Author Topic: Player gets stuck when loading world  (Read 194 times)


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Player gets stuck when loading world
« on: July 21, 2005, 12:23:26 pm »
I don\'t know if this is a bug or not, but whenever I have autorun on in the game and it loads the next world, it gets stuck and I have to walk instead to go through.

And also, I noticed my character gets pieces of like buildings and the sky (anything in the background) stuck to it\'s wings. Is this a bug, or my computer lagging?


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2005, 01:18:14 pm »
There are some problems with autorun and loading the next map, there have been cases of characters turning, and loading the region they where leav?ng. Some suggestions have been made, like \"zones of tolerance\" to avoid that, so i think they are aware about that.
As for the wings, i can\'t tell for sure because i don\'t play a klyros char but, it seems to me like the transparency issue affecting at trees, for instance (im sure you\'ve also seen it) so, the wings of klyros have some transparency issues too; they are also aware of that, so don\'t worry, lag isn\'t causing this.
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