Author Topic: Little Experiment 3  (Read 5458 times)

40 pancakes

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Little Experiment 3
« on: June 04, 2005, 01:06:52 am »
My previous username was LondonWalker, or quiksilver012. If you remember me, chances are you joined the original little experiment and little experiment 2, and will know that they are really good fun. Here are the rules;

1. After reading the previous post, make an addition to the story. It can\'t be too unrealistic, and try to make it original and interesting.

2. Post an inventory of the main characters items at the bottom of your post.

[EDIT] Due to threats of whipping and/or dancing, it is now located in an anonymous location outside of Yliakum. Ruben is a Ylian, Glyure is a Dermorian, I think.

4. Your post must have a minimum of 80 words, this isn\'t a three word post story.

5. Try and be as descriptive as you can be. I\'d like to make this a story when it\'s done so decriptiveness would help.

6. Not too many action scenes! Action is good but we want to have a storyline as well...

Here we go...

Ruben lifted up his head, and looked around. His vision spun, and everything was blurry. He was in a grassy field, he could spot a large forest to his left and a lake to his right. Small deer were grazing nearby and looked up at him as he tried to get up. His limbs weren\'t cooperating, for some reason. He had no memory of anything that had happened prior to waking up besides one thing, a sword, and that his name was Ruben. He looked down at himself, he was wearing a well tailored pair of trousers and a simple but good quality shirt. In his pocket was a 6\" knife. His clothes were wet, and so was he, he must have been there for at least two days. He felt a grumbling in his stomach, and resolved that he had to find food.

Well tailored trousers
Good quility white shirt
Leather boots
6\" knife
« Last Edit: June 09, 2005, 03:15:01 am by 40 pancakes »
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Soll Decatur

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« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2005, 08:10:51 am »
\"Finding food was in the absence of fishing gear best done in the woods\", thought Ruben. He ventured into the woods looking for some edible plants. Ruben didn\'t have any knowledge about forest vegetation and couldn\'t really tell which plants were really edible and which were not, so he had to trust his instinct. After a ten minute walk he found a pack of bushes which had red berries hanging from the branches. Ruben took one and examined it closely. It surely looked edible, but was it? The grumbling of his stomach and the lifeless feeling in his limbs gave him a strong compulsion towards deciding for the first option.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2005, 08:13:01 am by Soll Decatur »

Under the moon

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« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2005, 04:01:21 pm »
Not related to PS, huh? This'll most likely get moved to the Plaza. Original? You asked for it. ;) Added status and company.

"Here goes nothing." Ruben tossed one of the large berries into the air, intending on catching it in his mouth. But as it reached its apex, a loud crack echoed though the air, splattering the berry in mid-flight?and all over his face and eyes. "Damn!" he shouted, trying to rub the sticky, stinging chunks of goo out of his eyes. What the hell kind of berries where these? The stinging increased, becoming an almost unbearable pain. He scrubbed harder but the burning only continued to get worse. Suddenly he felt something grab his hair, pulling his head back painfully.

"Put your hands down and hold still, fool, unless you want to go blind," a woman's deep voice commanded. In his currant situation, he had no choice but to comply. Soothing water pored over his face and eyes, taking away most of the pain. As the water stopped, he realized his vision blurred and warped to nearly the point of blindness.

"I can't see," he said, panicking.

"Your sight will return in a day or two, I guess your stuck with me for that time," said the sultry voice. "You're lucky I came along when I did, and my skill with a whip is still top notch, or you would be quite dead by now."

"Who are you?"

A long pause. "I am Glyure... though I ask that you never repeat that name to any of your fellow guardsmen.?


A longer pause. "You don't remember? No wonder you almost ate a Deaththorn berry."

Well tailored trousers
Good quality, berry stained white shirt
Leather boots

Temporarily blind

Glyure... a woman with a whip and a secret.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2007, 08:41:06 pm by Under the moon »

40 pancakes

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« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2005, 06:08:27 pm »
((Thanks for your interest guys! Remember to add the Inventory, and the status and company as well(Thanks Under the moon!), and the new one I added, what he has equipped.  Oh, and if possible I\'d like the next poster to make Glyure be a young female elf with black hair, to fit in with the story I have in mind.))

\"Well obviously, otherwise I wouldn\'t have tryed to eat one\" He mumbled.

He looked in Glyures direction, all he could see was a tall, slim figure, he walked towards her and she set off, not slowly either.

After they had been walking for a few minutes, the blur of pale green grass changed to dark green, \'she must live in the forest\' thought Ruben.

\"Keep up son, if you get left behind the wolves will get you\" Teased Glyure with an amused voice.

\"I didn\'t catch your name, what might it be?\"

\"Ruben\" He replied as they came up to a small brown blob, maybe it was her house. Glyure approached the door, mumbled something under her breath, and a click could be heard. She opened the door and stepped in. Ruben shuffled his feet a bit, he was nervous going into a random strangers house.

\"Do you want to be blind and cold? Come in you silly boy\" She scolded. For some reason Ruben remembered that tone and instantly complied, feeling a wash of foolishness go over him. He moved through the door and was guided into a seat by Glyure.

\"Wait there, I\'ll get you some dry clothing\" She said, moving off to Rubens right.

Ruben looked around the room. He could make out a window, a green rug, and a large, round wooden table. He still felt slightly uncomfortable being in someones house that he didn\'t know, but resolved that it was better than being out in the open in this condition.

\"There you go\" Said Glyure, when Ruben felt the light weight of the clothing drop onto his lap. He sat there for a minute, still feeling uncomfortable, when he heard Glyure say \"I\'m not in the room you know, you can change now if you are that self conscious\"

With that he changed with some difficulty into the new set of clothes. From what he could tell it was an archers uniform, dark green shirt and brown leather jerkin, with a pair of slightly loose trousers. He kept his own boots and put his knife in his pocket. Glyure moved in again and took his old clothes, maybe to dry or wash them.

Well tailored trousers
Good quality, berry stained white shirt
Leather boots
6\" knife
Dark green shirt
Brown leather jerkin
Slightly loose trousers

Leather boots
6\" knife
Dark green shirt
Brown leather jerkin
Slightly loose trousers

Temporarily blind

Glyure... a woman with a whip and a secret.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2005, 02:46:40 am by 40 pancakes »
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Under the moon

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« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2005, 11:04:27 pm »
*looks at new rules 4-6*

Carpfish! Now I have to write more than three words? How shall I ever achieve that ponderous task? So you would like more details, huh? And a plot? Time to step out of the ordinary and stir things up. Grab your seat, you're in for a bumpy ride.

By special request...

Ruben yawned and stretched his arms above and behind his head until his shoulders cracked. He then rolled his head from side to side, emitting another series of satisfying pops and cracks. Much more satisfying than the conversation he had had with Glyure last night...or lack thereof. After giving him his new clothing and taking the old, she had said no more than five words at a time. Either to ask him if he ate meat, or how his vision was doing, or once to say he had nice shoulders -whatever that meant. He supposed it was meant as a compliment. But other than that, she had said nothing. His injured sight gave him a great disadvantage, not being able to see her expression as she watched him -as he was sure she did- like a hawk, or perhaps a vulture. She did not trust him, somehow he knew that, and he returned the feeling. Perhaps she was the person behind his predicament. It seemed more than odd that he happened to wake up a mere stone's throw from her house, if that is what it was. Darkness had come, and she had shown him to this room. He was not sure, but he thought he remembered the sound of a lock turning as he had drifted off to sleep. And that brought him to now, in a strange woman's house, laying on a stranger's bed, with his head on a stranger's pillow. Though it was a very soft pillow, he thought to himself as he began to drift back into sleep, and smelled slightly of something sweet and earthy.


Ruben sat up quickly at the sound coming from the other side of the door, sleep suddenly long forgotten. It had still been dark when he had stretched and yawned, but now the morning light began casting its dim light into the room though a small window placed high in the wall. Not enough to gauge if his sight had returned, but enough to make out the dim shapes of the room?s sparse furnishings. Nothing different from the previous night that he could see.


He swung his legs off the bed, wincing at the slight creak it emitted, then again as it made a similar creak when he stood slowly. Barefooted, he crept across to the door, a flickering from the other side giving away its outline. Ever so slowly, he turned the latch, thankfully with no noise this time. The door pulled open silently on well oiled hinges. Candlelight filtered through the widening crack, falling on Ruben's face. Trying to not even breath, he peeked through the opening. With a mental sigh of relief, he saw that his sight had returned nearly to normal, if a little fuzzy around the edges, yet. But clear enough to see a woman sitting at the table with her back to him, her wide necked white blouse hanging half off one slender shoulder, the other covered by a sheet of solid black hair. She brushed her hair back from her still hidden face with one hand, revealing the pointed tip of an ear. Ruben's hand went to his own ear. Round. Why were they different? Why couldn't he remember? Mesmerized by the woman's smooth graceful movements, he watched as she lifted something off the table for a closer look. The object was blocky, little longer than her forearm, a hand's width tall, but only a couple finger's widths wide. What seemed to be a handle of sorts sprouted from the bottom of one end. The entire thing seemed to be made out of many different pieces of some sort of dull metal, thought parts of it were also jet black. With practiced movements, the woman picked up another object, this one a hollow rod a little shorter than the blocky object, but made out of the same metal. She slid the rod into the end of the block opposite the handle and pulled some unseen catch.


She then placed the conjoined object on the table and rolled her shoulders with a soft sigh.

"You know, Ruben, you should learn to keep your Biolance cleaner," said the woman without turning. Glyure! "At least some of that buildup was there before I found it at the bottom of a pond." Then she did turn, revealing a youthfull beautiful face with eyes the color of burnt amber. Her thin lips were palely pinkish, and turned up in an amused smile. One of her thin black eyebrows arched questioningly. "Did no one ever teach you that it is rude to lurk in doorways behind unsuspecting women?"

Ruben was too shocked to mention that it had never come up, and he would not remember it if it did.

Same as above.

Same as above, though barefoot.

Getting better. But still a little fuzzy

Glyure... a woman with a whip, pointy ears, a Biolance and a secret.

>Ok, this is probably not the direction you were going, but you said no limits. ;)PM me if you need to discuss it. : )
>On a side note....Oh no, I'm turning into Monketh! O.o
« Last Edit: September 06, 2007, 08:45:52 pm by Under the moon »

40 pancakes

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« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2005, 03:01:05 am »
Ruben stood in the doorway, motionless, before he realised that he was only wearing undergarments. He blushed slightly and attempted to \"cover up\" and clumsily closed the door. He heard Glyure laugh and felt extremely embarassed. He felt his way towards the window and pulled aside the curtains, revealing a drizzly Autumn morning.

The area surrounding Glyures house was comprised mainly of rolling, green hills dotted with very large trees, low, with widespread branches. Ruben turned and looked in the room he had slept in, spotted his clothing and pulled them on hastily. Strangely, he noticed that his knife was missing.

After a few minutes of thought, Ruben felt the ever present grumbling in his stomach. He slowly opened the door and stepped out. He looked around the well furnished room, noting the numerous paintings on the wall, predominately portraits with people posessing the pointed ears Glyure had. He sat down at the large round table in the middle of the room and looked at the object Glyure had lectured him about not keeping clean. \'A biolance...\' Ruben said softly to himself. He looked at it, unsure of what to do. But he resolved that it was his after all, and picked it up. It was devoid of distinguishing features, it was just a box-like object. He lifted it to eye level and looked in the hole. He was astonished to see an intricate maze of copper, gold and silver coloured wires, dotted with small emerald green diamond shapes which pulsed strangely.

He stared at it for a few minutes longer, but with a sharp reminder of his hunger, layed it down on the table and, walking towards the front door, went outside. He stepped out and took a deep breath. He  looked around, and spotted a path inbetween the thick trees. Ruben sighed and strolled towards it.

All this mistery wasn\'t good for him...

Same as above.

Same as above, though now wearing his boots.

Vision slightly sharper than before.

Glyure... a woman with a whip, pointy ears, and a secret.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2005, 03:04:29 am by 40 pancakes »
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Under the moon

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« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2005, 10:31:04 pm »
After a time, Ruben thought he heard voices ahead -angry voices. Stealthily -to his surprise, he seemed to by good at stealth- he shadowed from tree to tree until he could make the voices out clearly. One, he knew as Glyure, the other the gruff unfamiliar voice of a man. Why should any voice be familiar? I barely know myself, let alone anyone else, he thought to himself. He listened intently as the male voice rose again, obviously outraged.

"That changes no matters! We never keep with that kind, let alone bring them to our hearth! What were you thinking Elf?"

Elf? She is an Elf? Maybe that explains the pointy ears. But what, exactly, is an Elf?

Glyure's voice rose in response, though more calmly. "It was my choice, Mojag. I could not leave him out there in the wild with no memory. I take full responsibility for his actions. Perhaps we can get some useful information from him."

"Is that all you wish him for, Glyure? Or something other? You always have taken to strays, and it has been two years since Dragun fell. Your bed must feel quite cold by now."

Ruben jumped at the resounding smack that echoed through the forest.

"You dare strike me?!" Mojag shouted, his voice livid.

"If you ever speak of myself again in that way, or utter Dragun's name in my presence, it will be more than your pride I injure." By the tone in her voice, Ruben had no doubt she would carry though with her threat. By Mojag's quick response, he knew it too.

"Many pardons, m'lady. T'iis just...well you are knowing famous dwarven tempers. Your words have been a shock to me, that is all. If you say he is no danger, then no danger he is. You are sure he remembers not a thing?"

"I am not dead," was Glyure's simple response, as if it was more than enough of an answer.

Dead?! Does she me that, it couldn't be...could it?

"Indeed," Mojag spoke, apparently taking her deeper meaning.

Ruben's head spun. I am a killer? No...I can't -I won't be!

Glyure spoke again, though a hard edge of anger still remained. "Take this dagger to the Circle as proof that I have him. I took it while he slept."

"What of his Biolance?"

"I never found it," Glyure answered without pause.

She is lying...why?

"Very well, then, I take my leave now. We will meet anon in two sun's time. The Circle will decide what is to be done with him."

"Yes, until then, work on that temper of yours. I would hate to have to kill you."

Mojag laughed. "You are not the only one that would not be taking a liking to that. Goodbye m'lady, and be safe."

Ruben glanced quickly around the tree as he heard footsteps tromping away. All he saw of Mojag was a short shadow of a figure disappearing around a bend. Glyure stood watching him go. Suddenly, Ruben realized that he hid mere steps from the path. She would see him for sure on her way back. Trying to make as little noise as possible, he skulked back the way he had come, making as much noise as the wind's shadow. He reached the house in no time. Now that he saw it clearly, it was almost more of a small mansion than a house. A mansion built for defense. The windows were all out of reach from the ground, and too small for a man to fit besides. The walls appeared to be thick layers of squared off logs. A glance at the roof told him that the building was designed so as to be invisible from the air, all moss, grass, and even a bush here and there. But why invisible from the air, while the walls were left for all to see? It made no sense to him. Forgetting the oddness of the structure, he slipped into the door and went to sit at the long table. It did not take to long before Glyure entered the same door. Her body had a sinuous sway as she walked to the table -passing Ruben- and sat a few seats away. As she passed, a slight smell drifted to his nose, slightly sweet and earthy. So it was her bed I slept on. He didn't know how he felt about that. Glyure put her chin on entwined fingers and stared at him, as if trying to think of something to say. Ruben noticed that the back of her right hand was red and a little puffy. She had hit Mojag hard.  As the moment began to grow awkward, she finally spoke.

"I suppose you wish to know why I think you would have killed me, had you remembered what you are. Though I did say it was rude to lurk behind unsuspecting woman, no matter how nice your shoulders are."

For the second time in one day, Ruben found himself too shocked to speak.

Still the same as above.

Same as above, still wearing his boots.

All good, but still remembers nothing.

Glyure... An Elfess with a whip and a secret

>Ok, for any who have not figured it out yet, a Biolance is a form of a gun (very different form, yes, but still a gun), Ruben is some sort of soldier, Glyure is his enemy and may be in a bit of trouble for her actions, but he doesn't remember any of it, and they are not in Yliakum (buuut...).
« Last Edit: September 06, 2007, 08:52:19 pm by Under the moon »

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« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2005, 06:07:21 am »
After an extended pause- \"Wh-who am I? Why would I kill you? What\'s happening?\" Ruben said, the words tumbling from his mouth.
A slight smile lifted Glyures lip.
\"Well you are a soldier. Or more likely a town guard. I don\'t know who you are, but I do know that much. That biolance there, do you want to see what it does?\" Ruben nodded vigorously and Glyure picked it up.

She walked down her hallway and through another door out to a clearing behind her house. A few targets were set up, at intervals of 25 metres away. She looked briefly at Ruben, grinned, and crouched down. She raised the biolance, took aim at the furthest target, and raised the rod-like object that accompanied the box-like object. She proceeded to ram the stick into the hole as hard as she could. The other end glowed briefly white then a bolt of pure energy shot out, exploding on impact with the target, causing a hole about 10 cm in diamater to be created. She stood back up and smiled again.

\"So it\'s a weapon... My weapon?\" Ruben said, startled at what he had been obviously carrying around and using.
\"Why would I need to wield that much power?\" Ruben said, dumbfounded.
\"Well it does have a few settings, you can toggle the strength and size of each bolt by sliding your finger along this panel\" She said, pushing slightly on one side of the biolance, causing a cover to pop up, revealing said panel. She closed it and said
\"And the speed and time between each bolt is easily controlled by the user with the handle\" She said, popping the panel and setting it to its weakest setting. She fired a rapid succession of 10 bolts in the direction of the closest target. It only created a slight burn mark.
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« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2005, 06:11:05 am »
Still the same as above.

Same as above, still wearing his boots.

Healthy, now slightly aware of his past

Glyure... An Elfess with a whip and a secret
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Under the moon

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« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2005, 02:23:07 am »
[ooc] Um...sorry, I got a little carried away with this one, but it should explain a lot.

Ruben stared, still dumfounded at the power of such a simple thing. As Glyure pulled the rod back out of the weapon he mulled over what he had learned so far. So he was a soldier, and a well trained one at that, if he was to believe the Elfess. He used a weapon that could surely kill, and a sinking feeling in his gut told him he had before. Glyure was helping him, had lied for him, even seem to like him. But something still nagged his mind.

"You didn't answer my question, Glyure. Why would I kill you?"

Glyure put the weapon down on a nearby table. Her expression was sad this time, her movements slow. "I knew I was going to have to face this again one day. The past is never completely buried."

She began walking towards the forest behind the targets. Ruben had no choice but to follow. She cut into the trees on what he realized was a very seldom used and overgrown path. Glyure's steps seemed reluctant ahead of him, yet she never slowed until they entered a small clearing. At its center rested a small stone building only a pace to a side. Not a building, but a shrine, he saw as they came closer. Glyure stopped and opened the door after a long breath.

"This is your answer," she said quietly and stepped back.

Ruben took her place at the door. Looking inside, he saw a thing as odd as any he had in the last few days. A sword. It was a beautifully crafted thing with a wide blade and hilt long enough for two hands. The crossguard held a few markings in some type of rune he couldn't comprehend.

"It was my fathers, all this was," Glyure said, emotion heavy in her voice. "But not that," she continued, pointing at a metal box on the floor.

The metal looked familiar as Ruben bent down to study it. He tipped back the lid and saw why. Resting on some neatly folded clothing identical to the ones he had woken up in yesterday, was another Biolance. He felt compelled to reach out, to touch it. As he did, a face flashed in his mind, a memory, a name. Dragun.

"This was his...Dragun's," Ruben said, his head spinning. Another memory flashed in his head, drawing his eyes back to the sword. But this was not a new memory, it was the one he had woken up with, that damp day. What could it mean?

"How did you know that?"

Ruben turned at the slight sound of fear in Glyure's voice. Her eyes were unsure as she looked upon him. Ruben shook his head. "I don't know, it just came to me. Who was he? Is he the reason?"

" is not so simple. I thought you...were here to kill me because he failed, and because of who I am."

"Who are you, Glyure?"

"I am your enemy."


"Because of what is in the bag at the bottom of the box."

Ruben slowly lifted the clothing aside to see the tied bag. He took it up and untied the neat knots that spoke of a feminine hand. He then closed the box's lid and spilled the contents of the bag out on it. Six objects fell to the lid. Six shapes and six colors, with a different symbol on each.

"What are they?"

"Glyphs. One for each Way. The creations of Talad, and all that is left of the old world. We brought many of them with us when we left, thinking they would aid us, but instead, they have become a curse. They don't work in this world, nothing from the homeland does. The magic is gone. Even from the piece of the legendary Crystal that brought us here."

"Stop, I don't understand any of this. What ways? Who is Talad? What is this crystal?"

"You truely don't remember, do you? Very well, I shall start at the beginning. It is written that our ancestors all used to live in a world called Yliakum, a world of old magics ruled by gods and power. This power came from a giant crystal. One day, a piece broke from the Crystal. It was not as powerful as the whole Crystal, so they were able to approach and study it. After generations, they found a way to use the piece to power a tremendous craft that had the ability to leave their world. Gathering a great many people, they left their home behind. Another many generations lived and died on that craft as it traveled the stars. Then it came here. This planet was different than the others somehow. It canceled out the power of the Crystal and Glyphs, and the craft crashed. Without magic, our people had to rely on other means to survive. But they found very few resources in the rock of this world. It was then discovered that certain plants excrete a very powerful substance when threatened.  Your Biolance runs on a super refined variant of it. They called it Bion. Bion changed everything, every aspect of life, some say for the worse. Many wanted to go back to the old ways, and cast off the Bion way of life. My Great-grandfather was one of those. They lived peacefully...until something was discovered that would shake the entire world of the Bions." Glyure paused, whether to be dramatic or just to get her breath, Ruben didn't know. Or perhaps she just didn't want to speak the next part.

"What was that?"

Glyure took a deep breath and held out her hand. "This," she said. A ball of pure light appeared over her hand, colors swirling in and out of its depths. It was beautiful.

"What is that?"

"Magic," Glyure answered. Ruben almost laughed before he saw that she was serious.

"But you said it wasn't possible."

"I said the Crystal's magic didn't work here. We found out why. It is not because it didn't work, it was smothered by this world's own magic. A magic that follows a different Way altogether. The old way could not survive, or maybe was just absorbed into this world. But either way, we thought it was gone until we relearned how to use it. It doesn't even need Glyphs to work. And so the Magus were created."

Ruben began to understand where this tale was going. "So you brought a new power into the world. The world of the Bions."

Glyure smiled, but it was a sad smile. "You see it, don't you? The Magus did not bring a new power, but awakened an old. Hate, fear, and war. At first, they were open about their new knowledge, and the majority of Bions ignored them. You see, it took dedication and hard work to master this new magic without the aid of the Glyphs, and most Bions had grown content and lazy with their power. But then some people began to realize the wonders the Magus could achieve, and began coming in greater and greater numbers. Then the Bions took note. They saw the Magus as the fall of their way of life, and it frightened them. The first attack came without warning. Many Magus died, for they had only used their powers for peace. They didn't stand a chance against those," she pointed at the Biolance, "Even though they were still in their early stages, they were still a devastating weapon. The war had started. That was two generations ago. I was born into this war, just as you were. Most Bions don't even understand how it started, being lied to by those in control. Much can be forgoten in just a few generations. They call us demon worshipers who gave their souls for power. Tales are told of us to frighten children, and those tales work just as well on adults. But perhaps we are a thing to fear now." Her ball of light flashed red, and suddenly flashed out of her hand to strike a tree stump a ways away. The stump exploded in a fury of splinters. "You see, we learned peace from this world, but we were forced to learn war from the Bions."

Ruben felt like he needed to sit down. It was a lot to absorb in such a short time. Was I ignorant too? Did I know the truth before this day? Which would be worse, fighting out of ignorance, or knowing the truth...but fighting still. He hoped he was the earlier. He did not know if he could live with himself being the latter. "So I am your enemy." It was not a question.

Glyure looked at the ground. "You were. I had hoped..." she trailed off.

"Dragun knew the truth, didn't he?"

Glyure turned her face away, but not before he saw the look of pain. "I don't wish to speak of that now. Please?"

"I won't speak of it again." Ruben said just as his stomach growled loudly. He hadn't eaten yet that day.

The Elfess turned back to him, a little smile quirking at her lips, fighting the saddness. "Some food may raise our spirits." With that, she began walking back to the mansion.

Little rehash, so we don't forget what was above.

Well tailored trousers (at the house)
Good quality, berry stained white shirt (at the house)
Leather boots
Dark green shirt
Brown leather jerkin
Slightly loose trousers

Leather boots
Dark green shirt
Brown leather jerkin
Slightly loose trousers
and wearing his boots of course

Healthy, knows a lot more of his past, but still doesn't remember it as his own.

Glyure... An Elfess with a whip and one less secret
« Last Edit: September 06, 2007, 09:01:17 pm by Under the moon »

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« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2005, 04:04:29 am »
((:( It\'s embarassing, you\'re so much better at writing than I am... Good work though! I\'d prefer if you toned down the length though with your additions. Maybe a third of what you just posted.))

Glyure moved inside, quickly, and began making some stew.
Ruben sat down at the kitchen table and made an attempt at thinking it all over.
Glyure walked in and sat on the table, Rubens hand resting very close to her thigh.

((Sorry, I wasn\'t feeling in the mood for writing but just wanted to keep it moving. I\'ll do a longer post next time :())
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Under the moon

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« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2005, 11:20:14 am »
Noted. All future posts shall be shorter. :)

40 pancakes

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« Reply #12 on: June 16, 2005, 04:11:03 am »
((Awesome. It would be cool if someone could edit this and put in chapters, I couldn\'t seperate a solid story into chapters :S))
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Edited format errors
« Reply #13 on: June 16, 2005, 11:18:25 pm »
[[The writer thinks for a for bit...more like a few days, as he has been rather busy lately. He knows where the story has been, but where should it go? He looks at the above post. And how to keep it short? Pondering those questions, he begins writing...]]

Ruben slowly moved his hand away and twined the fingers of his hands together, steepling his thumbs and first fingers under his chin. Somehow, it made him feel more thoughtful. He wished it did more than just make him feel thoughtful, for he thought he could use some pretty deep thoughts right about now. It was all he could do at that moment to try to ignore the sweet earthy scent drifting over to him.

[[ That seems to be a good start, though maybe some of those words are repeated redundantly.   The writer gives a one-sided smirk at the thought, overly amused at himself, then types on, thinking that he could use some deep thoughts of his own, and that the narrator should use fewer run-on sentences.]]

"Glyure, you said..."

[[The writer stops. What exactly did she say again?   He quickly scans the previous posts. Ah, yes.   ]]

"...that we are -were- enemies. I mean...we aren't now...of course...but what I didn' don't..." Ruben continued stammering mixed jumbles of word together as Glyure smiled encouraging at him, which only seemed to make it worse. Finally, she put her hand on his arm, which besides effectively shutting his babbling the hell up, made the room feel a lot warmer.

[[Hey, I didn't start it, you did, the writer thinks accusingly at the other poster in this thread. I would have been fine with them just being friends.   Of course, the writer does not seem to realize the others cannot hear him, nor how silly he looks having conversations in his head. You know I'm reading this, don't you?   ...Point taken, please continue. Ahem, as I was writing... ]]

"Why didn't I kill you?" Glyure finished the sentence that he never quite started.

Ruben -afraid if he opened his mouth again, an avalanche of stupidity would ensue- simply nodded.

"Would it help if you knew I thought you were cute?"

Ruben shook his head, "No"  even in his head, his voice sounded high pitched and panicked. 'Why would she say that now?'

[[Indeed, why? It does kinda come out of the blue. The writer looks at the screen in irritation, most likely directed at the narrator. The narrator -meaning me- , being simply a figment of the writer's imagination, does not worry, knowing that it cannot actually be harmed... You think so?  Ouch! That hurt! Good, now if you will excuse me, I have a story to add to. At least let me write a hundred words before you interrupt.  Fine. ]]

Glyure bit her lip, her cheeks turning a little red. "I don't know why I said that. Especially after what Moja-" her mouth snapped shut. She gave Ruben an accusing glare.

'Now what did I do?'

Seeming to hear his unspoken question, Glylure answered it, "Something about you unhinges my jaw. It also seems to affect my actions. Before yesterday, I would have thought nothing of letting you die. I even grinned when you were about to eat that berry. But then my whip was in my hand...and I'saved you. I don't even know why."

[[ The writer stops, getting the odd feeling that the narrator is counting words.   Hey, I'm the narrator. You can't narrate me. Can?t I?   It's against the rules. My head, my rules. Don't like it, leave.   That's rich. Telling a figment of your imagination to leave. And where, exactly, would I go? Pittsburgh.   That's not even funny. Whatever. You just wait until I tell you to narrate. Understand?   Ya, ya, I got it. Just one more thing. What?   95. Smartass. ]]

Ruben glanced around, for the first time realizing he had never seen the aforementioned whip. Again, seeming to read his thoughts, Glyure spoke.

"It's in my room, in the closet." She must have seen something of Ruben's thoughts on his face...

[[Something that I'm sure half of the readers are thinking right now. You are all very disturbed individuals. Exactly.  ]]

...for her face turned even more red. "The weapons closet. I hadn't taken it out since..." her voice trailed off.

It was Ruben's turn to read her mind this time, but he kept his observation quiet. 'Since Dragun fell.'  Not wanting to bring up the hurtful subject again, he switched topics. "Who is this Mogic?" he asked, purposefully botching the name.

The tactic worked, bringing that smile back to her thin lips. "Mojag," she corrected, "He's just my go between. A messenger of sorts. He is the only one who knows where I am. So I guess you could call him my guardian too."

Ruben glanced down at the bruise forming on her hand from when she had hit the dwarf. Her eyes followed his.

"I never said I liked him."

[[Can I speak now? Yes.   Good. Ahem... The writer reads through what he just wrote, and figures it may be a good place to stop. He also thinks that he should write some action in the next post he makes, as his writing is getting quiet boring. He also thinks he should fire his narrator.  Ok, ok, I'll be nice, if they be nice. You didn't even get that quote right. Now shut up and let someone else post.   Fine, but I don't know what anyone else is going to do with this muddle you've made. I am quite sure they are capable of something.   One more thing, you forgot to keep it short. That was your fault. Post closed.  ]]
« Last Edit: September 06, 2007, 09:12:26 pm by Under the moon »


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« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2005, 11:32:55 pm »
((Wow, that is just hilarious, UtM! Keep up the good writing and the narration too. :D ))
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