Author Topic: The Labyrinth (a parody) staring Moogie. (Done reformating. Read it again. Now.)  (Read 10703 times)

Under the moon

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« Reply #90 on: August 09, 2005, 09:47:47 pm »
derwoodly gets a cookie.  :D Jessica Rabbit is right.  A must see classic movie.

Sorry for toning your character down a bit, Taser, but there are young\'uns reading this forum. ;)

On another note, I\'ll try to write the next scene in the next few days, but work may make it tight. Only a few scenes left now, folks. Then I may set Moogie free.

*considers for a bit*

But not likely.  :D


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« Reply #91 on: August 12, 2005, 01:44:08 pm »
It\'s great as usual, Under.

The only thing though, this \"party\" is conspicuously lacking a mage... Even if it\'s not me... Still... just one...?

Under the moon

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Scene twenty
« Reply #92 on: August 14, 2005, 08:59:52 pm »
Scene Twenty
~There's more than one way to skin a cat~

Instead of my usual prolog, we shall try something different this time, jumping right into a little action.

Taser- "Hold still! I'm just goin' to send you to the Deathrealm for a little while, nothing permanent."

Taser swings the ridiculously large claymore again, wielding it as if it were no heavier than a big, fluffy pillow. Not to mention she is only using one hand, and her left one at that. This is quite a feat, being that she is not only out weighed by her own sword, but is also right handed. Lhoran removes his head from the path of the whistling blade, grinning widely. Now, you may wonder why Lhoran would have such an expression on his face when said face is in severe peril of being removed rather messily. Well, you may remember that he was introduced as being brave and fearless to a fault. What was not mentioned is that he is somewhat reckless, hence, the sometimes dead part. But perhaps the greatest reason for the grin is the fact that he is facing a profusely perspiring Fenki with, who has no qualms about showing it off.

Moogie, staying out of dangers way- "You enjoyed writing that, didn't you?"

Immensely. I enjoy everything I write. Where was I? You distracted me. Oh yes, admiring Misses Rander's strength. Lhoran jumps to the side nimbly as Taser's sword cleaves the stone where had just been standing.

Lhoran, encouragingly- "You must do better than that, Lady Rander. You simply are not trying hard enough."

Kwartz, also grinning- "Cast Cold on her!"

Moogie- "That wouldn't do any good. It's bugged. All it would do is...."

Moogie stops and stares at Kwartz's huge widening grin.

Leonor- "Yay!"

Okay, sorry. I'm done now. You can't expect me to direct all of my comments towards Moogie, now can you? Getting back to the tale, regretfully or thankfully, depending on how you view it, Lhoran is not in possession of said cold Glyph. In fact, none of or ill prepared heroes possess a helpful Glyph of any sort.

Moogie- "None of us have a Glyph?"

Leonor, holding out his pebbles- "I have these."

Kwartz- "Yum!"

Kwartz snatches the pebbles out of Leonor's hand and pops them into his mouth, crunches once loudly, and swallows. Leonor stares in shock at his empty hand with a look similar to that  of a lost puppy in the rain.

Moogie, frowning- "Now that was just plain mean, Moon. And now we don't have any magic at all."

A little mean, yes, but it sets up this next part nicely. Speaking of which, Kwartz looks bashfully at Leonor's empty hand as Lhoran dodges yet another of Taser's mighty swings.

Kwartz- "Sorry man. I didn't know they where friends of yours."

Leonor stares blankly at his empty palm.

Kwartz- " Wait! I do have this Red Way Glyph. It's yours, Leo."

Kwartz /trades Leonor said Glyph. Leonor looks at it doubtfully as Lhoran leaps over a low swing with a loud "HA!"

Leonor- "Meh. It's not the same. What does it do?"

Kwartz- "Makes and endless supply of tasty tacos is all."

Leonor- "Yay!"

Now, I could let Leo keep the Red Way Glyph of Infinite Tacos, but I did say he was to be abused henceforth. Sooo?

A figure swings out of nowhere on a Cyl tied to a protruding buttress overhead, sweeping the Glyph from Leonor's hand in a flurry of post-it notes.

josePhoenix- "MINE!"

jose vanishes over the outer wall at the end of his swing, his post-it cape flaring dramatically in the wind.

The fading voice of josePhoenix- "All phear the Taco and Toast conspiracy!"

Leonor stares at his empty palm.

The Cyl, still tied to the overhang, makes a sudden and simple statement- "Orange."

Eveyone, including a puffing Taser- "Orange?"

The Cyl, grinning for the first time in the parody- "Yes, orange you glad I didn't say banana?"

Come on, you all knew it was coming. Admit it, you chuckled. Everyone groans, except for Taser, who begins laughing hysterically. While she is doing so, the heroes have time to plan their next move.

Lhoran- "So what is our next move?"

The Cyl, still tied to the overhang- "If I may suggest something?"

Moogie- "As long as you don't say banana or orange."

The Cyl, nodding- "Given what we know of Taser Rander, and her projected reputation, we should be able to easily conjure up some sort of distraction so we may slip by. Also, being that she is female, a mesh enhanced, uber handsome, smokin' hot little man would do nicely."

Valbrandr, appearing in a poof of smoke- "You rang?"

Taser- "Holy carp!"

Valbrander smiles. Taser drops her sword, awestruck. Kwartz chuckles. Moogie raises an eyebrow, very conspicuously not looking at the dwarf. Lhoran shrugs ruefully. Leonor stares at his empty palm. Finally, the Cyl is still tied to the overhang.

The Cyl, still tied up- "That went well. Shall we be on our way?"

Moogie- "Untie that Cyl. We should take it with us in case we need it again."

Kwartz complies as Taser continues staring openmouthed at Valbrandr, who winks at her. She faints cold.

Lhoran- "Good show, Sir Valbrandr. The Cyl's plan worked perfectly."

The Cyl grumbles to himself as the enlarged cast of characters steps over Taser's limp form and passes into Nooblin City, home of the Cabals, Hopscotch champions four years running.

The Cyl, looking back- "At least we now know she has one weakness."

We are nearing the end now, folks. Only a few more...

Authoritive voice- "Hold!"

Moogie- "Monketh? What are you doing here? Your part ended a long time ago."

Monketh- "Sorry ma'am, I am going to have to confiscate that Cyl."

The Cyl- "What for?"

Monketh- "Violations of the Cyl and/or taller than normal elf accords, section thirty-five, subsection eight, paragraph ten, parts E through G. Unauthorized or illegal use of a Cyl in a Planeshift parody. Specifically, the use of a Cyl for any other purpose than that of climbing, tying, tripping, swinging, jump rope, or any of the other things you would use a Cyl for. Giving it a speaking role, taking its advice, referring to it as 'himself' once, and last but not least, letting it partake in a terrible pun are all clear violations of these edicts. Also, that fact that it no longer smells somewhat like bananas when it is clearly not next Tuesday. That in itself is a violation of seven different codes in the..."

Moogie- "Just take it, okay."

Monketh- "Very well ma'am. Remember, the laws are there to protect you. Have a nice day."

The Cyl- "I hate you."
« Last Edit: August 25, 2006, 11:16:49 am by Under the moon »


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« Reply #93 on: August 14, 2005, 09:11:07 pm »
my... sides.... hurt....
i need a lawsuit

= <3


Leonor Mephidra

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« Reply #94 on: August 14, 2005, 09:12:25 pm »
you... are... a genius... UtM...

*stares blankly at his palm* yay?


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« Reply #95 on: August 18, 2005, 05:50:01 am »
/me just had a 3 page readathon or something like that and its still going great, nice job Mr Moon.

although i seem to be getting blamed for things which i have no clues about :/
<Rux> i wish i could say that narrows it down, but the internet is one freaky place


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« Reply #96 on: August 18, 2005, 05:18:47 pm »
While I haven\'t posted here, I\'ve been following this one. :tup: This last scene makes me wish for the devs to use the dermorian model for the ropes that will probably be implemented eventually, knowing that the alternative would be the dwarf model. :D

*wonders what killed the Cyl*


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« Reply #97 on: August 18, 2005, 08:56:54 pm »
ADD suffering, never finishes a story writer throws a shoe of random size at Moon, having forgotten what size it was supposed to be, then proceeds to download some podcasts, rebuild planeshift in optimized mode, write little bits of four different stories simultaneously one paragraph from each at a time, and then finally drops everything he\'s doing to eat ice cream and pizza rolls.


Code: [Select]

Under the moon

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« Reply #98 on: August 19, 2005, 04:41:12 am »
PM me your char info and I\'ll see what I can do. But parts are rather limited, so I can\'t promise anything. I\'ll see about getting the next scene out in the next few days. Again, no promises.

ps. size 14

Seytra: The Cyl? He ist on vacation with no net of any kind right now and for a while. So, you\'ll just have to find one of the Diaboli for all your tieing needs. Not as strong, but a heck of a lot purdier.


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« Reply #99 on: August 22, 2005, 08:56:55 am »
wow... awesome.  I haven\'t been this interested in something since a friend started playing with a battle fan before Tang Soo Do the other day...  This story is amazing...  Wow...  I\'ve never even managed to be satisfied with all of my characters personalities... I guess this would make things a little easier... but wow...  Ok, no more elipses for now, just one more \"Excelent.\" :P

I am Arew Silverwing, and one day I will rule the WORLD!:D
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Under the moon

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Scene 21
« Reply #100 on: August 25, 2005, 09:22:44 pm »
Forgive my lack of nooblin translation and leet skills in this installment. I would also like to apologize for stuff. That?s right, you heard me, stuff.

Scene twenty-one
~Nooblin is as nooblin does...~

Now, this storyline has followed our Moogie quite closely for some amount of time now. Some would say a little too closely. Others might say, "Give our Moogie back you Fenki obsessed freek!" But there are those who would state simply and eloquently, "OMGZORZ! Itz teh MOOGIE! j00 is the ROXORZ!!! OMG hows do u get a sord. K thnx 1111!!!" This scene could focus on any of the above, but since we are in Nooblin city, and every nooblin has his day, this scene shall belong to them... Talad save us. We join the parody in a scene I, borrowed from Star Wars...

Two random nameless nooblins (they are all interchangeable, are they not? Why insult just one when you can generalize and get them all in one fell swoop?) stand in awe as the huge black snowglobe begins to open. A bald man sits in a massive black chair in it's center. A man with wings and a slightly lizard-like form. Slowly, a flowing wig of white hair -now with red steaks mixed in stylishly thanks to Moogie- lowers from the shadows above to come to rest on the Klyros' head. Yes, a Klyros. A Klyros named Xordan.

Nooblin A- "OMGz! Xordan ist a KLYROS?!?!?"

Nooblin A immediately and infinitely painfully bursts into flame. You've all been waiting for that, haven't you? If you are confused by said bursting into flame, you would have to go back quite a few scenes, so I shall recap. Ehem, Scene eight, 'And me without my flyswatter': "The next character who attempts to read any thing after this sentence without permission immediately and infinitely painfully bursts into flame." Nooblin A, being one of said characters, and reading said forbidden text, has burst into previously stated flames. I believe Xordan can sum it up best.

Xordan- "Stupid n00b."

Nooblin B "k I new here what just happened kthz?"

Xordan- "I will burn you to ash where you stand if you ask another moronic question. Just take orders and don't read anything."

Nooblin B- "ok thnx"

Xordan adjusts his hair to be more flattering, then adjusts the wind to make it wave properly. Nooblin B stands in one spot staring blankly. Xordan frowns.

Xordan- "Wait. What are you doing here? I said I was not to be bothered unless the castle was on fire, CS was declared bug free and you could finally sit, you found my rubber ducky 'Goonthure', or Grono posted a picture of herself. I think that was it, or am I forgetting something?"

Nooblin B- "ok u said u wnted to no if the purty catlady and the golem with the horn made it to the city kthz."

Xordan blinks- "Listen n00b, you speak normal, or I'll...wait... the catla- I mean Fenkidukai is here?! In the city?! With her friends?!"

Nooblin B- "K yes teh other catlady fell down and they came in ok thx"

Xordan- "WHAT?! Stop her you fool! Get the guards together. She can't have it back!"

Xordan hugs his wig protectively.

Nooblin B- "ok thnx how does I do that plz?"

Xordan- "Run down to the plaza an tell the rest of you Runescape and WoW rejects to arm up and stop them!"

Nooblin B- " do u run ok thnx?"

Well, I am sure many of you understand the frustration Xordan is going through right now, and so agree with his next course of action completely, even if he is playing the bad guy. The sound of breaking glass accompanies Nooblin B a he flies out the nearest window.

Nooblin B, plummeting- "how do u fly ok thnx" *distant splat*

It is best not to stay with Xordan now, as there may be young-uns reading this, and so should not be exposed to such language. So we move on to the plaza, where the mighty Nooblin army is readying for gruesome battle.

Nooblin G5- "OMG this is teh ROX! I got a ax of ++++PAWNAGE!!!!"

Nooblin NC12- "WOOT!!! U r teh > 111one11!!!"


Nooblin R- "Shutup n00b! You r a suck!"

Nooblin F /shouts- "I PAWN YOU! YOU SHUT UP!"

Nooblin Q- "how do u use mouselook?"

Nooblin F- <Nooblin R has challenged you>

Ok, I think we've seen enough of that. A certain writer would not like a mob of angry Planeshifters setting his house afire if he continued. So, as the nooblins they do, we'll shift the view back to where it should be. Moogie stands surveying the city before her, striking a striking heroic pose...

Moogie, interrupting- "Ehem. My face is up here."

Lhoran, Kwartz, Leo, and Valbrandr- "Sorry, Moogie."

Er...ya, what they said. To distract Moogie from m...the other's embarrassment, a group of heavily armed nooblins turn the corner not too far away, each brandishing one of those new randomly generated, ridiculously high powered weapons capable of killing any of our heroes with a single scratch.

Moogie, worried- "They can kill us with just a single scratch?"

Lhoran, his red eyes glinting- "So he has made something easy for once. Off I go."

With those words, Lhoran dashes towards the nooblins, despite being out numbered and weaponless. The nooblins spot him with a shout.

Nooblin <insert random leter/number combination>- "OMG! Itz teh LOOT! KEEL IT!"

Kwartz- "Brave cat, that one."

Another, even larger group of nooblins with even more powerful (thanks Talad, give the kids sharper knives) weapons comes from another direction, cutting the rest of the group of from Lhoran.

1337 Noblin- "17?5 7|-|3 /\\/\\ ()()613 57()|> 17!!"

Normally, one might wonder why all these nooblins are speaking in caps, phonetically, and -worst of all- numbers and punctuation... but when someone is waving a 500+ damage Sword of the Way Damn Too Much Ungodly Power +1, you tend to let them speak however they wish. You also run. Moogie and the others stare at the nooblins in disbelief. I said RUN!

Kwartz, running- "This is craaaazy, man!"

Leonor, running- stares at his empty palm.

Kwartz, still running- "I said I was sorry."

Nooblin, running- "WOOT I found the autorun key!"

Moogie, running- "Where the hell is a GM when you need one?"

Drey, running- "Like hell I's goin to try to stopped them!"

With that, the writer has to run. Stay tuned for next time, when Noobin R1 shall say upon Nooblin W, "u shud budy up an join my guld cus o ya we kill stuff." [[aside from the writer in this edit. Those were the actual qouted words of one of the guilds that tried to stat up about a year ago. And Venge says there can never be too many guilds.... xD ]]
« Last Edit: August 25, 2006, 11:28:12 am by Under the moon »


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« Reply #101 on: August 26, 2005, 06:30:54 am »
*scoffs at nooblins
*loves parodies
I\'ve been reading this for a while, but I was too lazy to post. More, more, more!!!

Waurelie Rerogo


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« Reply #102 on: August 26, 2005, 07:47:41 am »
To be fair... Most people who play spoonscape... well, you gave them way too much credit to say the least.  That made them sound positively scholarly by comparison  :rolleyes: They don\'t really have that good or coherent grammar... lol

I am Arew Silverwing, and one day I will rule the WORLD!:D
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« Reply #103 on: August 26, 2005, 08:52:09 am »
Drey, running- ?Like hell I?s goin to try to stopped them!?

bah, with my super powerleveled char (kinda but im out of progression points) i could take out a bunch of noobs by looking at them, also why am i in it?
<Rux> i wish i could say that narrows it down, but the internet is one freaky place


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« Reply #104 on: August 26, 2005, 12:50:22 pm »
Drey, why would you want to stop the nooblins, you\'re a powerleveler after all, that\'s why Draklar called you a \"community peanut\", I\'ve never seen you in character, are you ever?

Hilarious story, Utm, keep up the great work.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2005, 01:55:38 pm by Niavard »
Low mage of the Arcane Order

In Soviet Planeshift, Features have not implemented YOU!!