Author Topic: Affraid of your enemys?  (Read 2243 times)


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« Reply #15 on: August 17, 2005, 10:37:41 am »
\"I mean maybe some girls like a game were everyone is at peace, but I\'d like to attack someone when I hate him\"

.... i know plenty of girl who would gladly kill another person who pissed them off and plenty of guys would would rather have peace. so i dont get the girl refrence...

but. any way thats a bitoff topic. i see what you mean.  it does suck  that if you hate somone you have  to have them accept you beating them crap outta them.  i think that  there  should be  area\'s  ( for instance a  stretch of the wilderness inbetween odjevada and  hyddalla ) where you can pvp freely.


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« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2005, 01:02:53 pm »
I have proposed this idea before but perhaps if there was a lvl cap on who you could kill.

For instance, you could only kill someone 10 lvls apart from you.

Plus you wouldnt be able to kill noobs cuz of their low lvl protection?
Of course you should fight fire with fire, you should fight everything with fire.   :P  Xantherus Icer  :P


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« Reply #17 on: February 16, 2006, 08:23:21 am »
Originally posted by Pyrodiver
If you want my opinion.. (Which I imagine you don\'t especially. :D) I like the way Medievia did it. In places frequented by people, (cities, trade roads, woods around trade roads,) you can\'t even attack someone, (penalties make more sense, but I\'m just giving what Medievia uses first).

In fairly out of the way places, (such as the woods around the Labyrinth) there is what\'s called NPK. NPK, for those who didn\'t guess right away, stands for Neutral Player Killing, which basically just means that the law doesn\'t hold much sway. If you are killed in one of these areas, you just get teleported out.

There is also CPK, chaotic player killing, in areas where few tread, (like Haunted Woods,) where if a person is pked, it works the same way as if you killed a creature. Recently they implemented LLCPK, where only a certain number of items can be looted from a corpse.

Of course, I\'m not suggesting that system for PlaneShift, but maybe something like it. The more remote the area you\'re in, the less protection code gives you from attack. I\'m not a fan of pking really, but I like the idea of danger. I was actually playing once, and the person leading our party stopped us, because there was movement ahead, and then proceeded to tromp right on up, because they were Player Characters, and completely harmless.. Personally, in the spirit of rp, I was the last one to follow.. Would YOU tromp on up to a group of people in the sewer? Anyway, I\'m digressing. v.v

Now thats what Im talking about...

A true warrior is always armed with three things: the radiant sword of pacification; the mirror of bravery, wisdom, and friendship; and the precious jewel of enlightenment.


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honor duel?
« Reply #18 on: February 22, 2006, 03:25:13 pm »
Maybe we can have a mix all of the ideas proposed here,and built a great system for PVP.

Noobs can?t be killed/duel/robed up to level n.
Chars can?t be killed/duel/robed if the difference between then is more than (less say) 10-15 lvls
Some places should be safer, NPC police? or just god eye, and other should be more dangerous, above rules change for a wider level difference, noobs protection is removed...
and finally is somebody really really bothers you , call a honor duel... then none of the above applies, the other character should be forced to fight by the same law that in other circunstances will protect him, or at least put him in jail...(have no idea if there is a jail )

finally, thiefing, should be restricted in same manners, but shouldnt be so regulated that you can?t take a thief profession... and what about assasins?, spies?


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« Reply #19 on: February 23, 2006, 12:13:29 am »
For some reason I always favor a system with as few level restrictions to PvP as possible.  This probably comes from my exp with EQ\'s red (Ralos Zek) server.  It was PvP if you were within 5 levels (as I remember). And it allowed you to loot all gold and one item off of the killed player. And when you respawned you were at 10% mana and health, and there were no safe zones. and spells worked differently on players than they did mobs.  

I did not like it.  The level idea sounds good, but in implementation it means low level goon squads can greif newbies without fear of getting killed by higher level bounty hunters.  It also does nothing to protect from higher levels helping griefers kill.  for example a player can have two accounts.  With his high level healer he can keep his lower level assasin style character buffed with high level buffs and heal when player is in trouble.

I prefer newbie zones and safe cities.  It is not nessasarily realistic, but it improves the game for newbies and crafters imeasureably.  Newbies form your player base.  They need an environment to learn the game before they are pitted against the uglyness that is PvP.  This being said,  Planeshift is not claiming to be the next great PvP game.  It will not be the main focus of the game.  This puts more presure on the PvE part of the game.

If PS ever gets anything more than the guild war system it has now it will most likely be limited to certain areas of the map.  PvP in cities is just ugly.  Especially with the free to play cost of the game.


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« Reply #20 on: March 18, 2006, 08:01:20 pm »
In EQ there was a npc Called (The Priest of Discord) all you have to do is go up to him and hail him that starts the quest He give your toon a book you read it and hand it back to the POD then apon handing back the book your tag AKA the name above your toons head turns red from blue and Bad bing-Bada boom your tag in now set to PVP status and that means you could openly attack any one else (WITH a red tag ) and thos who wish to remain out of the fray could .It also ment only those with the red tag could heal you you buff you in any way ... I hope this give you some Ideas to work from for a better pVp solutions....

A true warrior is always armed with three things: the radiant sword of pacification; the mirror of bravery, wisdom, and friendship; and the precious jewel of enlightenment.


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« Reply #21 on: March 25, 2006, 03:41:36 pm »
PoD\'s were exclusive to \"blue\" servers. Ralos Zek was one of the few \"red\" (PvP) servers that EQ had.  When I was playing the game I had characters on both kinds of servers.  Incidently, the players that chose the PoD were very very few, and most did out of curriosity, only to delete them when they found out they could not undo what the PoD did.