligned vertically, red over blue over yellow. A deep concussive boom resounds off the stones of the wall. Before the globes can wink another set of three fire trails leap into the sky from the left side of the back stage area, they angle out over the skies over Jayose's Library.......
Lillia curtsies and leaves the stage
Lilura says: ooo
Masaro says quietly, "Tch... I've only a handful and it's not likely any will come true-" he stops as he sees the fireworks, eyes widening a bit
Korumak says: ahhh
Ketta shouts: ?Oohh!!
Lillia watches the fireworks as well
Thidin smiles as she looks up
The three trails wink out and a moment later a second set of three globes brighten the sky as the first three fade out: Yellow over blue over red. The roof tiles rattle as the lights are followed by another deep concussive boom. Two glittering trails erupt straight up into the sky from behind the center of the stage. They flank a smaller dimmer trail that rises along with them......
Zalya looks up at the sky in awe. Suddenly forgetting where she is she just laughs happily.
Ketta shouts: Aahhh!
Eardstapa applauds the fireworks from where she stands.
Kelan smiles "very nice"
Sanrai claps with glee
Celizan rubs her sensitive ears
The left and right glitter trails flare wider to become crackling waterfalls of yellow streaks that shower down, but wink out well before reaching the roof tops. Their more muted booms are dwarfed by the successive louder booms across the across the sky as the middle trail flare out in four directions. Each trail explodes into a distinct separate shape: A green tree, the red outline of a cloaked figure, a blue outline of the Gugrontid pillar, and the dark purple outline of an elongated crystal. The resounding booms fade into silence.
Lillia giggles happily as she watched the fading fireworks


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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2012, 10:20:15 am »

Ketta shouts: Wow!!
Kelan claps "great"
Ketta claps and laughs
Sanrai claps some more!
Masaro smiles a bit, watching the explosions, saying quietly to himself, "I need to learn how to do magic like this....", his eyes linger on the crystal firework for a while until it fades
Sanrai says: Wonderful!!
Lilura grins
Sanrai says: Thank you, Lillia.
Lillia giggles "You are welcome"
Korumak applauds
Ketta says: That was really spectacular!
Zalya continues to stare up at the sky increadibly entertained. She steps forwards and twirls to get a better veiw of all of it. Her dress swings around her in an elegent spirel.
Korumak says: Nice dress looks like it was worth the wait
Lillia waits for the last one
Kelan smiles at Celizan
Zalya stops spinning and stumbles a little, dizzy. She looks around and realizes other people are around and turns a bright red under her fur. She looks to Korumak and says "Thanks..." Softly.
Korumak says: A corset... you sure your love isnt here... I hear wearing one is ah... an adventure in and of it self
Sanrai sips some more wine.
Eardstapa unfurls the parchment now that the excitement is dying down.
Eardstapa's eyes scan its contents. "Dost thou speak on behalf of thine guild too?"
Zalya's face stays flushed "No... Its not that bad if you don't bend over... And Geceni isn't here. He- he couldn't make it." She says to Korumak.
Lillia looks around
Lillia just hops on the stage "Thank you everybody. Feel free to stay as long as you like but the official part is over."
Sanrai says: Yay!
Lillia giggles and hops off the stage
Korumak says: Ah if i wasnt such an honoralbe Meki he would have something to worry about
Sanrai claps
Ketta claps
Roled whispers to Lilura "Gemma did I miss the performance? All of it?"
Zalya looks down a bit, avoiding eye conctact with Korumak "I suppose..."
Lilura turns around 'i think so but theres always tomorrow'
Korumak says: A dance perhaps?
Lillia says: Goodnight everybody!
Lillia waves
Celizan says: Goodnight!
Ketta dances to the lively tune
Zalya looks back up at Korumak "A what?"
Masaro frowns a bit, "Geceni's been gone?"
Korumak says: A dance
Roled says: I haint got me costume yet!
Eardstapa tries to understand how the council operates. "So each Adani member is free to explore what they would, and then bigger decisions are brought before the ruling council for its approval or disapproval?"
Eonwind looks at Eardstapa "well not exactly, by now I can let you know that I am the apprentice of one of the council member. "
Thidin giggles a bit, watching the dance floor
Eonwind gets next to Eardstapa and quickly whisper something at her ears


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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2012, 07:42:00 am »
Second day

[These logs are from Dalmurr so credits to him for cleaning and editing them]

Dalmurr arrives at the ball area, almost a bit late for his own performance. To his disappointment, the place looks curiously empty. He slowly moves towards the only two people to be seen; the Nolthrir he had met as the ball's organizer, and another disguised woman.

Edaru raises from his pillow and nods to Dalmurr. "Welcome."
Edaru nods towards Dalmurr then looks to Dharah. "In fact I was kind of waiting for this great artist here."
Dharah says: Oh? Great artist?
Dalmurr nods at Edaru "Good to see you" then looks over to Dharah "Ah, I see..."
Dalmurr introduces himself to Dharah "My name is Falc Loret. Nice to meet you."
Dharah says: I'm Dharah Tisunai, pleased to meet you
Dalmurr smiles invisibly under his mask, then looks over at the stage
Edaru bows slightly to Dalmurr. "It's good to see you Falc". But then he sights softly and looks around. "I just fear...there aren't many people around at the moment. It's a shame somehow....there were so many yesterday but I guess they need some rest from the dancing and celebrating:"
Rigwyn wanders in though the gate cloaked in a flowing red priest's robe with his head fully covered. On his face is an ornate masque adorned with golden paint and small emeralds. The expression on the masque is on of surprise and sheer horror.
Edaru nods to Rigwyn. "Greetings Sir."
Rigwyn says: Greetings to you too.
Dalmurr gives a nod to Rigwyn, then turns back at Edaru "That's unfortunate..."
Rigwyn turns to look at Edaru, then Dharah, then begins to wander.
Rigwyn says: Mmmm mmm...
Rigwyn says: Quite a ball here eh?
Edaru chuckles as he turns to Rigwyn. "Should have been around yesterday...there were plenty o people who all had a lot of fun. But I hope it will get even better today...once they all woke up again."
Rigwyn says: Its a shame, I would have liked to make it here a bit earlier..
Dharah says: Yes, I think everyone was tired out
Edaru nods to Dharah. "But I see that as something good..means the ball is a success somehow."
Edaru looks back to Dalmurr. "I'm really sorry...not sure what to do. Of course you are free to perform now...or just wait until more people arrive. You can even get on stage now...and again later again if other people are here if you want."
Rigwyn lookst at Dalmurr curiously
Dalmurr looks at the stage again "Ah rotting dust. This is just not good. Do you think some more people might show up now?"
Edaru shrugs his shoulder slightly as he looks back to Dalmurr. "I'm sorry, I really can't tell. Yesterday more people showed up than I expected...but it was a lot later."
Dharah says: What sort of a performance is it?
Edaru chuckles softly and waits for Dalmurr to answer Dharah's question.
Rigwyn smirks beneath his masque as he eyes Dharah once again, then moves towards her as he looks over his shoulder at Dalmurr, "Yes, just what sort of show will this be? and who is this scrumptious looking creature before me?"
Rigwyn says: With anyone hun?
Dalmurr nods at Edaru, then turns to Dharah "A comedic one. 'So many gods?!', I called it"
Dharah shies away instinctively, "Uh, no, no I'm not"
Rigwyn says: Thats what I thought... at a ball all alone?
Rigwyn says: We can fix that
Dalmurr looks mischievously at Rigwyn
Dharah says: Well, I was here with my sisters from the guild...
Dharah looks around as if hoping they would appear
Edaru watches Rigwyn and Dharah with some amusement.
Rigwyn says: Well, now you can say you're here with me, right? I don't bite... I just nibble a bit.
Rigwyn interjects, "In a playful way, that is!"
Dharah says: And you are?
Rigwyn says: Oh, pardon me... where are my manners.
Rigwyn makes a slight bow, then says warmly, "My name is Jaard Blacke. Perhaps you know me from the stonehead? I'm a chef there."
Dharah says: Ah, I've never been to the Stonehead, actually
Dharah says: That's an....interesting....mask you have
Rigwyn says: Well, there you go. You should come by some time. Ah.. my masque..
Edaru nods "It's indeed a...ahm...interesting mask."
Rigwyn says: Heh heh.. I just figured I would poke a tiny bit of fun at the Laanx priests.. there a touchy bunch..
Rigwyn says: With all their rules and what have you...
Rigwyn says: Yours is quite nice too... and that outfit of yours... wow..
Dharah says: Do you like it? I made it myself.
Rigwyn says: Its absolutely stunning.. are you a tailor by trade?
Dharah says: No, but my mother was
Dharah says: Is, actually
Edaru sighs softly. "Should have known this earlier. We were desperately looking for a tailor for weeks and couldn't find one."
Rigwyn says: Well, apparently it has rubbed off.
Rigwyn says: Did she make it, or did you?
Dharah says: Oh dear, well, I wouldn't have been much help, I've been spending all my time just making this one outfit
Edaru chuckles "But with that outfit you did a great job."
Dalmurr looks at Rigwyn "A chef, eh? So do you have some food? I'm feeling hungry."
Rigwyn turns to Dalmurr and snaps, "No. Sorry, I leave my work behind when I go out."
Rigwyn says: I'm sure you don't carry your work with you everywhere you go, do you?
Edaru laughs out as he looks from Rigwyn to Dalmurr. "Falc is a there is a chance he does indeed carry his work everywhere.,"
Dalmurr says: My work is of mental quality. I have it in my head. So yes, indeed I do.
Rigwyn says: Oh, a commedian... Falc? Falc who?
Dalmurr says: Falc Loret.
Rigwyn says: Falc Loret, well.. its a pleasure to meet you Falc.
Rigwyn says: So..
Edaru nods causally to Sonai as the Klyros passes by. "Greetings."
Rigwyn says: When does this show start?
Dalmurr says: Well, it was supposed to start now, but as you can see, nobody came
Edaru lowers his head. "I'm sorry Falc...I really just think they all celebrated far too long yesterday."
Dharah says: Yes, once the conversation moved to theology, I knew it was time to go to bed
Edaru turns to Dharah. "Oh, it did. Glad I went out to look for a present for Lady Lillia then."
Rigwyn inches towards Dharah, "And who might you be?"
Dharah says: may call me...Calliope
Rigwyn says: Calliope, well met..
Rigwyn says: Well, perhaps some more might show up. I could use a good laugh....
Dalmurr looks at Rigwyn "It's quite an interesting story, really. Apparently, a few creeps calling themselves 'scientists' balieve there's many more gods in Yliakum."
Rigwyn says: That sounds like a rather silly story Falc...
Dalmurr grins invisibly under his mask "It is, Jaard. Great opportunity to make fun of it, I thouight."
Rigwyn looks at Dalmurr from behind his masque quietly... perhaps not sure what to think.
Sonai wanders up, and glances curiously at the group
Sonai says: may . . .*pauses* may i intrude a moment?
Edaru turns his head to Sonai and says in a warm voice. "Interested in some comedy performance?"
Sonai says: comedy? *seems a tad confused*
Rigwyn turns to Sonai and mumbles, "Falc over there is going to make us he thinks"
Sonai says: as in . . .haha? *mimics laughter, rather poorly*
Dharah says: That's the general idea, I think
Edaru chuckles and still looks to Sonai. "Of course you may...and yes, Falc over here..." With htese words he raises his hand and points to Dalmurr. "..wanted to do a comedy performance. But not many people seem to be around to see it yet."
Sonai cocks head, and smirks slightly*
Sonai says: intresting . . .
Dalmurr says: Heh. Maybe I could perform to you and call it "dress rehearsal".
Edaru turns to Dalmurr. "I would like that at least."
Rigwyn says: I think Calliope and I would like that very much...
Sonai eyes up the costumes, seeming to be slightly more intruiged by the kit than the suppossed show
Dharah sidesteps slightly
Dharah says: I would certainly be interested
Dalmurr says: well okay, it would starts about like this...
Dalmurr says: "When I came to Hydlaa a few days ago, I noticed one thing right away: the presence of gods can be felt everywhere! Even before you reach the town, there's Rock City with its Talad temple..." He adds another small pause as if hoping for laughter.
Rigwyn interrups "Should we sit?"
Dalmurr says: Feel free to sit if you like.
Sonai blinks quckly, then cocks his head again
Sonai says: ill . . .stand, if thats all good with you?
Rigwyn takes a seat right next to Calliope.
Edaru sits down on a pillow as well and looks up to Dalmurr.
Dharah sighs exasperatedly
Dalmurr continues, "...and then you feel the proximity to Dakkru when you have to pass those cutthroats..." He pauses again. "But once you get in the city, it's just great, just wonderful, you know?"
Sonai continues jotting slowly, watching the potatoe . . .
Dalmurr says: "All the delighted people everywhere, the smell of food... And then, yeah, the religious sanctuaries. You know, the rusting temple, the known-to-everyone garden..." He points behind him shortly and pauses again.
Sonai glances to the garden, then back . . .
Dalmurr says, "et cetera. It's quite an experience, really! I like this; the smell of religion, just this great vibe in the streets; it's just something you don't find outside of Hydlaa."
Rigwyn settles - shifting his weight from one side to another, before trying to put his arm around Calliope.
Dharah shrugs off the arm
Dalmurr pauses shortly, then says with a lowered gaze: "Though I'm curious..." He turns back up at the audience, "I guess I'm gonna ask you now, or forever regret it. Did you know that there are more gods out there?" He waits for reactions.
Edaru looks uncertainly up to Dalmurr and mutters "More?"
Sonai says: aye . . i di . .*smirks non chalantly, even with a bit of pride, maybe . . .*
Dalmurr says with insisting tone, "it's true, it said so in that scientific research paper I recently found. Has nobody heard of them? Danh'rul, the god who set up all those portals in Yliakum, no? He's a pretty big deal." Pause.
Edaru shakes his head in disbelieve.
Dalmurr sounds excited now as he goes on, "it's quite stunning, really. According to the scientists, we have three gods just to control three aspects of peace; racial, religious and generational peace."
Rigwyn mumbles, "I'm not laughing yet.."
Dalmurr emphasizes: "Three gods secure our peace!," then continues, "Well, I've always wondered where it came from, but so far I assumed the Octarchy had something to do with it...!" He waits for a second for reactions.
Dharah chuckles a little
Dalmurr then throws his hands up in defense and explains, "hey! I didn't make that up! It's all been found out by scientists! And they gotta be right, right? Why would they say it if it wasn't true?"
Rigwyn shouts, "This was supposed to be funny... right?"
Dharah says: There's no need to heckle...
Dalmurr looks a bit annoyed at Rigwyn, but continues
Edaru turns his head to Rigwyn and gives his a short glare before turning his attention back to Dalmurr.
Dalmurr lowers his hands again. "Anyway. Apparently, each god is linked to one stage of life. A god for childhood, one for adolescence, one for families and one for the elderly." He pauses to let that sink in.
Dalmurr continues, with a slower and slightly raised voice, "... and then there's two gods for death!" He pauses again.
Rigwyn mumbles, "Eh.. right.. "
Dalmurr asks: "I mean, seriously? Only one god for the long period of family life, and then two just for dying?" He notes that "That's an interesting focus for the gods to have...!" and pauses again.
Sonai is taking notes, and mumbles slightly . . . .'ahh . . .science and gods and . . .hmmm . . .stages . . . .death . . . .children . . .
Dharah sits up straight at the thought of two death gods
Edaru raises his voice. "But I want a god for Masquerade balls too.."
Dalmurr looks at Edaru "They didn't mention that yet, but maybe they will invent him later"
Rigwyn chortles. "How about one for commedians?"
Dalmurr ignores Rigwyn and goes on
Dalmurr says: "Then that's another part I like: Every god seems to be linked to a month, according to the scientists." He rhetorically asks "Guess whose month we're in right now?," then waits for a reaction.
Sonai snorts slightly . . .'must be sleeping . . .'
Edaru nods. "But please not that masked god....dess...Far too scary."
Dalmurr looks at Edaru "Even better."
Rigwyn begins to shift in his seat as he glares at Dalmurr.. his arms begin to tense beneath his cloak.
Dalmurr's lips form a voiceless couple of words resembling "The Black Flame's" and he immediately explains in his defense: "Seriously, that's their words, I didn't make that up."
Edaru shrugs his shoulder to express he doesn't know.
Dharah is shocked
Rigwyn forces a laugh, "Good one!"
Dalmurr clarifies, with a hint of disbelief in his voice: "Scientists talking about the Black Flame. I guess you can't top that! What's next, scientists claiming the world is really a sphere?" He taps his forehead.
Dalmurr shakes his head and changes topic quickly: "Really. But that's not even the best part. I must say, I really like the women. And to my positive surprised, there were two more goddesses I didn't know of!"
Edaru slightly shakes his head muttering softly to himself. "Never heard of any flame guy...but more females is always good."
Dalmurr sounds somewhat excited now. "I was like, 'Hallelujah! Praised be the names of Tonan-ki and Iraphim, the two new goddesses I never heard of! Take my tria!'" He produces a small purse from his pocket and reaches it towards the audience.
Edaru chuckles softly.
Dharah smiles behind her mask
Dalmurr puts his purse away again and continues, "and not just that, they're also the best gods around! Tonan-ki is the goddess of booze and partying, and Iraphim the goddess of magic itself!," emphasizing the last two words.
Edaru says: we have one for balls already? And it's a woman? That's great
Sonai eyes light up softly . . .'magic itself . . . .?'
Dalmurr ignores Edaru and nods at Sonai "Indeed"
Dalmurr nods eagerly. "The scientists say she created the Azure Sun just because she was bored, and then taught Laanx how to use its power, that's how awesome she is!" He pauses again, hoping for a reaction.
Sonai says: i assume the temples are not as eager to proclaim her worth though?
Rigwyn looks towards Sonai and mumbles, "This man is out of his tree.. you can't take him seriously."
Dalmurr looks at Sonai for a second, seeming a bit confused, before continuing his prepared speech
Dalmurr continues: "But not only did Iraphim create the Crystal of the surface, she also joined forces with Dakkru to create the Dark Crystal! That's girls' power! That's amazing!" He pauses again.
Edaru laughs softly under his mask.
Dalmurr reminds that "male gods never do such awesome things!" He points out that "Talad's miracle is the one of life. Pfff. Who needs that? We have two gods for death, they'd outbid him anyway." Pause.
Dharah chuckles again
Dalmurr mentions another example of the lack of awesomeness among male gods: "Dhenegal? He stands for knowledge and truth. Nobody needs that, and few really want it. This scientific paper proves it!"
Dalmurr says, with an increasingly dramatic sounding voice: "But you know what's best? They say there's another god. One so powerful, he stands above all. He created all of them, and planned everything out perfectly."
Sonai glances to his left and right . . .' dangerous talk this is . . . .' under his breath.
Rigwyn nods, "I'm waiting for Laanx to smite him."
Rigwyn says: That will be true entertainment.
Edaru chuckles "Perfectly? Somehow I doubt that" Then he quickly bites his lips and lowers his head.
Dalmurr now speaks loudly, sounding like a deluded prophet. "It is the Eleventh, the one knows all and controls all, a power so great our brains would implode even by imagining it..." He adds a climactic pause.
Dalmurr's voice returns to a less over-exaggerated tone and he says more quietly, "I bet she's a female." He pauses, hoping for laughter.
Dharah laughs delightedly
Sonai smirks 'or worse, true gods willing'
Edaru laughs. "Not betting against that."
Dalmurr moves on to the next topic: "Okay, so you might ask, how do the scientists back up all their claims? Well, let my quote: 'Proof [...] can be found in many old [...] fairy tales and sagas.'"
Rigwyn sniggers.
Dalmurr continues: "'Danh'rul, who found mention in various old legends and myths.' They mention other 'sources', but never specify who they are." He gets a folded sheet of parchment out of his pocket as he pauses.
Dalmurr holds up the parchment and explains, "one source they do quote though: an apparent epic called 'Ripen though belovest'." He unfolds the parchment and adds: "Let me conclude my speech by reciting this poem about Tonan-ki."
Dalmurr reads out: "And when the final song was sung / A shining light appeared / For then, Tonan-ki blessed the young / When for the crowd she cheered //"
Dalmurr reads out: "Her crops were grown, her name was praised / And when the dark descended / The folk was heartened, not was fazed / Content for how it ended //"
Dalmurr folds the parchment without saying anything more, and bows deeply to indicate his performance has finished.
Dharah applauds
Rigwyn slowly claps with a very unenthusiatic pace that reeks of sarcasm.
Sonai simply nods, continueing to jot notes quickly
Edaru applauds as well but gives Dalmurr a kind of uncertain glance.
Dalmurr looks around, slightly unsatisfied, then takes a sit
Dharah speaks up timidly, "I'm not sure religion is such a great topic for comedy..."
Rigwyn reaches into his pouch beneath his robe with two fingers.
Edaru shrugs his shoulders then says softly. "I guess my limited knowledge about religion prevented me from understanding most jokes."
Dalmurr looks at Edaru "That's all right, no offence taken."
Rigwyn begins to pull something out, then raises a closed fist.
Edaru nods to Dalmurr then turns his head to see the other reactions.
Dalmurr looks at Rigwyn
Sonai is still jotting, occaisionally underlining, then begins flipping through his journal
Dalmurr says: So the cook didn't find it funny, eh?
Rigwyn raises his hand, then swings it back in a circular motion - then up in a scooping manner as if about to throw something to Falc.
Edaru watches Rigwyn suspiciously.
Rigwyn lets go - releasing a tria. He chuckles, "No good performance should go unrewarded" as his lands near him.
Edaru immediately calms down as he sees the coins then starts to laugh.
Dalmurr looks at Rigwyn confusedly, then at the tria.
Sonai glances up at the clinks . .smirks, and then pulls out two, carefully laying them at his feet
Dalmurr says hesitantly "Uhm... thanks." and picks up the coins
Sonai says: definatly learned somthing new . .even if troublesome.
Dalmurr looks at Sonai "You don't actually believe that, do you?"
Sonai says: arches a brow . . '.shouldnt i have?'
Sonai glances about slowly . . . .'oh . . .i get it, that was the joke . . . .'
Dalmurr looks up at Sonai "... what did you think? That that stuff is actually true!?" he chuckles
Sonai looks atad embarrassed, then begins to tear five pages from his journal
Rigwyn looks at at Sonai "He was just being a fool.. er eh.. I mean, a commedian"
Rigwyn says: You have quite a creative mind Falc.
Edaru chuckles. "Kind of have to agree with's was very creative."
Dalmurr grins "Well, I didn't make it up myself though"
Dharah says: Well, I think it was really....interesting. Thought provoking
Rigwyn says: Indeed. I would love to hear more of your .. stories some time... I might know a few others who would be equally interested.
Dalmurr looks at Rigwyn "Really? I'd love to tell you more some day."
Dharah says: I like the idea of a goddess of partying
Dharah says: I think I'll stick with Xiosia, though
Sonai nods, whispering her name quietly 'xiosia . . .'
Rigwyn says: I think perhaps we should talk Falc, I might have a job for you.
Edaru looks from Flac to Rigwyn. "But I hope that job is not tooo soon. I still hope Falc will perform again when more people are around."
Dalmurr looks at Rigwyn, interested "What is it?"
Rigwyn says: Its not an easy one.. I know a wealthy couple that have been looking for an entertainer.
Dalmurr chuckles "How is that not easy?"
Rigwyn says: Well, the hours would be long, and the misses can be a bit moody..
Dalmurr says: Misses, you say?
Rigwyn nods at Falc, "Yes... again, we should talk.. I wish to respect their privacy and not say too much about them in public. They live a private life and prefer to keep it that way."
Dalmurr nods at Rigwyn "Of course. We can talk later"
Edaru looks around. "But I hope you all can excuse me. I still need to get that present for Lady Lillia. I was told to come today to fetch it. Please stay as long as you like...hopefully some merchants will show up soon too."
Dalmurr nods at Edaru "Thank you for your support"
Edaru raises from his pillow then looks to Dalmurr. "Thank you for performing. Hope to see you later again." Then he turns to all others. "And you all try to have fun."
Dharah says: Fare you well!
Edaru waves then walks off slowly.
Sonai says: dang . . .that reminds me . . .im running an errand . . . .
Rigwyn looks to Sonai and waves, "Take care then"
Sonai says: well . .actually, i came for some help . . . .?
Sonai panics a tad, wings flaing limply as he leafs through his journal
Dharah tilts her head at the Klyros
Rigwyn says: Some help?
Dalmurr looks at Sonai "Help with what?"
Sonai voice trails off slightly, like a child hunting a cookie . . . .
Sonai says: yes . . . .
Sonai says: urrm . . .the smith, i got distracted, but he wants me to get him ore . . .i was wondering if there was a miner near here that could help me?
Sonai tilts head to the side in a curious, slightly odd manner
Rigwyn grins from behind his masque as he listens to Sonai
Rigwyn says: Iron ore, I assume?
Dalmurr throws his hands up in defeat "Mining... pphh! Sorry, can't help."
Sonai points to his journal . . .'normally i keep good record . . but i was distracted by a small squirrel . . .
Sonai says: aye . .yes . . .!
Dharah says: I mine occasionally, but I don't have any ore in stock right now
Rigwyn says: I have no clue.
Sonai wings flap limply again
Sonai says: $@!$@! . . .
Rigwyn says: Perhaps Falc over here might know... he seems to be very knowledgable?
Rigwyn looks at Dalmurr
Dalmurr shakes his head "Sorry, I'm not from around here."
Sonai says: it is okay . . i should resume my hunt . . .thanks for the distraction . . . *smirks, in a contolled fashion*
Dharah says: If you want to dig it yourself, I could try to tell you where to go...
Rigwyn says: Follow someone with a pick.
Rigwyn says: They may or may not tell you... but you can always follow them and see where they go.
Sonai says: hmm . . .mayhaps, but its an individual im looking for, the smith told me to find him . .
Dharah says: Oh, Fholen?
Sonai says: fholen . .im not sure . .squirrel . . .ditracted . . .big nut . . .*looks confused*
Sonai says: could be Fholen . . .where can i find this . . .person?
Dharah says: Try down in the lower courtyard here in East Hydlaa
Sonai gives a sudden honest smile ' i will, and thank you . . .'
Dharah says: Good luck!
Sonai says: walk in the unity of Xiosia, and thank you again . . .
Sonai slowly ambles off
Dalmurr nods to Sonai "I need to leave as well..."
Dalmurr waves "I'm off. And Jaard, how can I find you?"
Rigwyn steps back , then walks around Calliope and towards Falc.
Rigwyn says: It may be easier if I find you.
Dharah pulls out her lute and tunes it
Rigwyn steps in close and places a hand on Falc's shoulder, then whispers in his ear.
Dalmurr frowns invisibly under his mask following Rigwyn's whisper, then nods
Rigwyn steps back, then says in a quiet tone, "Be prepared to entertain the next time I see you. Be sure to dress appropriately - wearing your best clothes."
Dalmurr nods again and gives an invisible smile, then turns to leave
Rigwyn turns and walks away - his red cloak flowing as he does, then says in a pollite tone, "So sorry to leave so early, enjoy."
Dharah breathes a sigh of relief
Dalmurr is walking away

'Now is the time', Dalmurr thinks. He returns to his backpack not far from the small plaza, and opens a small bottle filled with a grayish fluid. He empties most of it and leaves the rest behind, next to his pack. Only minutes later, a slightly confused-looking Ynnwn arrives back at the east gate plaza.

Dalmurr returns, holding his mask in his right hand
Erelenga says: Greetings.
Erelenga says: When is the next performance planned?
Dalmurr looks confused "Performance?"
Erelenga says: Aren't you going to show on stage?
Dalmurr looks at the stage, then at Erelenga "Eh... ah, stage. Uhm. I guess. Sorry, kind of a headache."
Erelenga says: That's certainly not helpful, better get a rest until the audience will appear in masses.
Dalmurr looks in his pocket, and finds a parchment "Let's see what it says here... nope, that's just some kind of poem. Yes, I guess I need a rest" He smiles softly
Erelenga says: I'll return later as well.
Erelenga waves goodbye.
Dalmurr nods at Erelenga and waves back
Erelenga says: Hmm.
Erelenga says: Well...
Erelenga says: That might be an idea.
Erelenga grins for himself.
Erelenga says: Aldaaren will love my costume...
Dalmurr looks at Erelenga confusedly as he runs away westward.
Dalmurr says: Where the dust am I...

[ Log slightly edited; mostly line swapping to be easier to read, a few deletions, and slight edits of one or two of my Dalmurr's lines (his edits). Thanks to everyone involved in the RP! ]


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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2012, 07:42:52 am »

Edaru walks to the stage and waves to Dharah "Good to see you again."
Dharah says: Hello! Just practicing a little
Edaru chuckles. "Please do so....Playing for us this evening?"
Dharah says: oh, i don't know. Maybe, if someone asks
Edaru laughs out. "That was a bad you can be sure that at least I -will- ask"
Dharah chuckles "Well, i wouldn't want to hog the stage if I wasn't wanted"
Edaru shakes his head. "Why should anyone not want to listen to your music? And even if that's the case...the ball is for having fun. So if you have fun with playing music do that by all matter what others say."
Dharah replies shyly, "Well, I just don't like putting myself forward. The only reason I got on stage yesterday was because no one else seemed to want to"
Edaru nods. "That's fine of course..only play if you feel comfortable with it. But I'm sure ther will be also times today when the stage is not in use by anyone. "
Dharah says: Yes, true. Although I'm hoping to be selling music most of the day, if some other merchants show up
Edaru sighs softly. "That would be great. We could have used more merchants yesterday...and also more customers for them."
Dharah says: Well, we'll see if more show up as the event progresses. The problem with a long event is not everyone shows up at once
Edaru nods again. "That's true...but by having a long event it's easier to make it possible for everyone to show up. "
Dharah says: Agreed. I had some friends who didn't think they could come until I told them it was a 3 day event
Edaru hums. "That's good to hear. I hope you introduce me to some of your friends if they show up."
Dharah says: Oh, I believe you met Onilise already
Edaru nods quickly. "Oh..yes...we met already several times now..even before the ball."
Dharah says: So, you're a....bodyguard? for Lillia?
Kaerli says: Greetings Dharah.
Edaru nods. "You could say so...I'm her protector and servant."
Kaerli says: and greetings to you as well, sir.
Edaru turns to Kaerli. "Greetings Miss. Did you come for the ball?"
Kaerli says: Yes, that I did.
Edaru nods. "Good to hear that., I fear you are still a bit early..but I hope it won't take long anymore for more people to show up."
Dharah sings "All things shall perish from under the sky..."
Kaerli says: How're you today, if I may ask?
Dharah sings "...Music alone shall live, music alone shall live..."
Dharah sings "...Music alone shall live, never to die."
Edaru chuckles. "I'm all fine...for now I just enjoy the ball. I guess I get stressed again once it comes to clean up afterwards..and get rid of all the decoration again."
Dharah says: It's a shame it all has to come down, It really brightens the area
Kaerli laughs "Yes, cleaning up is going to be a big job."
Edaru shrugs slightly. "Not really a shame...would get boring to have the same decoration for the next years. Much better if the next perosn celebrating here comes up with some own unique decoration."
Dharah says: Ah, that's true
Edaru chuckles. "But excuse me for a moment. I need to check the stalls and if everything is still fine."
Dharah says: Of course, didn't mean to keep you
Onilise says: Hi Haraun I didn' t see you with that huge plant in the way *she laughs*
Haraun chuckles "Maybe the costume makes Haraun be well hidden. Hopefully not though."
Onilise says: I don't see that happening
Onilise giggles
Haraun chuckles "Without costume and on a hunt, it's a good thing to be hidden though." He stands a bit closer to the plant "Will only work in darkness..."
Haraun hides behind the table.
Minks puts the end of the bow on the ground and aims at the riverling.
Minks says: Hmm, where did it go?
Haraun reaches another Ulber heart up in a paw "Way more tasty than a Har.. riverling."
Minks bursts out laughing
Haraun moves to hug Minks "Looks good!"
Minks hugs back "Thanks, you too"
Haraun chuckles "Hopes Minks didn't shoot someone already."
Edaru looks around. "Everything fine here with the stalls?"
Minks points out her tongue "Without arrows?"
Haraun laughs, then looks around "Will Minks set up a stall?"
Minks says: Yes.
Minks says: But wiht these big bags, there's not enough space nect to you
Haraun smiles "Haraun will follow with the things."
Minks says: Maybe here?
Onilise smiles at Minks when she walks by and waves a little
Haraun nods rather eagerly "That looks good - and big for two"
Minks nods
Haraun says: Want to have a fur, too?
Edaru sighs softly. "But no bartender yet...guess I will have to take that part for now."
Minks shakes her heas "Things stand better on the table."
Minks wipes the tabe
Onilise looks from sister to sister "I wonder if we'll see Dannae today?"
Dharah says: She had a costume, so I guess she was planning to attend...
Minks puts the heavy bow away
Dharah says: Oh, do you have that Dlayo song?
Onilise smiles "yes I do! Would you like to have a copy?"
Dharah says: I would, very much! Do you want to trade for one of my flute songs?
Onilise says: Sure if you like but you don't have to... let me find you one *she digs in her bag*
Dharah says: There, that's prettier
Onilise runs a glyph over the music sheet and then the parchment, making a copy for Dharah
Edaru raises from the pillow and slowly walks towards the bar.
Minks nods "Looks good"
Edaru sets a few empty mug on the counter then looks around to make himself familiar with the bar.
Edaru nods to Telena as he walks out of the bar. "Greetings Lady."
Telena smiles to Edaru. "Greetings."
Edaru chuckles. "I'm right back...then i can offer you a drink if you want."
Telena nods. "Later. I have to finish some notes right now."
Onilise pulls out her flute to try the new song
Minks says: I wonder if people will notice.
Haraun nods to Minks.
Edaru stops in front of the stall then looks to Minks an Haraun. "All fine here? I hope we will get some more people to come...but it's still early."
Onilise says: I like it!
Minks says: Everything is fine here.
Dharah says: I thought you might
Minks looks ta Haraun "Or?"
Haraun nods to Edaru "Hopes the same. Harau.. I am very fine"
Edaru examines the food at the stall then chuckles. "Before long I'm back for sure to get something to eat anyway."
Haraun also nods to Minks and chuckles "Very."
Minks smiles
Edaru walks to the next stall. Looking to Onilise an Dharah he asks in a warm voice. "Hope all is fine here as well."
Dharah says: Yes, although we may have to leave for a little bit
Onilise smiles at Edaru "very well thanks! Good to see you"
Telena starts writing in a book, she pauses from time to time, thinking before continuing to write.
Edaru nods. "Of course.." In an amsued voice he adds " long as you come back again."
Onilise flushes and smiles, batting her eyelashes and giggling
Dharah says: You couldn't keep me away
Dharah smiles
Onilise says: We have to go for a ceremony... but we'll be back
Edaru chuckles. "But I guess I better get back to the bar...In case you want something to drink just come over there."
Onilise says: Thanks! We surely will soon
Edaru looks curiously to Onilise "A ceremony? Then best make sure all others attneding it follow you here."
Onilise grins "sounds like a great idea"
Dharah says: Shall we?
Edaru turns around then heads back to the bar.
Seazu nods


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Re: Becoming the Masque - Logs
« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2012, 07:43:34 am »

Edaru raises his voice. "So..everyone who wants some free drinks...I'm ready now."
Telena raises her right hand, which holds the pen, to wave and indicate Edaru that she heard him.
Edaru sighs softly then gets out of the stall again and walks to the stage.
Edaru climbs the stage then raises his voice." And again I want to welcome you all. I hope we are all going to have some more fun today...and that a few more people will show up later. For now...feel free to come to the bar to get some drinks and have fun."
Telena looks up from her book and towards Edaru. "It is time for it already?"
Telena glances around, missing a few more people and shakes her head. "I hope there will be more coming."
Edaru turns to Telena and nods. "Around this time we started yesterday at least."
Edaru nods. "So do I...maybe most are still tired from celebrating yesterday."
Telena chuckles. "Might be." She glances at her book. "I just hope they don't need to work."
Edaru looks to the people at the pillows. "But how about something to drink for now?"
Telena says: "Sure, why not?" She looks at her book again, then to Edaru. "Are you going to join us here?"
Edaru ponders for a moment then nods. "Sure, why not...I guess I can always get back here if my services are needed. So..what can I bring you? Some beer? Cider?"
Telena grins. "Red liquor please."
Telena writes some more words into her book.
Edaru chuckles then takes one of the empty mugs and fills it at one of the barrels. THen he looks to Kaerli and Sasigher "What about the others? Nothing to drink for you?"
Edaru takes another empty mug and fills it with beer.
Sasigher turns around thinking Helita is talking to him
Edaru shrugs and takes both mugs then walks to the others.
Edaru offers the liquor to Telena "Here you are."
Telena looks up from her book and smiles to Edaru. "Thank you." She takes the liquor and sips from it.
Kaerli says: Greetings to you both.
Haraun tries to wave his arms in a way that draws his attention and makes drinking gestures aswell.
Edaru sits down on one of the pillows then sips from his own mug. Looking to Telena he says "Mind if I ask what you are working on there?"
Helita says: Glyphs!
Edaru looks up to Kaerli "Greetings to you as well. Are you going to join us lady?"
Kaerli says: For some discussion, yes.
Kaerli says: As to your name by the way, sir?
Telena shakes her head, placing her mug on the ground next to her. "Not at all. You know, I was thinking of helping to revive the journal which seems to have existed in this city at one point. I was taking a few notes for that."
Kaerli says: Ah.
Edaru gives Telena a curious glance. "A journal? Sorry, I'm pretty new here in have never heard of it yet. But that sounds like a great idea."
Telena chuckles. "I guess I am as new as you. But I met someone on my journeys who told me about it."
Telena says: "It sounded like fun, so I offered help." She glances at her book. "I am not sure if it is really that fun right now."
Edaru nod slowly. "So what do you want to write about in that journal?" Then he chuckles and adds in an amused tone. "Why not? Is it more work than you expected?"
Telena grins. "It is more writing. Oh well... I guess I didn't think about it when I offered. The problem is, I am still waiting for an answer, so I am not sure if she really intends to revive the journal or not." She shrugs. "I wrote about just some general stuff from yesterday. A rough description about the area, what kind of people performed.."
Telena thinks and glances at her note. "I was thinking about adding which costumes I saw. And then talking to people what they thought about it." She winks at Edaru. "And of course with the hosts of the whole masquerade ball."
Edaru nods slowly. "I see...and feel honored you write about this ball." But then he quickly shakes his head. "No need to mention me...Lady Lillia is the ral important person here. She is the one that should get the credits for organizing this ball."
Edaru lowers his head and sighs. "I hope she can make it here later...seems she...overdid the celebrating yesterday a little bit."
Telena chuckles. "Oh come on. You are worth mentioning as well. You got me running around quite well cause of that bag of incense you gave me."
Telena glances to Helita. "Do you want me to call those guards, miss?" She points to the guards at the gate.
Edaru chuckles softly, still eyeing Telena. "I'm completely innocent there. Lady Lilla handed out the incense. But glad you aggreed to help her with it..thank you."
Kaerli says: I don't know what that was about...
Telena shakes her head. "I guess you can find weird people anyway." She glances at Edaru. "Are you sure? I thought it was you who gave it to me. Oh no... I hope I don't get that old, that I can't recognize the gender anymore."
Edaru rolls his eyes but has to chuckle. "Somehow I'm often taken for a woman in this town...Are Nolthrir that rare here so that people don't know what they look like?"
Telena raises both hands. "I am not from here at all. I just arrived in this city a few days ago." She grins. "I think it is just me getting old, that I mixed that up."
Edaru quickly shakes his head. "YOu are not getting least I think so. You diaboli look always look matter the age. I'm somewhat jealous of that."
Telena laughs. "I am getting wrinkles and gray hair. That is not reason enough?" She winks. "You nolthrir should consider living a shorter life, if you are disappointed to live such a long one."
Edaru shakes his head. "I don't really have much of a choice there. And I want to stay near Lillia as long as possible."
Kaerli looks to Telena "So, how has your mercantile work been going?"
Kaerli says: Greetings sir.
Eonwind bows "Greetings to everyone, Telena it'a pleasure to see you, Sir Edaru"
Edaru looks to Eonwind "Greetings. Good to see you. How are you today?"
Telena smiles at Edaru. "I guess there is nothing that can be done the." She looks to Kaerli. "I got four clothes made by a friend and sold for the masquerade. It was better than I expected."
Kaerli says: Good to hear.
Aldaaren Phostle shouts: See! Doomsday has come! The assault has started! Guards, rescue the city - or yourself...
Telena smiles warmly to Eonwind and pats the pillow next to her. "Greetings there. Why don't you take a seat?"
Erelenga makes clicking noises while staggering around
Kaerli stands up and looks around, then notices the thing that looks like a Derghir and laughs "I didn't recall Azarnith being invited to the ball!"
Telena looks to the direction of Aldaaren. "Who is that guy shouting about that Doomsday all the time?"
Eonwind grins at Edaru "Fine thank you, I hope you are fine as well" then smiling brightly at Telena "Thank you very much. I'll be glad"
Edaru turns his head at the sound behind him. After Looking up at Erelenga for a long time he says. "Greetings....kran?"
Haraun says: Seen something?
Erelenga clickers in disappointment
Haraun narrows his eyes "Oh..."
Edaru looks around at all others. "If anyone wants something to drink just tell me by the way. Just with so few people around at the moment I though it's not necessary to stand the whole time behind the bar."
Minks laughs
Kaerli looks at Telena "He lost all his sanity quite a while ago, don't worry about him."
Minks says: A Derghir costume!
Erelenga says: It appears to me that Derghir are not even famous in Hydlaa yet?
Telena grins at Eonwind. "I am. I am. Just started to write a bit." She chuckles and looks to Kaerli. "I guess I have to get used to those kind of people if I am going to stay here."
Minks says: Have you met the Derghir, Haraun?
Erelenga says: Then I'd recommend you to visit them once and make your own opinion about them...
Kaerli says: Well, I hope Azarnith is at least well-known...after all he is a teacher of the Brown Way.
Edaru looks a bit uncertain to Erelenga. "Derghir? I'm sorry...I really haven't heard of them before. But I spend most of my life in a different part of Yliakum."
Haraun looks to Minks "How mean? Not the one that just arrived..."
Kaerli says: He's quite nice, and a very good teacher as well.
Erelenga says: They are just hard to understand. But Jardet can help you.
Minks laughs "No, the real ones"
Edaru looks back to Eonwind. "As you see there aren't many people here yet...but still good to see someone from the Order here today."
Erelenga says: Greetings.
Erelenga raises his mask
Minks smiles "Professor Erelenga. That is a great costume"
Telena picks her mug up and sips from the liquor, before placing it next to her again. She looks to Edaru with a grin. "I am still going to ask you a few questions about the masquerade ball."
Erelenga says: Good to see that the catering works well.
Minks smiles
Erelenga signs the guestbook
Edaru chuckles as he turns his head back to Telena. "Feel free to. Though I'm really sorry Lillia is not here at the moment. She is much better in talking than me."
Eonwind nods at Edaru "Yes, it is quieter but I am sure people will came eventually. I amsure there will be no problem but should the need arise I can call for other Adani. I'm also sure they'll show us later anyway"
Telena looks at her book and chuckles. "I won't ask right now. I think I will just enjoy today as well, and then ask you tomorrow." She looks back to Edaru. "I hope that is fine with you. I think a warning is fair."
Edaru nods to Eonwind ."That's good to hear. And for now a little bit less...hustle isn't that bad."
Edaru nods to Telena. "It's a way I enjoy talking about this ball. After all a lot work went into it."
Eonwind winks at Edaru "Some relax is welcome to me too" then turns to Telena "Have you started to write. What about if I may ask?"
Telena grins at Edaru. "See? You did some work. So it is your ball as well. Or what do you think about that?" She turns to Eonwind at the last question.
Telena chuckles. "Just some notes." She winks and holds the book to Eonwind. "You can have a look if you want. There is not much in there anyway."
Edaru chuckles softly then mutters. "It's my ball if something is messed up and someone to blame is needed...but it's Ladly Lillia's ball if talking about it's success."
Haraun says: Not the pillow? *takes a seat nevertheless*
Minks says: it'c loser here
Edaru nods to Haraun and Minks. "Going to join us too? Just tell me if I can get you something to drink."
Haraun's mask definetly centers the pie
Telena looks to Edaru. "It's not! I think if I ask Lillia, she will say, that it is you that the ball went well."
Haraun nods eagerly to Edaru's both questions.
Eonwind takes the book from Telena with a bright smiles "Thank you" then starts to reads some page while still listening the conversation
Edaru winks to Telena. "You are probably right with that."
Edaru nods to Kulud. "Greetings Klyros. Feel free to join us if you want."
Telena laughs at Edaru. "See. It is just the point of view. So you are both the hosts for the ball, so I am going to ask you both."
Mishka asks softly "May I sit?"
Edaru chuckles at Telena reply. "I see I can't escape you. So yes...I will be available for all your question whenever you want."
Erelenga offers Mishka the free pillow next to him
Edaru turns his head and nods politely to Mishka. "Welcome Milady."
Haraun takes the pot roast and takes a hearty bite
Mishka says: I feel strange in this costume. Why can't I come in the scariest outfit I know?
Minks sips some tea
Telena grins at Edaru. "Good, good. I think they will like it. Or at least I hope they will."
Kaerli says: Greetings ma'am.
Telena turns to Mishka. "Greetings miss."
Mishka nods at everyone greeting her
[Editor's note: Client crash...probably missing a few lines here]
Dharah says: Just browsing
Haraun listens with slightly tilted head.
Telena leans over to Eonwind, trying to see why he is still reading in her book. "Don't even think about writing in it with an unreadable handwriting."
Edaru chuckles and looks around. "Did I tell everyone by now already to poke me in case you are thristy?"
Haraun nods "Once finished with the cider" and starts sipping it. He puts it on the ground in front of the carpet after each sip.
Dharah says: Oh, is there cider?
Edaru nods to Dharah "Of course. Cider, beer, liquor...I think we even should have some wine."
Edaru chuckles "And of course some water too...for the children."
Dharah says: Then I will have a cider, please
Edaru nods to Dharah. "Just a moment please." Slowly he stands up and heads to the bar stall.
Minks pokes Haraun in he side and points to her right
Eonwind smiles hearing Telena's comment and turn to look at her. His finger is still pointing at the "people and their thoughts" chapter, "Oh, I won't dare Telena, it's a very interesting journal, but this chapter is yet to filled in. I would very like to hear your mind, soon or later
Edaru takes an empty mug and fills it with Cider from on of the barrles.
Haraun squirms and attempts to take a bit of Minks's pie, then spots Lilura and waves to kra.
Telena chuckles and tries to close the book Eonwind is holding. "I just started it not long ago. Beside I didn't ask anyone about their opinion yet."
Minks says: Hey! It's not defferent than your own pie.
Haraun says: Saw the pointing wrong first...
Lilura smiles and waves to Haraun
Minks grins "Sure"
Edaru raises his voice. "So...while I'me here. Does anyone else want something to drink? Of course all free."