Author Topic: :::HellSpawn:::  (Read 586 times)


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« on: July 17, 2002, 09:47:52 am »

By: Elie Cassat
Part: 1

On a beautiful day Tornak woke up refreshed. With the sun shinning through the window, he could smell the odder of left over\'s of Katora meat his wonderful wife had cooked last night as a special treat for the hefty mount of money he was rewarded from the king for the quest he sent him on. To him the quest was a walk in the valley of faerie\'s, but he still felt proud and walked out the bedroom with his chest out. We walk to the kitchen table were his wife was waiting for him with a big smile.

Wife:  \"I knew now much you liked that Tornak last night, so I decided to prepare it the Toung and snout with some bread and warm milk, I got early this morning.\"

Tornak:  \"Ah, Theora, you really know how to make a man feel good.\"

Tornak sat down and started eating wile his wife went to take care of the animals they had in the pen in the back of there house. There house was surrounded with tree\'s and flowers planted nicely and carefully.

After Tornak was done his breakfast, he kissed Theora good-bye, and went back to the castle, were he was welcomed as an honored guest. Tornak went and finished many quests for the King, and the king loved him for that. He knew he could depend on him if it was to fetch a few pounds of gold, or to slay an Dragon.

King:  \"Hello, and congratulations again for an other successful quest my dear Tornak!\"

Tornak jumped because of the load echo the king made wile he walked in, he never got use to that. He went down on one knee and spoke:

Tornak:  \"Thank you sier, I hope you enjoy your Yashani Lizard skin.\"

King:  \"Oh I do, I do! I sure hope you weren\'t injured by the beast.\"

Tornak:  \"No sier, No simple lizard could hurt me sier\"

King:  *laughs under his breath* \"Of course, of course... um... Please, take a seat, have some wine.\"

Tornak Takes a seat wile the Kings servant pours him some wine in one of the fine gold cups. As he took a drink he seen the King pull something out from the side of his thrown. It was a cloth, it seemed to have something inside it. Tornak looked attentively wile the king unraveled the the cloth wich was brown, a little burned, and looked very old. After the cloth was taken off, the King spoke:

King:  \"This my friend is a... well, to tell you the truth, I don\'t really know what it\'s called, we\'ll just call it an artifact shall we?\"

As he spoke, Tornak count\' take his eye\'s off the \"artifact\". It looked hundreds of years old, maybe even older. It was in a shape of a pentagon, it had signs in each triangle of the pentagon, and a bizarre looking face in the middle. Wen the King flipped it around a piece about half an inch long, and half an inch wide, It had ridges like a key, or a type of puzzle piece.

Tornak:  \"My lord, may I ask what this is for?\"

King:  \"Well, last week a peasant was farming his fields wile his tools hit a chest, the chest was pure iron, with a very complicated lock, the peasant was able to open the chest, Polly because it was extremely old, and found this inside alone with the cloth, which seems to have a map or some kind on it. He told one of my guards, and the guard gave it to me. But the thing is this... The peasant died 2 nights ago. The Guard if fine, so we believe it had to do with the chest, but for my safety and the safety of the kingdom and it\'s villagers, I need you to find out what this artifact do, and if it\'s any threat to us. Do you understand?\"

Tornak heard all of what the king said and just knotted his head. He was zoned out on the artifact, he was amazed by it. He didn\'t know why, but he was afraid of it. For once in his adult life he was actually afraid, but tried not to show it.

King:  \"Good. Then you will leave as soon as you can, I will give you the artifact, the map, a horse, and some food and water. I do not know how long this will take, but I hope you find out whatever this is, and what it does. Good Luck Tornak.\"

Tornak:  \"Yes sier, Thank you sier.\"
« Last Edit: July 17, 2002, 10:14:09 am by ToK-ra »


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Good job
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2002, 11:21:02 am »
Good job Tok-Ra the story was great except all the grammatical errors...  :]  I hope that you keep on writing i would like to read what happens to him and what the artifact is.... Dont leave me hanging hear. X(

Death is only the beginning you dont want to know the rest.:evil:

\"Hunt This\"

OutKast Tha Profet:evil:
Secondary Leader of \"TOB\"
\"The Order of the Blade\"

Death is only the beginning you dont want to know the rest.:evil:
\"Hunt This\"
Secondary Leader of \"TOB\"


  • Traveller
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Yeah, it's good!
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2002, 11:35:02 am »
The story is good, but can you tell us more about Tornak?
Until then, I\'ll be hanging for the rest! :D
« Last Edit: July 17, 2002, 12:43:05 pm by lokee »


\"You should be careful if you don\'t know where you\'re going,
\'Cuz you might not get there!\". Yogi Bera [/I][/U]

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  • Traveller
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Stupid spell check
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2002, 12:10:35 pm »
My spell check is stupid... it sticks letters everywhere randomlly. thing is gay. lol I\'ll write Part 2 later or somethin\' I\'m gana think what happens...  :]


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2002, 12:26:11 pm »
ok well i guess i can wait but hurry up and make the story line real good cause sometimes they stink and it ruins the whole story. :(

Death is only the beginning you dont want to know the rest.:evil:

\"Hunt This\"

OutKast Tha Profet:evil:
Secondary Leader of \"TOB\"
\"The Order of the Blade\"

Death is only the beginning you dont want to know the rest.:evil:
\"Hunt This\"
Secondary Leader of \"TOB\"