Author Topic: My (Not Finished) Story  (Read 359 times)


  • Hydlaa Resident
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My (Not Finished) Story
« on: November 29, 2004, 05:13:45 pm »
Hey, folks! I\'m kinda new to this forum so thought that I should start my character\'s \"History\", while I have \"nothing to do\". Here is some that I have wrote in notepad as something to get me started. Please leave your honest opinion.

PS: The spaces at the ends of the lines are there because notepad doesn\'t automatically leave spaces when you get to the edge of the text box.

\"This is my project; An ever-changing story of
the interesting life led by Eitri Helmsguard. An epic document on the
Rebel egyptians in Queslar, the dark secrets of the orcs, the conspiracy
of the Dwarven Empire, and many more interesting and historical events that
shaped the lives of many, especially Eitri. There will be more chapters
added, and an updated Epilogue. I hope you enjoy this, considering the
massive amount of work put into it for the entertainment of me and you
  Some of the story will be written in 3rd person, and some will
be written in 1st person. Although this may be confusing, it will add
better effects to the story, and make it more interesting to read.
   Now, enough talking and get on to the story!

\"Sit down at the campfire and tell us another story!\" Cried Yergar, a
young and peculiar human boy.
    \"Why do I always have to tell the stories,\" asked Eitri- \"I\'m
growing old and my throat is getting dry!\"
  Yergar led the other toddlers into a forcing chant. \"STORY!
STORY! STORY!\" They urged.
 \"Alright, alright!\" He replied.
   Long long ago- fourty four years to be exact- a child was born.
Not a human, not an elf, he was a dwarf. This baby\'s name was Eitri; A
name decided by the Dwarven King before he was even born, for this
baby was of royal blood. Although not direct, for his mother was the second
cousin of the prince. The baby had amazing intelligence. By the age of three
months, he was able to express feelings by smiling or frowning when
he was happy or angry. By the age of 4, he knew basic geometry, and
was predetermined by the crown to beging being schooled in the arcane
ways at the age of seven. His parents however, never approved of this.
They were hung.
   Eitri was fostered. He was placed in a home for \"gifted children\" and
was schooled earlier than suggested. He was casting basic healing spells
at the age of 12, and at the age of 16, he had mastered the art of his
choice; necromancy. Two years after, he was legally declared a man, and
decided to give up on magic and earn a living by mining ore and
smithing it; He was destined to be an Armour Smithy.

Eitri kneeled before the king and asked for his approval to leave the
town. It was declined, and stubborn Eitri was inclined to sneak out of
 Eitri trudged across the chilly white layer of snow on the ground, and
entered the Northern Forest - his mobility was cut short. Adding
to the great disadvantage of being two-feet tall, a large heap of dead
Black Spruces lay sprawled on the ground before him. It appeared to have a
Diameter of atleast seven-thousand meters around, so the idea of walking
around the heap was like a suicide attempt. Eitri started to climb the
dusty trunk of one of considerable size. Icy drops of persperation
dropped from the Dwarf\'s head. \"\'Tis a difficult task to complete\", he
commented. Groaning, he managed to inch his way up the trunk of the tree,
onto the top of the pile. He almost slipped on the slippery limbs of one
tree, and tumbled head over heels to the ground. \"Atleast I got over!\" He joked.

 Eitri continued on his way until he stumbled upon a small village northeast
of the forest, and rested in the small empty inn found on the outskirts
of town.\"
If you see someone going around talking about their \'+1 silk underpants\', you would take it as a joke at first and later wonder about their mental status
- ZpTyZ


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« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2004, 05:34:03 pm »
Sounds neat so far. :) You seem to generalise the races you mention... what specific race of human, elf and dwarf kind are you speaking of?


  • Hydlaa Resident
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« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2004, 06:44:43 pm »
Hehe. Good point. I\'ll edit my story later. Thanks! :)

EDIT: Added more to the story. I have written a few more paragraphs, and have edited the original stuff I had originally posted. Here it is:

                       This is my project; An ever-changing story of
the interesting life led by Eitri Helmsguard. An epic document on the
Rebel egyptians in Queslar, the dark secrets of the orcs, the conspiracy
of the Dwarven Empire, and many more interesting and historical events that
shaped the lives of many, especially Eitri. There will be more chapters
added, and an updated Epilogue. I hope you enjoy this, considering the
massive amount of work put into it for the entertainment of me and you
    Some of the story will be written in 3rd person, and some will
be written in 1st person. Although this may be confusing, it will add
better effects to the story, and make it more interesting to read.
   Now, enough talking and get on to the story!

\"Sit down at the campfire and tell us another story!\" Cried Yergar, a
young and peculiar human boy.
    \"Why do I always have to tell the stories?\" asked Eitri- \"I\'m
growing old and my throat is getting dry!\"
  Yergar led the other toddlers into a forcing chant. \"STORY!
STORY! STORY!\" They urged.
 \"Alright, alright!\" He replied.
   Long long ago- fourty four years to be exact- a child was born.
Not a human, not an elf, he was a Stonebreaker Dwarf. This baby\'s name was Eitri; A
name decided by the Dwarven King before he was even born, for this
baby was of royal blood. Although not direct, his mother was the second
cousin of the prince. The baby had amazing intelligence. By the age of three
months, he was able to express feelings by smiling or frowning when
he was happy or angry. By the age of 4, he knew basic geometry, and
was predetermined by the crown to beging being schooled in the arcane
ways at the age of seven. His parents however, never approved of this.
They were hung.
  Eitri was fostered. He was placed in a home for \"gifted children\" and
was schooled earlier than suggested. He was casting basic healing spells
at the age of 12, and at the age of 16, he had mastered the art of his
choice; necromancy. Two years after, he was legally declared a man, and
decided to give up on magic and earn a living by mining ore and
smithing it; He was destined to be an Armour Smithy.

                  Eitri kneeled before the king and asked for his approval to leave the
town. It was declined, and stubborn Eitri was inclined to sneak out of
   Eitri trudged across the chilly white layer of snow on the ground, and
entered the Northern Forest - his mobility was cut short. Adding
to the great disadvantage of being two-feet tall, a large heap of dead
Black Spruces lay sprawled on the ground before him. It appeared to have a
Diameter of atleast seven-thousand meters around, so the idea of walking
around the heap was like a suicide attempt. Eitri started to climb the
dusty trunk of one of considerable size. Icy drops of persperation
dropped from the Dwarf\'s head. \"\'Tis a difficult task to complete\", he
commented. Groaning, he managed to inch his way up the trunk of the tree,
onto the top of the pile. He almost slipped on the slippery limbs of one
tree, and tumbled head over heels to the ground. \"Atleast I got over!\" He joked.

 Eitri continued on his way until he stumbled upon a small village northeast
of the forest, and rested in the small empty inn found on the outskirts
of town.
 When he woke up, a thin layer of frost was glued to the outside rim
of the window. A comforting breeze sweeped in from a crack in the old
room\'s wall. Normally a crack would have proved inconvenient, but in this
case it was being put to practical use; the woodstove produced heat. Although,
alone it was too hot. He tried leaving the woodstove off, but it was too cold.
Eventually, he found that the two balanced eachother out, and made a comfy
mix. The young Stonebreaker hopped out of the ancient bed and started off
on his adventure once again. His plan was to head North through the rest
of the forest, then sleep in a Dwarven outport city called Talglad.
  As he walked, his heavy boots made large indentations in the snow.
If the King even had the heart to look for him, he would have to cover them up
some how... Eitri came up with a little trick. He cut two large branches off trees
and trimmed them with his knife until they were perfectly flat. He then
tied them onto his boots. The mark left with his \"skis\" made a long thin
track behind, therefor it would trick the search team into thinking that the tracks
were made by something else. His plan was perfect.
    He continued on his journey. He passed large open spaces convenient
for resting, but he resisted the temptation. On, he continued. Past icy streams of
water, large gourges, and many more things. He never stopped until, at long last,
he had reached the city; Talglad.
 It was at this city, that the true adventure began. Large mobs filled with
buff ruffians threatened his every move. They would regret that. With incredible
accuracy, he managed to \"KO\" many of the mob members, until two were left standing.
The two had very dirty, revolting beards with pieces of food hanging off of them.
One was a little on the chubby side, while his buddy was tall and frail. Eitri
shook his fist angrily at them and landed a blow directly on the chin of the
chunky one. He then immediately backed it up by flipping the skinny one over his
back, onto the ground. While both lay injured on the ground, he ran to the nearest
    \"One more shot.\" Eitri said not-so-soberly. He had now been at the pub for
over an hour, drinking and goofing around with the rest of the crowd. They were all
Stonebreakers; very, very heavy drinkers. In the last seventy-five minutes, Eitri
had managed to force down thirty shots of alchohol! He waddled out of the blurred
pub, onto the swirly street. He tripped over his feet, and drunkily lifted himself
up. He was a helpless mess, laying out in the middle of the street. Even worse,
the mob members had begun to awaken...
    Tugging at him, fiercly pulling him to his feet, two angry mobsters held his
elastic arms while the rest shot a series of blows to his abdomen. \"Leave him alone!\"
Insisted a strange voice. Eitri slowly turned his head around to see a large Kran
towering over him and the mobsters with an angry expression on his face. The mobsters
ran, and Eitri flopped down on the ground again...everything went black.
   \"You have awoken.\" Stated the mysterious Kran.
    \"Obviously,\" said Eitri sarcastically.
    \"I saved your life, so it would be nice if you were a little more courtious
towards me.\" Said the Kran in an angry tone.
   \"Right.\" He replied.
  After a long conversationg with the Kran, they had agreed that the Kran was to
lead Eitri to the end of the Talglad Plains, for it was too dangerous to travel alone.
Needing any help he could get, Eitri agreed. They stepped out of the tall building they
were in, onto the now-dark streets of Talglad. The Kran led him to the edge of the city,
where he then gave Eitri a short stick that produced light. They then continued through
the gate, into the plains. Long slimy serpents slithered by their feet as they headed
northeast from Talglad.
  \"This is where I leave you.\" Said the mysterious Kran once they arrived at a narrow
mountain pass. The Kran gave him a map, and started walking back toward Talglad. Eitri heard
a rumbling noise behind him; a Rock Golem had reached the surface, and was attacking the Kran!
Eitri ran frantically toward the golem, trying to remember the small collection of spells he
still knew. The Kran was swinging his huge arms at the even larger Golem. Eitri chanted a few
phrases and hurled a large ball of icy doom toward the Golem. The missile hit the Golem with
a tremendous smack, and sent it hurling to the ground. Eitri and the Kran then proceded to beat
the Golem\'s back for quite some time.
 \"I\'ve never seen a Dwarf cast a spell before,\" Commented the Kran.
 Eitri replied with a modest \"I\'m not that good.\" And continued on his way toward the
mountain pass.
 Eitri had accomplished more than he had intended to on that day; he had jogged through
the mountain pass, and was now sleeping in a friendly dwarf\'s home in a small mining town called
Halgerd. The town was in a large field next to the pass, with a small mineral mine laying slightly
to the northeast of town. It lay next to a frozen lake, which bore small amounts of Cod
and Salmon. The town was a humble village in a harsh environment. The climate was colder here,
and it snowed quite often. It was a common sight to see snow piling above your window as you
wake up in the morning. The sun is covered by a thick layer of clouds, so the little light they get
is from the fires in their huts, and the oil lamps in the streets. It is a convenient place to
hide from civillization for a while, for there is NO noise after dark. Everybody knows everybody; the
town consisted of a chain of family and friends. They lived in close proximity to eachother; several
families lived in a single building. This was the kind of town Eitri liked.

Yet another update, here is some more of the story. IT\'S THE BEGINNING OF ANOTHER CHAPTER TOO!

Eitri had got a head start on the day already. He woke up at six o\'clock, and was already half
way to Elsgendarg already. He had just crossed the Norseland-Egypt border, and was now crossing a dry, vast
desert which was named the Nyinhogg Desert. He stumbled upon an oasis and began to drink. He had no idea
the desert was this hot, this void of water. He had always imagined the desert as a getaway resort location
for tanning the skin, and relaxing the muscles; this was NOTHING like that. The hot UV rays from the sun
penetrated his light Stonebreaker skin like a knife through butter. He didn\'t like that feeling.
He had got a red rash called \"sunburn\" by the native egyptians, which burned when he rubbed it.
He tripped over a rock, stood up, and continued. With his watery eyes, he saw a blurred vision of
Elsgendarg, and raced towards it with a cry of happiness.
 It wasn\'t Elsgendarg. Now, he was crying, but not of happiness. His eyes had tricked him, creating
an illusion of the thing he so passionately desired. He clenched his fist over a dry bunch of sand.
He clawed at the ground, taking his anger out at it. That didn\'t help. Little bits of sand got under his
fingernails, which was very uncomfourtable. He managed to lift his plump little body up, and
continue walking through the hot, dry hell.
  The sound of a horse\'s hooves pounding on the sand made him awaken; was it reality? A caravan had
come his way! Hurriedly Eitri ran in front of the caravan. The \"driver\" acknowleded and asked him his name.
\"Eitri.\" He replied naturally.
   \"Well, Eitri,\" the driver replied, \"I suppose you need a lift?\" Eitri nodded. \"And to where is Eitri
heading to?\" He asked.
    \"Elsgendarg.\" Eitri answered. The driver beckoned Eitri in the caravan, and told him to sit in the
\"Guest Cart\". The \"Guest Cart\" was a small circular room covered by a black wooden ceiling. Eitri sat in the
velvet chair with relish, and actually looked forward to the long trip.

He stumbled as he stepped out of the cart. The dry Egyptian Sun was now comforting now that he had reached his destination.
The tall gold buildings glimmered in the sun, reflecting blinding light off of their sides. That light was too light
to look directly at. The tall palace in the center of the city was a beauty; tall walls towering over the rest of the city
giving the building a look of signifigance. This building seemed to glow lighter than the others, for some strange
unexplained reason. The roof of the palace had a large ball-like look, like a ball of wool with a sharp tip on the top.
Though, with all the wonderful buildings, the foolish Stonebreaker had chosen one horrible looking shack, with something
he was craving, cramped inside; it was the tavern. Eitri stepped inside the dimly-lit shack and sat down at one of the wooden
stools. He felt like it would collapse from his weight. The place seemed rat infested, and a smell of heavy \"gas\" (if you know
what I mean), filled the air. He lay both his hands on the table, trios in hand, and ordered a pint of ale.
   A strange looking man sat beside him. This man had a rough look to him; yellow, chipped teeth, long, raggedy hair,
ripped clothes, you know. This strange man started to talk to Eitri, in a eerishly sweet tone. He said that he had heard of Eitri,
said that Eitri was \"That Dwarf\" that had ran away from the throne, seeking fame and fortune. Worried for his life, Eitri denied
this claim. Suddenly, the man lunged for his sack. In the sudden movement, Eitri\'s arm knocked over all the ale, staining the rotten
counter. The stranger started beating at Eitri until he pulled out a knife, at that time Eitri had been ready. He chanted a phrase
or two, and hurled that same icy force that knocked down the Giant Golem, hit the stranger smack in the face. He fell with a thud to
the (really damp) floor. Eitri was even lucky enough to catch the stranger\'s name in the conversation; Gonturan was his name.
So Gonturan got up, and feebly ran out into the dry streets of Elsgendarg.
   Gonturan would come back, he was sure of it. So Eitri waited. Sure enough, half an hour later, Gotnuran came walking back in,
head held high, as five thugs stood behind him. Gonturan smiled and said something about meat. But before he could react, a fiery red orb
had been delivered to the gut of one of the thugs. The thug\'s flesh started to peel, his bones started to rot, his limbs started to bend,
and finally he, like Gonturan, fell to the floor. This was a far more dangerous curse though, a curse which makes the target age at more than a
thousand of a human\'s normal aging rate. In a fraction of a second, your lungs could fail, your heart could stop, and your whole body would
cease to move. You would be simply... old. Really old.
   By the time Eitri had prepared another curse, the thugs, led by Gonturan, were half a kilometer from the pub. \"Might as well loot the
body...\" He thought as he put on leather gloves. He reached into the sack the thug had carried, he found a few pounds of Runite; an ancient
smithing material. Only master Smithers could craft a butter knife out of the mineral. Eitri had plans to make something with it, though not
a butter knife... He would make the double-edged axe he wanted. He wanted it, and he would get it. Nothing could stop him. It\'s as simple as that.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2004, 05:54:28 pm by Bjorn »
If you see someone going around talking about their \'+1 silk underpants\', you would take it as a joke at first and later wonder about their mental status
- ZpTyZ