Author Topic: New Octarch, the Vote!  (Read 5991 times)


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #45 on: June 12, 2005, 06:32:43 pm »
OOC: A dream?? Whats that all about? My character is doing stuff and other people decide it\'s all just a dream? I mean come on someone is flaming me for having them go through a window when even others say that they practicly already said that but it is OK to turn my character into a figment of someone elses characters imagination?

What kind of roleplaying is that? when in the end it didn\'t even happen?

I think I made pretty clear I don\'t like this at all and I shall not cooperate with this kind of \"it never happened\"


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« Reply #46 on: June 12, 2005, 06:51:10 pm »
It\'s been made clear that this was mainly for forum entertainment value, just something to do. I doubt that all stories that go into the RP section of the forums are actually carried out and remembered by characters in-game, so I don\'t know why this cannot be a similar case. As we asked you (OOC) in-game, Pestilence, how would you have continued this? What powers would you have the Octarch take, and how would you go about making sure that the decisions of the Octarch will be enforced? It is an impossible task, at least at this stage of the development.

All in all, you may not \"cooperate\" with this ending, but I can guarantee that there will be those that will look at you funny for mentioning an election at all ;)

Originally posted by Under the moon

*This is a test of the PS Community System.*

This is only a test. If this were an actual election, you would be asked to go to your nearest Circle Palace and pledge sovereign to the new Octarch.

To make myself perfectly clear, we are not trying to appoint a permanent Octarch. At this time, we are only role-playing the election itself. Once the election is over, any RPing that is done is out of my hands. Perhaps a future election will have further rules for a ruling system, but not this one.

Note: This plan may change at any point before the actual election takes place. Also, as of yet, there is no set timescale for cycles.

*This has been a test of the PS Community System.*
« Last Edit: June 12, 2005, 06:54:12 pm by Karyuu »
Judge: Are you trying to show contempt for this court, Mr Smith?
Smith: No, My Lord. I am attempting to conceal it.


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« Reply #47 on: June 12, 2005, 08:01:11 pm »
OOC: With that said...

Darkshade opened his eyes slowly, taking note of the surroundings...
He was in a forest, he was sure of that, but which forest?
He had vague memories, of an political event, and he stored that away for future reference.

\"You\'re awake...\" a voice out of the shadows exclaimed.

Darkshade whirled, only to see Sefron, grinning, with his hands above his head.

\"Where are we, Sefron? Is this one of your jokes?\" Darkshade demanded from the assassin

Sefron laughed, and lowered his hands.
\"No, this isn\'t one of my \'jokes\' as you put it. We\'re in the forest near Hydlaa, if you must know. And I believe someone you may know is nearby\"
Sefron grinned, and pointed through the trees
\"If you want to see her, she\'s through there...\"

Darkshade paused for a moment, and narrowed his eyes
\"Are you implying something, Sefron? Like with what my dream had to do?\" Darkshade rested his hand on his bow, a vague threat.

Sefron\'s eyes never stopped gleaming
\"Perhaps. Perhaps it was all a dream, or maybe not, you\'ll never know.\" He laughed, and continued \"Only certain people, will ever know the truth, about dreams, about reality.\"

Darkshade glanced through the trees.
\"But... why are you here? I thought...-\"

Sefron cuts him off
\"I came here to sample some of Hydlaa\'s goods, friend, no trouble intended.\"

Darkshade considered that, and walks towards the trees

\"Oh, and Darkshade...?\" Sefron called out.

Darkshade paused, but did not turn around

\"Consider one of your debts repaid, friend.\"

Darkshade half-turned, stopped, and continued walking

Sefron watched him go, before he commented to himself
\"What he confided to me, is still not done...\"
Sefron lifts a simple object, with a few names scrawled on them...
\"A pity...\"
Netrhys Tanhren...
\"They still don\'t know...\"
Ayshe Alchamet...
\"And... My duty still stands, Darkshade...\"
Tybalt the Red Monk...
\"As if I shirk duties, bah!\"
Duke Ordo...
\"More names... And more to do... I\'m going to have to give up being an assassin!\"
Meriner Seraphim...
\"I\'m not like the others...\"
Nilaya Kaeli...

Sefron twiddles the amulet. between his fingers
\"I still remember, Had... And I will furfill that promise I made...\"

Sefron pockets the simple amulet... Then he whispers on the wind...

\"I swear, on the Liatran, those on the amulet I carry, shall be under my protection... For as long as I can...\"
He disappears into the shadows...

- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Darkshade stubles into a clearing, with light shedding through the canopy. He looked left and right, but saw no one.
But then, he spotted a white cloaked figure...

\"Nilaya? What are you doing here?\"
He looked at her sitting on the ground, so peacefully, so free...
\"I think we should get back to the other Explorers, Nil...\"
He offered his hand to the sitting Enkidukai.

\"I believe I know my way out...\"

OOC: EDIT\'d for fixing mistakes...
And, to actually show what Sefron\'s true purpose was, and what he will continue to do.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2005, 08:08:07 pm by Darkblade »
Crazy am I. Not responsable for crazyness that ensues.

Under the moon

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« Reply #48 on: June 12, 2005, 11:02:26 pm »
@Pestilence>  ;) No one ever said it didn\'t happen. It is just a path that Fate would not allow to happen. We all understood this going in, and since Nilaya won, she has earned the right to end it how she sees fit.

I will be continuing this story near the end of \'Chain of Souls; Path of Fate\'...or perhaps replaying it would be a better description. There was a reason for the shadow cloaked figure on the roof. ;)
« Last Edit: June 12, 2005, 11:04:08 pm by Under the moon »


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« Reply #49 on: June 13, 2005, 06:32:01 am »
Well in the future be more clear. I reread the opening post and nowhere does it state that it\'s going to be just for fun. It even states people are encouraged to roleplay in-game.

How will someone enforce it? Enforcing wont be possible but roleplaying I see many possibilities I would have liked to try out. Sure the Octarch would have no force as in having the guards round people up, but he would have the power that other people gave him/her. What true power do guildleaders have? None besides kick you out the guild. Still people listen to them when they are a member of that guild.


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« Reply #50 on: June 13, 2005, 06:56:14 am »
\"Damn!!\" Keder swears as she awakens. \"Even in my dreams i can\'t fully conceal my lack of trust\"

Bitter, Keder Maloy climbs down from the tree and begins to make her way to the guildhall of the Feline\'s Lair, still cursing herself for her inability to trust those she is closest to.

She stops short, aware of something watching her. Carefully listening and feeling, she tries to discover her watcher without moving. After a few unsuccessful minutes, she shrugs, assuming that it is only her own fears getting the better of her again. However, in the brief pause, her mind also wandered back to her dream.

\"Something feels ... off ... about this dream...\" she mutters. \"Almost as if it wasn\'t a normal dream...\" Keder resumes her walk back to the guildhall. \"Perhaps i\'ll tell Ayshe about it. If nothing else, it will ease my mind. Trust or not, she\'s been a good friend and ally since i met her. i should trust her. She\'s given ample reason to trust her by her actions the first day we met. It has now been around six months and in that time she\'s never done anything to void that, and time and again give more reason to trust her.\" Keder drops to her knees crying. She screams to the heavens, \"WHY CAN\'T i TRUST ANYONE!!!???\" Then she turns and runs on all fours deeper into the forest.

A several minutes run past where she slept the night, Keder stumbles and colapses, still crying. Perhaps an hour later, she looks around herself. Still in the forest, it looks like any other part of the forest with one exception. There is a small cave nearby. Grimly, Keder gets up and walks to the cave. \"Appropriate,\" is the only thing keder mutters to herself as she enters the cave and curls up, still crying, and drifts to sleep.

--- keder maloy


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« Reply #51 on: June 13, 2005, 01:30:32 pm »
OOC: Nilaya won and thus deserves to decide the ending, like Moon said. But why is everybody else waking up for a dream as well? You mean that you all dreamt the exact same tream or what? Thats...surreal :D


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« Reply #52 on: June 13, 2005, 02:00:15 pm »
Indeed, it was a dream that grew from the minds of many ;) Premonition, maybe?
Judge: Are you trying to show contempt for this court, Mr Smith?
Smith: No, My Lord. I am attempting to conceal it.


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« Reply #53 on: June 13, 2005, 02:25:59 pm »
Aye. I, too, think that the dream solution is the best way to go about it, considering that there is no way to follow up on being actual Octarch. This way, we can have it ingame without actually affecting it unless people wish. I had no solution to this dilemma, so my hope was that it would continue with the RPers. Indeed, the dream interpretation surprised me, but after thinking about it for a while, I welcome it as the solution that is less troublesome. It still preserves the possibility of RP.

IMO, each and every char that has participated in this, be it by voting, campaigning, deliberately not voting or whatever, would have participated in the collective dream. It would not be a figment of one single char\'s imagination. Everyone would have done what they have done, just to find out that it was an unusually realistic dream that, moreover, was shared with the exact persons in the dream.
It has that certain mysterious touch that makes legends.

Under the moon

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« Reply #54 on: June 14, 2005, 12:56:25 am »
The way I am personally going to treat this is that it did happen....but then it didn\'t. It was not a dream, yet everyone perceives it as one. And just as a dream does, this will soon fade from memory...for most people. The lucky ones. Surreal indeed.

On another note; Whoot! Arnigus\'s estranged father is still alive! Should make for some interesting conversation if they meet.


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« Reply #55 on: June 17, 2005, 08:00:51 am »
The light is dim when keder awakens. She looks around and sees the small cave she cried herself to sleep in. \"Why can\'t i learn to trust?\" keder askes herself. She knows painfully well the answer, but not a way to change it.

keder crawls out of the cave and straightens up. \"Talking with Ayshe will help. Jityshe simply views this as a weakness in me, and i can\'t blame him. i agree. But his rather gruff \'Get over it\' answer doesn\'t help me.\" With that, keder begins walking back toward the city and the guild hall of the Feline\'s Lair.

It is well into the night when keder reaches the city. She stops and takes several deep breaths. Feeling a little calmer, she forces a slight smile to her face and enters the city, heading for the guild hall.

Before keder reaches the third building, she has lost her calm and dives for a shadow. Cursing herself under her breath, she then climbs to the top of the building and makes her way to the guild hall unseen from rooftop to rooftop.

On the roof of the Feline\'s Lair guild hall, keder finds the window to Ayshe\'s room. Remembering Hart\'s instruction, keder carefully lowers herself upsidedown above Ayshe\'s window and uses a small mirror to look around Ayshe\'s room. Seeing only Ayshe there, keder tosses a small stone with a paper wrapped around it.

Ayshe hears the stone hit the floor and shakes her head. \"Keder, will you ever use the main doors?\" Ayshe asks without even looking. \"Yes, i can talk for a bit. Come in. You and Hart, always keeping to the shadows...\" Ayshe chuckles. \"At least you have devotion to your skills.\"

keder releases the rope and turns a half circle as she falls, landing lightly on her feet, almost without a sound. Ayshe\'s ears twitch, \"You made sound? Keder, what\'s wrong?\"

\"Trust still eludes me,\" keder said flatly. Looking at the floor, she then proceded to tell Ayshe every detail of her dream, up to Ayshe hugging her and her flinching. Crying again, keder interrupts herself, \"Even in a dream i can\'t trust anyone... not even you Ayshe.\" keder looks up for the first time since she started her tail. Quite surprised by the look on Ayshe\'s face, \"Ayshe, you look like you\'ve seen a ghost. What\'s going on?\"

\"I had the same dream...\" is Ayshe\'s reply

--- keder maloy
« Last Edit: June 17, 2005, 08:03:25 am by keder »