Author Topic: PKing is essential.  (Read 3275 times)


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #30 on: September 12, 2005, 11:04:14 pm »
The problem is your not seeing is the make-up of the community.  People throw around terms like ?griefer?, ?powergamer?, and ?Random Player Killer?, like these people are psycho?s.  The truth is they are just people.  Most of them are sane.  I am sure there might be a few who are playing the game from one of our wonderful prisons we have here in the USA, you know the ones with the cable TV and internet access so they can run their gangs from inside the prison. The point is that if the game allows you to do something then the game designers are encouraging that behavior.

Griefers are more than likely just bored of the PvE content, and not good enough to win in arena style combat.

Powergamer is an overused term for someone who can play more hours than most, or is just better than most.  

RPK and elitists style players just think Role play is geeky and should not be playing an RPG but they like they way the female avatars look so they play anyways.

Unless you put all of your players through some sort of initiation ritual that weeds out players that do not contribute to the fantasy setting of the game, before issuing them a password to play the game, then limiting the player interaction with game mechanics is the best choice.

Even with a perfect community all playing nice nice, someone would eventually sep on someone else?s toes and start a ?pie fight? scenario.

How this all plays out, is the point of this forum, but it looks like PS will be limited to Guild war, Duels, and small Arenas.  My personal hope is that something like Mob-for-a-day ? will be implanted.

Mob-for-a-day is a registerd trade mark of Knucklehead limited.  (JK)


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #31 on: September 16, 2005, 03:04:27 am »
Hm, I am coming into this a bit late, and I have not read much of this ,but I am interested in implimenting PvP settings that will actually make people happy. Of course, the current system is acceptable for most, and we still have arena zones coming eventually. But this part caught my eye:

Originally posted by derwoodly
How this all plays out, is the point of this forum, but it looks like PS will be limited to Guild war, Duels, and small Arenas.  My personal hope is that something like Mob-for-a-day ? will be implanted.

What do you mean by mob for a day? The player is open to be attacked by everyone? There is a request for a GM command to make themselves open to attack by anyone that I am looking into. It possibly could be altered to meet other condtions.
player -> gm -> dev -> bum


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #32 on: September 24, 2005, 06:31:50 pm »

Well,  If you still need to know:
Mob-for-a-day (TM) is a system that lets players attack other players by bieng a Mob, i.e. rat, rouge, teffu, e.t.c.

Please note that Mob-for-a-day is not really trade marked.  The (TM) is a joke.  

Let me also apologize for that last post.  I just reread it and it seems disjointed to me.   To refrase,  I think any system that lets you turn on and off your pk status will be abused.   In describing a PK system you have to plan on lots of players trying to turn your fantasy world into their grand theft auto fantasy world.  I also don\'t think super powerfull NPC guards will work either.  NPCs are just not smart enough.  If they were you would not need PvP at all.  If you can make NPC guards that intelegently track down thieves and arrest them, then you could make intelegent thieves that would sneak up on players and rob them when they least suspected it.  Even if you could do this, I am not sure you should.


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« Reply #33 on: December 04, 2005, 10:07:20 am »
That system will probably be abused.. but there could be made a few tries with the best ideas. Instead of NPC guards, we could have Human players that act like that in case of seeing abuse, and besides a society tends to level it selfs.. I\'m sure that if High level players see abuse by other high level players they will surely intervene, and we still have those specialized players that would be the guards, NPC or not. Once caught, the abusive player would have some consequences, have to pay a large amount of money, be denied the use of weapons until he pays or others. If he manages to escape after have abused the rulles (and I imagine that would be pretty, pretty hard), or a High a player that \"makes justice\" caughting lotts of those abusive players, well I guess a legend begins right? Of course we could have some zones were noobs (like me) could feel safe, but if I ever want to take a peek out there I\'ll feel safe unless someone break the law. Other places like arenas or faraway forests could have completely free will PvP, if you want to risk to do that hard quest go ahead.

Other thing are the monsters.. In many places there should be monster roaming for kiling players or at least, pursue you after they see you. For what I\'ve experienced you hav to pass pretty close from them to activate a reaction.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2005, 10:08:51 am by merlin3000 »
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  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #34 on: December 06, 2005, 09:07:07 pm »
Merlin, Welcome to the PK forum!, please ingnore all the dust and clutter.  

I see you are scoffing at my Mob-for-day scriblings.  What is it that you do not like?  Perhaps you only read part of this post? Or perhaps you misunderstood me.  I am not in favor of PC gaurds or bounty hunters.  I believe all the town guards will be NPC characters.  What I said in the last post was that  NPC\'s can not be made smart enough to be effective in controlling the human population.  Mostly, they are just window dressing to make the town seem more like a town.

Mob-for-a-day would let you play a moster but you could not attack outside your zone.  You could not for instance become an Ubernaut and run to town and attack newbies. You would not be a guard either.  More than likely you would be something mundane like a rat, and you would be limited to your the area near your spawn point and could not talk to other players other than to use canned in character messages like \"skweak skweek\".  The fun part would be to let team up with other rats and attack in mass then run off with the loot!

Picture this... you log in as \"mob\" when you are online you find yourself in the sewers with a camera angle about 30cm off the floor.  You run arround a bit and see the usual carnage in the sewers, only players are running right towards you! Blam your dead in one hit!  Then you respawn almost instantly as another rat in a different location.  This time, you stay as far away as you can from other players, unill find one that is having some trouble fighting off several other rats.  Then you join the attack and sucsessfully kill him!  As a rat you would be limited to removing only one food item as loot from the corpse.  Things could get more fun if you worked out a coded rat converstation. Some thing like one skweak for yes two skweaks for no.

In general however, mob play would be tougher than character play.  The idea would be to get players who had played the game a while and wanted to try something different.  The goal is to make it fun for both sides, both the hunter and the hunted.