Author Topic: Would You Call This Abuse?  (Read 2881 times)


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« Reply #30 on: December 04, 2004, 06:21:41 pm »
I hope later versions of planeshift have unlimeted ingnore list (on other games I have found my ignore list full)


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« Reply #31 on: December 04, 2004, 06:35:25 pm »
for general chatting purposes with friends, teamspeak is the best thing IMO
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« Reply #32 on: December 04, 2004, 07:04:42 pm »
Ok, heres something I am confused about. Is there a CAPS limit?

I mean one day I was RPing in the bar with some people.
I think it went like this:

Person: easy on the caps please.
RPplayer1:  Grasps sword, leave this place we don\'t appricate
dwarfs here.
Person: easy on the caps please.
Me: I\'l show you a DWARF *Beheads RPplayer1*
Person: easy on the caps please.
Me: God! shut the F*** up. If you don\'t like it just leave we are trying to RP here.
RPplayer1: yeah, shutup.
Me: ....easy on the caps please?

God this guy became so Irratating.
So we are not aloud to
use caps now?


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« Reply #33 on: December 04, 2004, 07:57:00 pm »
Well let\'s see... you were asked twice, nicely. You could\'ve just not used caps to illustrate your shouting and do it some other way. Instead, it seems, you decided to resort to swearing at the person who was politely asking you to stop using caps.

There are a few things you could\'ve done instead of making yourself look like an arrogant idiot:

Firstly you could have explained OOC that you were using caps to illustrate the fact that your character is shouting.

You could have asked him what else you could use instead of caps. There are several methods, including using the /me command to say \"Nikolia begins shouting\", or putting *Nikolia shouts* at the beginning of a sentence.

You could have sought the advice of a GM, if any were online. Assuming what you wrote below is a direct unedited log of events, you didn\'t even look.

Yes, people don\'t like Constant Capslock Syndrome, and for understandable reasons. It\'s ugly to look at and read, and is \'bigger\'; causing the illusion of spam to the chatbox. You could have found this out simply by asking why the person didn\'t want you to use caps... but his opinion was not saught at all, was it?

There is a mature way to handle any situation. Please keep that in mind before you go off swearing and yelling at people who are just making a polite (and not unreasonable) request.


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« Reply #34 on: December 05, 2004, 04:49:21 am »
Ok, well firstly off this is not a logg of what happened.
I did say \"I think it went like this: \"
I did ask why he
didn\'t like caps, he explained they are ugly to look at. This is a pathetic reason. I ended up moving away from the guy even though he was in the event/place we wanted to be
to fit in the rp scene also, there where 4 people online.
Me my RP buddy. Xena and that person. I mean how is that something \"ugly to look at\" He was not mooving, he was not RPing he was not doing anything he was just standing there.
It was not \"constant cap syndrome\" I only used the caps
to EXPLAIN WHEN I WAS YELLING! using the /me command or writting *Nikola shouts does not illastrate what word my character is shouting, besides that it is just easyer to use caps I dont see why I should have to stop I was not spamming the game or lagging it up in anyway
If anything the other player was because he was just standing still.. all I was trying to do is have a fun time playing
the game, another thing that you may not of noticed he told
me to stop using caps and THAT was OOC.. he didnt use the
brackets then, and that was annoying me because he was
spoiling the momment. With only 4 people online I dont see any reason for me to stop enjoying myself with a RP
Since my char was a Dwarf and he likes to speak loud.

Maybe have a CAPS FILTER for certan weak players would
Improove the game play for them?
Xenia has no problem with the caps we RP for hours..

Although I see the logic in what you are trying to say,
I dont like to have to stop being in character because one
player does not like the way I RP and enjoys ruining it for me


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« Reply #35 on: December 05, 2004, 07:20:04 am »
The only problem with caps is that people who use it, don\'t know how to use it. This results in them using caps for hours on end until someone tells them they look like a retarded idiot. YES I KNOW THAT CAPS CAN RESEMBLE SOMEONE WHO IS SHOUTING AND I\'M NOW SHOUTING AT YOU BECAUSE YOU KNOW THAT CAPS ARE SHOUTING. SO LET\'S EVERYONE USE CAPS BECAUSE WE\'RE ALL SHOUTING AND LET\'S GET RID OF THE EXCLAMATION MARK BECAUSE THAT DOES NOT MAKE YOU SHOUT. THIS IS ROLEPLAYING AND I\'M SHOUTING... Guess what. No. You got it all wrong. Caps does not make you shout, caps make you look stupid, because it makes people wonder if you\'re incapable of finding the caps-lock key, or if one of your fingers are too fat for you to move it away from the shift key. If you really wish to shout... Then shout like this!!! People will understand that as a shout. Besides, if your character is someone that shouts all the time, I suggest you reconsider it\'s attitude. Noone likes people that can\'t speak like a normal person. :)
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« Reply #36 on: December 05, 2004, 08:11:30 am »
I believe caps were used as a way to enhance the speaking of speciffic words, not whole sentance.
So \'!!!\' wouldn\'t do the job.
Maybe caps can be annoying. But I could say the same about smelly and short, yet loud dwarf :P

Would you expect to hear in tavern something like

- Could you pass me some beef, please?
- Why certainly, here you are :)


- Out of my way, ELVEN HALF-WIT!
- Half-wit?! Ha! Funny words from someone who\'s height is not even half of mine!
- That be nothing me AXE can not fix!!!


- Swords
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« Reply #37 on: December 05, 2004, 09:19:22 am »
I completely agree. Planeshift is a great game. It has great potential. I would Hate to see this game get ruined by such moronic garbage as Mr.\"Lighteningbolt\" over here. I have seen more than a few games go on a little decline because of a few idiots such as Mr.\"Lighteningbolt\", and I would hate to see it here :P
We am spase peepole!!!! :)


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« Reply #38 on: December 05, 2004, 11:41:11 am »
Originally posted by Gronomist
Then shout like this!!!

And besides what Draklar said, exclamation marks make it look like the person is excited about something...which is not necessarily in a bad way.  While caps usually give the impression the person is pissed off.

I\'ll kill you!!! (this is what a friend would say in a joking sort of way, they are not shouting, but raising their voice)

I\'LL KILL YOU (what the irritable dwarf says after you trip him, followed by a chasing out the bar and a body found in an alley afterward...the dwarf\'s)

Well, it makes sense to me...
« Last Edit: December 05, 2004, 11:43:29 am by Kiern »


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« Reply #39 on: December 05, 2004, 12:00:44 pm »
I can see that his use of caps wasn\'t overdone, and he was roleplaying after all. But you don\'t turn around and swear at someone who\'s being polite and just asking you to quit it.

On the other hand, the guy who was complaining could have moved to another area, or /ignored Nikolia, since he didn\'t want to cooperate. In part, he brought it on himself, but in this case I would\'ve muted Nikolia for his rudeness.

Since Nikolia doesn\'t want to give us a proper log of events, this is just my opinion based on the fragments of the story he\'s given.


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« Reply #40 on: December 05, 2004, 01:44:14 pm »
I feel the need to add my thoughts to this thread. First, I think we can all agree that people who only type with the CAPS key on, are complete retards and should be killed on sight. (Well, that may be a bit harsh. Beaten to within an inch of their life. :) )

I think that strategic use of CAPS (or shift key, as I never use the CAPS key.) Is perfectly acceptable.  Exclamation points, may convey that you are yelling, may not gett across your true emotions. Case in point: \"I\'m angry.\", I\'m angry!\", I\'m ANGRY!\" and \"I\'M ANGRY!!!\" all have slightly different meanings. \\

I think Nikolia\'s use of CAPS was fine, except for the swearing. So to sum this short post up, CAPS is a great way to emphesize somthing, when used in moderation. My $0.02


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« Reply #41 on: December 05, 2004, 09:17:12 pm »
\"Besides, if your character is someone that shouts all the time, I suggest you reconsider it\'s attitude. Noone likes people that can\'t speak like a normal person. \"

I\'m sorry, I think every character in PS should be the same,
none should shout we should all just use the same weapons
same race and even join the same guild. Anyone that shouts
should be shot on sight or even bann from the game, This would Improove the game play dramaticly.

You wont like people in real life and you wont like people
in the online world, but just because you can change them
and bann them from shouting or being the way they want,
Dosnt mean that you should.

Basicly all I want to know is are you ALOUD TO SHOUT!!?


but would you rather a RP like this
\"- Could you pass me some beef, please?
- Why certainly, here you are :)\"

or like this

\"- Out of my way, ELVEN HALF-WIT!
- Half-wit?! Ha! Funny words from someone who\'s height is not even half of mine!
- That be nothing me AXE can not fix!!!\"

Either way I think there should be a poll,
To shout or not to shout. That is the question.


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« Reply #42 on: December 05, 2004, 10:10:06 pm »
There is no poll needed for this, just some common sense in knowing how to use it appropriately.


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« Reply #43 on: December 06, 2004, 12:50:58 pm »
In CB, there is a very extensive system for dealing with troublemakers.  First, the GM system is much bigger and better than it was in MB.  Hopefully GM coverage and ability to react will be better when there are more people playing.

Second, there is unlimited /ignore if you need it.

Third, there is a new /report command which causes the server to log all chatting from a person for a few minutes to a file on the server, so the devs (or GMs) can look at them later if no one is online to control the situation at the time.

Fourth, /shout isn\'t broadcast anymore, so hopefully some of this will be easier to ignore.

Fifth, there is probably more but I can\'t think of them right now.  :-)

- Vengeance


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« Reply #44 on: December 07, 2004, 03:10:34 am »
Moogie, a lot of people dont have common sense. For instance, forum noobs, small children, 85% of the populace...