Author Topic: Little Experiment 2  (Read 1778 times)


  • Traveller
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Little Experiment 2
« on: December 02, 2004, 08:30:53 pm »
OOC :     This is basically going to be the same as the first Little Experiment post except with a different storyline. If you want the details of how to post have a look at the original Little Experiment thread. The difference will be that you don\'t have to end the post with choices, you simply continue on from the last.
Good Luck!      : OOC

After a long hard day Rhett pulled off his worn leather boots and sunk into his worn armchair.  

He had a very tiring life, though his newborn son was changing that.
Rhett was grandmaster of the Guild of Glory, a guild that accepted all races, ages, genders and political views. They existed purely to boost commerce and protect  the people of Kelsey Shire, a prospering trade center right next to the sea and a three or so kilometres from the largest river in the country, Yanslick.
His son was being born into the most wealthy and successful family in Kelsey Shire, though Rhett wasn\'t as thrilled with that fact as he ought to have been. He was a simple man, who enjoyed sleeping in, good food and his wife Popuri, though his parents and grandparents and great parents before them were ruthless traders, and landed their only son in the middle of a guild he had no desire to run.

He was seriously considering retiring, and he was only 21 years old.
Popuri came up and layed her arms around his shoulders.

\"When I was a little boy, I really wanted a catchers mitt. But my dad wouldn\'t get it for me. So I held my breath until I passed out and hit my head on the coffee table. Doctor said I might have brain damage\"

\"Dad, what\'s the point of this story?\"

\"I like stories...\"


  • Hydlaa Resident
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« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2004, 11:41:09 pm »
Suddenly, the back door to their house was torn off of the wall and flung across the room, narrowly missing Rhett as it slammed into the wall.
  A gigantic ogre entered the room, body part at a time, because it could not fit it\'s immense bulk through the doorway. Having heard of the undesiring leadership of Rhett, the dark lord Hailum had begun to plan attacks one by one on the guild until it was destroyed.
  Shielding his wife, Rhett leapt to his mantleplace where his claymore hung, and he stood, fighter stance, feet planted, ready to counter an attack from the ogre. The ogre lifted it\'s gargantuan Steel chain mace, and brought it down and full force... straight at Rhett!...
Chestar in the game

*From the moment you are born, you are dying.  or


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2004, 06:10:33 am »
Rhett jumped away in the last moment. He truned round to attack the ogre. Piercing the Claymore trough the ogre\'s shoulder, he draws off the ogre\'s attention from his wife. Attacking. Parrying. It was the first time Rhett was glad that his parents thought him the art of combat. After a short time he mananaged to defeat the ogre. But then he turned round.
Popuri ..
During the fight a bookshelf fell and buried his wife under itself. Tears in his eyes he ran to his boys room, searching for him. But the only thing he found was a note.
Finally we got him! Ha, you little scum never saw his talent. He will become our favourite pet.

OOC:Nice Idea! London, It\'s a good difference.
A question! Will be the Meridian\'s there or not? Just courios.

I\'m really look forward seeing these story be upgraded.

And that idea with choiceless system is very good. But maybe you shall build in an inventory later, but it\'s your thread.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2004, 06:12:51 am by Merdarion »
I want to be a flame, to crumble to ash, but never ever burnt.

I want to rise higher, rise up to the heavens, but sink, just sink down deeper and deeper into nothing,

I want to be an angel, a chosen, a devil, but I am just a creature that ever wants what it wont get.


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« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2004, 02:50:03 am »
OOC : Thanks for posting guys, all input is good input. Btw, there might be Meridians but only if I really see a need for it, and good idea chestar, a nice action scene at the very beginning of a story is different and good to read.
I\'ll add an inventory as soon as it\'s necessary. : OOC

Rhett collapsed onto his worn armchair and wept. He was about to fall asleep when he heard a faint sound, barely a whisper.

\"Rhett? Are... you there? I feel... faint\"

\"Popuri! You\'re alive?!\"

Rhett rushed down towards the bookcase and heaved it off her fragile crushed body. There was hope yet but he needed to get her to a healer very quickly.

\"I think I need s-some tea\" Popuri mumbled.

Rhett half ran to the kitchen and put on a kettle.
They were sitting together next to the fire, when Rhett realised she needed help.

He slung her gently over his shoulder and walked slowly towards the door. He trudged for around half a kilometre to the local healers house, in the commercial section of town.
He walked up to her oak door and knocked heavily on the door.

\"Hello? What... oh yes I am a healer aren\'t I... come in then\"

A small woman only five foot tall opened the door and gasped.
\"Oh Rhett I\'ll get bandages and then begin the healing process. Make yourself comfortable.\"

Rhett walked Popuri towards the healer who took her to a room leading off.
Rhett sank onto a couch feeling extremely miserable, and not at all comfortable in the healers highly perfumed house knowing that his three month old son had been kidnapped and his wife was dealing with several broken bones.

An hour or so later the healer came out with a mug of broth for Rhett and a blanket.

\"She\'s going to be fine, nothing permanent, though she will have to stay overnight.\"

Rhett breathed out in a sigh of relief.

\"Now you should get some rest young man!\"

He sat back down and tried to get sleep but failed until past midnight.

He woke up uncomfortable and worried. He pulled on his pants and rushed in to see Popuri.

\"When I was a little boy, I really wanted a catchers mitt. But my dad wouldn\'t get it for me. So I held my breath until I passed out and hit my head on the coffee table. Doctor said I might have brain damage\"

\"Dad, what\'s the point of this story?\"

\"I like stories...\"


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2004, 04:47:21 am »
Shhh...! She\'s sleepin\' don\'t wake her up!, the small woman were making some potions. What the hell happened to her, did she jump out of the window?
No, a bookshelf crushed unto her, don\'t ask! I\'m just glad she made it, at first I thought she\'s dead.
Rhett heard some grumbling noice in his wifes room.
Storming into he saw Popuri trying to stand up.
Joshua! We forgot looking for him! he needs to be feed!, her face turned pale.

OOC: I just hope you don\'t stop advancing LE I. would be a shame. Especially now when it becomes funny.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2004, 03:11:02 am by Merdarion »
I want to be a flame, to crumble to ash, but never ever burnt.

I want to rise higher, rise up to the heavens, but sink, just sink down deeper and deeper into nothing,

I want to be an angel, a chosen, a devil, but I am just a creature that ever wants what it wont get.


  • Hydlaa Resident
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« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2004, 01:21:16 pm »
After reassuring his wife that he would lead a search party for his son, Rhett stepped outside.

The sun was just rising, crimson in the sky, reflecting pink and mauve clouds across the horizon. A band of dark red slowly moved along the Town Center, as last minute shadows passing from the night danced along the cobblestone looking for a dark sanction.

Rhett suddenly remembered his good friend, Hilloc. Hilloc would help look for Joshua. But first, he stopped at his house, and leading away from his house, into the dark, intimidating forest led that heavy 4-toed prints of an ogre, and the dragging marks of it\'s mace.

Rhett knew he couldn\'t go in alone. He also undertsood that Hilloc was the only friend he had who would venture to the end of time with him to save Joshua. So he wearily climbed the cracked stairs of his house to his room, found his claymore and some 125 tria, then wrote a note out shakily to the Healer and Popuri. It simply stated: Went to find Joshua with Hilloc. Tracking ogre in the woods of Hailum\'s realm. Don\'t follow. Stay with Hilloc\'s brother. He will look after you.

OCC: this maybe be the right time to add in an inventory if you are going to have one.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2004, 01:22:18 pm by Chestar »
Chestar in the game

*From the moment you are born, you are dying.  or


  • Hydlaa Resident
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« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2004, 02:12:02 pm »
Rhett and Hilloc wearily walked down the forest path, weaving in and out of trees and shrubs growing in the way. Rhett halted. A strange slithering sound seeped into his ears. Maybe it was his imagintaion. Rhett continued for a mile or two, and finally stopped to talk to Hilloc. He wasn\'t there!

Rhett frantically ran the way he had came from. He was frightened... He was worried. He then stopped once again when he heard a faint muffled scream of what seemed to be Hilloc\'s voice. Rhett whizzed around; nothing. He looked up, and saw two giant black pupils staring him straight in the face... He now knew what had happened to Hilloc.
If you see someone going around talking about their \'+1 silk underpants\', you would take it as a joke at first and later wonder about their mental status
- ZpTyZ


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2004, 07:39:11 am »
Damn ...
Rhett turned round and ran away as fast as he could, but there were no way of getting out. Lemurs surrounded him. He tried to fight them but after a short time he fainted.

He awoke, tired, hurting. He was in a cell. Damn ..., he said once more.
Well I didn\'t believe it would end up so!, it was the voice of Hilloc
I want to be a flame, to crumble to ash, but never ever burnt.

I want to rise higher, rise up to the heavens, but sink, just sink down deeper and deeper into nothing,

I want to be an angel, a chosen, a devil, but I am just a creature that ever wants what it wont get.


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« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2004, 08:00:51 pm »
Rhett put his head between his hands and tried to think as Hilloc made light of the situation, \"Well this is one way to retire, but I would not have suggested it\".  Despretaly going through possiblities Rhett looked at Hilloc and just as a derogatory phrase was about to leave his lips, his eyes fell to it.  That stupid Laanx talisman with a picture of the ancient Lemur city on it that Hilloc always wore around his neck, that was the way out of here.

Their jailer came to deliver lunch and where about to leave when Rhett spoke in their native tounge \"That city that was lost shall one day recieve its children again\".  While speaking he held up the talisman.  The lemur with a pang in his heart for that lost home took the talisman in his hands.

Suddenly Hilloc without warning hit the Lemor over the head.
Lurking in that space between -             \The\____
 trying to see what is off both ends -        -----\Mad\_____
  but the confusion and chaos looks so fun -     ------\Bard\
   that I must now jump down twixt them both and dance the dance


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2004, 02:29:34 pm »
Soon they will notice he\'s missing, he says, So we better get going,

Running up the stairs they heard a crying child from behind a corner. Looking what\'s happening Rhett leaned around the corner.

It was Joshua. Guarded by twenty well armed soldiers.

P.S.: You wanted to create a game about Little Experiment. Talk to Talonder he knows a ready to use engine, just make the levels and do some minor scripting
I want to be a flame, to crumble to ash, but never ever burnt.

I want to rise higher, rise up to the heavens, but sink, just sink down deeper and deeper into nothing,

I want to be an angel, a chosen, a devil, but I am just a creature that ever wants what it wont get.


  • Hydlaa Resident
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« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2004, 03:48:48 pm »
The warriors looked at them dumbly. How did they escape? Apparently there was no time for questions. Without warning, five or six of the bulky guards lunged at the two. Rhett raised his arm above his head, and all his weight came crashing down upon the \"muscleman\". After they had made waste of the original six, five more approached. Again, Rhett raised his mace high, and struck. Hilloc was having a hard time. With nothing but a few small daggers, it took several shots to take one man out. Rhett disposed of the guards he was engaged in, and helped Hilloc.
     The guars approached them in steady intervals, each group as large as the last. Finally, Rhett wrapped his arms around his beloved son and cried. But then he was aware of another thing; they were deep in the Lemur Catacombs... They did not know which way was out. Here comes the famed word; Damn.
If you see someone going around talking about their \'+1 silk underpants\', you would take it as a joke at first and later wonder about their mental status
- ZpTyZ


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« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2004, 11:05:43 pm »
OOC : I would appreciate it if people would not bring in elements of planeshift to this story. I want it to be as original as possible, and using somebody elses idea can sometimes work but not in this case. If your to say Lemur just say elf instead. Also I believe Rhett had a claymore not a mace, and to avoid these kind of mistakes it would be good if at the end of the post put in an inventory stating all items Rhett has. : OOC

Hilloc and Rhett with Joshua in his arms until, he felt like walking, maintained a slow crawl in the dark, being careful not to arouse the suspicion of elfin patrols. They had almost stumbled on such a patrol shortly after rescuing Joshua.
This continued for almost an hour before Hilloc hissed in despair.

\"This is futile! We aren\'t getting anywhere. We have to light a torch.\" He grumbled miserably.

\"That would be a great way of avoiding patrols now wouldn\'t it?\" Whispered Rhett, voice dripping with sarcasm.

\"We can take them! All we have to do is light one torch, and head towards higher ground. I\'m sure we\'ve been going in circles for a while now.\"

After a lengthy argument Rhett conceded and lit a torch.
They were startled to see a small elfin girl standing in front of them.

\"You don\'t belong down here, no, no I must tell father, yes, I must tell father.\"


Steel Claymore
Finely Tailored but worn clothing
125 Florins
« Last Edit: December 09, 2004, 11:11:02 pm by LondonWalker »

\"When I was a little boy, I really wanted a catchers mitt. But my dad wouldn\'t get it for me. So I held my breath until I passed out and hit my head on the coffee table. Doctor said I might have brain damage\"

\"Dad, what\'s the point of this story?\"

\"I like stories...\"


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2004, 08:41:31 am »
OOC : Sorry I thought that it was going to be based around PS. : OOC

Hilloc tried to grab her arm but it was like the mist.  Then she was gone.

\"You just had to have that stupid torch!\" Rhett grumbled.  Then dousing the torch in a nearbye pool, Rhett grunted for Hilloc to follow him.  He headed towards where he thought he saw the ground start to rise in that brief moment of torchlight.

Though after a time they find themselves going downhill.  They started to go back but heard the shouting of their pursuers.


Steel Claymore
Finely Tailored but worn clothing
125 Florins
Wet Torch
Lurking in that space between -             \The\____
 trying to see what is off both ends -        -----\Mad\_____
  but the confusion and chaos looks so fun -     ------\Bard\
   that I must now jump down twixt them both and dance the dance


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2004, 08:45:45 am »
Shhh... Please don\'t tell your father. Please not., Rhett whispered, He would kill us. Please don\'t say it to him.

But father said that I sould not talk to foreigners.

Please don\'t say it to him. Just ignore us.

But father said! And I have to obey him or he will get angry and hit me!

Please don\'t tell him, or he will hit me and my son until we are dead.

But he will be so angry ...

The little girl turned round and started climbing up the stairs.


Steel Claymore
Finely Tailored but worn clothing
125 Florins
I want to be a flame, to crumble to ash, but never ever burnt.

I want to rise higher, rise up to the heavens, but sink, just sink down deeper and deeper into nothing,

I want to be an angel, a chosen, a devil, but I am just a creature that ever wants what it wont get.


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« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2004, 10:54:08 am »
OCC : It seems that as I posted my message Merdarion was doing the same thing.  I guess that the next person who adds to the story should just pick one and continue it, but please tell which one you picked to continue so that the confusion can be minimized. : OCC
Lurking in that space between -             \The\____
 trying to see what is off both ends -        -----\Mad\_____
  but the confusion and chaos looks so fun -     ------\Bard\
   that I must now jump down twixt them both and dance the dance