Author Topic: Aduken's background story  (Read 498 times)


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Aduken's background story
« on: August 27, 2004, 07:20:08 am »
*A young enkidukai enters the library. There is nothing strange or interesting about him, his outfit is the same of all the others enkidukais that can be found in Yliakum. He looks around him for some time, then finds an emtpy table, sits on it, and starts writing*

My name is Aduken, and I am a male enkidukai. My story begins from  a cave placed in a very high mountain, wich is about a month of walk from the city of Yliakum. Just outside the cave there is an huge forest, wich is probably the main reason no one comes here. I never knew my true parents, neither I know how or why i arrived there. All i know is that i grew in this cave, and that my \"dad\" was a guy in a black hood, and that my only friends were two dead men. Well, not really dead. But not even alive.... they were undead. And my dad, whose name was Ezekiel, was a necromancer. Well, now probably my story is getting a litlle confusing, so i think it would be better to start from the very beginning. I don\'t know how or why Ezekiell ended up living here, but i suppose he went here by himself. Many times I tried to know more about his story, but all i know about him is that his name his Ezekiel and that he is a necromancer. From what i could understand, he passed most of his life here. When he first arrived, the cave was much smaller than it is now. It was so small, that one can barely enter in it, so Ezekiel decided to make it bigger. He coudl have found another cave in another place, but he liked the place. The forest would have kept the cave hidden, and at the same time would have provided food (fruits or animals), and the nearby shore would have provided water and some fish. So, using it\'s powers, he summoned some undead slaves and made them dig in the cave to make it bigger, while others would hunt in the forest for food. When the cave was big enough, he made the undead chop some trees in the forest to make some furniture, and when all the job ended, the cave was more a nice house than a hole in a mountain. Ezekiel was satisifed with his (well, he did almost nothing, but still he refers to it like his job) work, and let most of the skeletons return to their eternal rest, while he kept some to bring food and water to him. He was happy. In that place he could have practiced his arts whithout being disturbed. Or at least, he thought so. One day he heard some screams in the forest, and decided to go there to inspect the fact. Could some one have found his new home? He, even if he would never admit it, was afraid. When he arrived at the place where he heard the scream, he saw many dead wolves scattered around, and two guys. They survided the attack from the pack of wolves, but were badly injured and wouldn\'t have survived. When he realized that they were two foreigners, he was very relieved. They were wearing only some short trousers and a shirt. They stared at Ezekiell for some time, not knowing if it was a real person or an illusion.
<> said one of them. He could not understand what they were saying, but realized they were asking for help. And so he decided to help them. First, he took them in the cave. Once there, he decided to try the probably most powerful spell ever: to make one soul remain in a dead body. He was not going to create another mindless skeleton, he was going to make an undead with a mind and, most important, with a free will. But before starting, he realized that those two would need a new body. He could have used their old ones, but whit the time the body would have started decaying and smelling really bad. He didn\'t want this to happen, of course. So he decided to use one of his many skeletons as a container for their souls. He could then start. Ezekiel never told me how he managed to make such a great deed, but all I know is that it wasn\'t a quick spell to cast. It took him some days to end it. But in the end he archieved his goal: two skeletons with a mind of theirs were created. The two guys at first didn\'t realize what happened, all they knew is that they were almost dead and that now they are alive. <> said one <> disse l\'altro. Ezekiell looked at them for some time, trying to understand what they were saying. And then he said <>. The two skeletons looked at Ezekiel, then at themselves. And only then they realized what happened. They weren\'t really alive. they were undead. The two screamed. Ezekil said then <> The two looked at themselves again <> said one.
<>. said the other. Then silence fell on the cave. Both of them were thinking, trying to remember what he learned about english. After some time, one of them said:
<< We thank you for what you did to us. Even if not in our former bodies, we are still alive. We are in debt with you>>
Ezekiel was surprised. Though they had an odd accent, he never thought that a foreign could know his same language. He was happy. <> he said <>. The two skeletons did like he said, and took their old clothes and put them on. After they finished wearing them, Ezekiel couldn\'t help but laugh. They had such a ridicolous outfit! If you never saw a skeleton with a shirt and short trousers, you can\'t understand. << why are you laughing??>> said one of them, and looked at the other. And then he realized why, and started laughing too. And after seeing his friend, even he started to laugh. And so, that is how all started.

-----the end for now----

Well, this is my first post on the forum, and i thought it would have been nice if i started with my background. More will come another day, now i\'m a bit tired of writing. Any comments/suggestions would be appreaciated. I can\'t say if the next part will actually end the story... when i started writing i thought i would have  ended it in one part. But then the story expanded almost by itself, and became way longer of what i thought. Well, considering that this is just the start of all the story, it will probaly became a very long one... oh well. Hope you enjoy reading long stories! And please don\'t mind my grammar errors. I\'m not english after all, i am Italian(as some could have guessed). Ack! what am i doing! this is amost a spoiler! i\'ll do better not to say anithing else!
*what you are reading is the thoughts that are roaming in my head. Enjoy them.*


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Aduken's story...... again -.-"
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2004, 03:50:17 pm »
it took me some time to realize that what i wrote was terrible. The story was horrible. I\'m sorry for all the poor souls that actually wasted their time reading it. Anyway, i\'m leaving the original story, so you could say if the one that i\'m going to make now is better. The first time i decided to make my background i had some nice ideas, but then, when i wrote them down, i somehow managed to mess up everything. So that now that i think i have clearer idea, i hope to make things better. For example, to make things easier to understand, i\'ll start from the story of Ezekiel, the guy who took care of me.


Ezekiel born a certain day, in a certain month in an uncertain place.
Not much i know about his childhood and adolescence, maybe becuase not even he himself remembers about it. He is an human, with a very dark skin, black eyes and (guess what) black hair. He is about 1.70m long, and has a rather fragile build, though it\'s hard to say since he alwyas wears a long, large, brown cloack. His story starts in a high tower, situated 10 months of walk far from the city of Yliakum, on a very high mountain. He was taken here from a mage, wich thought of ezekiel as a student. He took him in this secret place becuase, from what he says, he had a special power, and the only place where he could learn more about it was the magic tower, a place where to strongest casters gather to improve and share their knowledge. The first thing the Ezekiel learned when he arrived in the place, is that no one liked him or wanted him to be there. The tower is a place that no one should have ever seen, apart from the ones that live in it. The mage that took Ezekiel there was also one of the oldest and stronger caster of the known world, wich is the main reason for they actually let him in. And so Ezekiel started his training. Under the supervision of the old mage, he learned everything there was to know about magic in Yliakium, and he learned that the magic source of the world is the crystal, and that in order to channel this power one needs to use specials items, known as the glyphs. Many years passed, and finally Ezekiel learned everything the old mage could teach him. During his training, he started to have a certain affinity with the dark way, and with the time he decided to speacialize only in this magic class, ignoring the others. And so, when his apprenticeship(not sure about this word) ended, he became a very powerful necromancer. The others mage of the tower started to dislike him even more. During all the time they were in the tower they never specialized in any specific way, and as a result, they ended being an average all-round casters, knowing a bit of everything but not having the capacity to cast the monst powerful spells of the various ways. And so, Ezekiel was now the must powerful mage of the tower. As a necromancer, he could easily see the litlle line that crosses life and death, and becuase of it, he had the power to shape every creature fate. He could kill in an istant even the stronger being that walked on the world, or decide to bring back to life people that died so long ago that no one could remember of them any longer. And the others mages didn\'t like it, of course. But they knew that he was too strong for them, and decided it was better to just leave him alone.
But yet, Ezekiel knew he didn\'t had full power. There was something preventing him to use the full power of the magic crystal wich gives life to the world. And it was the fact that he had to use something else to absorb enegy from the crystal. If he could find a way to estabilish a direct connection with the crystal, he would have found true power. If he could do it, nothing could be impossible to him. And so for many years he tried various ways to accomplish his goal. And after 20 years of study, he finally found a way to do so. During the night, he called the old mage, the only one that was worthy to see him becoming a god, and went outside the tower.
\"Why did you call me? Where are we going?\" said the old mage
\"We are going down the mountain\" replied Ezekiel
With the use of magic, both of them reached the base of the mountain in no time.
\"Now what?\" said the old mage
\"I am going to show you the true meaning of power\"
the old mage was really curious. At first he thought that he was joking, but from the way he said those words, he could say he was serious. But yet he couldn\'t understand what he meant about \"true power\". He thought that Ezekiel already mastered the dark way, and that he already had more power than anyone could even, even more of himself.
Ezekiel then started the ritual. So many times he dreamed about this moment, and he was sure that everything would have ended has planned. He used his powers to create a magic flux between himself and the crystal. He could already feel the power flowing through himself. He started to glow like the crystal, and felt so powerful now that he could do everything. And to be sure of that, he decided to try to cancel from the world the huge tower on wich the tower was. He wanted to destroy the mountain,the tower and all the mages that were in it. Only he and the old mage would have survived, becuase if it wasn\'t for that old mage, he would have never experienced such power. He would have probably never known magic at all.
\"Stay close to me\" said Ezekiel
The old mage was too scared, or amazed to tell the truth, to reply, and did like he said.
Now that ezekiel was one with the crystal, he had control over the world. He channeled both his powers and the crystal\'s one under the huge mountain, and then released them. What happened as a result was both terrible and fantastic at the same time. It was so much incredible that it can\'t be told by words. The magical explosion could be seen even from the very distant city of Yliakum. Ezekiel reached his goal. Now that he had estabilished a link with the crystal, his power was everlasting. He was virtually unstoppable, he could not be killed. In fact, he was a god. But something went wrong. The backfire was terrible. He almost killed himself. He could not die, but his body was now almost useless. He could not move, but his magical powers where still great. With his powers, he created a magical cloack. And then, he asked the old mage to kill him.
\"What?! Why should i do it? You know that i could never kill you!\" said the mage
\"I am not asking you to kill me. I am asking you to free me from this body.\" replied Ezekiel
The old mage could not understand much of what he was saying, but he realized that there was a sense in it.
And so he stabbed Ezekiel in the heart with a knife. The odd things is that after doing it, he had the impression of seeing him smile. But maybe he was wrong. And then something even more incredible entered. The really strong light that he saw the first time Ezekiel created a link with the crystal  moved from Ezekiel almost destroyed body to the magical cloak. The cloack was now Ezekiel new body.
\"In this form i cannot move, either i can use my magical powers...but at least, i am still here  \" said Ezekiel
\"What are we going to do now?\" said the old mage
\"We are going to make another tower... my tower. And then i\'ll have to find someone, someone that will become my student, just like you did for me... and i
can feel it, it\'s getting closer and closer to me.... soon he\'ll be here. And he shall be even stronger of me\"
the old mage didn\'t reply. There was nothing to say after all.

*what you are reading is the thoughts that are roaming in my head. Enjoy them.*


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« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2004, 08:49:54 pm »
Interesting, though I can see english isn\'t your first language.  I could probably go over it, if you wanted me to.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2004, 08:50:42 pm by Monketh »
The key to manipulative bargaining is to ask for something twice as big as what you want, then smile and nod when you are talked down to your original wish. You are still young, my apprentice, and have much to learn in the ways of the force. -UtM