Author Topic: The Path of the Future  (Read 4808 times)


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The Path of the Future
« on: May 12, 2005, 08:08:18 pm »
Title subject to change. I restructured it a bit, made some minor modifications, and collapsed the first two chapters into one. More will follow soon. Leave feedback!

Chapter 1.

The rain beat down hard against the cold stone streets of Ojaveda. The gathering puddles in the road reflected the dim light of the street lamps, and shadows danced and shifted across the walls like invisible creatures; unseen spirits worshipping the darkest of nights there had ever been in Moogie\'s memory. The Enkidukai was late getting home that evening; she had been falling behind in her guild duties recently due to one particularly difficult target that her agents had been having trouble tracking. She knew almost nothing about the man she was following- only that he was of Xacha origin, and was not once spotted near any public establishments such as inns, taverns, temples or even the bank since they began attempting to track him. Rumour had it that this mysterious figure had been meeting with the Lord of the now-defunct guild, Incensio Tenebrae; Seperot Darkstorm. Since the Enkidukai\'s sudden disappearance several months ago, the Shadowkin of the Feline\'s Lair guild had been contracted by the local Octarch officials to unearth any information they could find, and Ayshe had immediately given the order to follow any possible leads which may indicate his whereabouts.

Moogie sighed tiredly as she hurried. Gripping her rainsoaked shawl tightly around her shoulders, she jogged quickly through familiar backalleys and across deserted streets. She felt an uneasy forboding in the night air; an undescribable scent faded from her senses before she could make out exactly what it was. The white-furred feline was eager to reach the safety of home and the warm fire that awaited her within. Quickening her pace, she turned the corner and trotted straight ahead towards the old welcoming door of a humble-looking home.

Barely two steps away from the door, the girl was suddenly seized from behind. She yelped as a heavy, gloved hand wrapped itself over her mouth roughly, another powerful arm gripping her by the waist and lifting her off her feet silently. Dispite her frantic kicking and wriggling, Moogie couldn\'t escape this iron grip, nor could she make much of a sound through the soft leather that kept her mouth sealed. She was stolen quickly away into the dancing shadows.

The feline awoke suddenly in an unfamiliar setting. Her first instinct was to bolt upright and check her surroundings, but something roughly stopped her from moving. It occured to her that she was bound, hand and foot, laying on a concrete floor beside a stream of oddly tinted water. As her eyes cautiously drifted around, she began to recognise the sewers beneath the city. She had been kidnapped and dumped underground, but what for? How long had she been like this? She didn\'t like to think about it.

The ropes dug harshly into her wrists as she tugged at them with her teeth. They were painfully tight; it was not hard to guess that, whoever had brought Moogie here, didn\'t care too much what condition he left her in. A feeling of overwhelming dread suddenly overcame her. Her keen ears picked up the sound of footsteps approaching from behind, and she froze, not daring to move a muscle. She opted to fein unconciousness in the hopes that, whoever it was, would be fooled and give some clues as to his identity. If there was one thing Moogie\'s Shadowkin training had taught her, it was that knowing your enemy is halfway to defeating them.

She listened to the sound of heavy boots treading through the damp towards her. A tall, cloaked figure passed slowly by her head and stopped several steps infront of where the girl lay.

\"Ahh, this is a rather familiar circumstance...\" The voice rumbled in a heavily aristocratic accent, native to the dark caverns of the first Xacha explorers of Yliakum, toned in the deep growl of a well-aged man. The sound sent cold shivers down Moogie\'s spine; he was aware of her conciousness, and had not even turned around to face her. She recognised his scent... he was the one who had kidnapped her before. After some hesitation, she managed to find her voice.

\"What... who are you? Why have you brought me here?\" she growled. The tall man chuckled leisurely and turned to face her. His face was half buried under the collar of his heavy coat, with a bandana around his face shielding all but his eyes from view. Moogie looked at him quizzically.

\"You will know me soon enough, Alpha of the Shadowkin. I do apologise for the bondage...\" He smirked under his mask. \"...but I\'m thoroughly aware of your skills. I had to make sure you would not leave unduely.\" His dark red eyes glowed like embers, barely visible under the hem of his black slouch hat. He approached her and bent down to untie Moogie\'s hands, but the second the knot was loose enough, her hand flung at him to snatch away his mask. But his speed and reaction was unnatural; he caught her arm in mid-air and wrenched it down painfully to her side. Moogie cried as the pain shot up through her shoulder, squeezing her eyes shut in a vain attempt to block it from her mind. The man\'s eyes thinned in mild annoyance.

\"Do not make me hurt you again.\" He ordered. Moogie nodded meekly, and he released his grip. Grimacing, she held the limb with her other arm and looked up at the man as he straitened.

\"Tell me who you are, what the hell you want from me!\" yelled the defeated feline. He contemplated her for a few seconds, before slowly pulling down the mask that hid his face. It took the girl several moments to recognise the haughty grin of Camazotz, the man she thought she had been following for weeks; it appeared it was she who had been lead by him.

Moogie listened in silence, watching Camazotz warily as he reached into his pockets and pulled out a pair of leather gloves. As he pulled them over one hand, then the next, she remembered their rough texture from the night he had taken her. Seeing them again suddenly made her much more nervous, and in the back of her mind, she wondered just how long she had been down here with him.

\"You know who I am. But I do not think you know quite *what* I am. Infact, you know so very little about me, sweet Moogie...\" The girl narrowed her eyes at him in distrust, but he simply grinned and continued. \"Allow me to introduce myself fully. I am Lord Camazotz, Xacha of the Old World. I come to you as a Seer, a guide, a prophet, but most of all... a protector.\" Before the girl could ask anything, the Xacha turned to Moogie, reaching inside his coat and revealing a small, triangular glyph. The object, gripped between the finger and thumb of his glove, eminated a soft yellow light and shone brightly even in such a dark place as this. He eyed it for just a moment before flicking his wrist up, sending the glyph spinning into the air. However, instead of falling to the ground, it simply stopped. Moogie blinked in confusion, watching it spinning there above their heads of its own accord.

\"How did you-?\" She began, but Camazotz shushed her quietly. The glyph began to spin faster, the yellow light pulsing stronger and stronger, untill the glow illuminated every crack and niche in walls, and the water in the sewage canal sparkled brightly. It soon became so intense that Moogie had to shield her eyes from looking directly into the light. Camazotz, however, seemed comfortable; infact, he didn\'t even flinch as the ball of light seemed to spontaneously burst infront of them, spraying shimmering pillars of energy in all directions. In the center, an image slowly took shape, colours drifting in from the surrounding air and populating the magical visage like liquid paint. Moogie slowly lowered her hand and sat forwards; she could not believe what she was witnessing. Something in the image was moving, flickering... flames, reaching out of broken windows, fire creeping across the roof of a small house that stood at the end of a street, wrecked and ruined, and burning to ashes. The girl gaped at it, speechless. Words were too much to manage as she stared at her home being destroyed before her eyes.

\"This happened on the night I took you.\" Camazotz offered, watching her reaction from the corner of his eye. Her gaze turned to him.

\"How long... have I been here?\" Moogie whispered.

\"Just a few days. As I said, I\'m here to protect you. I didn\'t let you leave because I wanted to keep you safe. Away from this...\" the Xacha motioned at the floating image, which burned brightly. \"I kept you asleep incase you tried to run. It\'s a dangerous place down here for a pretty little girl like you.\" He grinned, briefly glancing over her slim frame. But the girl wasn\'t about to accept this. She couldn\'t. During the glyph display, she had been gently untying the rope that bound her feet together. Now, with a quick kick, she was free, and the feline bolted away immediately, running as fast as her feet could carry her down the stone tunnels. Camazotz smiled, shaking his head.

\"Silly girl...\" he chuckled. He lifted his hand and leisurely clicked his fingers. Moogie, who had turned at least three corners by now in her bid to escape, looked back to check for her persuer. Suddenly she ran into something, so solid that it knocked her back uncontrollably, sending her skidding across the slippery wet path on her back.

\"Whaa!\" she exclaimed, reeling from the blow. Stunned, it took her several moments to glance up from the floor, catching sight of the claws that came swiping viciously across her face. The force knocked her aside, some droplets of blood spraying into the green water. Moogie scampered back a few steps and climbed quickly to her feet, facing a large, dirty-looking Gobble with fresh blood on its hand. It laughed- an odd sound resembling the croaking of a manic toad. It took a step forwards, focusing on the girl who refused to turn and flee. She knew she wouldn\'t be able to get past Camazotz unarmed, but at the same time, she didn\'t find her chances with the Gobble very appealing either.

The festering creature sat back quickly on its haunches, ready to spring into attack at a split-second. But just as it launched itself forwards, a thin blade of metal came protruding from its neck, blood bursting from the wound. Moogie shrieked and watch as the Gobble slowly fell flat to the ground, a silver Sai buried through its neck, and an expression of wide-eyed panic as it twitched and groaned in near-death. Moogie looked beyond its body to see the cloaked Xacha standing there, arm still outstretched from where he had flung the sword just in time. He approached the pathetic body of the Gobble, reaching down and yanking the Sai from its cold flesh. Camazotz looked towards the bloodied feline, who stood staring at him in fearful silence.

\"Don\'t make me tell you again...\" he said simply, before passing her back down the tunnel where she had come from. Without a word, but with some hesitation, she decided to follow.


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« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2005, 09:21:17 pm »
Superb imagery. There is more, right? I gotta hear more :)
The Felines Lair

Under the moon

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« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2005, 11:03:18 pm »
Originally scrawled by Moogie
Enjoy the first two chapters ..... Leave feedback!


As you command. Interesting story, my lady. An enjoyable start that leaves me asking for more. I like the \'dancing shadows\' personified as invisible spirits. Not something I would have thought of, though it does remind me of something I wrote in CoS. \"The candlelight played a soft symphony of light and shadow across the canvas of her bare skin.\"

Now this Camazotz is very mysterious...which is good, I like mysterious. You were able to capture his essence in very few words. I would suggest keeping us guessing at him. Don?t tell us everything. ;)

One thing I wonder at, is why you divided that into two chapters. It seems to me like only one. Though... *looks at CoS* ...I guess you could call me a poor judge of when to stop a chapter. :D

I have always enjoyed your works, so please continue. :)


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« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2005, 11:29:21 pm »
Thank you for your comments, Moon. :)

Camazotz is a character that a small handful of people may recognise from one of my unfinished works. I decided to link him with both of my RP characters to give him some extra depth, since I really enjoy writing about his sneery personality and ever-so-slightly kinky attitude towards females. ;)

Chapter divides is a tricky thing for me also. I tend to look at two things- the length of what I\'ve already written, and the current situation. If it seems like an appropriate place to \'break off\' and switch to a new scene, I will seperate it to another chapter. I try to keep them short as I feel it helps me moderate myself and not go overboard packing in unneeded details.


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« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2005, 06:42:29 pm »
It has arrived! And it\'s bloody big, too.

Chapter 2.

The fields of Oja\'Renin basked in the warm glow of the midday Azure light. For as far as the eye could see, they quilted the landscape like a tapestry of multicoloured fur that rippled gently with the passing breeze. Leilani stood upright and stretched out her arms, releasing a lengthy yawn. The Ylian girl spent most of the year working in the fields with the rest of the villagers. The season was coming to an end, and the crops were finally being harvested. It was a time of hope and prosperity for her people; soon the great Pterosaur caravans would arrive from the east, bringing with them wealthy travellers and merchants from the nearby Enkidukai city of Ojaveda, eager to buy as many supplies as their animals could carry. Although the Tria paid in comparison was not as large as one would expect, it was pleasing enough to the village folk, who cultivated these lands all throughout the year. The earnings allowed the older generations to pay their children\'s way in the world, encouraging them to travel with the caravans and broaden their horizons beyond the settlement\'s humble log fences.

Leilani was still young. She had been awake since dawn, ready to spend her day tending to her family\'s healthy crop of Sekich\'Kui along with her mother, Helitia. The year had been good to them; the plants grew tall, spreading their firm tendrils up to the sky, and then slowly, over the course of many months, allowing lucious pink flowers to grow from the tips of each. The heavy buds dangled down as they grew bigger and bigger, and then one night, every single plant in the entire area suddenly burst into bloom; layers of petals folding back on themselves untill each flower resembled a delicate, woven pinecone. This overnight burst of life signalled the height of the plants\' growth, and was a beautifully clear indication that they were finally ready to be harvested. The girl sat down amongst them, taking in the colour and smell of the fresh petals all around as whisps of her soft chestnut hair danced with the wind. This place was home.

\"...But it\'ll always be here.\" She sighed, frustration showing in her big blue eyes as she ran her finger idly through the dirt. \"It\'ll never change. I\'ll be in this same boring little world all my life, digging this, planting that, over and over...\" Leilani was an outgoing 15 year old. She loved to have fun, but hated the way life never seemed to change in the village. Life here bored her; she hungered for something more, but it was something she knew she would never have. Without realising it, she had carved a little stick figure in the ground with a tail and pointy ears, surrounded by flames. It was an image she had seen many times before, a dream she had since she was a small child; she remembered it well. A white enkidukai... the deafening roar of flames all around... she was falling away, the figure reaching out to grab her, save her from death, but then... A voice called to her in the distance. Leilani jumped in suprise; she had been daydreaming, but now she could hear her mother calling from the farmhouse. After a moment of hesitation, the girl wiped her hand destructively across the picture and leapt up to her feet, running all the way home.

That evening saw the biggest festival of the year for the Oja\'Renin people, celebrating a successful season and the biggest harvest they had seen in their whole farming history. Wine flowed like springwater into every cup, and the people danced joyously by the midnight fire as it tenderly roasted the meat spit above. This annual event was called Samota Decoleta; which roughly translated from Enkidukien meant \"We give thanks for our crops\". Though most of the farmers who lived there now were human, the settlement was first constructed by the Enkidukai people who travelled west from the young city of Ojaveda, many centuries ago. Everyone in the village, both young and old, left their houses and gathered in the central square, where there were crude cloth banners hung between tall wooden poles, and tables pushed together end-to-end, filled to the edges with fruits and meats and food of all kinds.

The people gathered to sing and dance, and everyone was happily enjoying the occasion. That is, all except Leilani. She sat on her own away from the crowds, a small bowl of food by her side- untouched by the somber teenager. She sighed, watching her family and friends laughing and singing songs. She was fed up of this place. She loved her parents, of course, and normally a festival of this sort would be the perfect excuse to let her hair down and have some real fun for a change. She was a mischievious girl by nature, but her parents were strict, and the punishments she received made her think twice the next time she encountered an opportunity to spice up an otherwise boring day. But she could no longer stand the same scenery, the same people, the same work day in, day out. It had been many moons since she first began having thoughts of running away and finding her own life in the world, for she knew that only the boys would one day find a large pouch of Tria waiting for them on their 18th birthday; the day they would be allowed to leave their homes for good. The women of Oja\'Renin were expected to stay and live in the village all their lives, and for such an adventurous young Ylian as Leilani, the \'simple life\' was simply not an option.

The girl sat back and looked towards the night sky. It was the same as always. Boring.

\"Hey! What\'re you doin\', Lani? Come and have some fun!\" The cheerful voice called as he approached. Leilani turned her head to the side to greet him with a smile.

\"Hey, Sam. Nah, I\'m gonna... just stay here for a while.\"

\"Is something wrong?\" He sat next to her, putting his arm comfortably around her shoulders and hugging her. \"You know you can tell me anything... right?\" he spoke quieter, his voice losing its enthusiasm in concern for his sister. Sam was two years older than Leilani. He was her best friend; he could always make her laugh when she was sad, and if she got into trouble, he would take the blame for her. Ever since she was born, even at such a young age, Sam would follow his little sister and play with her, keeping her entertained. Leilani hugged him in return, but said nothing. Now all she could think about was his birthday tomorrow. Great. He would be 18. Sitting there, hugging him... there were some things she wish would never change. Of all the things that could be different, this is what she wished for most of all- that he would never leave her. But some days ago he had announced to his family that he would be leaving on the first day of his independance, and heading for the great city of Hydlaa to find a new life. Leilani didn\'t want that. By the gods, death would be better than being stuck here forever without him to keep her company.

\"Lani?\" He was watching her, reading her for clues. He had already guessed that his departure would make her upset, and he felt torn between his want for a new life and his love for his sister. But he hated life in the village as much as she did. He had to do it. \"I\'m really sorry, Lani...\" he offered. The girl looked up at him, teary-eyed, but smiling. She had already decided that she didn\'t have to watch him disappear forever. It didn\'t have to be that way; she would leave with him tomorrow.

\"You won\'t be leaving me. They can\'t stop me following you.\" Sam shook his head meanfully.

\"You can\'t just leave Ma\' and Pa\' like that. Do you ever intend to go back?\" The girl pulled herself away from his arm and stood up.

\"Well I might visit, sometime, maybe, I don\'t know... but I\'d rather till rock than live here for the rest of my life!\" She argued. Sam frowned, learning forward with his elbows on his knees.

\"Leilani. I\'m sorry. I am so sorry, but you just can\'t do this to them. Don\'t be so selfish!\"

\"But you\'re leaving too!!\" Leilani turned towards him and yelled defensively, but thought, afterwards, that perhaps it wasn\'t such a good point to argue. Sam looked down, closing his eyes. He was finding this difficult as it is, but she did have a point. He was leaving them all for his own selfish needs, and what right did he have? Infact, according to tradition, he had every right, and he was expected to do this. But it was so hard to abandon his parents and his beloved sister after all these years... so heartwrenchingly difficult, especially as he noticed the tears in her eyes and the pain in her voice. Leilani stood unmoving, surpressing a pitiful sob. She had surprised even herself with this outburst, and suddenly became overwhelmed with guilt. She was old enough to understand that other people have the same feelings that she does, and she could tell that her one short sentence had struck a painful chord in him. \"I... I\'m s-sorry...\" she sniffed, turning to leave and go back to their home. Sam stood and ran to catch up to her, stopping infront of her to block the path. Leilani kept her eyes on the ground as he took her shoulders gently.

\"No, I\'m sorry... I know it\'s not fair for you. And it\'s not fair for our folks either...\"

\"Then-\" she began, but he stopped her, shaking his head defeatedly.

\"No, listen... they knew this would happen.\" He sighed. It was time he told her something he had promised to keep secret untill this day. He took a deep breath before he began again. \"They knew you would want to come with me.\" The girl lifted her eyes slowly. \"I didn\'t want them to be left alone like this, but they told me that if you want to do it, they... they won\'t stop you.\" Leilani was silenced in hearing those words. They would let her leave? When did they decide this? Did the Elders know they were allowing a girl to leave the village? \"The Elders don\'t know about this, Leilani. You\'ll have to run away like you planned. But... you will say goodbye to Ma\' and Pa\' first, won\'t you?\" Sam finished, knowing this would take some moments to sink in. The girl nodded slowly, still not quite believing her ears, but he smiled reassuringly. \"I\'m glad I won\'t have to leave you, Lani.\" Leilani took his arm in hers, and they started to walk home slowly. This was a revelation, to say the least. But she was happier than she could ever describe. She couldn\'t believe they were going to let her travel with him. She couldn\'t get rid of the smile that had glued itself to her face all the way home, and that night, in the room that had been hers all her life, she began getting ready to leave for good.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2005, 03:25:18 pm by Moogie »

Under the moon

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« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2005, 10:09:38 pm »
Very nice. :) Some people would say there is not enough action, but I am not those people. ;) I like reading about the emotions, relationships, and inter turmoil of characters. Really brings them to life more than any amount of action could.

One thing, though, and it is more of a preference of style than anything. I never particularly liked \'third person omnipotent\' where the writer sees into and switches between the minds of multiple characters with no clear separation. Such as a new chapter or a mid chapter break. I\'m not criticizing you, just stating my opinion. ;)

Carry on. :)


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« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2005, 03:26:15 pm »
You want action? Wish granted. :)

Chapter 3.

\"I don\'t believe you. You did this! You destroyed my home!\" She felt the cold stone pressing hard against her back. But the closer to the wall she stood, the futher from him Moogie could be. She didn\'t trust this. None of it. The Xacha had lead her back silently through the sewers, here to where the glyph had made its terrible display. \"How can you say you\'re my protector? You nearly yanked my arm out of its socket!\" She protested, her uninjured arm protectively holding the painful limb. \"You kidnap me in the middle of the night, tied me up so tight I can still feel the ropes burning my wrists... and then you have the sick idea to pretend you\'re not behind my house just spontaneously bursting into flames!?\" she cried. He regarded her thoughtfully.

\"You are a clever girl, Moogie. But your youth, your inexperience, shines through you like a beacon of naivety. It points the spotlight of your cautions on every little detail... blinding you to the bigger truths.\" Camazotz approached the cautious feline, looking intently into her eyes, even as she turned to hide them. \"There are other forces at work here. They are the ones that want you dead, girl, not me. They have powers beyond your most terrible nightmares.\"

\"You can say what you want, but I don\'t believe you. If you\'re going to... kill me, then just do it! You\'ve had your fun!\" She growled, her voice betraying the contempt she had for this man and this whole situation she had been forced into. \"If you really were the \'good guy\' in this you wouldn\'t be trying to break my bones.\"

He leaned in close, his accented voice barely an audible whisper. \"I\'m here to keep you alive, Moogie... that is all I need to accomplish. Asides from that...\" His lips turned up into a cruel grin. \"...I can do whatever I want with you.\" Moogie\'s heart turned cold upon hearing those words. She had to escape this madman before he...

Her thoughts were interrupted by a thunderous explosion from above. The ground beneath them shook violently, and even Camazotz was taken by suprise, struggling to keep his footing as he quickly took hold of the girl and sprinted away from the crumbling ceiling. Carrying her firmly under his arm, he dodged massive chunks of falling stone as the walls caved in all around them. The once-still water roared in anger as each falling rock caused a spray of liquid to pierce the blooming dustclouds, chasing him with the raw anger of the earth. The Xacha\'s unnatural speed and agility sent Moogie\'s mind spinning into a dizzy haze of blurred sights and sounds that seemed to echo forever in her head as she helplessly watched the floor rush by her eyes. The fleeing Xacha urgently looked ahead for an escape to the surface; It was then that he saw it-  a ladder resting against a nerby wall, basking in the light of the above world which pierced the thick haze of the tunnels below through a small metal grate. It was their only chance.

Leaping effortlessly to the other side of the sewer, Camazotz sprung high towards the ceiling and caught hold of the ladder near the top. He began throwing his weight upwards, his shoulders painfully smashing against the iron bars that blocked their only means of freedom. Moogie was clutching his waist tightly, dangling above the sewers below.

\"DAMMIT COME ON! OPEN!!\" He yelled through gritted teeth, as Moogie shrieked in horror at watching the wave of destruction charged towards them like a stampede of wild Tefusangs. Time seemed to slow down as the rocks and dust flew out from the carnage towards them. Her life flashed before her eyes; images of her childhood, her good friends, of Seperot laughing and justling with her when they once were so much in love. Good memories. Happy ones. Of all the joyous things she remembered in that eternity of a splitsecond, one particular vision stood out to the girl; it didn\'t belong. She suddenly saw a dream; one she had seen many times over the past years, but its recollection had always slipped through her fingers before she could take hold of them and remember it. There were flames. Burning trees all around. A young girl was falling away from her. Falling... into a great chasm of fire. Moogie reached out to catch her as the image slowly faded from her sight,leaving her with the present; arm outstretched towards the fiery death that flew towards them. She couldn\'t even feel the shudder of the Xacha\'s body as it smashed through the iron grate, pulling her upwards as her world faded to black, the roar of the flames disappearing from her mind.

Moogie came to slowly. She opened her eyes, fuzzy sight greeted by the shimmering of the dark night sky. Thousands of small crystals embedded in the cavern ceiling reflected the dull light of the Azure Sun, appearing as beautiful burning stars. Her head felt groggy... where was she? She felt warm. A glowing light flickered just beyond her view, and turning her head for a better view, she could see a small campfire glowing softly. The hard ground beneath her body was uncomfortable, rousing her into a clearer conciousness. She tried to remember how she got here- she was in the sewers, a huge explosion, she was being carried... he was trying to escape, to save her too, but then... what had happened then?

The girl sat up warily and rubbed her eyes. She was hungry; the smell of roasting meat caught her senses and the need for food overwhelmed her thoughts.

\"Here.\" The voice said simply, as if reading her thoughts. A skewer was handed to her from above, filled with chunks of tender steak. She took it and immediately began tucking in messily. Moogie liked to consider herself a \'lady\', but when it came to food, there was no such thing as \"too fast\". Camazotz stood above her, watching for a few seconds before sitting beside the fire once again. He chuckled, kicking a stray log back into the flaming pile. \"You\'ll choke.\" He warned lightheartedly. Moogie swallowed the last scraps of food, wiping her mouth with the back of her arm and turning to him with a satisfied smile.

\"Mo samoti, thank you. I really needed that, I was starved... I didn\'t think you\'d fed me ever since you stole me away from the hot dinner I had waiting for me back home.\" She said mockingly, but genuinly appreciative that she could finally silence her growling stomach. \"Have you already eaten?\" The Xacha didn\'t respond. Moogie\'s satiated mood dipped slightly as questions began remerging in her mind. She still didn\'t fully trust him, but she believed at least that he honestly wanted to keep her alive... for whatever reason. Right now, his motives didn\'t matter to her, but she needed to know what was going on.

After an awkward silence, she decided to drop the question. \"...What happened back there in the sewers?\" Camazotz didn\'t move, keeping his eyes on the flickering flames as he spoke.

\"They call themselves \'Strangers\'. Something of a cult, you might call them; they are followers of the Black Flame.\" He explained. \"But they shouldn\'t have known where you were. I made sure nobody followed us...\" His voice betrayed a hint of uncertainty, so uncharacteristic of the man who, up untill now, had been in complete control. He frowned in mild annoyance. Moogie leant back on her elbows, listening closely. \"There is a Prophecy that connects you with their ultimate demise in the future; I have seen it; it is true. And so they want you dead.\"

\"Prophecy?\" The feline tilted her head to the side quizzically. \"I don\'t know anything about this...\" She had heard of the Black Flame before, but only through rumours and whispers; forbidden words spoken quiet enough that no details could be heard... not that any sane person wanted to get involved with such shady goings-on. All she knew was an old tale that Laanx one day left her people, and while she was gone, an evil spirit known only as the Black Flame came and claimed control of her people, poisoning their minds with its unholy energies.

\"So you believe in this \'prophecy\' and you\'re protecting me so I eventually do something to blow them all up?\" She asked. Camazotz shook his head slowly.

\"I believe what I have seen for myself, and no more than that.\" He replied. \"I think the burning house and exploding sewers speak for themselves, wouldn\'t you agree?\" He turned to her, the grin returning to his pale face. At that moment, it struck her as an odd colour, illuminated by the campfire. There was something so unnatural about him. But she would ask later; right now, what he had said made a lot of sense. Someone definitely was trying to get her killed, and it was not him.

\"I guess...\" She sighed, picking the empty skewer up off the ground and tossing it idly into the fire. She looked around, noticing the rolling hills and fields surrounding them. There was a small settlement barely visible by the horizon. \"Where are we, anyway?\"

\"I brought you east of the city. Nowhere in particular. I believe these fields belong to the Oja\'Renin village nearby, but I suggest staying away from people for now.\" Moogie nodded in agreement, stifling a tired yawn. \"Sleepy?\" he asked. she nodded again. \"Then rest. I won\'t touch, I promise.\" The Xacha winked suggestively. Moogie shot him a cold glance and made herself comfortable, resting her head on her arms and slowly letting the crackling of the flames lull her to sleep.

Under the moon

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« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2005, 11:02:43 pm »
Heh, heh... I never wished for action, my Lady. I merely said that others may. ;) Very good though. You give a nice sense of urgency and uncertainty. And now the Prophecy comes into play. Can\'t wait to see where this goes.

Hmmm... seems as if everyone is adding onto their stories but me. I\'ll have to fix that.


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« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2005, 10:10:52 am »
Moogie!   o/

write more :P
<Rux> i wish i could say that narrows it down, but the internet is one freaky place


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« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2005, 12:39:16 pm »
Edit: Finished chapter! Although I havn\'t read through it fully. It\'s all too much! Please say if the pace sounds weird or anything. Dankoo. :)

Chapter 4.

Moogie drifted in and out of conciousness as she lay there on the soft ground. The sounds of the world around her faded and merged together in her ears; the crackling of the campfire flames seemed to gradually weaken untill there was nothing but the rolling breeze and the occasional howl of some wild animal to be heard. In her sleep, she thought she heard some movement, but soon it was gone, and the world passed by silently again. She could still sense the dim light, but the warmth had gone. Infact, the fire had been left to smoulder through the night, and now all but some blackened ashes remained in its place; thin, whispy smoke gently drifting up into the dawn sky like a dark spirit released from its vanquished body. She opened her eyes. It was still relatively dark; the crystal had not yet begun to shine its full light into Yliakum from the surface world. Her body was shiverring lightly in the cold morning air. There were thick, grey clouds in the sky, she noticed, seemingly poised to release their tears onto the lands below. The girl lay there for what seemed an eternity; staring at the sky, letting her thoughts and worries invade her mind and compete for her troubled attention. She hated the fact that she could not understand what had happened during the past few days. It seemed she had been pulled into a prophecy that she knew nothing about; nor did she want to. She just wanted to go home... but now that was impossible. Someone wanted her dead, and not just anyone; whoever this was knew exactly what they were doing. It scared and frustrated her at the same time; she was in the dark in more ways than one.

With a worried frown, Moogie sat up and looked around. There was the campfire, untended and lifeless. Amongst the debris she could see the skewer that Camazotz had offered to her the night before. Camazotz... where was he? She glanced all around, but he was nowhere to be seen. She hurriedly stood up, eyeing her surroundings with fearful suspicion. How long had he left her alone out here? She inspected the floor carefully, eager to find tracks of some kind; and she did. His heavy boots left imprints in the soft earth, and using her keen feline eyes, she began to follow them cautiously. After a few meters, she looked up. The direction was unmistakable; he was heading towards Oja\'Renin.

\"That\'s odd... he said we should be avoiding people...\" she muttered to herself, squinting at the distant town. She could see tiny pillars of smoke rising from the crude chimneys of the underdeveloped houses, a sure sign that the place was at least inhabited. The girl wondered if he had sneaked away purposefully, leaving her to succum to the harsh wild beasts that surely prowled these hills. Or the killer that seemed bent on getting rid of them both. Maybe he had abandoned her to save himself? After all, she saw no reason why he should be putting his life on the line for a cause that didn\'t seem to involve him in the slightest. Then again, she knew too little to make any sort of guess about any of this. She sighed, rubbing her eyes. Moogie focused again on the ground and the tracks the Xacha had left. \"Well, there\'s only one way to find out...\" And with that thought, she set out towards the village.

Leilani watched her brother as he passed through the wooden gates and stepped out into the free world. She stood silently, back pressed against the wall of the building that hid her from the view of the crowd, who cheered and congratulated the young man as he departed. She had planned her escape the night before, after having approached her parents with tearful thanks and promises that she would one day return. Their understanding and sacrifice had left her stunned for most of the day; she felt guilty now, after such a gesture of trust and love, but she was also immeasurably thankful that they had allowed her to find her own life beyond the usual fate of Renin girls. Before she left the house that morning, her mother had braided a beautiful Sek\'Uchi flower into her hair; the flower had been blessed with crystal magicks that kept it preserved and full of life for as long as she kept it worn. It was a gift, a symbol of her parents\' love for her, and she vowed that it would still be as bright and beautiful when she returned to them.

She idly fumbled with the braid as she waited for the crowd to disperse. Although she knew her brother would wait for her outside of the village, she was still nervous. Having never left Oja\'Renin before in her life, she was anxious to meet up with him again as soon as she could. She watched friends and family talking and waving by the gates, some sobbing and wiping their tears away with cloth hankerchiefs, others comforting eachother with proudful hugs. An opportunity suddenly arose- nobody was looking this way! Leilani dashed towards the village wall and a small hole dug in the ground at its base. Heart pounding, she prayed that she wouldn\'t be spotted; if someone saw her trying to leave, the Elders would be furious. She couldn\'t let that happen. The hole was barely large enough for her to squeeze through; her short skirt caught on a rock as she passed underneath the wall, tearing it slightly. She pulled her body back up on the other side with great effort, wriggling somewhat as her hips almost trapped her halfway through. As she stood up, clothes muddy and torn in several places, she sighed hugely.

\"I could\'ve thought of a cleaner way, damn!\" She exclaimed, patting herself down in a vain attempt to remove the smudges. With a huff, she gave up. The road leading from the village disappeared into the trees of a nearby wood, so Leilani ran towards there quickly before she was seen. She was so excited; this was a brave new world for the young Ylian. Her sadness and guilt melted completely as she trotted happily down the pebbled path, watching the towering trees as they swayed freely in the breeze. Under their sheltering gaze, she felt equally as free, and giggled delightfully as she spotted her brother up ahead, and began running towards him.

Moogie had entered a small forest on her journey towards the village. The trees cast dancing shadows on the ground all around her as the rustling leaves sent cold shivers down her spine. She felt alone, uneasy in this unfamiliar territory. She had never visited these regions before; her duties took her to many large cities and castles, places with many citizens and rich nobles, places ripe with corrupt minds in need of the careful observation of her Shadowkin. But never had she been sent to such a desolate place before, and certainly not alone. Moogie was no fighter; she had seen her fair share of combat, but only as support for the brave souls couragous enough to weild a sword at a bloodlusting beast. She used her innate Crystal magic abilities to sooth wounds, ease pain, and speed up the healing process. When it came to defending herself, quick reactions and a speedy retreat was all she had to rely on.

She spotted a figure up ahead. Was it Camazotz? No... there was something... strange about him. He stood awkwardly, arms limp to his sides. She quickened her pace, wondering if she could do anything to help the stranger. She noticed it as she drew closer; a barely visible, thin black spike protruded from the man\'s motionless chest. It curved wickely inwards, like a claw... The feline stopped in her tracks, staring intently as the claw retracted back through the man\'s body, letting him fall lifelessly to the floor. His shocked expression did not change as his face hit the gravel with a thud, blood from the corners of his mouth splashing along the ground. There, standing just behind him, was a creature that resembled a slender female elf, with skin dark as coal. Her fingertips ended in incredibly long, thin claws, one now dripping with blood. Two leathery wings held closed pressed losely against her back, large enough to carry this creature into flight, Moogie guessed. It had a silver amulet hanging on a chain around its neck, an unfamiliar symbol embedded at the center. She stared at it, afraid to make a move. It looked fast, agile, and extremely dangerous.

Without warning, the monster shrieked, throwing its head towards the sky, its wings reaching out, stretching powerfully in a display of primal anger. Its purple, flaming eyes suddenly fixed themselves on Moogie, who immediately turned and fled, sprinting into the undergrowth. It charged with full speed, powerful wings beating heavily to propell the beast forward. The feline dodged back and forth, over fallen logs, inbetween trees, changing direction at a whim. She struggled to hold up her dress, panic striking her every time she felt it snag on a twig or a plant. She cursed under her breath; It was slowing her down. The gargoyle was closing the gap quickly; Moogie could hear its thumping wingbeats so close now. Her mind raced as she leapt over another dead tree, but landing awkwardly, losing her footing and tumbling uncontrollably down a steep hill. She cried out as she heard the distinct crunch of bone as her body landed heavily on her arm at the base of the slope. Unable to move from the pain, she watched helplessly as the creature dove towards her, claws outstretched for the bloody kill.

Her view was blinded by a billowing black cape; Camazotz seemingly appeared out of nowhere and placed himself between Moogie and the creature. Almost instantaneously, Moogie heard him grunt as the gargoyle slammed heavily into him, unable to change its course in time. Their bodies were thrown several feet back by the force, and they rolled along the ground, locked together untill they stopped, the Xacha on top, gripping both the creature\'s claws in his hands. It struggled and screamed, eyes flaring at him, but it could do nothing. Moogie would have simply awed at such strength, but the pain had become unbearable. She could no longer move her arm, and lay clutching it in agony. Camazotz sneered at the monster beneath him, and moved his knee to hold one of the claws down while he used his free hand to unsheath the silver Sai from his belt; the same weapon he had used to kill the Gobble. But the creature\'s shrieks turned into a cackle, and as it began to laugh, its body was shrouded in a cloud of dark mist. The Xacha stood up, backing off. He cursed as the creature disappeared from sight, the fog dispersing into the wind.

\"Gren\'Fkur!\" He growled, sheathing his weapon in anger. He turned to Moogie. \"Can you stand?\" He demanded. She noticed the urgent tone of his voice, and took his question as an order. She struggled to her feet, yelping in pain. Camazotz approached her quickly, sweeping her up off her feet and attacking the slope with speed.

\"Owww! Be careful, you! I think I broke my arm, slow down!\" She protested, but her pleas fell on deaf ears as he swiftly transported her back through the trees towards the road.

That was like... omg so long! *scream*
Edit: Some fixes
« Last Edit: May 28, 2005, 02:59:34 pm by Moogie »

Under the moon

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« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2005, 12:10:19 am »
The pace is fine. It seems as if you are moving towards a conjoining of your two storylines. I hope that is what you were going for...or perhaps I am wrong.

Very creepy description of the \'claw\'. I am sure that will give someone nightmares if they ponder it too much. *begins envisioning it, with that omnipresent X Files blue spotlight in the background* Ya, that\'ll do it. But I hope that dead man isn\'t who I think it might be.

Camazots seems to like picking up Moogie a lot, doesn\'t he? ;)

Soll Decatur

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« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2005, 06:19:31 am »
Great writing Moogie! I especially liked chapter 2, because of the nice emotional display. I think that\'s what differentiates between a writer and an even greater writer; the abilty to present a character\'s psychology to the reader. Keep it up, and I\'ll keep reading.


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« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2005, 08:51:21 pm »
Chapter 5

The forest had begun to settle again, nervous and silent in the wake of the deadly chase which had ripped through the secluded world. But it would not last. A high pitched scream pierced the air, sending birds scattering panicked from the trees high above. The girl stood infront of the pierced body of her brother Sam, lying on the path before her, wounded and lifeless. She stood, hands covering her mouth, unable to stop the painful sobs escaping her bosom as her eyes searched his body, tears streaming down her soft cheeks. She knelt urgently beside his head, cradling it in her arm, hoping, praying that he was still alive- but he lay still. His unblinking eyes stared past her, hollow and empty. He was...

\"Your brother is not dead.\" A voice said simply. Leilani, startled, leapt to her feet and turned to the source; a tall Xacha stood there, his clothes slightly messed from the brawl moments earlier, gently lowering a white Enkidukai to the ground. The feline\'s eyes brimmed with pain, but her expression seemed more concerned as she quickly approached Sam\'s body the second her feet touched the ground. The Ylian girl could only watch in confusion as Moogie checked his vital signs, before turning her head quizzically to Camazotz.

\"But... h-he has no pulse...\" Moogie whispered.

The Xacha approached them, crossing his arms and letting his eyes wander up to the towering canopy of leaves above them. ?That demon...\" he began to explain, \"It is not a naturally occurring creature. It is a creation. A construction of Mages...\" He trailed off, lowered his head, eyes viewing the lifeless figure on the ground. \"Its proper name is Callicantzaros. It doesn\'t kill its victims; that isn\'t its purpose.\"

Leilani, who had been quietly sobbing to herself as she listened, decided to speak up. \"So what does it do? What has it done to my brother!?\" She pleaded, clasping her hands together tightly.

The Xacha looked at her directly. \"It steals their souls.\" His reply was devoid of emotion.

Moogie rose from the ground, holding her broken arm, more annoyed than concerned by its insistent pain. She looked at Leilani, then to Camazotz, her brow knit in concern. \"Like some sort of... vampire?\" She thought aloud. An unfamiliar, almost invisible emotion glinted in the Xacha\'s red eyes as he turned from them.

Leilani scampered around to his front urgently, gripping his coat with both hands. \"You mean he\'s alive? My brother isn\'t dead? That means we can get him back right? How do you know all this? You can help me can\'t you? Please help me get him back!!\" she begged pitifully. His eyebrow raised, unexpectant of this sudden outburst, but he let her shake him for a while longer until she suddenly realized what she was doing and stopped. With an odd look of confusion, she took a clumsy step or two backwards. \"Who are you guys anyway?\" She asked nervously. Moogie and Camazotz glanced at each other.

\"It would seem some introductions are in order.\" The Xacha shrugged, leaving the small talk for Moogie to handle.


It was midday, and the light of the Azure sun penetrated through the gaps between trees as they sway steadily back and forth, the rustling of leaves reminicent of the sound of waves breaking in the distance against a calm shore. Camazotz had taken them into the forest and found a suitable clearing where he lay the body of the man under a tree, and began a campfire nearby using a Fire glyph to ignite a pile of sticks and twigs. He instructed Moogie to search for a special herb that they would use to keep Sam preserved and slow his decay. The white-furred feline didn\'t fully understand his reasons, and was beginning to feel dizzy as the pain in her arm throbbed ever harder, but set out to do as she was instructed. Her own pain could wait; there was not much time. The humidity of the forest would speed up the decay of the body and soon there would be no hope of saving him. Leilani sat by her brother, staring silently at the ground, her mind deep in thought. She glanced up as the Xacha approached, crossing his arms again. She felt as gloomy as he looked.

\"I know you have many questions. Ask whatever you wish.\" Camazotz spoke after a moment. \"You are young; I can tell you\'ve never experienced death before. It must be... a sombre experience.\"

She nodded. She had so many questions, she didn\'t know where to begin. After some fumbling, she decided it was best to start at the beginning. \"Okay... so, where did you guys come from? You just suddenly showed up... and knew all these things...\" she said, the confusion evident enough in her voice as her thoughts struggled to form a coherent sentence.

Camazotz looked thoughtful for a while. \"We are on a journey. You can think of me as a prophet; I have seen these things before, and I know the path ahead.\" There was some doubt in his words, however. He had forseen the death of the girl\'s brother- not the taking of his soul. And he hadn\'t anticipated the chase that nearly cost him the feline he was struggling to protect. If he had seen the future in so many visions, why were events changing now? His thoughts were disrupted by the girl\'s voice, bringing him out of his reverie. She seemed oblivious to his uncertainty.

\"Wow... so you can see the future? So why are you travelling? If I could see the future I think I\'d become a professional gambler at the Skyrider races!\" She exclaimed, seemingly forgetting all about the body of her brother laying a few feet away.

The Xacha chuckled. \"You\'re a noisy one, arn\'t you?\" He grinned slightly, though his smile was once again masked under the dark scarf. For some reason, this girl\'s youthful energy was a welcome respite from his usual circumstances. But Leilani took his comment as one of scorn, her smile disappearing as she lowered her eyes to the floor disappointedly. His grin widened in amusement, but he decided to stay quiet. At least if she was going to be joining them, he would need her to be obediant- and what better way to keep a child in line than to frightened them?

Moogie appeared a few moments later, scampering towards them with an armful of leafy herbs. She approached the campfire, kneeling and dropping them on the ground infront of her. She immediately held her arm again and squeezed her eyes for a few seconds. \"I hope these are the right ones?\" She asked labouredly, looking over at the two.

Camazotz nodded and stepped forward, Leilani following to watch what they were doing. What he did next amazed her. Reaching into his inside pocket, he picked out a glyph of Water, and after a short moment of concentration created a ball of pure liquid that shimmered and rippled in the air. At the same time, he presented yet another glyph, rough in texture, resembling a regular quarry stone. This one, Moogie had learned, was used in the formation of a magical protection called Rock Armour, and as they watched, the water became encased in a hollow shell of rock that surrounded it completely. Leilani gasped in amazement just for seeing magic working before her very eyes, but Moogie was more impressed by the Xacha\'s resourceful use of the glyphs.

\"That should do it...\" He said, reaching out to catch the ball as it fell the moment he hid the water glyph back in his coat. Using a nearby stone, he broke open a hole in the top of the rock sphere, revealing the trapped water inside, which spilled slightly from the force. \"Now, put the herbs inside here.\"

Moogie did as he ordered, breaking the leaves up small enough to fit and then dropping them into the container. He then ground them for at least five minutes using a stick picked out from the fire, before taking the mixture over to the body. Leilani, being young and niave, didn\'t fully understand what was happening, and fumbled nervously with her hands as she watched Camazotz pouring the mixture into her brother\'s mouth.

Moogie came up beside her and gave her a reassuring hug. \"Don\'t worry... when someone leaves their body behind, it starts to decay, just like a plant that doesn\'t get enough water, you see?\" she softly explained.

\"So you\'re... watering him?\" The girl whimpered. Camazotz grinned again, barely able to contain his amusement.

\"Uh, I guess... in a way... yes, yes we\'re watering him... so don\'t worry, okay Leilani?\" Moogie comforted her with a warm smile.

The girl returned the feline\'s hug, feeling somewhat less alone and scared now than she had been before. \"Call me Lani.\" She sniffed, wiping her eyes.

Camazotz, having finished the task, rose to his feet. \"That should be enough for a few days, but we need to put him somewhere the air can\'t get to him,\" He looked around, adding, \"Not to mention the wildlife.\" His eyes surveyed the area, but he couldn\'t see far through the thickness of the trees.

\"Camazotz?\" Moogie ventured, unable to keep her silence any longer. She made sure Leilani stayed where she was and approached the Xacha to stand closely by his side. \"Why are we doing this? Is there hope of bringing his soul back...?\" She whispered cautiously. He nodded.

\"If we can find the Callicantzaros before the body rots too badly, yes.\" Camazotz replied thoughtfully.

\"But I don\'t understand... You want to help this girl? Out of the kindness of your heart? I mean, call me crazy, but... I just don\'t see you doing this unless you need something out of it.\" She hushed her voice again, realising her anxiety was picking up the tone. Leilani watched their backs as they whispered, trying to read the movements.

Camazotz chuckled and shook his head. \"No, sweet Moogie. I think you know what to expect by now. We need to speak to this man. The Callicantzaros belongs to the very cult who\'s prophecy I\'m tracking.\" He explained. \"It doesn\'t last very long in this world, you see. It must be summoned. He was surely confronted by the cult before the demon was called here, so he may be able to help us.\" The Xacha turned to look at Leilani, who was by now at least five steps closer. She quickly feigned uninterest, stubbing her toe on the ground and swinging her arms in pretend boredom. He turned back to the feline indifferently. \"The girl can\'t come with us.\"

\"Why not? I-!\" Leilani stopped herself as they turned and found her on tiptoes beside them. She stammered for a while, her eyes shifting to the floor. \"I can\'t go back to the village... they would keep me there my whole life, don\'t you understand? Girls don\'t ever get to leave! And I... I left with my brother... for a new life...\" Her eyes began to fill up tearfully again in sorrow.

Moogie took the girl by the hand and looked into her eyes. \"You\'re coming with us. Don\'t worry. I\'ll keep you safe, I promise.\" The look in her eyes told Leilani she was serious. \"We\'ll get your brother back to you, but it\'s going to be dangerous. You have to promise to be good and do exactly what we say, okay?\" The girl replied with a sincere nod, and Moogie smiled, satisfied enough. \"Okay.\"

\"Moogie.\" The feline turned towards Camazotz, gasping when she saw Sam\'s body slung over his shoulder and a serious look in his eyes. \"I will take him somewhere safe. I want you and the little girl to head south from here. As long as you stay quiet and out of sight, you should stay safe.\" Leilani mumbled quietly about being called a \'little girl\', but the complaint went unheard.

\"Why south?\" Moogie asked, fatigue weighing her voice. \"Camazotz, I really need to see a healer for my arm...\"

\"Trust me.\" And with a sly wink, he turned away and began running. His speed increased exponentially as he departed, and soon he was gone.

Leilani whistled in disbelief. \"Wow, how does he do that?\" She gasped, eyes wide in wonder.

But Moogie could only shake her head. \"I\'ve never asked...\" Taking the girl by the hand, she headed south through the trees. She just hoped that the Xacha knew what he was doing; there had been enough deadly suprises for her lately, and leaving them alone here didn\'t sound like a good idea at all.

Took all day to write, seriously. I\'m not sure how well the pace is going here... how do things sound? Thanks for the comments as always. :)

Edit: Moon, thank you so much. :) I made one small alteration to the changes you suggested, but the rest was perfect, and I\'ve restructured the whole thing by your PMs.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2005, 10:42:17 pm by Moogie »

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« Reply #13 on: June 04, 2005, 01:11:29 am »
*edit after Moogie\'s edit* Glad to help. Editing your story gave me the most awsome idea for CoS III. ;)

Damn! I knew it.. I just knew it. It had to be Sam, didn\'t it? Good twist with the soul stealing, though I like to call them Auras ;).  I\'m glad he\'s not really dead, as that would be just too sad for Leilani. And Moogie ignoring a broken arm?! She\'s one tough cookie, she is.

Buuuut, some parts are a little hard to understand at first reading. I had to stop and look back a few times to figure out who was talking/thinking/acting. Give me a PM if you would like me to point out where I mean. :)

Oh, and sorry for messing up Camazotz\'s prophecy/visions/whatever. My bad. ;)
« Last Edit: June 05, 2005, 11:24:15 pm by Under the moon »


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« Reply #14 on: June 06, 2005, 03:10:45 pm »
This story is fascinating. I get the feeling that there is a much larger story being woven here, and we only get to see glimpses of it.

I don\'t think this is a tale to dissappoint!

Eagerly awaiting the next chapter :)

- Ayshe
The Felines Lair