Author Topic: VR gui  (Read 3979 times)


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« Reply #30 on: April 22, 2005, 11:25:34 am »
We at take what we can get :)

I haven\'t seen any activity on lww in ages, and arcanefalcon approached Cherppow before whoever runs lww did (would that be orogor?)

Long story short, we got da gui :D

Unfortunately, we\'ve been having some issues with the domain (i.e. Nefron lost the registration info) so if you suddenly can\'t resolve the domain, try (should be resolve-able by the time is unregistered)

Sir John Falstaff: "Let the skie raine Potatoes: let it thunder, to the tune of Greenesleeues"


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Nice skin!
« Reply #31 on: April 22, 2005, 04:18:59 pm »
First of all: it\'s really, really good!
I\'m one of the people who don\'t like wooden brown things, and hence I won\'t use it, but this doesn\'t keep me from appreciating it. :tup:
Originally posted by Cherppow
To Telumehtar - Aye, a player could either use the race-preset guis, or select one of his own liking... I wonder how this gui choosing could be integrated into the game setting. Buying a new gui/part of gui? Quest related guis: One could get a whole new window of options after completing a certain quests? Experience related guis? Job related guis? Guild guis? Somebody shut me up.

I think this should not be integrated in the setting whatsoever.
Ths GUI is completely OOC, it is ony there to give you means of formulating your wishes and commands in ways the computer / engine can understand. The ideal GUI would be completely transparent and unnoticable. (\"transparent\" as in \"transparent proxy\", not as in \"invisible buttons\" ;) )
Therefore, the only purpose of making the GUI look like the game world is to make it less obvious to help it blend into the game.

On that note: is there any possibility to make the main info window less bulky? I find myself cursing it all the time, because it takes up so much space.
My suggestion is to make the bars separate from the attack buttons, and / or place them horizontally next to each other instead of vertically. That way, one could put them at the botom of the screen, instead of shifting the window halfway outside like I am doing now.

There is no reason to make the GUI depend on race / EXP / whatever, because they are totally independant from the GUI. The only thing would be differences in options due to gender and race, but these are things that don\'t go into the GUI, but into key bindings anyway.

I would absolutely hate to have a crippled GUI just because I have a newbie char. I always want the full set of options available to me at all times. The only thing that should be there is optional help dialogs, which, however, sould be easy to get rid of / reenable.

Don\'t get me wrong: I like the idea of having several GUI versions that are tailored to the races (like in StarCraft), but there IMO must not be a fixed dependancy. If I am a Nolthrir but prefer the Hammerwielder GUI, then that should be what I may select.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2005, 04:21:20 pm by Seytra »


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« Reply #32 on: April 22, 2005, 06:15:55 pm »
Originally posted by Seytra
On that note: is there any possibility to make the main info window less bulky?

I agree and am going to combat this.  I\'ve got plans for 2 gui\'s right now (whether I\'ll actually make both is up in the air).  The one I really want to make is going to be heavily minimalistic, condensed, and designed for 1280+ resolutions.  The window footprints would be greatly decreased and would help with your bulk comment.  The other is a rip-off of the original EQ gui (which I realize many people wouldn\'t like, but I don\'t really care).  I don\'t think the bulkiness would be a problem if the windows didn\'t automatically resize as you increased resolution (that would also make gui designing much easier), but they do.  If you ask really nicely, though, I think I could work out making a mod to the original gui to decrease the info window footprint.



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« Reply #33 on: April 28, 2005, 11:21:04 am »
Hi everyone!

To Seytra: Thank you. You have good points there too, even if I don\'t totally agree with them. I do agree that not all my previous ideas are good. It was rather my flow of imagination back there. However, I think that some of them might make a nice addition.

For example: after reaching a certain level in the skill of stealth, an indicator could appear on the GUI, explaining how well your character is currently hidden. Similar could happen with tracking skill; a small GUI addon could tell the player if there is a creature nearby, and how it was detected (later on even the direction). Players with low skill would have no use of such indicators, as their characters wouldn\'t be able to use them.  Hmm, eg. in Final Fantasy 7, new GUI items are added to the menus/combat menus when the game proceeds, rather than sending a new player straight into the world with all the possibilities and no experience how to use them. This also helps to keep the players interested; one never knows what new possibilities may await.

In my opinion, a fully transparent/unnoticable GUI fits in fast paced FPS games, where you need very little info about your/target status, and maximum view area. Surely some of the same properties are also wanted in an RPG GUI, but with different priority, I think.

Info window: Aye, It\'s possible to make it smaller by editing infowindow.xml. About the \'bar orientation I\'m not sure, I\'ll have to test that. It\'s not possible to move the health and mana bar to different window (they don\'t refresh the amount). However, one could fake them to be in different window by using transparency on the info.png backdrop image. I first planned to make the info window triangular, so it wouldn\'t hide the view area so much, but dumped the idea as the actual window would still have remained rectangular, and it would have confused the player when moving and selecting different windows.

Just my thoughts. :)
« Last Edit: April 28, 2005, 02:46:34 pm by Cherppow »


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« Reply #34 on: April 28, 2005, 04:32:34 pm »
Originally posted by Cherppow
For example: after reaching a certain level in the skill of stealth, an indicator could appear on the GUI, explaining how well your character is currently hidden. Similar could happen with tracking skill; a small GUI addon could tell the player if there is a creature nearby, and how it was detected (later on even the direction). Players with low skill would have no use of such indicators, as their characters wouldn\'t be able to use them.  Hmm, eg. in Final Fantasy 7, new GUI items are added to the menus/combat menus when the game proceeds, rather than sending a new player straight into the world with all the possibilities and no experience how to use them. This also helps to keep the players interested; one never knows what new possibilities may await.

Hmm... I agree that it is not necessarily a good idea to put up UI elements that don\'t serve a purpose. OTOH, the UI elements serve as landmarks and hints of what will be possible. I might never have thought of scouting without a tracker element on the screen, for example. I like to explore things, thus most of the time, I set things to \"advanced\" mode immediately.
OTOH again, there should be a minimal UI that gets the most common things done quickly without having to spend much time figuring out a forest of UI clutter.
So obviously, it\'s the time for implementing choice again, like in each window at least a \"minimal\" and \"full\" view. Ideally, the elements would be customisable like the toolbars in common word processors. However, PS can do without such nifty things for the near future, but it\'d IMO be good to keep the idea for future reference.
Originally posted by Cherppow
In my opinion, a fully transparent/unnoticable GUI fits in fast paced FPS games, where you need very little info about your/target status, and maximum view area. Surely some of the same properties are also wanted in an RPG GUI, but with different priority, I think.

By \"transparent / unnoticable\" I was not referring to visual functions, but to every aspect of the UI. Any UI needs to try to become as unnoticable and \"natural\" as possible, because the goal is not to work the UI, but to achieve another goal. In this case, acting within a virtual world.

Therefore, the UI must try to make this interaction as easy and powerful as possible. For lack of better words, ideally the UI would be a direct link to the user\'s mind, thereby eliminating the need for keyboard, mouse, screen, speakers, etc.. Obviously, this isn\'t yet possible, but that\'d be the perfect UI, since it\'d enable the user to just do what they want to do without having to formulate their wishes in a way that can be communicated to a computer.

So, it\'d be \"take sword\" instead of \"open inventory window, click sword icon, click hand icon, close inventory\".

The UI would be \"transparent\" and unnoticable, since it\'d be the same UI that our minds use to interact with the RL world (which by itself isn\'t really good, but that\'s another story).

Or take the task of changing songs in your favourite music player while playing PS. Ideally, you\'d just think \"play song XYZ\" and it\'d instantly play it, but in reality you must switch tasks to the player, sift through the playlist, doubleckick and then taskswitch back to PS. Nomatter how nice the UI looks, it still is a layer of abstraction that detracts from the efficient interaction with the underlying process, slowing down and complicating the achievement of the desireg goal.

Thus, all I am saying is that the UI must try to mimic the process it gives access to as closely as possible, not abstract from it.

That said, it wasn\'t really bashing your GUI, since it\'s not easily possile to substantially alter the way the game UI works. :)
Originally posted by Cherppow
Info window: (...) the actual window would still have remained rectangular, and it would have confused the player when moving and selecting different windows.

Exactly. That\'s what bugs me each time when I try to interact with an object that\'s in the upper screen behind the invisible main toolbar. Basically, the main toolbar would have to shrink to the size of the little arrow instead of remaining the size it was with the icons in it.


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« Reply #35 on: May 02, 2005, 06:19:09 pm »

To Seytra: I\'m not going into this \'mind link\'/perfect UI converstation. ;) But I agree that usability is the most important property in GUI. It should help users to interact with the world and not prevent them from doing so. I also agree that a GUI well done quickly becomes so natural to the user, that he/she barely notices it. Thus becoming \'invisible\'.