Author Topic: The making of a Dark Mage  (Read 776 times)


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The making of a Dark Mage
« on: June 14, 2005, 11:30:53 am »
I am Eranalye Tholey.

Having only left my parental home a few weeks ago, I decided to expand my horizon and seek fortune in the vast world that was laid at my feet by making this decision.

I have trained myself in mining and swords very persistantly, yet this was not satisfying my thirst for knowledge at all. I must say I was a bit dissapointed, thinking these boring ways were my only option to become a wealthy and powerful citizen of the world, and bring riches and fame back to my old home, giving my wonderful father and mother everything they should have!

Until one day I woke up, preparing myself once more to the routine of slaying rats and mining gold ore for a pathetic little amount of change, but that morning was different, something was out of the ordinary, as if I had never really woken up. I left my self-made bed of grasses and weeds under the bridge with this restless feeling, and I knew that something special was going to happen that day...

Then I met this guy, I cannot remember his name anymore, that told me a little about a a mysterious power, drawn from the light of the Azure Sun itself, or derived from the lack of it. Hearing about this power, I believe the guy called it \"magic\", my whole body began to tingle, right up into the very tip of my wings, and I knew this was the special something that was bound to happen. My patience had been rewarded! He told me about Glyphs, magical and mysterious items created directly by the light of the Sun, and their ability to direct the magical powers of the owner into a force that could be used for creating, maintaining or destroying life. We had sat down in the shade of a large tree, as it was a hot and bright morning promissing an even hotter afternoon. I remember vaguely drinking his words as if they were mede, their wondrous melodies dancing through my ears and into my consciousness. We talked for hours and hours, or so I think, because the light started fading when we parted from one another.

He directed me to some other guy, of whom I can also not remember the name, who sold these Glyphs. But when I went to see this second guy, I found that his prices were a little extravagant, yet something pushed me into slaying many rats to achieve these Glyphs, no matter what they cost, believing that something that could unleash such powers would never cost too much.

Suddenly I had a purpose of being... a purpose that directly followed the mood I had when I decided to explore what was then beyond the boundaries of the \"familiar world\" I experienced at the house of my father and mother and sister, blessed be all of them! I decided - well, that is not exactly correct, moreso it was already decided for me before I met this person - to learn about these Glyphs and their powers.

I went into a deep trance, and all I can remember is slaying rats. Slaying rats to pay for the Glyph I so badly wanted... I didn\'t eat, didn\'t sleep, hundreds of rats found their brutal deaths by the sword I had so eagerly learned to wield before I knew where was the real glory. Until the moment was there, that precious moment, that milestone in my life that would change everything...

I had saved up enough to buy myself a Glyph!

Carefully guarding all my hard-earned cash, I ran to the salesman. I had never run so fast, nor so long before, yet I was still strangly energetic when I arrived there. I showed him the thousand Trias, he took a leather pouch from underneath the counter, and slowly, frustratingly slowly, as if he had sensed my impatience, he untied the strings that kept it sealed, and rolled it open on the counter. I couldn\'t believe what I saw, magnificient, vibrant energy folding reality in front of my eyes in such ways I could, for a moment, hear their colors, feel them in my inner soul! And they were within my grasp, laying before me on that simple, small leather patch on the counter...

But there was one, one that was different and grabbed my attention just a little bit more than the others. Perhaps only because it was different? I don\'t know. A dark shadowy finger reached out to me, as if sensing my curiosity, and being a little nervous at first, I soon discovered I was so deeply enjoying its touch I forgot all about  the shop, the man and the other Glyphs. Seconds could have passed, but it could have also been hours, that I was completely emerged in that glimpse of a connection I felt with it.

\"Honorable Klyros\", a voice stated, far, far away, like it was coming from the bottom of the deepest well there is. I decided to ignore that voice, as I had never experienced such deep state of bliss and I didn\'t want it to end...

\"Honorable Klyros?\"

After a few more times, I was starting to get a bit annoyed by this nagging voice that wouldn\'t leave me and my Glyph at peace, the shadow slowly began to withdraw, and at the same pace I started to remember where I was.

\"Honorable Klyros, if you want the Glyph of Weakness, you are going to have to pay for it.\"

Suddenly  I realized I had, in my haze, unknowingly reached out, had taken the Glyph from its patch and had held it to my chest, cherishing it like a mother would cuddle her new born child. A little embarrassed I handed him the money and walked away. Leaving the shop I barely heard him say a polite \'thank you\', but all I had interest in was the Glyph of Weakness, so that in my haste I forgot my manners and reply to him, but I didn\'t care.

I walked straight into the forest, my feet were chosing the path I went, and I soon found myself in the dark shadows of a part of the forest I don\'t believe many visitors come, until I reached the deepest heart of it. I sat down on an old tree-stump, and maybe it was an instinct, maybe it was a knowledge of magic that had been hidden and dorment in some old dusty basement in my mind, or maybe it was the Glyph itself that showed me, but I started bonding with it. A deep bonding, creating a connection that was unknown to me. Something happened to me that moment, something I can only try to explain. Suddenly everything made so much sense to me, the story of an unexplainable large flock of ravens covering the entire roof of my house at my birth, the year I lived with Janos, the prestidigator, and that mysterious year I vanished and have no recollection of whatsoever! I have not been the same person since that moment we had there, in the forest, my precious Glyph and I!

Afterwards learned that the bonding we did, was called \"purifying\", and that is exactly the right word for it. Only thing is, I have the feeling that I, Eranalye Tholey, am the one that has been purified...



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« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2005, 01:28:46 pm »
((I hope it is okay that I set this in Kada\'s))

Cyl\'s pointy ears were standing straight, he liked the story of the Klyros. In a matter of seconds his eyes wandered from the corner he hid his sword in towards the Klyros.

Hmm, quite interessting.

I belive you would not mind telling me a bit more about you and the glyph.

He reached out for his hip flask

A binding to a glyph that deep, ..., this reminds me of my homeworld.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2005, 01:29:40 pm by Cyl »
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« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2005, 10:18:29 am »
[I\'ll assume Kada\'s is some sort of tavern or something]

Eranalye is a bit startled and looks up from the spot on the table he was staring at.

\"Oh, hello there. Was I thinking out loud again? It happens sometimes when my mind meanders into a certain depth that my voice accompagnies it...\"

He smiles apologizingly but with a glitter in his eyes like he remembers some funny anecdotes of this habbit in the past, and takes a sip from his cup.

\"I don\'t mind at all, stranger, there is something appealing about a Klyros and his attraction to the Dark, isn\'t there?

Smiling and drinking from his cup again in an attempt to project a nonchalant image, he is obviously very eager to tell the story about himself and the Glyph to a complete stranger, as if something about the telling of the story itself gives gim a new rush of euphoria about it.

\"After I got the Glyph and we were purified, something happened to me... Something I cannot really explain.... Some days later, a few things I used to value a lot no longer had a meaning to me. Being happy the way one is born, for example, now seems futile and empty, while I used to think it meant everything. These little things are only a vague remembrance of my own ignorance and naivity.

He pauses for a brief moment, contemplating on his own words, a little surprised, like he was aware of their meaning for the first time himself. He continues, once again absentmindenly staring at that spot on the table in front of him, as if he was talking more to himself than to you. His speech goes a bit slower, a bit more quiet.

\"That tickle on your head..., that tingle in your chest..., that one single word that reaches your ear from a conversation in the crowd..., \"

\"That hunch you have about something..., that feeling in the morning that something special is about to happen..., that bird that chooses a particular time to sing a few notes..., that one meager beam of light from the Sun that penetrates the darkness of the leaves above you on a place that would otherwise vanish in the shadows, unseen...,\"

Slowly he shakes his head.

\"I used to think that was all a coincidence, but since I got the Glyph and we connected there, in the dark deepness of the forest, everything that happens is significant, it all has an important story to tell us. Once we are able to -completely- submit ourselves to the messages that arrive to us from the mystery of life, life itself will be no more mystery to us...\"

Eranalye stops talking, suddenly remembering where he is and what he was doing, and once again that appologizing smile lingers on his lips, but does not completely break free. He looks at you from top to bottom, considering, calculating. One blink of his eyes. Two blinks. Three blinks.

\"But I seem to forget a lot about my manners lately,...\"

He shakes his head, tiny twinkles of laughter in his eyes.

\"I am Eranalye Tholey, stranger, and at your service.\"

[edit: some typos]
« Last Edit: June 15, 2005, 10:27:01 am by Eranalye »


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« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2005, 11:30:02 am »
((Kada\'s is not only a tavern, it is THE tavern; ;)))

Cyl Salaris\'s my name.

He drinks out of his hip flask and let it slip back into the pocket.

It\'s quite intriguing to see a binding of that deepness to a glyph. I haven\'t seen something like this for, ..., a very long time.

plays around with a pack of cards

Hmmm, the dark way, I never quite understood it. It symbolizes death and shadow, but on the other hand doesn\' it fill corpses with life?

I will never understand it.

scribbles something on a piece of paper, whistles and waits for a moment, a small winged creature soared into the tavern through the open door; he catches it in midair without hurting it

Take this to Tybalt

He whispers into the creatures ear, then he lets it fly away

Very Well
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Plee for knowledge...
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2005, 03:31:10 am »
[appologies for bringing this thread back up, I\'m not an ego-tripper, just -almost- desperately looking for that Dark Way teacher I seem not to be able to find. Noone IG I asked about it could supply me with an answer, and I hate shouting people ;-). I also didn\'t want to start a new thread about it.]

Weeks have passed, and only now I am beginning to understand the powers of that Glyph... I have a feeling that soon I will no longer be able to control it, it is changing me, consuming me, pulling me to the Dark Side, where the light of the Sun gets absorbed and eventually will dissapear...

Nightmares of demonic creatures taunt me in my dreams, and sometimes even when I close my eyes during the day. Because of the lack of sleep I get cranky when I\'m awake. Just the other day in the sewers I found myself getting overly angry at some strangers for not having the decency to politely introduce themselves before invading my personal space while I was on a monster killing spree... I had to run away for I knew I could not resist the urge to kill them all very long anymore: I was grinding my teeth, my heart started to pound in my chest so that I could feel it in my throat and my stomach, a beed of sweat slowly made way from my forehead to my nose, the muscles of my arms grew and soon took up twice the volume they normally do, interlaced with thick blue vains, and all I could think of was seeing their precious blood spilled on my swords, on the floor and on the walls...

Fruitlessly I have searched all of what I know of the world, all places I could expect to find one skilled in the Dark Way...  well almost all, as I seem to have overlooked the one place I needed to find. I have discovered that, sometimes, when our mind is too focussed on finding something, we find everything but the thing we seek, and with this I would like to send a plee for knowledge :

To those persons of great knowledgeability of the known world, please urgently contact me and tell me where I can find this one adept in the Dark Way that could brush of some of his experience on me and help me control that which I hold dear.

Sincerely, Eranalye Tholey