Author Topic: [GUILD] The Dragon Council  (Read 31509 times)


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[GUILD] The Dragon Council
« on: April 23, 2005, 01:12:17 pm »
Greetings everyone ! As promised, my first post on Planeshift forums is about my guild, The Dragon Council. Some may think that I?m posting a bit late, but I wanted to entirely finish the guild?s website before doing anything else. Anyway, here is the backgrond of my guild. It\'s quite long and more important information will be found in the second post.


Old Memories

The origins of The Dragon Council may be unknown to many people of Yliakum, even on this very day... However, there was once a time when the word Dragon was common, and known to bring peace and wealth. This time may have been forgotten during the flow of time, infinite and resourceful. Now, only fear and terror is generated by this word, and in some memories, this time is known as... The Dark Age... Still, if it hadn\'t been for the weakness of Yliakum\'s creatures\' mind, everyone would have remembered this wealthy and peaceful time, which began when this powerful family first arrived from the Stone Labyrinth... It happened a very long time ago...

The Arrival

It was only the beginning of spring... Well an Yliakumen spring, but still a spring... There were not many things troubling the peaceful and quiet life of Yliakum\'s inhabitants. Last fall\'s harvest hadn\'t been very good, but it was enough for everyone to live on. So it was really unexpected to see, one of those sunny morning, such a mass of people coming from the Stone Labyrinth. What was even more surprising was that those people seemed to wish to settle in one town or another. Well it\'s what they thought.

Rather than settling in a town like Hydlaa, they chose to build a huge house in the countryside. The construction was finished in no time and the whole people, who were in fact one huge family, began to work hard to gather essential resources. Some went farming and hunting, others looking for every kind of ore they could take to craft weapons and tools. The only thing was that everything was always done perfectly.

Soon the family was known throughout all Yliakum because of it\'s wealth. It\'s also about at that time that the family happened to be called the Dragon Family, as it\'s members had weird beliefs in strange winged and powerful creatures they were calling themselves Dragons. In fact, everywhere on the lands claimed by the Dragon Family, one could have seen the gigantic and magnificent stone beasts they had sculpted.

The Great Alliance

The Dragon Family lived there in peace for ages, until one day a war occurred in the region. A powerful army of Dark Knights coming from the Stone Labyrinth was planning the destruction of all Yliakum. The other people of Yliakum made an alliance, the first one uniting together so many different races, in order to repeal the Dark Army. But no matter with how many they were, the army of the Great Alliance was no match for the bloody Dark Knights.

So, one day, as the Dark Army was getting close to the lands of the Dragon Family, the army of the Great Alliance went to the Dragon Family house to rest, replenish their supplies, but mostly to seek new allies, as even the leaders of the Great Alliance were beginning to lose their winning hope. They didn\'t know what else they could have done anyway. This is how the Dragon Family officially joined the Great Alliance and took part in this war.

The Dark War

It had been a very long time since the members of the Dragon Family had been to war, but as for them training was something that had to be done daily, the Dragon Warriors, as they were called later, were incredible fighters. Seeing the Dragon Warriors putting on their beautiful armours and taking their most beautiful weapons, the soldiers of the army of the Great Alliance where cheering up. Now nothing could possibly stop them. So when the Dragon Family and the army of the Great Alliance were finally ready to fight, the leaders decided to launch an attack in order to surprise the Dark Army and to crush it in no time. At least, that\'s how it was planned...

Performing the strongest assault ever done in all Yliakum, the army encountered an unexpected resistance. In fact, the Dark Knights were in incredible numbers. Even with the surprise attack, the wind of victory seemed to be with the Dark Army once again. At least, the soldiers of the Great Alliance thought so... In a part of the battlefield, the Dark Knights didn\'t seem to be willing to laugh at their enemies or just crush them. They were just wishing to flee as the Dragon Warriors were striking them as hard as they could. Their fighting abilities and their unknown way to use magical powers without the help of Glyphs were unbelievable to say the least...

Inevitable Defeat

Seeing this, the leaders of the Great Alliance felt themselves being held by the wish to crush their enemies. But even then, they weren\'t enough to hold the Dark Knights, and with each enemy falling, new ones were coming more eager to kill Yliakum soldiers. One by one, the chiefs of the Great Alliance were injured so badly that they were on the edge between death and life.

With their leaders lying dying on the battlefield, the soldiers of the Great Alliance, who had already begun to withdraw, were now fleeing as fast as they could. Even the Dragon Family was taking losses now, and many Dragon Warriors had fallen under the swords of the Dark Knights. The defeat seemed inevitable...

The Dragon Lord\'s Arrival, the Wrath of the Dragons

When the chiefs of the Great Alliance were almost dead and when all hopes to win or even to live had vanished, a huge shadow spread over the battlefield. At first, the soldiers of the Great Alliance thought that they were dead, until they heard the Dragon Warriors singing old war songs and fighting even harder than before. When they watched the sky, the soldiers could see a huge thing flying at an incredible speed, and on it\'s back was standing the mighty Lord of the Dragon Family, who hadn\'t taken part in the battle until now.

In his shinning golden armor, his powerful sword in one hand and a shield bearing the head of a dragon, symbol of the Dragon Family, in the other hand, that\'s how he joined the battle. Jumping from where he was, he landed uninjured in the very middle of the Dark Army, Dark Knights running away from him, as if they had met a God of Hell...With the Dragon Lord crushing hundreds of Dark Knights with each strike, the unleashed Dragon Family and the survivors of the Great Alliance, the Dark Army was nothing more than a bunch of bugs roaming the battlefield.

Soon the Dark Army was completely destructed thus ending the battle which was later revered to as The Dark Battle as despite the victory had been taken, the army of the Great Alliance wasn\'t looking like an army anymore and even the Dragon Family had suffered some important losses.


After the battle, there were many heavily injured soldiers on the battlefield, not to mention the leaders of the Great Alliance who were very near death. So the Dragon Family began to heal everyone in a very strange manner. Using there own blood as a medicine, they made everyone drink it. Everyone awakened feeling really well even if they were still injured. No one understood how such a thing could have happened, and of course the Dragon Family never answered.

The Dragon Lord also told them that they hadn\'t come to this land to seek power or glory and so they would go back to the Stone Labyrinth to seek a new place to settle. And so the Dragon Family slowly made itself ready for the long trip that laid ahead of it. Still, some members of the family wanted to stay in Yliakum, among whom was the Dragon Lord\'s son, and so they planned to leave for other countries while the main part of the Dragon Family went back to the Stone Labyrinth.

Birth and Death of a Legend

So while the remnants of the army of the Great Alliance where led back home by their leaders, the last members of the Dragon Family, who were only about ten, began a long journey to find a peaceful land to live in. From this day, they were never seen again. Bringing news of victory with them, the soldiers and the leaders of the army of the Great Alliance were acclaimed by everyone. The events of the Dark Battle reaching the ears of every people, soon the word spread throughout all Yliakum that the Dragon Family members and their Lord were kind of Half-Gods who only came here to protect Yliakum\'s inhabitants. Of course they were wrong...

As time passed, new wars shattered Yliakum without any members of the Dragon Family showing up to stop them. At first, the people of Yliakum began to think that the Dragon Family had been cursed to death by the Dark Knights and that therefore they couldn\'t be of any help. But as time kept flowing, the Dragon Family was slowly put on the background, and as it was always awakening bad memories, people began to think that the Dragon Family was in fact the Dark Army. With even more time passing, the Dragon Family was dropped out of Yliakum\'s memories, and its name only revered to old and dark times...

Toward the New Era, Dragon Generation

Ages later, a young boy called Rioth Selerel was born in Yliakum. Having spent his childhood with his parents in a peaceful countryside, he had never seen weapons, fights or anything of the sort, and that was something really unusual in Yliakum. But even more unusual was that thanks to his parents, he knew about the Dark War and the Dragon Family even though it had happened so long ago. The only thing was that he thought it was a mere legend. When he came of age, he used to wander in the countryside. He hadn\'t carried any weapons, but he wouldn\'t have needed them anyway as it seemed that this area was somehow preserved from any kind of harm.

One day, he reached some old ruins. It was a kind of gigantic house, still magnificent despite the damages it had suffered from the time. There, he saw ancient sculptures of mighty winged beasts and marvellous decorations well kept from the time. As he was about to enter the house, he saw a little blue stone on the door and strange symbols written near it. While he was sure he had never seen such things before, he could understand them easily. It said \"Here stands the house of the mighty Dragon Family, No one but someone with true Dragon Blood may enter this house alive\". Rioth realised that as he was reading those symbols, they were brightening, and some connections between the symbols and the stone made the stone brightening too. Without warning, the door opened, and Rioth entered the house of the Dragon Family.

The house of the Dragon Family was really huge, and Rioth had only visited a few rooms when he reached one which was filled with ancient books. As he walked in, one of the books dragged his attention. The book was filled with the same kind of symbols which were on the entrance door of the house, but again, Rioth understood them easily. This time it was a summary of the Dark War, and what made the Dragon Family leave Yliakum for another world. It also said that some of the members of the Dragon Family had stayed in Yliakum and that only a descendant of those members would be able to read those lines. It was then stated that as soon as it would be done, it wouldn\'t take long for the Dragon Family to rise again in Yliakum as powerful as it used to be and even more...
« Last Edit: June 02, 2006, 04:33:21 pm by Karyuu »
Burning anger gets you do a howling riot...
~ Dragon Lord of The Dragon Council


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« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2005, 01:13:20 pm »
The New Order, The Dragon Council

As he read those lines, Rioth was more and more puzzled, but nothing would have prepared him to what happened next. As soon as he finished reading those lines, all the books changed into dust, leaving a startled Rioth on the place. Not knowing what he could have done next, Rioth decided to come back to his house and talk about those strange events with his parents. However, when he did reached his parents\'s house, no one was in. It was strange... At this time of the day, his parents were usually inside of the house already and - what was that little sheet of paper on the table ? Rioth took the paper and began to read :

\"Dear Son, it is with pure sadness that we are writing this letter. At this precise moment, you must be reading the legacy of our family which fell to you... It is with both pleasure and sorrow that we received the new of you entering the house of our ancestors. It is indeed a great time for you and all the remaining members of our family as you shall all rise more powerful than ever among every living creatures of Yliakum, however it is also a date of parting, as we are now on the way to the Stone Labyrinth intending to leave this world. You must understand that it is really difficult for us to do such a thing, but we also need to look back for our homeland. Our late parents also told us something that you may not have heard in your legacy... Once a generation find this legacy, the older generation has to leave this world to let it entirely to the young ones. This is something we can\'t avoid as, despite our wish to stay with you longer, we can\'t stand the wish of seeing our fellows... Don\'t worry if you don\'t know what to do, you will see that everything will come to you in time. Now, it is time to bide farewell and to wish you good luck with this heavy burden.\"

Rioth was wordless. What could he say anyway ? His parents had to be already far away at this precise moment. Somehow, he was not feeling as sad as he had expected. He knew that the day would come when he would also leave Yliakum and that he would see his parents again not long after that. But at that moment, he had other things in his mind. It was clearly stated in the letter from his parents. He was not alone. There were more descendant from the Dragon Family in Yliakum. There were also the descendants of the soldiers of the army of the Great Alliance who had been healed thanks to the blood of some members of the Dragon Family, and who therefore were half blood. Now, dreams of great times were shaping in Rioth\'s mind as he was planning the reconstruction - no, the construction of a new Dragon order in Yliakum. And then, as his parents had predicted, the name of this new order came itself into Rioth\'s mind... Soon, The Dragon Council would be as powerful as the ancient Dragon Family and even more...

That?s it for the background of the guild.

I should also add that our guild\'s main goal is to become one of Planeshift\'s Pillar of Support. That is to say, building a guild important enough that could both hold it\'s own beliefs and spread it throughout all Yliakum, but that also could be, in a way, a kind of guardian of Yliakum.

Well I think that?s mostly it. Don?t really think about anything else that I should put here? Well anyway, you can go and check our guild?s website if you are really interested :, you can also ask more questions in our forums.

Also just to make sure? I?m posting here to make my guild official and to present it to other players, not necessarily to do some advertisement. Well of course if some people want to join the guild after that, ask in game, here or on our guild?s forums.

But, I also wanted to present the alliance that I have developed, so that other guilds could join it if they want to. We have an alliance system that allows as many allies as possible to join us. This alliance\'s name is The Brotherhood of the Dragons. It is a system divided into three sub alliances. Trade and economic matters, military matters, and knowledge matters. If you are interested, get in touch with me in game, or ask about it on my guild?s forums.

Hope this will be enough for those who wanted to learn more about us. Anyway, hope to see you all in game, and may the Dragon Lord enlighten your path to all !
« Last Edit: April 23, 2005, 01:14:12 pm by Rioth »
Burning anger gets you do a howling riot...
~ Dragon Lord of The Dragon Council


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« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2005, 02:26:20 pm »
* claps *

 Well done kiddo, well done. Overall, I like it, very much I can say. And it sure brings me some good old memories. * thinks at Golden Dragon Clan *

 What can I say more, be careful who you recruit for your guild, and take care my friend. You\'ve got a lot more to do, but you have what others don\'t, a strong start. Congrats for this.

 Keep up the good work! :)

- Black Order -


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« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2005, 08:06:05 pm »
All very very good and all but I demand you list the titles of ranks....erm...please?
The child of fury...lost his way but don\'t worry, I won\'t stop \'till the dawn, no i\'ve been too long on the run, i\'ve grown strong...and restless as a storm


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« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2005, 08:24:36 pm »
Well, I planned to do it, but... It would have been a very long post if I had put all the guild ranks... Anyway as you asked for it, here are the main ranks of the guild (that is the nine you can see in game) :

- from lowest rank to highest rank -
Dragon Friend
Dragon Sibling
Dragon Spirit
Dragon Chaser
Dragon Raiser
Dragon Trainer
Dragon Knight
Dragon Master
Dragon Lord (me)

If this is not enough please check my guild\'s website where you will find all the extra information you could be looking for (url:
Burning anger gets you do a howling riot...
~ Dragon Lord of The Dragon Council


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« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2005, 09:31:29 pm »
You do know Dragons will ahve no place in PS correct,

sorry to sound like i\'m schopping your legs off, its just a common known fact, so you may want to consider that

my how times have changed.....


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« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2005, 09:48:16 pm »

Did I ever say that Dragons ever went in Yliakum ?

Anyway, I do know that there won\'t be Dragons in PS, and I never intended to change that in any way (not that I could have changed it...)

So, thanks for your advice, but I have already considered this and it won\'t change anything to my guild :)
« Last Edit: April 24, 2005, 06:57:56 am by Rioth »
Burning anger gets you do a howling riot...
~ Dragon Lord of The Dragon Council


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« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2005, 01:00:53 am »
*Phinehas falls to his knees, crying out.\"

No! No! Why do you insist on dragging in things that have no place in PS? Why? Why? I understand that you can find \"logical\" arguments, such as \"The guild members heard about it from others who came through a portal from a planet that had dragons,\" but why? Isn\'t the PS history and background rich enough that it doesn\'t need the addition of overused names? Whyyyyyyy?!?!?!?!?

Other than that, you seem to have your head on straight. I didn\'t actually bother reading anything except for the ranks, but just by the general large amount of information I can see you planned well.

Under the moon

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« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2005, 01:27:21 am »
Originally scrawled by Phinehas
Isn\'t the PS history and background rich enough that it doesn\'t need the addition of overused names? Yliakum has a semi-rich history, the races are lacking.
Originally scrawled by Phinehas
I didn\'t actually bother reading anything except for the ranks...

I did. :D Nice work. Though I hope the whole jumping from the back of a high flying \'thing\' uninjured is pure legend. And anytime I go ingame (though my lag is so bad I can\'t actualy play ;( ) I see a few DC around. As long as your members know there is no dragons in PS, I see it as fine.

*helps Phin off the ground*

Come now, I\'ll buy you a drink at Kada\'s and tell you all about my moon.


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« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2005, 02:55:31 am »
*Gets up off the ground and hobbles off with Under, muttering and grumbling the whole way.*


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« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2005, 03:45:25 am »
Well, well I have heard the history a while ago In game. I cant say that I am for having things like dragons (which aint in PS) as your guilds base. But at least you did it right, so I aint complainin\' bout it.
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« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2005, 10:12:30 am »

Agree somewhat that using the name dragon in a game without dragons is a bit iffy, but to say Planeshift has enough story to it yet to exclude things like that is even more iffy seeing mostly the story goes about the gods and not much more so unless you want us to have illusions of grandure I think it\'s a nice addition to the story of PS. You can go to far with wanting to be original with everything you know ;)


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« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2005, 10:55:12 am »
Originally posted by Phinehas

Just why not ?

Originally posted by Phinehas
*Phinehas falls to his knees, crying out.\"

Oh, and I do hope you didn\'t hurt yourself Phinehas, it looked quite painful... ;)

Originally posted by Under the moon
Though I hope the whole jumping from the back of a high flying \'thing\' uninjured is pure legend.

Ah, you see ? As I said in my guild\'s background, people keep thinking about it as a legend ;) Anyway, why do you hope it would be pure legend ? After all, the former Dragon Lord was an incredible warlord, and he was able to cast incredible spells, so landing uninjured from such a height and being able to cast something flying isn\'t impossible for him... Unless... Don\'t tell me you thought he had summoned a Dragon ? :D

Originally posted by Pestilence
Agree somewhat that using the name dragon in a game without dragons is a bit iffy

I know, but you see, the legacy of the Dragon Family is just like this, even if Rioth has never seen a real Dragon, he can\'t help it... It just came into his mind all alone ;)
Burning anger gets you do a howling riot...
~ Dragon Lord of The Dragon Council


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« Reply #13 on: April 24, 2005, 10:55:38 am »
Personally I would rather like to see that what we have got being made more detailed than using things that wont be anyways.

Like what the Forest guardians for example did. But it\'s just my opinion
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« Reply #14 on: April 24, 2005, 01:43:33 pm »
This looks reasonable even the fact about dragons not being in PS, won\'t stop you. So many ways to RP that fact into your storyline...good luck and congradulations on stepping into the \"Guild World\".