Author Topic: Well, Planeshift sure is boring.  (Read 3710 times)


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Well, Planeshift sure is boring.
« on: February 22, 2005, 05:22:36 pm »
Hey. Some of you know me, many don\'t.

I\'ve been playing Planeshift for about two and a bit years now. I\'m not an oldbie - I have as much to learn as anyone. I\'m also not a Powerleveller or Hardcore Roleplayer - in general I think titles are.. well, stupid.

Since day one, I have roleplayed to varying amounts. I mean, when you are an ordinary guy playing a female anthropomorphic warrior from some strange place it\'s pretty easy to throw your own personality into the fray and build a rich world around yourself. Roleplay is fun, I enjoy it and I know many of you do.

The Planeshift team gave me this wonderful place to add to. Each and every one of us can, with enough dedication actually make the world grow and evolve into something we want to see. We can directly influence the game, something that I have never had the opportunity of doing.

Ayshe Alchamet is an ordinary Enkidukai. She leads a clan of her kin in this world, but she was just an ordinary child back where she came from. She has a rich history, she comes from the Black Marsh, which was all but obliterated a long time ago leaving very few survivors. Her mannerisms and beliefs are deeply rooted from her past clan and it is reflected today in the way she talks and acts. This character was created by me, but with the help of the world we are all making. I was originally given the basics that the Dev team decided I needed - a creation screen - I chose a random model, a random gender and even mashed the keyboard for the name \"asyghe\" became Ayshe.

Then, ingame I met roleplayers who were adding to the world also. We invented a language (who remembers the greeting \"kho\"?) we invented mannerisms, quirks and alliances, friendships, enemies. Everyone who plays has in some small way added to the tapestry.

It\'s not all unique work. In a fantasy genre such as this, originality is difficult. The player races, the scenery can be found in many games. So many elements are borrowed from other settings, but the whole makes Planeshift. Uniquely Planeshift.

We have an ancient underground world of mystery, and we are all brought together by the will of two Gods who have yet to manifest themselves even fractionally. The gods are at odds with eachother, due to an immense magical crystal that posesses strange and wonderous powers. We have cities and realms being created every day, shaped by the thousands of voices who are building it with the Devs. And this game is unlike any: the devs are not financially committed to the players. We don\'t pay them. They do not have to bow to our wishes, or a producing company. They do it out of passion. They want the world to be as pure as possible, so names like \"Mastakilla\" ar purged from sight. They are letting us create their world.

It\'s only fractionally completed! Yet, obviously the freedom we have been given to expand their world is not enough.

Obviously there aren\'t enough unique elements to draw on and create for the Planeshift world, even though it is barely even started, so that means we have to begin ripping off other overused genres, stealing derivative works and throwing them into Planeshift even if the setting is incompatible

Me, personally, I love this virtual world. I want to see it using as little derivative work as is necessary. But if the forum is open, and we can add as much to it as we personally want, then let me get the ball rolling.

Derivative works to be included in Planeshift:
  • Materia. You all played FFVII, right? well, we aught to have Materia hunters in Planeshift. We can all claim to have rare materia, trade it, use it, sell it.
  • Chocobos. Who wouldn\'t want a chocobo? Lets avoid legal issues by calling them Chickoeons
  • Jedi Powers. Come on KOTOR players! let\'s lobby for Jedi - like powers! Everyone wants to use the force, right?
  • Cyborgs. Not my idea, but Xenia originally was a cyborg fascimilie of an Enkidukai, left here after her ship crashed. I kid you not, that was the backstory she told me. But who am I to judge?
  • The Covenant. Hey. Elites are bad-ass. Imagine smacking them around with magic missiles!
I now open the floor for other contributions!

This post is ironic. Take literally at own risk.
The Felines Lair


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« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2005, 05:25:42 pm »
I love it! but we need more uber l33t stuff such as

Tie fighters -  we all want to fly so why not have laser gunships?

power armor -  the kind from fallout 2 where we walk around and just laugh at swords

Pokemon -  got to catch em all!

and transformers - i myself am a transformer i can change into a car with rocket launchers on either side....


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« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2005, 05:35:39 pm »
gunblade - ffviii 1337 sword

sin - ffx 1337 b1g monster

moogles - cute fuzzy pets for teh ladies

dragons - omg every fantasy setting has to have dragons

super sayian - for power levelers


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« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2005, 05:37:39 pm »
Well, there are plenty of things you three have forgotten, of course. But, being as Seperot and Altharion posted...I\'m not surprised. :P

Trucks - Big trucks...18-wheelers. I mean, look how much gold you can carry with a big ass truck and trailer!

Karaoke Stage - Because it\'s Ton Def Karaoke!!

Diablo Characters - Because there is a little bit of devil in all of us.

Monkeys - We need not just a monkey island!

Japanese Hentai - For all the perverts out there...
« Last Edit: February 22, 2005, 05:38:09 pm by faldrok »


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« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2005, 05:54:11 pm »
Well IMHO, Since fantasy in general comes from nordic mythology, I think we should have more creatures from there or we won\'t be fantasy anymore.

So I think a must would be:

Trolls, goblins, pikachus, furbies, orcs (I\'m not sure if orcs were in nordic mythology though), gundams (piloting big bots, yeah!), spongepants, yetis and angst ridden mallcore teens (RPG World anyone?).

And let\'s face it: We need trading card game summoning various creatures. Glyphs are getting boring after a week. Just look at Etherlords and how cool it was.

Edit: Oh and a pet just like in Black & White growing to uber-sizes and casting magic would be cool too.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2005, 06:07:07 pm by Draklar »
AKA Skald


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« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2005, 06:06:13 pm »
Well now that we are talking on add stupid things to ps what about F\'s-18 to destroy the Lannx Temple and kill some people in the plaza? Also i would like to be able to throw food to the ppl in the tavern (that was going to real funny :P ) and some traps in Hydlaa like huges wholes hided and snipers all around.. :)
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« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2005, 06:10:39 pm »
MP-40\'s, AK-47\'s, any rocket launchers, nukes, giant purple space monkeys with three heads and some chicken curry. <.<


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« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2005, 06:26:17 pm »
Great idea!
How about tetris? That game hadn\'t been done to death yet! It\'ll be a great addition to Planeshift!

Packran - A new race in Planeshift. This race will be ball-shaped, yellow, with a huge mouth that goes from one end of the ball to the other. Packrans\' nutrition will consist of trias, but if they eat a circle they\'ll be able to eat ghosts of diffrent colors for a limited amount of time!

Vampires - It could be a good idea to rip vampires from the game Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines. We should of course base them almost completely on the game. In the beginning of Bloodlines, Jack explained how certain things that are thought about vampires are not true (such as how a stake to the heart won\'t kill a vampire), we should definitly make a list out of all of these things.
The whole concept of the Bloodlines should be ripped too. Sires and Childe, Ghouls, Thin Bloods, the whole thing.
Btw, don\'t forget to mention Gehenna, and the Sabbath!

Oh, ignore the above, the whole thing about the vampires, I just realized it was already implemented. My bad.

Soviet Army - Red Alert 1 was one of the first massive-selling games, and Red Alert 2 did quite well either. But why keep the \"reds\" only to the Real Time Strategy genre? They\'ll blend into Planeshift in no-time!
When the Soviet army destroyed the last Chronosphere on Earth in the end of the Soviets campaign in Red Alert 2, it created a rip in the space-time continuum, wich sent a whole 5 brigades of Soviet troops and vehicles to Yliakum. They established a base of operations in the second level, and now they want to take over all of Yliakum! Will the Allied forces, led by the American president Dougan manage to repel the red plague that is upon Yliakum, or will a bunch of vampires just drink the blood out of everyone?

Orcs - Can\'t live near them (they\'ll eat you), can\'t live without them (people love games with Orcs). The huge green menace came to Yliakum for no apparent reason, and they\'ll probebly go and try to conquer it and eat everyone, because that\'s what Orcs do.

The A-Team - \"Hannibal\" Smith, Templeton \"Faceman\" Peck, H.M. Murdock, and B.A. Baracus, A.K.A. \'The A-Team\' came all the way from their Los Angeles hideout to Hydlaa as they were hired by a local to rid Yliakum from the vampires that walk around and suck blood out of everyone. Watch them build cabbage catapults, an armored battering-ram, Hannibal walking around in a dinosaur suit, the A-Team van, and of course some random chick in a bikini!

Guest stars:
Dangerous Dave - Armed with a 12-gauge, driving a pickup truck, and shooting zombies, Dangerous Dave decided to come to Yliakum to rid it from supernatural beings and giant spiders that spit venom. On the way he\'s going to collect some diamonds that are bigger than him.

Babar - An elephant that walks on his two back legs, wears a green suit and a golden crown. Babar is the wise elephants\' king. He came to Yliakum with a bunch of his best explorers to chart this amazing place, spread his wisdom and benovelence, and help the local populace in all their troubles. All hail king Babar! The new king of Yliakum!

Prince of Persia - The Prince of Persia finally arrived to Yliakum, to fight ugly people with scimitars, and rescue a princess that is somewhere in some tower (probebly).

James Bond - His codename is 007, he got a license to kill, and weird gadgets. He was sent to Yliakum by the Queen of England to Yliakum in order to infiltrate an underwater base in the 8th level and stop the archevil Nolthrir from launching several nuclear missiles at the Azure Crystal. God bless the queen.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2005, 06:31:04 pm by SaintNuclear »
September 23rd, 2004 19:52:38 UTC
<+Grakrim> I have a legal copy of Windows XP Pro.

October 19th, 2004 24:43:02 UTC
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« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2005, 06:31:06 pm »
Originally posted by Altharion
moogles - cute fuzzy pets for teh ladies

There\'s already Moogles! :D

*waves to Ayshe* Don\'t see you here often. :)

Socrates Demise

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« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2005, 06:32:51 pm »
This toppic just gave me a really bad Idea for a guild I\'m sure someone has already done it but an Enkidukai guild the thundercats with the thunder tank and a little snarf to go around saying snarf all the time.


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« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2005, 06:35:00 pm »
SWORDS! :D ...wait too late...

AXES!...damnit ive been beaten again...

BOWS AND ARROWS!...YES! i win!...

ARMOUR!...yay! protection...

SKILLS!...i need some...i cant even use a bowstaff:rolleyes:...

i just thought id stick to the basics...


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« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2005, 07:05:48 pm »
We need definately more commands to statisfy the needs of the players and adds to a unlimited gameplay. Here are some ideas, which are mostly ripped of somewhere else, but who cares:

/pizza - Starts a traceroute to locate you and delivers a fresh pizza from the menu directly to you sitting at your PC via a Pizza Hut delivery service.

/pizzamenu - Shows a menu with available pizzas to order.

/coke - Same as for /pizza, but only with coke

/pee - Similiar to /pizza and /coke, but calls up a guy with a pot who takes care of your needs after you used /coke and /pizza too much.

/excuse - Prints a letter at a excuse delivery service and delivers it to your school to explain why you didn\'t go to school during the last weeks. Works also for your job.

/sleep - Lets someone else sleep for 8 hours for you.

/girlfriend - Displays a good looking woman in a window to help you overcome your lack of... ehhh... you-know-what-I-mean.

I hope this stuff will be implemented soon for the sake of the hardcore PlaneShift players!

Back to Planeshift again \\o/


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« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2005, 07:26:22 pm »
What PS really needs at this moment in time is more things to tie it in to real life...How am I supposed to roleplay if I can\'t relate to my character? That\'s why PS should include:

Electricity: This could come from sockets in the stalagtite walls.

Aeroplanes: I know there isn\'t space for them but maybe we could include them on the surface.

Vampires: I know you might say that these do not exist in real life, but I was watching TV and Buffy came on and I thought, \"There isn\'t enough of this blood-sucking crap on TV. I wish I could see it when I used my computer, too.\"

Computers: I cannot relate to someone who does not own a computer in a virtual world.

Motorcycles: How else are we to chase the vampires?

Werewolves: Then we could have a Werewolves vs. Vampires society war, like in Underworld.

Samurai: These could be oriental Yliakumers who have come from another cave.

Pet rocks: For Krans.

Cars: These would make exploring much MUCH easier, IMO.

Oil and Petrol: How else can you have electricity?

That\'s all for now but I\'ll think of more and post them.
~Karakth, Arcane Loremaster of the Arcane Order.

Efflixi Aduro

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« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2005, 07:46:02 pm »
Ohh oo!! And every 10 minust the computor should spit out candy at you!!!!
And we cant forget subliminal messages, whats more fun that subliminal messages.
Lol Internet


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« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2005, 07:48:46 pm »
Originally posted by Karosh_Steinkatz
We need definately more commands to statisfy the needs of the players and adds to a unlimited gameplay. Here are some ideas, which are mostly ripped of somewhere else, but who cares:

/sleep - Lets someone else sleep for 8 hours for you.

/girlfriend - Displays a good looking woman in a window to help you overcome your lack of... ehhh... you-know-what-I-mean.

I hope this stuff will be implemented soon for the sake of the hardcore PlaneShift players!

woohoo! someone understands me!

i add to this! :

t3h <4RdB04rd T00b 0\' d00m : gots to have the ultimate weapon now