Author Topic: Robinbmagus' life story  (Read 304 times)


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Robinbmagus' life story
« on: March 07, 2005, 08:28:11 pm »
On the fifth moon of the 750th year of the Yliakum calendar, a young boy was born in a poor Ylian village. He was the son of Aned a Ylian leather worker and Anedar a Dremorian  jeweler. He was born on the cheap side of the village, under the stars, his name was Robinmagus. He was destined to follow in his fathers foot-steps and become a leather worker. And so the family lived happily for 3 years. That is when a war broke out between the Ylian and Enkidukai population of the town. During this fight Robinmagus was kidnapped by a Diablo  man named Gerer, a poor armorer. Robinmagus became to know him as ?father.? Robin had a talent with armor and was a great smith even at the age of eight.

 One sunny summer day the Royal Tournament came to the village arena. Gerer and Robin went out to see the knights riding down  the main street towards the stadium. Robin sat on Gerer\'s shoulders and watched the knights. Robin then asked, ? Can I ever be a knight daddy?? Gerer replied, ?Of course not! You do not have any knights in your bloodline!? A year passed after that great day, and Gerer became seriously ill and died. Robin was moved to the large kingdom of Thais. There he lived in an orphanage until he was nineteen years of age.
One day, during his normal stroll around the Thais forest Robin found a wounded knight. As he looked at the knight he saw his childhood dream of becoming a knight. The brave warrior died in front of Robins eyes. Robin did not hesitate, he took the knights clothes and started looking for a Family to represent in the lancing tournaments.  The Thrain family agreed to be his patrons. He adopted their last name and started to win tournament after tournament with the crowed cheering his name. Three years of fame and fortune passed, and he rode into a poor Ylian village for the world tournament.

  As he and the other knights where riding down the main street towards the stadium he saw an blind old man whisper into a little boys ear, ? a man can change the stars, all he has to do is believe.? At that moment he saw a flash of a little boy who looked like him. The same old man was there, but younger. He whispered into Robins ear, ?a man can change the stars, all he has to do is believe.? At that moment Robin left the parade and followed the old man home.

The old man lived in a poor old hut on the cheap side. When Robin went in and announced his name, the old man stumbled forward and hugged Robin.  He said, ?I am your father.? A guard had seen the knight wandering in cheap side and had followed him, when he heard this he told the king at once. Robin was beaten and banned from the tournament. That was when his life long journey began, to kill all men who are rich due to others suffering. First on his list, where the leaders of kingdoms sitting on big cushions collecting taxes and killing for land.


Yeah pretty crappy, but hey, im just lookin for some feedback...

Talamir - DeT, Dark Empire, etc, etc, etc.


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« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2005, 10:53:25 am »
Hmm... smacks of \"A Knight\'s Tale.\" But more aggressive and less comical.


  • Hydlaa Resident
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« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2005, 04:43:54 am »
Originally posted by Robinmagus

Yeah pretty crappy, but hey, im just lookin for some feedback...

*grins *
 Hit the nail on the head, nothing further to say.
 But dont be too hard on yourself  :P