Author Topic: Eater of the .  (Read 395 times)


  • Hydlaa Resident
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Eater of the .
« on: September 16, 2002, 07:30:51 pm »
Umm...just so you know, Eater of the De@d is part of Egyptian mythology. It\'s what Ammit means. He\'s not a scavenger, or cannibal.

Eater of the De@d Part I

Julian rushed through the darkness towards the light shedding from the bar window, with his long jacket billowing out behind him. Inside was a rough, drunken assortment of rouges, thieves, and workers of all races. He ordered up a pint as he sat down at the far edge of a table shared with a muttering bunch of Ylians. No sooner had he pulled up a chair when a resounding crash filled the tavern as a particular loud Ynnwn  flipped over a table, followed by slurred laughter, ? Ah Vodul! You?re saying they w..worshipped the Azure Sun?!? What idiots!! Hahahaahaa!!! Stupid Lemurs!! No self-respecting Diaboli would be caught bowing to some rock!! Bwahaahahaha!!!?
He continued ranting for a handful of heartbeats until one, wiry, golden, spotted and striped Enkiduaki stood up behind him and placed his hand on the drunkards shoulder. ?I think we would like you to leave now.?
The large, crimson half breed spun around and took a slow swing at him. The Enkidukai stepped back, dodging the blow and quickly shoved the palm of his hand against the Ynnwn?s nose. The was a soft crunch as it splintered and sent       flowing down his teary face.
One of the Ylains at his table broke the silence with some boisterous laughter, ?Bwahahahhaha!! Boy, that demon sure got what was coming to him.?
?Aa, he was a fool.? The Enkiduaki muttered back after staring at him for a moment.
?Fool or no, anyone that can make that brute cry deserves a free drink, and a good exchange of tales.?
The Enkidukai?s striped face broke into a toothy smile, ?Well, it did feel good to shut him up.?
As he sat down amongst them one Ylain jumped back out of his seat shouting, ?Holy Azure!! You?re Cursed  Bl00d !!?  
The pub fell silent, except for a few scattered whispers among the bar patrons.
The first Ylain quickly shouted back, ?Huh. The you?ll have more stories ta fill us in on.?
The noise and usual laughter slowly returned.  Julian stood up from the table and walked over to tall, grey Klyros that had just entered the pub.
?Have you picked someone yet?? the Klyros asked.
?Do you know of Cursed  Bl00d ?? Julian whispered back.
?Eh, I?ve head of him. What do you want to know??
?What did he do? Is he some great warrior.?
The Klyros snorted at his suggestion, ?Hardly! Awhile back his clan got slaughtered by a couple of Kran on a hunting party. He survived without a scratch.?
?Well, did he kill the Kran?? Julian asked.
?No, they left with some new Enkidukai pelts. If you ask me he ain?t nothin? special. Just some craven that hid in the bushes while his people got cut down.?
Disappointment filled Julian?s face. ?That?s it? He?s a coward??
?That?s it. Why do you ask? Is he here??
Julian pointed at the tall, spotted Enkiduaki now laughing and drinking among the Ylains.
The Klyros glanced over him. ?So, is he a target or no? He is still a legend you know.?
Julian paused for a moment. ?Eh, yeah. He?s as good as any, I guess.?
?I?ll go tell them, then.?
Large, ruined wings scraped the doorway as he turned around and left the bar.
Julian looked back at the target before following his companion, ?Heh. Soon you?ll really know what cursed bl00d means.?
« Last Edit: September 17, 2002, 06:18:50 pm by Barak »