Author Topic: StarWarsgalaxies... pondering on the idea.  (Read 236 times)


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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StarWarsgalaxies... pondering on the idea.
« on: May 22, 2005, 06:28:40 am »
Why is it that its wrong to let some players start out with an advantage over others. For example, to become a jedi one can \"become\" force sensitive and then become a padawan. Why is it not so that only a few gifted individual players can become jedi due to their ownage of excessive medichloreans (which is decided when the character is created)? Thats how it works in the films. Because at the moment the whole game is overrun by jedi. God, SOE is so bad. How can people with so little vision work on a game who\'s influences span throughout the whole world?



  • Crystal Space Developer
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« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2005, 08:42:16 am »
I quit after I became a jedi. Got boring as I had every badge, mastered quite a few profs, and then was jedi and had nothing to do. It became far too easy to be a jedi. I know that there was at least 200 force sensitive people on my server when I quit, plus a load of jedi.


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2005, 09:00:49 am »
I have never had the game, but whichever game I come across, I always visualise so many ways in which to imporve it.  
Every time I come across the words Star Wars my brain is overrun by thoughts of how cool it would be, if only I was in charge of developement. All mmorpgs are becoming the same, I wonder why nobody just thinks outside of the box. Its not hard since the box is imaginary anyway.

PS: I\'m not talking Planeshift-outside-of-the-box, that\'s just weird. But thats why we love Planeshift (well at least I say I love it, since Xordan\'s here) - just joking.

Edit: and my closed thread count moves up to 16. Thnx Moogie, I luv you.
I actualy though I\'d be left alone in the Hydlaa Plaza.

I think that me and Xordan are alike in personality. For our deleted post to non deleted post ratio is fairly similar.
Rock on.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2005, 04:59:54 am by ajdaha »