Author Topic: CygWin: ./configure (MySQLClient errors)  (Read 497 times)


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CygWin: ./configure (MySQLClient errors)
« on: December 09, 2004, 04:18:21 pm »
The absence of this library(ie mysqlclient.a) in the cygwin  distribution causes a failure at ./configure.

That error (missing _mysql_real_connect) gets fixed once the mysql library has been compiled.

But ./configure then complains that _compress and _uncompress are missing.

suggested fix:

ifdef CYGWIN
 add -llibz to library include directives created by ./configure
 also -llibth32 (part of w32api {from mingw I think})

/* sorry not familiar enough with configure files to write the above in correct syntax */

This error is corrected by adding libz  to the list of libraries to be included (dont know if it is the correct compression method to use though)

However, I know for a fact that I will get a runtime error, viz:

$ ./select_test tribe 1
Couldn\'t connect to engine!
Can\'t connect to local MySQL server through socket \'/tmp/mysql.sock\' (2)

Transport endpoint is not connected

Running the select_test did, however, manage to connect to the web (ZoneAlarm asked if I wanted to let it do that)

I do have MySQL server running, though it is four or 5 minor versions later than the client executables I just compiled (I dont think that should make a difference?)

Can anyone suggest a way round this? It looks like the failure may be getting caused by either

1. failure to create or find /tmp/mysql.sock (ie possible incorrect DOS file system nomenclature)

Possible fix for the above:

use --with-unix-socket-path=mysql.skt to force mysql sockets to be created in current directory

2. a problem with the socket mechanism in Cygwin (something I think I have heard might be the case)

Obviously the PlaneShift will not run correctly if it cannot connect to the SQL tables used but will the game executables start even if they get a connection error?

Is it possible to use the libraries provided in the MySQL binary distribution? In particular, would it be possible to specify a flag at compile time that would circumvent linkage of compiled libraries and use the MySQL.dll instead?
« Last Edit: December 09, 2004, 07:08:49 pm by Aerig »