Author Topic: Leviathan Stadium (for people who like to roleplay...)  (Read 579 times)


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Leviathan Stadium (for people who like to roleplay...)
« on: January 08, 2005, 02:03:43 pm »
Common stadium rules are as follows:

1. Try not to kill anyone (It\'s inevitable that someone is going to die eventually here)
2. No God-moding (This is a fight. Unless your opponent is a horrible RPer, you will get hurt)
3. No munching (You can NOT assume and call your opponents reactions. Make your attack and wait for their responce)
4. Abide by the rules set before the fight.
5. Magic and Special Abilities fights must be kept seperate from skill only fights. Special attacks that are beyond what the normal or just above-par human can do are considered Special Abilities
6. When fighting in the Stadium Arena (When no other arena is specified), keep yourself and all magic in the ring. Damages to the Stadium will be paid for by gold from your own pocket.
7. When quoting, keep your posts to a maximum of 3 quotes. We don\'t want the pages cluttered with meaningless past posts
Failure to follow these rules will result in a disqualification from the fight and a possible banning from the Stadium.

Off on the outskirts of Barton, there exists a large arena with ten story tall walls surrounded by a forest. This stadium is the Leviathan Stadium. It is a place for people to come and test their skills in one of many different arenas, each simulating a different fighting place, ranging from a rocky outcropping, to a grassy plain. Special skills and magic are welcome in this place, though they are to be kept seperate from the skill only fighter arenas.

Upon entering the huge doors, there is a hallway flanked with pillars on either side. After walking down the hall there is a split in the hall. One path to the left, one to the right, and one going straight.

Down the left and right hallways are two large rooms, each containing hundreds of portals with script across them. Each script says the name of the arena the portal will take you to (i.e. Island Arena, Sky Ring, City Scape, Desert Arena, et cetera). There is also a locked door in both rooms. Once you walk down the middle hallway, you see pictures adorning the walls, each of fighters that have been in the arena and spectacular moves they have used.

About a hundred feet down the hall is another split. A plaque on the left reads: Hospitol/Recovory Room and Guest Rooms. Down that hall, there is a turn to the right that leads to the guest rooms. There are about twenty guest rooms, all large suites. Down at the end are 4 even larger suites that seem big enough to be their own houses. On one of the doors hangs a sign that reads \"Kasuga.\"

The Hospitol has all of the necessary utensils needed to heal and cure anyone who is anything but dead, this includes those who may need some \"extra\" recovory. In the Recovory Room, there is a door that leads to an open door spa and rooms to the sides that seem to be locked.

Down the right hall is the Security Room. Inside are gun racks and televisions, along with piles of VHS tapes, all with a different date on them. It seems the security room monitors every single arena every single day. Against the wall is a large, steel-bolted door. Next to it is a sign that reads \"Armoury.\" Under that, scratched into the sign are the words \"Dante\'s Room.\" On the huge door is a large plaque that reads, \"In memory of Dante Daniel Decker. You will never be forgotten. We will miss you, friend.\"

A bit further down the main hall is a wodden door. Inside is a large lobby of sorts. There are tables and couches, a TV on the far right wall, and a bar on the left. Next to the bar is a consession stand and a hotdog cart. Straight ahead upon entering are two large double doors. Through them is another small hallway ending in an arch that leads outside into the Stadium Arena.

After finally making it to the main arena, you realize that the stadium is a lot larger that it looks from the ground. The Stadium Arena is easily 2 football fields wide and long. There are thousands upon thousands of seats surrounding it and large lights along the edges. In this large centre of the stadium is where most people loiter about.

You look up and, astonishingly, one mile in the air, barely noticable as it is but a speck in the sky, is what looks like another arena. This is the Leviathan Stadium\'s crowning achievement, the Sky Ring. It is a fifty by fifty foot disk suspended half a thousand feet in the air. Fifty feet above that, stabilized by a metal pole in the centre of the Sky Ring is a Deathmatch Ring, which is like the Sky Ring, except that it is ten by ten feet and flying abilities are not allowed. This arena is only used by the very brave, or the very stupid.

Half way up the stands is an large open ring that goes around the entire stands and back towards the wall. In this open ring, dubbed \"Merchant\'s Ring\" are restaraunts and some suvonire shops.

Bask in the glow while you can, because when the heat of battle steps in, you won\'t be looking at the pretty lights.

Upon choosing an opponent, select your arena from the wide veriety of available arenas in your rank. Once the fighting area has been chosen set up rules such as what weapons will be used, if it will be a magic or non magic fight, disqualifications, et cetera. (If an arena is not specified, then you fight in the Stadium Arena. If there are no rules established, then anything goes)

Common stadium rules are as follows:

1. Try not to kill anyone (It\'s inevitable that someone is going to die eventually here)
2. No God-moding (This is a fight. Unless your opponent is a horrible RPer, you will get hurt)
3. No munching (You can NOT assume and call your opponents reactions. Make your attack and wait for their responce)
4. Abide by the rules set before the fight.
5. Magic and Special Abilities fights must be kept seperate from skill only fights. Special attacks that are beyond what the normal or just above-par human can do are considered Special Abilities
6. When fighting in the Stadium Arena (When no other arena is specified), keep yourself and all magic in the ring. Damages to the Stadium will be paid for by gold from your own pocket.
7. When quoting, keep your posts to a maximum of 3 quotes. We don\'t want the pages cluttered with meaningless past posts

Failure to follow these rules will result in a disqualification from the fight and a possible banning from the Stadium.

The ranks are very important because you must be a certain rank to be in a certain arena. If you are a student, you are only allowed to be in the Common Arena, because you are so low in rank. If you come to the arena a lot and fight a lot, eventually your rank will increase to Senior Student. On and on you will increase ranks until you reach Sensei. When you become Sensei, you now have access to the Island Arena. The higher your rank, the less boundaries you get. When you become Master Fighting Sensei, you are allowed to fight in every arena. In the Sky Ring, you may fight other Master Fighting Sensei\'s. If you do not wish to fight when you become Master Fighting Sensei, you can teach other Sensei\'s to become a higher rank. Sensei\'s can be taught, teach, and fight all at once, though it will be pretty hard. Little sleep because of lessons you much teach and lessons you are taught, and on top of that, you must fight to raise your rank. If you have further questions about ranks, please feel free to ask.

To sign up for the Tournament, please fill out this form:

Name-(roleplaying name not real name)
Age-(roleplaying age not real age)
Rank-(start as Freshmen Student)
Goal- (What rank you want to reach)

To fight someone else, you must tell this information to the person you want to fight:


When you send this as a PM or as a regular post, if they accept the fight, you must reserve the arena you will be fighting in at least 1 week before fighting.

Here are the ranks from lowest to highest:

Common Arena
Freshmen Student
Senior Student
Master Student

Island Arena

Freshmen Sensei

Desert Arena

Senior Sensei
Master Sensei
Survival Guide

City Scape

Skilled Fighter
Master Fighter

Sky Ring

Master Fighter
Master Survival Guide
Master Skilled Fighter
Master Fighting Sensei

Now if you are a student, you MUST AT ALL TIMES call your Sensei \"Sensei\". It is a form of respect, and if you direspect your sensei, your sensei will punish you severely. If you are under someone you MUST AT ALL TIMES call them by their title with their first name. Example: Master Fighter Nicolai or Fighter G Demon If you are a student, you will be called by your name.

We will have links to certain arenas once we get at least 2 people on Common Arena or Island Arena. Then, I and master fighters will create the arenas and put the link under the arena title. If you would like to fight in a certain arena, send the duel form to the person you want to duel, then if he/she accepts, go to the arena you have chosen.

Here is my application:

Name- Nicolai the Tigress
Age- 14
Rank- Freshmen Student
Goal- Master Fighting Sensei

Special Abilities

Fire- HAs the power to control fire that is 2 miles away- Also can create fire
Swift- Moves to speeds up to 321 MPH
ShapeShifter- Has the power to change to anyone, anything. Can even turn into a boulder or lamp!
Climbing- Can climb up to 600 km in a matter of 6 minutes.

That\'s all I can think of at the moment...
« Last Edit: January 08, 2005, 02:12:48 pm by Nicolai »


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« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2005, 02:09:09 pm »

When you apply, you also can add special powers you might want to make up or add to your character, you may have 6 special powers MAX.


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« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2005, 02:18:28 pm »
*climbs to the top of the roof of the stadium, pulls her katana out and admires it*
*noticing some spots, she pulls out a clean soft cloth and begins to clean the blade*


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2005, 02:59:35 pm »
-Changed my mind-
« Last Edit: January 11, 2005, 09:28:51 am by Merdarion »
I want to be a flame, to crumble to ash, but never ever burnt.

I want to rise higher, rise up to the heavens, but sink, just sink down deeper and deeper into nothing,

I want to be an angel, a chosen, a devil, but I am just a creature that ever wants what it wont get.


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« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2005, 07:28:37 pm »
Well the fights are not to death, just until submit, they are here, at the arena(the thread), the fights are fighter vs fighter(i hope that answers that question), and I don\'t know what you mean by ruleset. you just go by the rules I posted!


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2005, 09:28:24 am »
Ahh well. And I thought this could be a funny idea.

pfft anyone makes errors sometime.

With rules i meant that making rolls if someone performs an action or fail with it.
I want to be a flame, to crumble to ash, but never ever burnt.

I want to rise higher, rise up to the heavens, but sink, just sink down deeper and deeper into nothing,

I want to be an angel, a chosen, a devil, but I am just a creature that ever wants what it wont get.