Author Topic: Looking for online guide in this martial art.  (Read 2402 times)


  • Hydlaa Notable
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Looking for online guide in this martial art.
« on: April 03, 2005, 04:36:42 pm »
Name: Systema (The System)
Origin: Antient Russia (later reformed)


\"The System\" originated in Antient Russia around 5000BC. It was first used during religous selebrations when men would fight other men from their tribe or other tribes.

The styles of fighting were passed down from father to son, and had little to do outside tribal competitions. But in the 6th and 7th century A.D. when [what later became known as] Russia was being attacked by the Vikings from the north, on order of tribal leaders the styles of fighting went beyond religious and competative perpusous, and into military ones.

More reforms came during the 12th-13th century when Russia was under attack by the Tatars and Mongol Hordes. And the techniques were also reformed during Russia\'s modernization in the 17th century.

After 1917, the Soviet government denied all Soviet countries traditional fighting styles. Instead it created Sport Sambo (entered olympics in 2000), Defencive Sambo (tought average citizens how to defend themselves in the street) and Combat Sambo (tought in the military). In itself Sambo was a combination of effective strikes, blocks, and techniques from other fighting systems of Soviet countries (Sport Sambo bears great resemblence to Judo, with only slight differences in the rules). But many die-hard Russian Martial Artists refused to take in the new system. Instead they offered training in traditional Russian martial arts to elite units of Spetsnaz (Voyesko Spetsalnogo Naznochenia; Warriors of Special Purpose). There the style of fighting was simply called Systema (The System). Up until the colapse of the Soviet union it was only tought to Elite Spetsnaz units, and to elite body guards. A few outsiders (my uncle being one of them) did get to learn parts of \"The System\", but most people didn\'t even know it existed. To draw unwanted atention away from it, it was purpously given the misleading name \"Special Combat Sambo\", despite the fact that Sambo and Systema beared little resemblence.


Anyways, the thing with my uncle is that he was in the Red Army for about 25-30 years (joined the military academy when he was 16). He was prety high ranked, he lead a unit in Afgan, and had connections in Spetznas. He has recently retired, and from his years in the military he is very proficient in Combat Sambo and knows some of Sytema.

A while ago he showed me a few techniques on how to defend against different knife strikes, and despite their simplicity they seemed very effective.

So anywas, I need help finding websites that have free tutorials on the techniques and on the fighting style itself.

I have looked and all I could find were payed training from former Spetsnaz members, and articles about it.

Here is an article that sorta describes it, it is writen by a British martial artist who is now the head of the British Systema system.:

I feel lke there\'s something I\'m forgetting to say... But I\'ll edit this if I ever remember.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2005, 04:38:54 pm by RussianVodka »

Q: How many Planeshifters does it take to expalin a simple concept to a newb?
A: Six. Five to argue on who\'s explanation is right, and Moogie to lock the thread.


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2005, 04:37:43 pm »

Q: How many Planeshifters does it take to expalin a simple concept to a newb?
A: Six. Five to argue on who\'s explanation is right, and Moogie to lock the thread.


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2005, 06:17:07 pm »
Found these videos of Systema in action:

Gun disarming:

There are more videos, but the page seemed to have stoped working on me. I\'ll post more when I find \'em.

Q: How many Planeshifters does it take to expalin a simple concept to a newb?
A: Six. Five to argue on who\'s explanation is right, and Moogie to lock the thread.


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2005, 06:33:03 pm »
There\'s another russian martial art that really got me interested, I don\'t know if it\'s part of systema, but at the time I thought it was effective.  It\'s a type of psychological martial art that doesn\'t require actual strength, where your quick movements to and from opponent scare and confuse him.  The opponent loses the momentum and gets confused, you pretend you make a hand punch or quickly step toward him, and you see your opponent fall to the ground.  This is what I liked actually, but systema looks like a submissive fighting style, also good to know.


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2005, 06:47:23 pm »
Actualy it\'s not at all a grapling system. If the videos were working you\'d see how he is always loose. In one of the knife defence videos (that was aperantly aired on discovery chanel) you see him redirect a nife strike back at the target using nothing but his shulder and chest. I\'ve read that after only 8 or 9 months of training with Systema, you will be good enough to defend yourself against a second or third degree black belt. Also there is a Spetsnaz training video in which you have a Veteran member of Spetsnaz taking on 24 men at a time. Its hard to explain it, but if you watch the video\'s you\'ll see that the style is truely amazing.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2005, 06:48:24 pm by RussianVodka »

Q: How many Planeshifters does it take to expalin a simple concept to a newb?
A: Six. Five to argue on who\'s explanation is right, and Moogie to lock the thread.


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2005, 07:10:45 pm »
Problem is, is it possible to train for systema by yourself?  I believe at least one partner is needed otherwise it\'s useless.  Even if watch videos until you memorize the move really good it would take practice on real thing to develop reaction time and all that.


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2005, 07:17:19 pm »
Well, I already learn Kempo at a martial arts school, so I\'ll find ways to incorporate it.

Plus considering the school that I go to, it won\'t be a problem testing out moves in a real situation  ;) . Just the other day I bearly held back from sluging some guy because he was being an arsehole.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2005, 07:17:38 pm by RussianVodka »

Q: How many Planeshifters does it take to expalin a simple concept to a newb?
A: Six. Five to argue on who\'s explanation is right, and Moogie to lock the thread.


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2005, 07:26:40 pm »
Good luck with it.   As for web sites/videos I will look throughout time.  If I find something I\'ll pm you.


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2005, 10:24:51 am »
Anyways, here are the videos.

Gun disarming:

Here is a promo video for the system:

Fighting with a stick:

Fighting with a stick Slow Motion:

Two videos from a summer camp program that is run:

Two films that were aired on the discovery chanel:

This just shows some strikes:

Exebition in Moscow (2003)


If you look closely, most of the moves tht he uses are started with your bodies natural defence. If anyone here has ever been even \"play hit\" by surprise, you will notice that your reaction is the same. As oposed to other forms of martial arts that say \"NO. You must use these kinds of blocks, despite the fact that they go against your bodies natural reaction\". This is one of the things that makes Systema so easy to learn, and so effective in practice.

Also Systema is one of the only non-violent styles. But \"non-violent\" does not mean \"peaceful\", as it is commonly believed. The belief behind the system is that your body knows naturaly how to defend itself, and nature by itself is non-violent (example: A predator attacks a baby chimp so it doesn\'t starve, the chimps mother scraches the predators face off. There is no \"violence\" involved.). Also war and peace are considered human concepts, non existand in nature. So despite the label \"non-violent\" you are still able to do tremendous damage to your oponent.

There are also phsycological aspects to Systema that show how to control your oponent, but I\'ll spare you people another rant that you dont give an excriment about.

Q: How many Planeshifters does it take to expalin a simple concept to a newb?
A: Six. Five to argue on who\'s explanation is right, and Moogie to lock the thread.