Author Topic: Official Octarch Election Thread.  (Read 1927 times)

Under the moon

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Official Octarch Election Thread.
« on: May 02, 2005, 11:47:09 pm »
This has already been officially announced in The PS Times. For those of you who have not read it there, this is the official PS announcement and discussion thread. Helpful input is welcome.

The election will be ran by Arnigus Faymore, and a few others who choose to accompany him to his mean shining, triumphant success.

If you are a Hopeful, sign up here .

*This is a test of the PS Community System.*

This is only a test. If this were an actual election, you would be asked to go to your nearest Circle Palace and pledge sovereign to the new Octarch.

To make myself perfectly clear, we are not trying to appoint a permanent Octarch. At this time, we are only role-playing the election itself. Once the election is over, any RPing that is done is out of my hands. Perhaps a future election will have further rules for a ruling system, but not this one.

Note: This plan may change at any point before the actual election takes place. Also, as of yet, there is no set timescale for cycles.

*This has been a test of the PS Community System.*

Ok, now that that is cleared up, this is what I propose:

~Pre-election cycle  - organizing/planning (aka now)

This is where anyone who wishes to help signs up. Keep in mind that signers may or may not be able to participate in the election. That has yet to be decided.

Who is needed:

Helpful critics, needed now- to find the potential problems/improvements to this plan. Please use this thread. Nay-sayers are not welcome.

Organizers/planners/recruiters, needed now- to help figure out how the he?er? heck I?m going to pull this off. And help find and organize the manpower to do it. A good knowledge of game mechanics would help. Apply here or in a PM. This is for the few people in it for the long haul.

Town Criers, needed NOW- to get the word out. These people will have to be somewhat unbiased (or at least RP that they aren?t). They will be given basic scripts (official announcement scrolls) that they may adlib as they see fit. Bards and writers are encouraged to apply. Occasional /shouting will be needed. But not to extremes. This should be the easy job.

Rumormongers, needed NOW- also to get the word out, though through unofficial channels. This is for everyone to RP as they see fit. You have no need to apply here. Simply go in-game and start talking over an ale or two. Look through this post, the PS Times, and The Hydlaa Octarch has died! thread for relevant material to use. Or, make up your own rumors.

In-game RP vote takers, needed sixth cycle- for taking in-game RP votes (duh). This will likely be a tedious job. Volunteers will have to be trustworthy and patient. It may be necessary to have just a forum poll instead if there aren?t enough volunteers. This will be a one time thing for the final vote only. If my lag is not too bad, I, myself will take one of these positions. (If Arnigus can waddle back to the Plaza in time >.< )

Fall guy/scapegoat- to take the blame when everything goes to the Death Realm?er?wait, that would be me.

Other jobs that I have yet to think of- impending.

~First and Second cycle- nominations, and IC speeches. Ends May 14th. Campaigning will continue until the end of the Third Cycle. GOING ON NOW.

This is to get the ball rolling. My first impression was to let the guilds nominate from their own ranks, but this would be unfair to those many people who choose to have no guild. Also, I would have liked to ensure a future for the new Octarch and his/her/kran council by asking any participating guild to swear allegiance to the elected officials. But that is asking to much at this point.

So, until further notice, nominees must follow these requirements:
1. Be able to go in-game with an established character.
2. Be a respected RPer (not respectable, as I don?t wish to put off evil characters)
3. Must put their name and character information in this ?Hopefuls? thread . And give a short speech. Rules are listed in that thread.
4. Must not be Xordan (just kidding, sort of)
5. Must read my stories (again, just kidding, but it would be a nice gesture :P)

Here is where the fun starts. Nominees will also be encouraged to go in-game to RP as they see fit. But remember, to be seen it to be heard. Players will also be encouraged to go in-game to support their favorite nominee(s) or nicely undercut the ones they don?t. RP is highly encouraged here. I expect to hear of a few friendly bar fights over political views. However, killing is off limits. Try to use the ?yield? button before anybody gets hurt too bad. This is a civilized election.

Please keep your logs, as we may wish to put excerpts in the PS Times (if the pretty editor will let us)

~Third cycle  - first vote. Note, this cycle may be unnecessary if we do not receive enough nominees.

This is where a council will be chosen out of the nominees. To simplify things, it will be a silent forum poll in the form of PMs to me and/or a control group. People can vote for as many nominees as they wish, but only one vote per candidate. Once the voting is complete, I will ask the Mods to delete the thread (if they?re still talking to me) Note, I do not take bribes. However, players may do as they wish, as long as it is IC.

The new council will then be announced on the forum, and in-game by Town Criers. In-game IC, RP bragging is strongly encouraged.

~Fourth cycle  - debate/council vote

This part is out of my hands. A RP thread will be created for the new council to debate on which two of their members they wish to put forth for a final vote. In-game debates are encouraged, but unenforceable, due to time zone differences.

~Fifth cycle  - longer campaign

Also out of my hands. The two candidates will be asked to create their own threads in the RP forum, where they will answer any reasonable RP questions. I will ask that any spam be deleted immediately. You are warned. In-game campaigning, townhouse, and Q&A sessions are greatly encouraged.

Candidates may be able to have the use of the Town Criers to announce gatherings, or they may find their own.

~Sixth cycle  - community vote

This will be the big one where everything can fall apart. In-game voting will take place at polls, and also on an open poll on the forums. We will be going on the trust system here. I ask that you only vote once on the forums. However, two and only two votes will be allowed in-game per player for multiple characters. I discourage this, though, but can?t stop it. I also ask that if you vote in-game, you do not vote on the forums, or visa-versa. I expect there will be cheating, but strongly advise against it. You may use good RP in-game to coerce, threaten, or bribe other players into voting your way, but OOC and greeving IS NOT ALOWED.

~Seventh cycle  - New Octarch/celebration

After the mess of the sixth cycle is sorted out (as I?m sure there will be one) the new Octarch will be announced first in-game by much /shouting by the Town Criers, then on the forums. If at all possible, I will try to have a celebration arranged, though that part would be largely up to others. I have offers of help for the celebration already. Thanks. :)

Then, we wash our hands of the whole thing (except for the players who wish to continue the RP), and try to figure out what went wrong, and how to do it better next time (assuming I?m not banned ;))

OK, anyone who wishes to help now or later, please say so now?or later. Also, please post your helpful criticisms/ideas/suggestions here. Please, ideas for the election only.

Once the plan is complete, and a timescale is set, then an announcement and ?Hopefuls? thread will be made.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2005, 10:24:16 pm by Under the moon »


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« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2005, 05:28:17 am »
*steps forward*

I \'m willing to help out. I will definitely be one of the Rumormongers. As for those forums I could actually provide you with a clean new forum specifically for your Elections.

I have one minor problem though, in about a month I will basically be disappearing from the Planeshift community for the duration of the summer. Until then I will help out where I can though.
Zan Drithor, Member of the Vaalnor Council
Tyrnal Relhorn, Captain of the Vaalguard
Thromdir Shoake, Merchant
Giorn Kleaver, Miner.

Grayne Dholm, Follower of Dakkru


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« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2005, 09:07:35 am »
I wish I was more active, I\'d love to help with this. It seems like a very good direction for the community. Meh, until planeshift is my top priority... *Raises glass, bows, and steps out*

Under the moon

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« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2005, 10:33:43 pm »
Ah, no worries Kixie. Just be a Town Crier or Rumormonger if you happen to be in-game. Very little effort required.

Come now, no one finds anything wrong with this plan? No suggestions?

Very well...I shall start work on refining some of those question marks and setting a timescale. I will also begin contacting guild leaders to see who is interested in setting forth a

A wise man once said, \"The trick is to lead a few, and let them do the work of leading the rest.\" - Steuben

Let\'s put that theory to the test.


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« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2005, 11:38:46 pm »
Of course I will help as well but are there any restrictions on who can run?  How important will this postition be and how much time will have to be devouted?  The reason I ask is because it may be tough for leaders of guilds to do both.

Under the moon

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« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2005, 12:00:02 am »
Any one can run. No restrictions. All I ask is your name and a few supporters names in a \'Hopefull\' thread I will create. Then the plan takes over. I hope.

Time needed after the election is over=zero. This position is purely RP, to dedicate as much or little time to as you see fit. I am trying to make no part of it too involved.

Right now, I just need people to help get the word out that the election is coming.


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« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2005, 09:43:09 am »
where is the hopefull list

my how times have changed.....

Under the moon

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« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2005, 12:30:49 pm »
It will be come as soon as I iron out a few small problems and set a timescale. Look for it this weekend or early next week.

The \'Hopefulls\' thread will most likely be placed in the RP forum, as all entries will be expected to be completely IC.

I have a few new rules to add to promote in-game RP for this cycle.

1. You must go in-game for a time and talk to others.
2. You must accompany your application with three short ingame logs where someone supports you.
3. You must have fun doing the above. ;)

If you are interested in entering, you may begin collecting logs now. \"The early bird...\" and all that.

Just a question:  How long does everyone think the \'Hopefulls\' thread should remain open?


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« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2005, 01:03:39 pm »
I think sooner is better than later.  Once we get an Octarch installed and he/she makes a presence, others will want to do it.  Then we can get even better competition and make the elections more intense.

One problem is that I never see more than about 50 people on line, so the pool of applicants, voters is pretty slim.

Maybe start a campaign stump thread?  Each Candidate could use one post to give a platform, then that same post in EDIT to respond to critics/questions from readers.
May all your sequences converge.

Efflixi Aduro

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« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2005, 06:05:40 pm »
I am against all forms of controling the masses, or as you call, \"government\"
I am now starting my don\'t vote campain, join me today and DONT vote!!!
Lol Internet


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« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2005, 06:46:59 pm »
In show of support with a fellow Los Angelino.  Today I will not vote.  Nor will I vote tomorrow.  That\'s two whole day of solidarity, man!
« Last Edit: May 04, 2005, 06:47:22 pm by buddha »
May all your sequences converge.

Under the moon

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« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2005, 09:54:19 pm »
Heh, heh. What\'s a three letter word for an uncontrolled mass?




A mob.

And didn\'t I say something about nay-sayers? ;) Go start your own thread. Really...go. I mean it. Get out of here. Controversy is the best advertisement. :D

(the above was said without anger or spite, nor was Fes taken seriously, do not turn this thread into an arguement, or I may have to ask a mod to clean it.)

That being said, the Hopefuls thread shall be posted tonight. As Buddha said, the sooner the better.

Also, there will be a \'stump\' thread in the Fifth Cycle.

Efflixi Aduro

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« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2005, 01:07:07 am »
No offense taken but since Efflixi IS an anti-government person he will be holding his don\'t vote campagin. Nothing against you Under the moon. :)
Lol Internet

Under the moon

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« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2005, 02:07:08 am »
[ooc]No worries. I see this as a good inititive. I rarely take offence at anything written online...unless it is an offhanded insult to one of my stories. Then I take issue...[/ooc]

A good luck to you Goodmaster Aduro. We will see on which side the coin lands.

And to the rest of you...choose a side, don\'t stand aside.


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« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2005, 05:03:15 am »
Under the Moon-- your sense of humor is great I am enjoying the posts.  

May the sun always shine and the chain of souls never break... err or something like what your master Ty would say as a blessing had he not been struck down by evil.