Author Topic: steuben and the refugees  (Read 2420 times)

Under the moon

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« Reply #15 on: July 06, 2005, 10:28:12 pm »
Good as always, master Steuben. Glad to see you back.



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« Reply #16 on: July 22, 2005, 05:23:48 pm »
episode 14:

a kran walks walks out of the river valley. in front of him flutters a homing glyph. as he exits the valley the glyph flutters up high. it darts back and forth as if trying to find a scent. the kran watches it briefly, before walking towards the ringing sound coming from the far side of the aspiring village. the glyph, as if noticing the kran has continued on, heads in the same direction. it catches up with him as if saying \"i meant to go that way.\"

as he approaches the village the kran pauses infront of a large patch of freshly turned earth. growing regularly are several seedlings. he walks around the patch. the glyph hovers there for a moment before moving on. the kran walks towards steuben\'s smithy. it just has a roof and one wall. steuben looks up as the kran approaches. he is pulling a piece from the forge. he places the piece on the anvil.

\"ah, excellent.\" steuben hands the kran a pair the tongs holding the peice. \"hold this.\"

the kran takes the tongs. steuben picks up a hammer and begins to hammer along the long edge.

\"flip,\" he says.

the kran flips the piece deftly. steuben begins to hammer again along the edge. after he finishes hammering the kran passes the tongs back. steuben takes them and quenches the piece.

\"excellent, another plowshare finished,\" he says as he places on the pile with the few others.

the glyph which had been fluttering around like a curious dog, flys over to steuben.

\"now. let\'s see what you\'re about little one,\" steuben says.

he holds out his hand. the gylph flutters over. it lands in his open palm and sags a bit before straightening. the wings fold in, and the glyph reforms itself. he examines it for a moment. he gently blows on it gently. the glyph streams away from his breath in a shower of rainbow sparks. new glyphs reveal themselves through the streaming sparks. the last glyph in the sequence dissolves and sprials after the rest.

\"show off,\" steuben says.

the fading sparks seem to gesture something. but the meaning is lost in their dying light.

\"pretty,\" the kran rumbles.

steuben nods. \"it was, that.\"

steuben gestures the kran towards the chair. he sits in it carefully. it creaks, but holds the weight. steuben sits on the edge of his bed.

\"you, no look like demon,\" the kran says. \"like normal human.

\"yes,\" steuben says.

\"master says this take me to demon. he suggest master work.\"

\"and he\'s been listening to stories.\" steuben shakes his head. \"i\'m no demon.\" he looks at the kran. \"but, as for you master work. i maybe able to suggest something.\"

the kran nods.

\"these people need a smith. but, not just any smith. they need their first smith.\"

\"but you their first smith.\"

steuben shakes his head. \"i\'m just someone doing the job. you will get to be the one the other smiths will be compared to. your master work could be to be a \'first smith\'\"

the kran ponders this for a while. steuben waits patiently for the kran to answer.

\"i not sure i can do. seem like hard job.\"

\"the master work never is easy. but, it is one that is within your skills.\"

\"i get train apprentice to help?\"

steuben nods.

\"i do it.\"
the pair work together for the rest of the day. steuben explains to the kran much of what he must know.
over the next few days steuben introduces the kran to the village.

since morning steuben had simply sat and watched the fire in the forge. he hadn\'t moved. he just watched the patterns of red, yellow, and white within the coals.

\"waiting not make easy,\" the kran says

\"no, it doesn\'t,\" steuben responds.

\"demon fear little woman?\"

\"marching to what maybe you death is by far different from standing alone infront of a little woman.\"

\"but, must do.\"

\"yes. i have to do this.\"

after noon steuben stands infront of the young woman. his pack set down behind him.

\"what do you mean you\'re leaving,\" she asks.

\"i only signed on for as long as i was needed,\" he responds.

\"you\'re still needed. the volunteers need you. your skills. your leadership.\"

steuben shakes his head. \"they know everything they have to. i can\'t teach them any more.\"

\"the others, they look up to you. they need your example.\"

\"i am not a good example,\" he looks down, and then up at her again. \"i have done... things. things that would be horrible by any measure.\"

\"they wouldn\'t have to know about them.\"

steuben shakes his head again. \"they would find out. sooner or later.\"

\"i can\'t lead everybody alone.\"

\"you\'re not alone. you have people you can trust. who know what you don\'t, and can advise you.\"

\"but what about my wants, my needs,\" she says. \"don\'t they have any weight in this?\"

\"as my employer, at this point, very little --\"

\"is that all i ever was to you? your employer?\" anger and frustration colouring her voice.

steuben shakes his head. \"at the begining you were. but, as a friend, i wish they had more.\"

\"then let them.\"

\"i can\'t. it wouldn\'t be fair to the others. to you.\"

tears begin to flow from here eyes. \"what\'s fair to me is for me to deside.\'\'

he reaches up with his left hand and places it gently against her head. with his thumb he brushes away the tears.

\"i don\'t know if i can provide what you want,\" he says softly.

\"please,\' she responds softly. \"at least for tonight. try.\"

in the dark of the morning before the waning of the azure sun, steuben quietly leaves.
may laanx frighten the shadow from my path.
hardly because the shadow built the lexx.
the shadow will frighten laanx from my path.


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« Reply #17 on: July 22, 2005, 05:24:34 pm »

\"and that was the last my great-grandmother saw of him,\" the old man says. \"to this day over each of the graves of guards, we plant a black locust seedling.\"

around his feet are gathered several children, among them a couple of kranlings.

a man in a grey cloak moves on after pausing to hear the end of the story. he enters the graveyard. he walks through to oldest part. he stops infront of an old, worn, simple marker. he takes out a dagger and cuts a small hole in the ground. into it he places a small seedling, a black locust.

he stands up. the sun streaming through the leaves of the large trees glints of the hilt of his sword. it is slung high over his shoulder. as he walks from the grove he raises the hood on his cloak. the sound of children laughing and playing carries to him. as he lowers his hand from the hood the light catches a grey ring. the ring is on the little finger of his right hand.
may laanx frighten the shadow from my path.
hardly because the shadow built the lexx.
the shadow will frighten laanx from my path.