Author Topic: Guild Conflicts and Conversations  (Read 4049 times)


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Guild Conflicts and Conversations
« on: October 17, 2004, 11:58:41 pm »
Ok since we are forever constantly being punished for RolePlaying in the guild section perhaps its best if we just bring everything to this board where Aendar claims it should go..also where he has no reach :P Anything worth saying against your enemy or friend post it here, just make sure its clear who the message is directed to an that its in character and ROLEPLAY.


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« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2004, 04:44:34 am »
Boldstorm, if there was no Evil there would be only neutrality and there would be nothing gor you to fight for. If Evil isn\'t worthy so isn\'t Good, so aren\'t we all.
You think there would be a paradise if there was no evil, Depthblade? Tell me, do people die in a paradise? Do they hunger? Do they get ill? There is no such thing as paradise, if you don\'t believe that evil can\'t be destroyed at least believe this.

I give Seperot all the credit for he is the only one of you that deserves it from that guild..he keeps it alive

Heh Thrall, looks like your leader underestimates in your place.

OOC: Yeah, better heed to Aendar\'s warnings, it\'s not nice to get your posts deleted ^^. And this is the right section for our conflict after all ^^.
Disclaimer: This is my opinion and I can be reasoned with. I'm probably right, though.

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« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2004, 09:43:49 am »
Worth : (definition)
1. The quality that renders something desirable, useful, or valuable
2. Quality that commands esteem or respect; merit
3. Deserving of; meriting

Sangwa I see no way how \"Evil\" matches any of these definitions for me. Hence it is quite worthless too me. Just because Evil exists and gives me something to destroy does not mean that it is worth anything to me.

And as far as underestimating goes enough of that talk I will let my sword show you who is underestimating who.

OOC: I agree this is a much better place for this. :D


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« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2004, 09:48:31 am »
*Moogie approaches Depthblade, smiles in greeting, and then falls into step beside him as he walks*

Well I spoke to Sep yesterday... you can probably guess his reaction. He tried to convince me to go back to him. I can\'t, of course... but nothing I said got through to him. He\'s going to come for me, and he won\'t stop untill...

*she sighs, and casts her gaze downward*

...He said he will slay anyone who stands in his way. I can\'t let that happen. Yet if he were to be slain himself, I... I don\'t know if I could just stand by and watch that happen. I just wish he wouldn\'t do this. If he just let me be, I wouldn\'t have to worry who won and who lost. I stand to lose so much no matter what happens here...

*Moogie falls silent for a moment, thinking deeply*

Perhaps there is another way... I hope there is. We can\'t stay in this stalemate forever. Something will give, and then I\'ll either lose the love of my life, or watch my comrades and friends die by his hand. What am I to do but ensure neither outcome is won?...

[ooc: come on guys, let\'s do some real roleplaying here, eh? :)]
« Last Edit: October 18, 2004, 09:50:29 am by Moogie »


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« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2004, 10:43:54 am »
*Faint laughter can be heard in the distance, soon followed by the appearance of a dark-robed Ynnwn warrior a few paces from Depth*

Salutations, foes and friends alike, it is clear to me that you face a somewhat difficult situation. Of course, if this did not concern the life of Seperot I wouldn\'t bother going through all the trouble getting here and preparing a suitable entrance, not that his life is worth much to me mind you. His fiendish personality, on the other hand, diverts the attention of you and others of your ilk, concentrating on destroying what you see as evil, I am however willing to trade his life for other more worthwile matters.

*Xalthar steps closer to Depthblade and grips his hand, whispering to him all the while wearing a mischievous grin on his otherwise expressionless face*

A simple deal with me would help you to get rid of Seperot, all it involves is aiding me in the destruction of the religion know as aliathi. Don\'t get me wrong, you will not have to aid in any butchery since such will not be employed against them. No, you will help me capture their priestesses and silence them so they do not spread their foul lies to the rest of yliakum.
\"What will I get out of this\" is the question that is undoubtedly stirring the mind behind your proud face. You, my heathen friend, will get the benefit of being able to lure Seperot into a trap, as he will undoubtedly prepare some foolhardy trip to rescue his priestess!

*Xalthar scowls as he almost spits out the word, and continues*

I know him, and I know what he will employ to rescue the woman he is so enthralled by. Consider my words, Depthblade, but do not let yourself be fooled by any of the heathen priestesses pleads!

*with that, Xalthar turns and scowls at Moogie, awaiting some sign of dismissal from Depth, before taking off*

[ooc: couldn\'t help it, I had to make something up and reply :P]

[edit: corrected a few typos I had overlooked.. there are probably still some left though :P]
« Last Edit: October 18, 2004, 12:12:18 pm by Xalthar »


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« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2004, 11:31:02 am »
I didn\'t understand we were speaking of your opinion, warrior, my apologizes for not  understanding sooner. *Sangwa smiles* And yes, let your sword speak for you, for none speak as weapons do. Steel with steel, blood for blood.

*After his conversation with Boldstorm, Sangwa turns to Depthbalde* As for you... your fate can\'t be avoided, you can\'t win. You will lose either your life, your commarades\' lives or Moogie\'s happiness, that is if any of those three things mean anything to you.
And miss Moogie, may you show us what the Aliathi\'s way is *smiles and nods* and may the deaths of those you care about not weight on your conscience.

[ooc: lol Xalthar :P]
« Last Edit: October 18, 2004, 11:33:29 am by Sangwa »
Disclaimer: This is my opinion and I can be reasoned with. I'm probably right, though.

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« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2004, 12:39:27 pm »
*Greets Moogie as she accompanies him with a conversation*

Aye I too see this to be some what of a problem...and now that I have thought of it there is no way I can let you join in a direct battle against Seperot himself. So with this in mind you have your orders to stay away from any esculating confrontations with Seperot.

  Perhaps the best way to defeat this foe is to convert him, destroy him by changing him..difficult task this may be..but it is possible. You have healing skills unlike any other Moogie and perhaps you can diminish any \"Evil\" within him with that wouldn\'t have to fight him directly..I could scheme up a way so that you won\'t even be noticed, an he wouldn\'t be in reach of you..If this won\'t work..I really think killing him is the only other way...

*Turns to the sound of laughter, a Ynwnn approachs..well dressed but skulky looking. He begins to talk*

You are neither friend nor foe, there for you are nothing to me Xalthar..The only reason you still breath is because of the guild you run with..odd how they keep such devilry within their ranks of magic..but I dare not find out. For I have to much to deal with at the moment...perhaps later..

Your deal is tempting none the less, but I decline for I shall never make plans with anyone involved in \"Evil\". The religion you want to see fall is not of mine, but of one of my soliders..and I shall not allow you to plot my guilds destruction by using my very hand to do so..Now off with you before I change my mind...letting you live that is...

*Looks at Moogie and grins*

I would never put any of my members in such a scheme that could result in a loss for them.

[OOC: *Laughs at Aendar* An you said you were going to laugh when Moogie comes and says this thread shouldn\'t be in this section :P]
« Last Edit: October 18, 2004, 12:47:38 pm by DepthBlade »


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« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2004, 01:11:21 pm »
[ooc: have to add that Xalthar is not in the AO, Malentor on the other hand is, difficult with multiple persona\'s I know, but I usually don\'t limit myself to one character :P And yes, it\'s only IC hostility Moogie ;)]

*Xalthar turns to leave, but decides against it. Even though offended by Depthblade\'s branding of him as \"Evil\", he starts speaking again in a louder voice*

Even though I had expected such a reply, I still regard your words as being somewhat rash. I am not evil in the sense of being some grotesque monster out to destroy half the world and plot to take over the remaining half afterwards, I merely have different ways of getting to my goals than many others, and this is partly a reason for my success in the trade of a warrior.

I come not to argue with you on matters such as these, merely to see if I could gain an ally in the fight against heathen religions we templars wage.

If you are ever to reconsider my offer, or have an offer of your own you wish to debate, you should be able to reach me through the knightly contacts we have placed around yliakum to defend the true faith.

I wish you a pleasant day. And of course that does not apply for you, priestess.

*Almost hissing on the last syllable, he bows to Depthblade and walks off to his steed, waiting in the distance, nodding at Sangwa to take caution around the pair*
« Last Edit: October 18, 2004, 01:17:53 pm by Xalthar »


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« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2004, 01:35:24 pm »
*smirks at DepthBlade while leaving the shadows*
Your mind filled with chaos cannot see anything straight...
Cannot you see what evil you bring? You say you care about your soldiers, whilst you want Moogie to change someone she loves. Be that selfishness or foolishness, you want to bring fight between those two. Does she not love Seperot for who he is? If so should she change everything because of your goals? Think about it, for your unjust ways shall blind your eyes and lead towards darkness.
*crosses arms*
And when will you learn it? What do you try to achieve by your fight against evil? You\'re ready to kill out of hatred, yet this is not the way to go. By declaring war on evil, you\'re declaring war on the whole world. Evil isn\'t something to fight against, it should be accepted. Just as in nature, evil and good do not fight off each other, they form a perfect circle and stand firm as one. Life and death, darkness and light - you cannot brake the circle.
Clear your mind, see the truth, fight for what you love, not against what you hate. Accept those of the dark side and during battle think not of their blood that will be spilled, but about welfare you fight for.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2004, 01:38:28 pm by Draklar »
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« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2004, 02:37:44 pm »
*Phinehas happens to be passing by, and, seeing several people that he was familiar with, decides to greet them. He walks up just in time to hear Draklar have his say.*

Leave Depthblade be, Draklar. Your twisted logic will achieve nothing here.

*He then turns to Depthblade and Moogie.*

Greetings my friends. Is there some sort of problem that I may assisst you in?


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« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2004, 02:56:27 pm »
*Xalthar scoffs in the distance at Phinehas\' ignorance, and tries to get Draklar to leave the heathens alone with their folly*


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« Reply #11 on: October 18, 2004, 03:04:15 pm »
*Phinehas smiles menacingly and nods at Xalthar, then turns back to Moogie and Depth.*


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« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2004, 03:06:57 pm »
I don\'t think you can help them Phinehas. And unfortunely I must disagree with your vision of Draklar\'s logic.
*turns to Draklar* Do not waste your words here brother. They only know how to fight like animals for what they believe, the way of steel doesn\'t belong to this heathens and it will hardly belong to them ever.
*Sangwa bows* I\'ll take my leave for now. *grins at Depthblade* Hope we meet again.
*Sangwa walks away slowly, while whistling a creepy tune*
Disclaimer: This is my opinion and I can be reasoned with. I'm probably right, though.

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« Reply #13 on: October 18, 2004, 03:20:06 pm »
*Phinehas nods to Sangwa.*

Good to see you, Sangwa. Feel free to disagree with me, unlike most I have no need to force my opinions on others.

As for the way of the steel, don\'t overestimate it.


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« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2004, 03:40:49 pm »
I don\'t think he is...
We, brothers of steel live in harmony, no matter what one\'s goals are. Be it good or evil, chaotic or lawful, we all find brothers in each other. Such primitive wars as good against evil do not affect us. We live in truth and strive to spread it... killing all who try to stop us. Be that by spreading lies or direct attack.

*wanders off and sits by a tree, observing the situation from afar*
AKA Skald