Author Topic: Lock picking  (Read 2418 times)


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« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2004, 01:39:59 pm »
Anyway, banks should be able to hold large amounts of money, and small valuable items. I also think that banks should be able to tax the amount to money put into them. The larger the amount the larger the loss from taxes. This way players can\'t get to rich, which i think can be an unfair advantage over new players.

Chests can be picked and stolen from, but not stolen themselves. The more expencive the harder to pick, but all of them can be picked.

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« Reply #16 on: December 16, 2004, 03:05:16 am »
@ snow_RAveN
I think that it would take a while before people could get enough items that are valuable enough to be stored in the bank and have to put them in chests.
Nonetheless that would be a problem, so I propose being able to spend some tria to increase your bank storage space.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2004, 03:06:04 am by Nonk »

Efflixi Aduro

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« Reply #17 on: December 16, 2004, 09:49:23 pm »
I think locks should be pickabl but people should still have a safe place like a bank to sstore stuff too.
Lol Internet


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« Reply #18 on: December 17, 2004, 12:15:14 am »
Paying the bank for more storage space... that sounds perfectly valid, I like this idea, the very very rich players can buy tons of room, though maybe it should have an escalating cost based on how much room you try to use above standard.

Since this isn\'t a physical bank I don\'t think taxing is viable, unless you mean they take a small percentage from what a person enters into the bank, a small percentage... say... 2-5%?
Though on that thought I can see very very rich players fuming about how the bank charged them 5000 tria when they inserted 100000 trias. I really don\'t know how to think of it..

Another problem to wonder about, will merchants know how to auto extract money from the bank, or do you have to goto the merchant with the money on hand? Maybe you can give him something like a cheque (the game will hopefully have a built in mechanism that pervents phony cheques). The cheque like objects can be purchased from the bank at several tria each, as a convience feature.(As a side note, money given away in a check is transfered immediately, there is no taking the cheque back and ripping it so that the transfer doesn\'t go through)
I like taking things literally, going overboard is fun! Now... why do I keep getting odd looks?

Terarin Kerowyn

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« Reply #19 on: December 24, 2004, 11:32:19 am »
By what you just said all banks should be able to get there stuff stolen but each bank is a individual entity. But like for instance a piece of equipment shouldn\'t be able to be stolen because that takes alot of time to do and if the bank does it right shouldn\'t be stolen with it locked in a customer lock, only he has the key and unpickable. Also I think you should have chest pickable just because any item in the game is recievable by the player so it just happens to be luck that travel your way if you have a house with a entarence that is unpickable.

Anyways I don\'t think the bank should charge a taxing of the money you store in there but whatever you do send in there should be pooled together and governed by a interest rate of equal to that of the game itself.

The simpliest way to govern that would be like a check on your card or notice telling them how much money you have in the bank. This here to turn everything into just a piece of paper so players can haul around all of there belongs as paper and transfer it over to another bank or player.
Terarin Kerowyn

Cybio Kingfist

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« Reply #20 on: December 24, 2004, 03:30:05 pm »
I chose randomly pickable because it should depend on the character\'s skill. Like seperot said,
\"say like a cheap chest would be easy to break into then the most pricey would need a near god like lock picker to open it.\"

Some chests should just be too good to be picked, too. That way if someone really values their items they will save more for a better chest. Otherwise, they are open to the more talented pickpockets.
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« Reply #21 on: December 27, 2004, 12:05:39 pm »
maybe instead of all of this stuff(banks warehouses, etc.) being implemented by hard code, implement code which allows players themselves to open up a warehouse business, just buying a large building and putting a lock on the door, let them build thier own reputation for honesty. could create some interesting competition. Locks would be an indepen dant item, which can be applied to a chest or door to secure it, and removed with a key.


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« Reply #22 on: December 29, 2004, 10:28:44 pm »
the bank should be located in a ridiculous (sp?) far off place. then the players can either spend 10 minutes to get there (:D) or they can buy a chest to store it and have easy acces
limits on banking
better chest=more tria
bigger bank accounts=expenises
withdrawl from bank=5% tax

= <3



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« Reply #23 on: December 30, 2004, 01:58:47 am »
Disclaimer: I haven\'t actually played PS yet (am downloading as I post).  Don\'t be surprised if I sound Naive.

Icefalcon had a good idea, but I\'ve played games with a bank system and it seems to work well too.  IMO, a mix of several of the ideas here would serve as an amazingly robust, versatile, and lifelike idea.  Create a bank where a person can deposit items and tria.  There could be maybe 3 different account types.  The first would be totally free but have only a small amount of space for items and a limit set at a relatively small amount of tria, something that would be a decent amount for a low-level player but not so much that after the person establishes a good income, they would want to keep that account.  The second account has a larger storage space and a larger limit of tria but carries a nominal, periodical, fee.  The third account would be for the established person.  It should have the largest item storage area (though not massive by any means) and no limit to the amount of tria a player could store, but with a heftier price tag.
The bank should be in NPC hands simply to engender trust, and a player shouldn\'t, necessarily, be able to go to merchants and shop using the money in the bank.  I did like the check idea and I think it would make alot of sense.  You pay for the convenience of being able to shop using your bank balance and the checks are \"magically tuned\" so that they can\'t be forged.
That said, chests with a varying quality of lock (read: difficulty to pick) could be sold and even made as a tradeskill item.  A person with a high lockpicking skill combined with metalworking could craft really good locks because they know the best ways to open them.  You could make the best locks tradeskill only so that a player would have to seek out another player to obtain the best locks in the game.  These locks would, in turn, be attached to the doors of a person\'s home and/or the locks on their chest.  
This kind of mixed system allows an unlimited amount of storage (in theory) but only some of it is totally safe.

A few notes:  The bank should have offices in every major city and through magic, your items can be available in those cities but not out in the wilderness.  Also, not every merchant should accept checks, i.e. the less law-abiding types.


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« Reply #24 on: January 08, 2005, 07:12:45 am »
Nice ideas here, I just wanted to put in my two cents.

Most locks will be pickable, and (as posted many times before) will vary in pickable-ness (yes, that\'s a word) depending on the price of the lock (chest/door). The very good locks, player-made only with lockpicking and forging skill as Kravius posted, could be also opened in a difficult much time-taking proces: The thief will first need a wax-print of the lock. Working together with a smith willing to do this action, he can make a key-mould, for that specific lock. Once the key is made (maybe out of copper or some other weak metal, one time use) he could open up that chest... Of course, you might say that this won\'t be fair for the robbed ones, but keep in mind only the best thieves working together with one of the best smiths that are willing to do this (when noticed, this will surely ruin their repuation, getting less customers, encouraged by the one that was robbed, you know, making leaflets and such \"Do not buy your weapons at Loran\'s smithy, for he is a raging lunatic that helps thieves!\" that kind of things...). And that very rich player that spend his trias on the custom lock will probably hire npc-guards to protect his home (/private palace), if there will be any, that is. Hireable npc\'s would be another nice feature, in distant future of course. Combining guards and the custom lock, the thief will have a very hard time stealing the treasure, and has a high risk on being caught (for the sake of the players that will be robbed), but, when he has enough experience in sneaking, breaking in and wax-print-making (:P) he might succeed, and sharing his loot with the ones who helped him, this riskfull action will be rewarding. The wax-mould will be lost, as well as the key, so this won\'t be repeated (probably). The victim will also invest in more bank-space I suppose.

Concerning the fact of pick-pocketing, I\'d say (as many others) the inventory will be split in several parts. There will be the normal inventory (that we all know), and an inventory like a small chest (but I actually can\'t imagine someone carriing chests around, but who cares when you can carry 10 swords and 5 shields anyway) or a purse. Unskilled thieves will only get to pilfer to normal inventory. The skilled ones could, when having a pick-pocketing knife, cut the purse of the victim\'s belt and take home the loot. As said before, the purse as well as any stolen items could be flagged for a certain time (let\'s say one day), and when recovered within that day, the victim will just take home his items. When too late, the items will count as the thieves\' ones, so he\'ll probably need to send a thief to loot the actual thief :]


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« Reply #25 on: April 04, 2005, 02:34:11 pm »
I vote we need to clean up the forums... I\'m posting off the stickies in the wish forum, not even noticing the sub-forum below.  ;)  And I\'m too lazy to double post novels.

I\'m for pickable... but lock picking should not be a random skill check.

Growl... I have been using the search and look what it gets me.

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