Author Topic: The Labyrinth (a parody) staring Moogie. (Done reformating. Read it again. Now.)  (Read 10706 times)


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« Reply #45 on: July 07, 2005, 07:53:00 pm »
/me wants to see the next said now Moon! :P
Talamir - DeT, Dark Empire, etc, etc, etc.

Under the moon

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Scene twelve
« Reply #46 on: July 07, 2005, 09:36:06 pm »
[[My apologies to all involved in this next scene. Please inform all involved for me, as I...ah...have to be elsewhere. Ya, that's it. *runs for the nearest exit, thinking of the best hiding spot he can find*

Scene Twelve
~Wait a minute, Mr. Postman...I need a dictionary~

Moogie walks alone through a giant mushroom forest. A dark mysterious forest, filled with anomalous unidentifiable noises. Sinister shadows conceal their secrets with tightly clenched jaws. It is the manner of place that one could vanish into, and never be found...or missed. The breed of place only nightmares give rampant hallucination to. All alone, solitary, where someone...or something... could be right behind you, skulking, stalking, hovering maliciously with venom dripping fangs, the hair raising on the back of ones neck, chills crawling down the spine, and you would...

Moogie, looking quickly over her shoulder- "Enough! That isn't funny anymore. Now you're just being mean."

The creaking of nameless objects in an unnatural deviant breeze is her only answer. The wind whispers across her fur, the final caress before the predator's ever so silent strike. It feels as if the is forest closing in, closer and closer, though nothing really moves in the surrounding gloom. Paranoia sets in... skittering along the recesses of the mind, giving birth to countless imagined noises wafting from the rising, obscuring mist...or are they real? Was that the sound of a footstep? The whisper of steel on leather? The heart beats faster, blood pounding in ears. Only the...

Moogie, nervously watching the dark, eyes flicking from here to there, near panic- "Stop, already! We get your point. You don't have to..."


Moogie- *shrieks* falling on her tail, not her face for once.

"Oh sorry. Did I scare you?"

This, being a silly question to ask, goes without answer, as it is plain to see that... well, I'll just make it easy for you. Have you ever seen a cat turn a corner and end up face to face with a strange, possibly rabid dog? That is how Moogie looks at this moment. And in no shape to answer silly questions with obvious answers.

Moogie, holding her paws over her pounding heart.- "YES! You did!"

Or I could be wrong.

"I said I was sorry."

The voice seems to belong to a young enki woman... a very abashed Fenki at that. She has grayish  fur, the tips around her head are dyed red.

Moogie- "Karyuu? Is that you?"

Karyuu- "Uh-huh."

Moogie pouncehugs.

Moogie- "FINALLY! A female character actually played by a female! I'm so happy!"

Karyuu, grunting- "Uh... Moogie? You need to get a grip... and not on me... you're strangling me..."

Moogie lets go- "Sorry. But I just don't see how he can get me into trouble this time."

A long silent pause follows. There is the sense of an evil grin in the air. A massively malevolent smile, driven from the edges of dark madness...

Moogie- "Oh no, you better NOT! Karyuu will KILL you."

Karyuu looks at Moogie with utter confusion. Moogie grinds her teeth, most likely preparing herself for the worst.

Moogie- "You had better believe it."

Despite Moogie's fears, nothing of that sort is going to happen, as Karyuu would kill me. Moogie heaves a sigh of relief.

Moogie- "So what are you doing out here?"

Karyuu- " to's a little embarrassing."

Moogie- "Figures. You might as well tell me. I'm sure it's going to come out anyways before this scene is done."

Karyuu, digging her paw in the ground embarrassedly- "Well...if you won't tell anyone...we're starting a boy band."

Moogie, having just heard the last thing she ever expected- "Boy band!? But you're a...wait, we?"

Karyuu- "Ya. Hey guys! We have an audience! Come on out!"

At her call, a group of almost all actual 'boys' comes out of hiding, sheepish looks on faces all. Karyuu looks on them with pride.

Karyuu- "Let me introduce Efflixi..."

Efflixi bows.

- "..Demarthl..."

The Fenki bows. Moogie frowns.

Moogie, interrupting- "Didn't you already have a part?"

Demarthl- "No...that was Zayek. She wouldn't want to be in a guy's band. She prefers to hang with the girls."

Moogie, ignoring the innuendo- "How can this be a 'boy band' when half of you are female?"

Elf, actually male- "Thy many pardons, m'lady, but that be'ith a mere technicality. We be'ith members of an enlightened society, and not need'ith to be precluded  by the winsome fancies of gender separation."

Karyuu (I'm sure some of you know what's coming)- "Hush Drak. You know no one understands you when you talk like that."

Moogie- "Draklar?!"

Oh, yes. You knew I couldn?t leave him out of this. Just when you think he's out, someone drags him back in. 'sides, this'll teach him for leaving.

Draklar- "As true as the Azure Sun casting its blessed rays upon us, so true be'ith your words of greeting."

Karyuu- "I said stop it."

Draklar bows in a somehow superior, humble acquiescence.

Moogie- "That's Drak all right. Who's that hiding in the shadows?"

Indeed, a large form hides in the shadows. How Moogie spotted it before it was mentioned is unknown.

Moogie- "I have good eyes. Come on out. We all know you're there. You might as well be as embarrassed as the rest of us."

The shadow comes out at Moogie's kind, thoughtful beckoning. Once in the light, it becomes a large Ynwnn, and another actual male. He tries to keep his face hidden.

Efflixi- "Oh come on. All Ynwnns have the same texture. It's not like anyone is going to recognize you, Acraig."

Acraig, standing straight with as much dignity as he can manage, which happens to be quite a bit- "Thank you Fes. I don't know how we would get along without your imperturbable wisdom."

Draklar- "Thow hast dealt him a fearsome scorching, my good sir Acraig."

Everyone- "Knock it off!"

Karyuu- "For those of you who don't speak Drak, I believe he said 'BURN!'."

Draklar- "Indeed, twas..."

Moogie- "Zip it. I can't believe you put Draklar, two girls, though one is played by a guy, and a programmer in a Boy band. What were you thinking? Are you insane?"

That is what I will plead. Now, while Moogie seemed to be arguing with herself, the band gets the most brilliant idea. Moogie holds her breath.

Karyuu- "Hey, I just got the most brilliant idea! The main requirement for joining our boy band is having a high post count."

Moogie- "Well it must have been something, since it obviously wasn't being a boy. Wait. Where are you going with this?"

Karyuu- "Weeeeeell, since that is the reason...and all of us have high post counts?but no one has a higher count than??

Moogie- "Oh no you don?t!"

Acraig, in a deep noble voice- "Come now, Moogie. With you as our lead, we shall soar to greatness and honor beyond compare. Think on it as a duty."

Moogie- "I am trying not to think on it at all!"

Draklar- "You must choose'ith..."

Everyone- "Can it, Drak!" or similar phrases, with or without helpful explicatives (swear words, for you that didn't know).

Efflixi- "Moogie, you just have to be in 'The Postmen'."

Moogie- "I knew it. I just freaking knew it. If I see one more bad pun..."

Karyuu- "We need you Moogs. It's all we need to go public."

Moogie- "No you don't! You all need mental help is what you need. I am so out of here."

The Postmen all look at each other...and come to a unanimous decision"

Draklar- "Grab'ith her!"

Moogie screams, and starts running...

Meanwhile, in that other part of the Labyrinth that I mentioned in the last scene, an odd meeting is about to take place...but since this post is already more than three pages long in Word, I think it best to give your weary eyes a rest.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2006, 05:45:59 pm by Under the moon »


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« Reply #47 on: July 07, 2005, 11:03:22 pm »
Need... air... xD

This is pure brilliance, all of it. Your wit is priceless, Moon! I laughed out loud at nearly every other sentence.

And Acraig in a boy band... *grins and shakes her head* That\'s either genius or insanity.
Judge: Are you trying to show contempt for this court, Mr Smith?
Smith: No, My Lord. I am attempting to conceal it.

Under the moon

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« Reply #48 on: July 07, 2005, 11:34:09 pm »
*pleads insanity*

Judge- \"Sustained!\"

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Scene therteen
« Reply #49 on: July 08, 2005, 01:46:51 am »
[[brain broke. call back at another time]]

Scene thirteen
~Do you know the muffin, Man?~

As we left the last scene, there was mention of an odd meeting. Now, instead of merely mentioning it for a time, we shall just join it.

Brandon Valjean- "Durn Moogie. Calling me not by my rightful name. And that durn GM flashing her powers, and not being affected by my great smile. What is up with that?"

Brandon hears Moogie *shriek* in the distance. This would be the time a certain someone said "BOO!". But there is no reason to go into that again as you must have read it....unless you are skipping ahead, you bad reader you. Anyways...

BV (cause I'm sick of typing it out)- "Crap! I guess I have to help her since she paid me and all."

Xordan, appearing as he turns, his hair flowing in a gentle wind- "Not if I pay you more."

BV jumps- "Why. What do you got? This nifty 'ring of the past' is gonna be hard to beat."

Xordan- "I have this nice used shoelace. How's that?"

BV- "Say...that is nice. But it don't beat no ring."

Xordan- "A half eaten muffin?"

BV- "Na. Got one."

X ('cause now I'm really lazy)- "Two tickets to the grand opening of 'The Postmen'?"

BV, looking sick- "I would work for you if you promised not to give me those."

X- "Well, I can't do that. I may need someone to go with me. If you're not busy next Thursday?"

Long pause.

BV- "Will there be ice cream?"

X- "Mint fudge."

BV- "I'm in. But that is still not good enough."

X- "Oh...hmmm...I could....ah...give you...ah...back your name?"

Brandon Valjean- "You can do that?"

Xordan- "Look down."

Brandon Valjean, looking down- "Aaaa...I don't think that one is going  to work this time."

Xordan hits Valbrandr on the nose.  - "Works every time!"

Valbrandr- "Did it work?"

Xordan- "Don't know...I don't want to burst into flames."

Valbrandr- "Just say my name."

Xordan- "Uh...hi...uh... Valbrandr."

Valbrandr, shaking his head- "How did you get this job?"

Before Xordan can come up with an answer that would have made no sense anyways, another scream is heard. Valbrandr turns to go, but Xordan stops him.

Xordan- "Remember the deal."

Valbrandr- "Ah...I take her back to the beginning?"

Xordan looks confused. "Nnno...I want you to give her this half a muffin."

Valbrandr- "When did we make that deal?"

Xordan- "Right now."

Valbrandr- "Oh. Well I won't do anything to hurt her."

Xordan looks shocked- "Why not?"

Valbrandr- "You didn't pay me for it."

Xordan- "Oh...right. Just give her the muffin?"

Valbrandr- "Half a muffin."

Xordan- "...half a muffin. But just remember..."

Valbrandr- "I know, I know. No kissing her."

Xordan blinks- "Whatever gave you that idea? Kiss her all you want. I was just going to tell you not to get your hair messed up."

Valbrandr feels his head, with its upgraded curls - "Whhhy?"

Xordan- "Cause I might need it later. So if you mess it up, I will wake you a Dev."

Valbrandr, hopeful- "Really?"

Xordan- "No, you ponce. I'll just toss you into the SPtWMYSSLBftRoYLoNTWCF."

Valbrandr- "No! Not the Sptwumysslibfteroylotwicf! I'll do anything! Uh...what is it, anyways?"

Xordan- "It's a acronym, for 'Shallow Puddle that..."

Valbrandr- "NO! Don't say it. The acronym is bad enough. I'll be careful."

Xordan- "You had better. Oh, one more thing. Next Thursday...say eightish?"

Valbrandr- "Whatever. I have a muffin to deliver."

We now go on scene to where Moogie has her back to a high, slippery wall, 'The Postmen' surround her.

Moogie- "Get away! I don't want to be in your band!"

Karyuu- "But think of the guys!"

Demarthl- "And the girls!"

Long pause where everyone is staring at Demarthl.

Dem- "I am played by a guy. Sheesh."

Moogie- "Come on! Someone is supposed to help me!"

Valbrandr- "I'm coming Moogie!"

Moogie- "Hey! Your name is Valbrandr again! Way to go. Now get me out of here!"

The Postmen- "You gota/ Good lady, you must/ be'ith the utmost/ all together!"

Valbrandr- "Well as to that...I would need a branch of a length of rope or something. Which I don't, so...wait...I thing I've found something!?

Male voice- "Grlack!"

A pair of size 14 shoes suddenly dangle next to Moogie's head. Attached to said shoes seems to be a very tall elf, of the dermorian verity. Holding said elf in place from the top of the wall... is Valbrandr.

Valbrandr- "I found this Cyl! Grab hold, I'll pull you up!"

Hesitantly, Moogie grabs the Cyl's feet. 'The Postmen' rush her, but are struck by a sudden mob of screaming fans.

Karyuu- "I told you!"

Valbrandr pulls hard on the Cyl, dragging Moogie to safety.

The Cyl- "Gruak...kleck...fmmm."

When Moogie reaches the top, Valbrandr tosses the Cyl aside and brushes himself off.

Valbrandr- "Well that wasn't so hard."

The Cyl- "Speak for yourself."

Moogie is about to say something, but instead, pouncehugs the dwarf, thoroughly mussing his hair. They immediately fall screaming though the floor. All three of them, including the Cyl.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2006, 07:03:26 pm by Under the moon »


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« Reply #50 on: July 08, 2005, 09:42:22 am »
Cool! This is hilarious! Cyl\'ll be pleased that you finally got around to using him.


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« Reply #51 on: July 08, 2005, 12:12:17 pm »
All the familiar faces :)

Although most I know more from the forums then ingame but ahh well :)


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« Reply #52 on: July 08, 2005, 02:08:24 pm »
Pestilence: It\'s probably the time zone thing like with me.

Under the Moon: Keep it comin\' big fella. Nothing better then a parody of a Jim Henson work. You\'ll have to do the Dark Crystal next ;)
I\'m laughin\' my *$$ off. :)

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« Reply #53 on: July 08, 2005, 07:14:42 pm »
The Dark Crystal? Hmmmm... that would be a tough one. This was actually up in the air against \'The Nightmare Before Christmass\', but came down on the side of \'The Labyrinth\' because Jennifer Connely is hot. ;)

« Last Edit: July 08, 2005, 07:17:10 pm by Under the moon »

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scene fourteen
« Reply #54 on: July 08, 2005, 10:55:52 pm »
[[Sorry this took so long?but I was having a brain block. Enjoy]]

Scene fourteen
~I'll give you an acronym, you SOB~

Now some may wonder why so many scenes have ended with Moogie falling. Well, besides it being rather funny to imagine a white Fenki with her arms flailing in the breeze? it also make a good cliffhanger. So, we join them again. Falling.

Moogie- "AHHHHH!"

Valbrandr- "NOOOO!"

The Cyl- "This is my damn part? A rope? I hate you."

Now, why the, the Cyl would say such such a thing is unknown, but perhaps it has something to do with the empty sheath on his back. Knowing the Cyl...

Moogie- "Ah...can you go into details later? We're still falling here."

Right. The three come to a sudden stop on a giant pile of cushy soft moss, breaking their fall, but not their extremities. Valbrandr and the Cyl immediately begin gagging uncontrollably at a putrescent odor, holding their noses at its vileness.

Moogie- "Actually, it smells a little like banana. Now I wouldn't use it as an air freshener, but 'putrescent'? You really need to lay off the thesaurus."

A thesaurus was not involved in the selection of said word, and the two with Moogie disagree adamantly with her assessment.

Valbrandr- "Are you nuts? This is the where the Shallow Puddle that Will Make You Smell Somewhat Like Bananas for the Rest of Your Life...or Next Tuesday, Whichever Come First is! What the hell did you have to muss my hair for?!"

Moogie- "Are you serious? Really, it's not that bad."

The Cyl looks sick- "Did not you hear him? Next..." The Cyl stresses each syllable to get his point across.

Moogie- "It didn't work. I don't know what these guys are all worked up about. I am quite tired of this insanity."

With that, Moogie tries to get off the moss, but instead finds herself siding down the slick face, the dwarf and the Cyl in tow. All three of them land on something hard. Something hard that talks. Or perhaps I should say shouts.

Something hard- "Damn! Find another place to fall. I'm tryin to jive here."

Moogie- "Kwartz!"

Moogie pouncehugs Kwartz, right after I add 'pouncehugs' to my spell-checker.

Moogie- "You would do that for me?"

No. It's just that you do it so often that I'm sick of the auto-correct making it two words.

Moogie, sadly- "Oh."

Fine. I did it for you. Don't let it go to your head, I can only do one favor per parody... guild rules. Moogie smiles.

Kwartz- "Moogs! Good to see you again. Who are these other cats?"

Moogie- "This is Valbrandr, and that is a Cyl."

Kwartz- "A Cyl, huh? Good to have one of those about, just in case someone falls down the well, or you can't reach a light bulb."

The Cyl- "I AM NOT A ROPE! I am a warrior! I was once the greatest gladiator of my homeland! I single handedly killed one of the greater cats! I trained the bearer of the chain! You can not address me like that!"

Kwartz- "You had better keep it. You never know when you're going to need a good Cyl."

The Cyl- "I hate you."

Valbandr- "We have more serious problems right now. LOOK!"

Valbrandr points one of his 400fps fingers at something.

Moogie- "Wow. That is quite an upgrade. I wonder what card he's using."

Valbrandr- "Focus, Moogie. We are in the middle of a dire situation."

Moogie- "Oh, sorry. But 400fps. Imagine it."

Kwartz, his eyes glassing over- "Wicked groovy."

The Cyl stands with his mouth hanging open, drool flowing unhindered from the corner of his mouth.

Valbrandr- "SNAP OUT OF IT!"

The others snap out of it, finally looking were the dwarf pointed. All except the Cyl, that is, who stands as before. What the dwarf is pointing at seems to be a rather inconspicuous puddle no more than three steps across. A seemingly totally unnecessary bridge made of Popsicle sticks and Legos crosses it. A small bubble floats on its slightly yellow surface. The bubble pops.

Kwartz- "OH GOD NO!"

Moogie- "Don?t say it. We all know what it is. What is so bad about that?"

All of them stare at Moogie as if she had gone mad, even the Cyl.

The Cyl- "Tuuuuesdaaaaaaaay."

Moogie- "Whatever. Tell you what, I'll just go across and you can all stay here."

The others stare in shock as Moogie begins walking towards the bridge. Moogie stares in shock as a figure jumps out from behind another gargantuan pile of moss. It is the figure of a rather short, light-gray with off-gray stripes Menki brandishing a fiddle.

Menki- "I can not let you pass, good Lady. Hey! I'm supposed to be 5'9! And a fiddle?"

Moogie- "Get used to weirdness. Moon is off his rocker. Now who are you supposed to be?"

Menki- "Why I am Lhoran, the brave and fearless to a fault and also sometimes dead enkiduki. At your service."

Moogie- "You mean XpYtZs character?"

Lhoran- "But of course, my lady."

Moogie- "So... can I pass now?"

Lhoran- "No."

Moogie- "Why not?"

Lhoran- "Baffles me. I'm not writing this thing."

Kwartz- "Damn, man. I can't stand this smell anymore. I'm skippin town."

Kwartz heads for the bridge. Lhoran jumps in his way, again brandishing the fiddle.

Lhoran- "I may not know why, but I can not let you pass."

Kwartz- "Beat it, fuzz!"

Kwartz swings his sax in a wide arc, bringing it to his mouth.

Lhoran- "So... a duel then. I accept."

Lhoran brings the fiddle to bear, flourishing his bow.

Moogie- "Oh god. Not again."

Indeed, again. Kwartz starts out with a mighty blow of his sax. Lhoran counters, drawing the bow across the strings with a long mournful chord.

Kwartz- "So that's your jive, is it? Well then..."

Kwartz hovers over his sax, drawing from it a harmony of low notes meant to stir the soul. After a moment of consideration, Lhoran joins in, lending his bow in counterpoint. The effect is that of the wind crying. The two of them sway over their instruments, lost in the moment. After what seems like forever, the notes stop, yet hang floating in the air, timeless reminders of what has passed. The others sit in awe.

Moogie, wiping away a tear- "Thanks Moon."

Lhoran places his fiddle on the ground at Kwartz's feet.

Lhoran- "You have bested me, mighty Sir. I would have it no other way."

Kwartz smiles- "So can we pass now?"

Lhoran- "I do not see why not. I'm not sure why I'm here in the first place."

Moogie walks to the bridge an starts to cross. As she reaches the halfway point -two steps in- the bridge collapses. Moogie falls three inches, as the puddle is very shallow. So shallow in fact, that the top of the bridge comes nowhere near the surface of the yellow, banana smelling water, leaving Moogie completely dry.

Moogie- "Huh."

The others have a different reaction.

Valbrandr- "OH CRAP! I still have to give her the muffin! Save her!"

Kwartz- "We're comin? Moogs! Hang on!"

Lhoran- "Don't move, dear Lady! I shall save you."

Moogie- "Really, guys, I'm ok. No reason to..."

Valbrandr- "Don't talk! Save your strength!"

Kwartz- "Stay with us, damnit! Don't give up!"

Moogie- "It is completely..."

The Cyl- "Quick! Someone toss her a Cyl! Err...rope I m..."

Whatever the Cyl was about to say is cut short by Kwartz grabbing him by the neck and tossing him at Moogie. The Cyl falls into the puddle.

Kwartz- "It's too short! We need..."

Moogie shakes her head and finishes crossing the bridge. The others stare in shock, then follow cautiously. That is, except for the Cyl, who runs the opposite direction, screaming something incoherently about Tuesday and bananas.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2006, 07:44:47 pm by Under the moon »


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« Reply #55 on: July 08, 2005, 11:00:52 pm »
*wipes tears of laughter from eyes*


Judge: Are you trying to show contempt for this court, Mr Smith?
Smith: No, My Lord. I am attempting to conceal it.


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« Reply #56 on: July 09, 2005, 04:26:12 am »
Brilliant! Good thing I always keep a Cyl on hand. You just never know... :D


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« Reply #57 on: July 09, 2005, 04:38:00 am »
HAHA, haha, throwing a Cyl.

*looks at a certain part of the parody*

I guess that will be my role in \"path of fate\", considering that useing me as rope will not be my main role.

Utm, you really hit the nail on the top, I cracked so much up, I nearly wet my pants (It was strange I was listening to a sad song of rhapsody at the moment I read it and had to laugh) ..

No...w I w..ill taaalk very.. slo...wly on. fo..r..u.m fro..m n..ow .on..
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scene fifteen
« Reply #58 on: July 09, 2005, 12:00:31 pm »
[[This may be my meanest scene yet. Sorry Moogie.]]

Scene fifteen
~What goes around...~

Mourning the lost of their Cyl, the troop moves on. Lhoran and Kwartz get a ways ahead of Moogie and Valbrandr, talking about the subtleties of jazz. Moogie's stomach growls.

Moogie- "I guess I'm hungry. I don't suppose there's any fast food joints around?"

Valbrandr, looking thoughtful- "Well, since you asked..."

Moogie- "You have something?"

Valbrandr- "Just this half a muffin Xordan gave me in exchange for my real name. I'm sure it is going to have some strange effect on you and make you act funny so Xordan can keep your hair forever."

Moogie- "Ah...No thank... *stomach grows* Is it... chocolate?"

Valbrandr- "Devils food."

Moogie, stomach growling even louder, sighs- "I might as well eat it. I don't see any way around it anyways."

Valbrandr- "K. Her ya go."

Valbrandr trades Moogie the half of a devils food muffin. Moogie closes her eyes, ready to take a bite.

Familiar voice- "I have a better idea."

Moogie- "Moon?"

Moogie turns to see the rather ordinary looking fellow she knows as 'Moon', though he is now wearing a grayish button up shirt instead of the checkered. He gives what might be the semblance of a awkward unpracticed bow.

Moon- "In the writing."

Valbrandr- "Hey, you can't just go and change the plot like this. It ain't right."

Moon- "Beat it, Valbrandr. I'm not changing it... just tweaking it a little. Like this..."

Valbrandr vanishes in a poof of smoke. Moogie looks at Moon warily.

Moogie, warily- "Tweaked how?"

Moon gets that one sided grin again, and that twinkle in his eye that always let everyone know he was about to pull something.

Moogie- "I am still reading that you know."

Moon- "Of course. So am I."

Moogie, eyes narrowing- "What are you up to?"

Moon- "That is entirely up to you."

The half of a devils food muffin vanishes, replaced by a large red strawberry. Moogie almost drops it.

Moogie, very suspicious- "What is this supposed to be?"

Moon- "My promise."

A snow globe floats into sight nearby.

Moogie- "You are going to tell me what the hell is going on."

Moon?s half smile becomes a full fledged grin.

Moon- "No Moogie... you are."

He tosses something to Moogie, which she catches with ease. She looks at it in confusion. It is the figure of a rather ordinary looking fellow wearing a gray button up shirt. The snow globe suddenly grows larger, encompassing everything.

Moon- "Your move, Moogie."
« Last Edit: August 26, 2006, 06:04:37 pm by Under the moon »


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« Reply #59 on: July 09, 2005, 04:26:28 pm »
God damnit Moon! Take those cameras out of my room at once. How the crap do you know I play the violin!?
Anyhow at least I made it in :)


Ah, much better.

[edit]Why am I occationaly sometimes dead. Either that\'s redundant or I\'m seldom dead but...I\'m lost. *Goes back to the DR....again?[/edit]
« Last Edit: July 09, 2005, 04:48:27 pm by XpYtZ »