Author Topic: The Blade of Vamporos  (Read 481 times)


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The Blade of Vamporos
« on: June 20, 2002, 03:47:19 pm »
It was a dark.. gloomy night in the small town of Riminok. Only a single light lit the town, and nothing more. Above, dark clouds passed, only slightly revealing the moon\'s rays of light. Owls whooed while wolves howled.. giving the night an even more deadly appearance.

   Only a fool would ride out at night.. but Ulrikon was willing to take his chances. Ulrikon was a young man, the age of 17. Although somewhat weak, his keen battle tactics help him to win battles quite often. His eyes are a sparkling blue, and his hair shiny silver. Ulrikon is a member of the Crimson Blood Army, a mysterious clan, whose leader is unknown, even to the clan\'s members. Their ideals are horrid, often rampaging towns to kill innocent townsfolk, then dragging their corpses back to their clan hideout. The members no not why their master requires them to bring back civilian corpses, but that is exactly why Ulrikon is willing to go out tonight and find out. The clan leader, who is codenamed Shadow, is often found not in his room at night, so Ulrikon plans to capture him while he\'s out.

   Ulrikon stood alone in the darkness. A cold chill sprang down his spine, he knew something bad was out there.. something willing to kill him without hesitation. Dispite his fear he ordered his horse to ride down the hard, rocky road, leading the the kingdom of Faynor. He felt something as he rode down the path.. it was in his inner senses.. he felt he was being followed. But by whom? Quickly, he unsheathed his blade and turned around, pointing it towards the road behind him. It was Garrick, an old friend of Ulrikon\'s, but began to dislike him for joining the Crimson Blood Army. He was wearing only leather armor, with a bow and quiver strapped to his back.

   \"Where are you headed to?\" Garrick asked, running his hand through his deep black hair, brown eyes sparkling in the small amount of moonlight.

   \"I am going out to discover who my clan leader is.. he only goes out at night, so I find that that is the best time to find him.\" Ulrikon replied, sheathing his blade and looking back towards the road ahead.

   \"I know we haven\'t talked much in awhile, and we hate each other a bit.. but I would like to come if you don\'t mind.\" Garrick asked desperately.

   \"Garrick.. you\'re only 15. And although you\'re a skilled archer you just can\'t come. If I happen to die.. who will care? I have no friends, no family.. most of them were found only as skeletal remains. I want you to go back to Riminok, understand?\" Ulrikon responded, ordering his horse to begin continuing down the path.

   Garrick replied not, but did not continue chasing after Ulrikon either. Ulrikon was determined to do this alone, without any casualties involved in the process...

                            Part II coming soon...
Everyone has to die.. nows your turn.


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Re: The Blade of Vamporos
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2002, 03:52:22 pm »
Lol.. I know I said I\'d create a second part to this story. But I am too lazy too and have no perserverence too either. If anyone would like to continue the story they may..

    For all who read the story thank you.
Everyone has to die.. nows your turn.


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I read...
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2002, 11:34:43 am »
I read it but it lacks something.... dont really know... but anyways it was good kinda different but pretty good i cant write stories worth my life so let someone else do it. :D

OutKast Tha Profet

Death is only the beginning you dont want to know the rest.:evil:
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