Author Topic: A story that (hopefully) goes on  (Read 3660 times)


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A story that (hopefully) goes on
« on: April 24, 2005, 03:09:44 pm »
[I thought that it would be time for a little RP thread again. So here we go. I just ask you to post the information of your character in this thread of your first post just to clarify who and what you are gonna play.

I would like the story to expand as spontaneus as possible. So I wont post any information for now. Futhermore I ask you to keep the posts in order.
[EDIT]Please do OOC Discussion in the SIGN UP Thread.]

Cyl entered Kada\'s. It was a rainy day, and furthermore he heard that someone is hiring people for an expedition and decided to have a look. As he went through the door he first spotted the usual patrons and then someone who was foreign, most likely the person who he heard of.

\"So you are the person, who hires mercenaries, I heard of?\", he mumbled as he sat down at that table.

\"So you are someone who wants to earn a little mone?\", the foreigner cooked an brow as he examined Cyl, \"You dont look like those I usually hire, but on the other hand, it cant do any harm. The journey is going to a place far behind the bronze doors, I have heard that somewhere out there you can see the \'cave\' in which this \'stalactite\' hangs.\", it was clear that the foreigner did strongly doubt that, but on the other hand wanted to know if this was true or not. \"20 Circles, after getting back.\"

twenty circles, this was truly an offer Cyl wasnt able to deny.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2005, 02:59:01 am by Cyl »
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Under the moon

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« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2005, 12:05:45 am »
[ooc]Is there any particular direction you want to go with this? Also, mind if I give a face to our \'mystery man\'?

Arnigus sat at the table, brooding over his slowly warming ale that he had yet to touch. Not even the large tray of small harlberry pastries next to the ale could interest him. It was the first time in his life he could remember not being hungry, and that meant a lot for a man who was nearly half as wide as he was tall. He had always enjoyed eating, but today, the very thought of food sickened him. His money lending guild had collapsed, turning all its members to paupers in a matter of hours. He was ruined. Some of his closest friends had already thrown themselves off the tower. He would have followed, if he hadn\'t tired out halfway, that wasn\'t it, and he knew it. He could have made it to the top. He could have made the even quicker trip to the bottom. He could have...if he wasn\'t such a sniveling coward.

That was the story of his life. He never measured up to his father, who was a great leader. His mother was a kind teacher, and though he had inherited her intelligence, he had come up short on her bravery. He had missed out on the love of his life because he had been afraid to ask her for her hand. And now, forty, balding, overweight, beggared, and jobless, he was to afraid even to let it all end. His head sank to the table. He was worthless.

Voices drifted over from the next table, barely rousting Arnigus\'s interest. That is until he heard something towards the end. His head picked back up. Did he hear that right? Twenty circles? He turned his head just enough to see two men sitting at the next table. One was a taller than usual elf, the other, a hefty dwarf dressed in odd armor and clothing, from one of the lower levels he supposed, or perhaps from one of the clans living deep in the Stone Labyrinths.

Having a perfect memory, Arnigus thought back to what they had just been talking about. An expedition into the Labyrinth...into the dark. He sighed. Not what he had been hoping for. It was no use, he may as well go back to the tower and...something sparked inside him. A hard core at the center of his soul that refused to give in. It wasn\'t what he hoped for, but maybe it was what he needed. A last chance to show his worth...and if not that, then the same end as the tower. He tuned to the dwarf.

\"Count me in, Good Dwarf. Before you discount me, hear me out. I may not be good with a sword or magic, but I am a master with a quill and ledger. You will need someone to organize your venture. I have heard of many groups failing because they lacked this, just charging in with hats in the wind. Let me accompany you, and I will do my best to see you there and back with full bellies and well laid supplies,\" Arnigus stated in his best speaking voice, learned from his father ages gone. His run of bad luck would end now, one way or another.

[ooc]Sorry, seems I can\'t write anything short. :rolleyes: Not what you where expecting from good old Arnigus, now was it?
« Last Edit: April 25, 2005, 12:09:14 am by Under the moon »


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2005, 12:43:37 am »
Cyl stands up, a smile on his face,

\"Arnigus, you dared to come out under your bed? Well probably you found out what dangerous weapons your feet are. But at least you will do the writing. I dunno if dwarves can write anything other than \'ore\' and \'stonebreaker rule\'.\"

All of the sudden the dwarf rammed the hilt of his axe into Cyl\'s foot, who moaned in pain.

\"We probably dont need to write more than \'ore\', because you hugelings wont be able to READ it!\"

Cyl hobbled back a step, \"Not that we cant read, but calling your scratchings a handwriting ...\", he said but as the dwarf threatened to hit his leg with the hilt again, he did stop talking.

\"So where and when are you gonna get going, dwarfling?\", he said to the dwarf.

\"tommorow, directly from the Plaza.\"
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« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2005, 05:35:10 am »
*Phinehas has been sitting in a corner of the tavern for the last four hours, sipping wine and contemplating. He hears Cyl\'s moans as the dwarf slams his axe into Cyl\'s foot. Angered at this abuse of a friend of his, and knowing that the use of weapons within the tavern is illegal, he decides to see what\'s going on.

He grips the table as he stands up slowly. Leaning heavily on his cane, he limps over to where Cyl is standing with the two strangers.*

Need a hand, Cyl? I seem to have heard someone using their weapon here.


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2005, 07:38:22 am »
\"Half so wild, friend.\"

Cyl attempted to pound his hand on his friend\'s shoulder, but then stopped midair, knowing that Phinehas doesn\'t likes to be touched.

\"Well, you know that dwarf\'s planning to travel into the stone labyrinths. Furthermore he is paying.\"

Looks down on his leg,

\"Well, you know Phinehas I can be a bit cheeky from time to time, and those dwarflings are a bit, heated.\"

Turns towards the dwarf.

\"I dont want to sound like the guard, but you shouldn\'t carry a weapon in here.\"

He paused for a moment and turned back to Phinehas,

\"By the way, haven\'t you been to the stone labyrinth too, Phinehas. The last time I was in there I wasn\'t really clear in the head, so I can\'t really remember.\"

Suddenly the dwarf popped out from behind the table.

\"YOU have been to the labyrinth?\"
« Last Edit: April 26, 2005, 07:40:39 am by Cyl »
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« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2005, 08:20:36 am »
*Phinehas winces as he sees Cyl\'s hand heading for his shoulder, but sighs with relief as Cyl thinks better. He then looks the dwarf over carefully before answering.*

Yes, I\'ve been to the Stone Labyrinths before. I have not traversed them widely, as I was heading for a specific goal, but yes, I have been in them.


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2005, 08:58:36 am »
\"Eh, ...? So you seem to have guts. Would you mind comin\' along? My ma...\", he suddenly stops talking \"i would even pay you 4 circles.\"

The dwarf muttered to Phinehas, trying not to have the others hear it. Cyl however heard that the dwarf offered 4 circles to Phinehas.

\"So the prices did change since I have talked to you?\", Cyl cooked an eybrow.

\"Erm, no but look this guy HAS the guts.\", the dwarf said cheekily
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« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2005, 09:17:16 am »
*Phinehas frowned at the dwarf.*

I\'ll have you know that Cyl here is a friend of mine, and I don\'t take insults to my friends lightly.

I would love to come along, but I fear my days of adventuring are past. I am not capable of extended travel, and I fear I would only slow you down.

*Phinehas sighs as he looks down at his robes, knowing the body beneath them. After thinking for a second he looks back up at the dwarf.*

Besides, what could be so important that you\'re willing to risk your life, and have others risk theirs by going into the Labyrinths?


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2005, 10:57:32 am »
\"What the heck? Well my mast, ...\", he paused for a moment \"I have my reasons. Well it\'s a pity, though, wait a moment,\", he scribbled out a small piece of paper, seemingly a list. \"Well, you could travel between the equipment on a wagon, but that will only work until we reach the labyrinth.\"

The dwarf made a pause, thinking.

Cyl turned towards Phinehas and whispered to him, \"Somwhat by this dwarf disturbes me. He doesn\'t look like a scientist, or a mage, rather like a cheap mercenary or myrmidon. Well, you know I have other reasons to go to the labyrinth than just money. When I first came to Yliakum, I was in a stadium of psychical disruption, and I wouldn\'t mind to know if the nexus through which I was teleported here, was a one way path, or a door.\"

The dwarf popped between them, \"Hmm, you after reaching the bronze doors you could ride one of the Dragonlizards we use for pulling the wagon.\"
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Under the moon

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« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2005, 12:46:15 pm »
Arnigus turns pale at the mention of the creature. Maybe it would be better if he just went home to...what? Wait till they took his home away? No, that simply wouldn\'t do. He was in for good now.

He glanced at the other two, measuring them. Quite a picture they would make. A too tall elf, a too frail lemur, and a too fat ylian. But he knew from rumors that the other two could handle themselves more than well in bad times. As for himself, he had other ways to protect himself, such as putting others in front of him. Come to think about it, he knew two or three guards an ruffians from his dead guild that owed him a favor or two, and could stand being around him.

\"I can supply a few loyal guards, if you\'re interested.\" Well, somewhat loyal, but they didn\'t need to know that.

The dwarf nodded, eyeing Arnigus with a small smirk. \"That\'id be fine by me...if they\'re good.\"

\"That they are, some of the best.\" When they weren\'t drinking, that is. Something else they didn\'t need to know.

Arnigus felt his appitite return suddenly and grabbed a few of the harlberry sweets, popping them in his mouth. Maybe today wasn\'t such a bad day after long as they didn\'t try to get him on the back of one of those beasts.


At that moment, the tavern door burst open, a large ynnwn (they are all large) falling backwards though it to land heavily on the floor. He sat up and looked around, slightly dazed. Another ywann poked his head in the doorway, grinning widely. His appearance was identical to the man on the floor, right down to the great assortment of knives harnessed to thier chests and waists. The standing man looked down the other and rubbed his forhead.

\"Yur right Roth, ma head is thicker,\" he said, with a laugh.

\"Ah said you had a thick head, Ah din\'t tell you to test it. You owe me a drink, Toth,\" Roth said, shaking his head to clear his vision.

\"What fer?\" Toth asked, rasing an eyebrow, \"You ne\'er owed up fer that chamber pot thing.\"

\"How\'as I sposed to know it id catch fire? Yur the one who stomped the thing. Ah says this makes it even. Now git up so as I can buy you a drink.\"

\"You just said...\"

\"Ah said Ah don\'t owe you, Ah ne\'er said Ah wouldn\'t buy yur drink. This is a tavern, afta all.\"

Arnigus shook his head. So much for a good first impression. What brought his former guards here anyways? Maybe the tower wasn\'t so tall after all.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2005, 12:20:38 am by Under the moon »


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« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2005, 06:17:42 am »
*Phinehas was about to answer the guard, when the Ylians came in. He looked them over, but they seemed fairly harmless, so he turned back to the dwarf.*

If I ride this beast, I assume we\'ll still only be moving at a walking pace for the rest of you?

*The dwarf nodded, looking up at him through his bushy eyebrows.*

Well, in that case, I accept.

*Phinehas gave the dwarf a brief smile and turned to Cyl. Motioning for him to lean forward, Phinehas quickly whispered into his ear.*

Of course this isn\'t all it appears. Why else do you think I\'m coming?


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« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2005, 07:33:12 am »
Cyl nodded slighty. He was quite pleased to have phinehas with the group after all. But all worries were gone as those Ynnwn stumbled into the tavern. He laughed heartly, seeing the faces of them in suprise as they saw Cyl, an elf being as tall as an Ynnwn.

\"My, my. THAT is what I call enter with a bang.\"

He turned towards Arnigus.

\"You said something about loyal guards?\"
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« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2005, 10:58:03 am »
Tybalt stood by the bar, a glass of milk in his hand, pretending not to hear what the others were talking about. However, he found the idea of venturing into the stone labyrinths to be very interesting and was about to turn around to go join the group when he heard what seemed to be two idiots entering the tavern. He quickly cancelled his plan to turn around and sighed.

\"If those are coming I think I rather stay here\", he murmured to himself and took another sip on his milk.


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« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2005, 11:27:50 am »
Cyl mentioned his friend Tybalt at the next table. He moved towards him and poundered his hand on his shoulder.

\"greets, Tybalt. How do you do?\"

Cyl looked down into the Tybalt\'s glass seeing the milk.

\"as it seems you are quite well.\"
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« Reply #14 on: April 27, 2005, 06:26:19 pm »
Arnigus put his hand over his face, the other he raised towards the two red ynnwns apologetically.

\"Those would be two of the guards I was talking about, Cyl. They arn\'t very bright, but they are good in a fight.\"

Roth got up, still shaking his head, and spotted Arnigus. A large grin crossed his face.

\"Arnigus! What er you do\'in here? Shouldn\'t you be at the Guild?\" he asked, then looked confused and concerned. He leaned over to Toth and whispered loud enough for the entire room to hear, \"Were we sposed ta be on duty today?\"

Toth\'s eyes grew big with startlement. He glanced at Arnigus with worry.

\"I duno. You uz sposed to keep track this week, Roth. Arn? We aren?t on duty today, are we?\"

Arnigus shook his head. \"No, the Guild collapsed. No one is working today, or tomorrow.\"

Toth heaved a great sigh of relief. \"Oh thank Talad. I thought we was fired fa sure this time.\"

Roth grinned and nodded in agreement, but suddenly his face dropped. He reached over and smacked the other on the back of his head. \"Toth, you nit. We is fired. The Guild is gone.\"

Toth\'s face dropped identically. \"What will we do now Brother? Arnigus, good friend, you got a plan, right? You all\'ays got a plan.\"

\"No, But these fellows may have need of you. Go find Hadarican and bring him here.\" The twins looked at him with equal befuddlement. \"You\'re fellow guardsman...Had, the Kran...the poet?\" Their looks remained the same. \"The one who uses a lot of words you don\'t know.\"

Understanding seemed to dawn on them. \"You mean Ink-spot?\" they asked together.

\"Yes, now go.\"

The two turned immediately and tried to pass through the door at the same time, succeeding in crashing into the doorframe. After a short period of head smacking, they finally made it into the street. Arnigus shook his head again.

\"They really are good fighters. And Had is ten times better, and a hundred times smarter. You can trust them.\" At least, he was sure those three had not been the ones who betrayed the Guild. Had was too loyal, and the twins...well...they weren\'t all there.