Author Topic: The Return  (Read 616 times)


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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The Return
« on: August 02, 2005, 12:45:54 am »
The Return

Hatchnet DuBon emerged into the light of the Azure sun and gazed up into its pale blue essence.  
He had been traveling the tunnels in search of the portal that brought him to the world of Yliakum but his searches were in vain. If the portal still existed he could not find it; in fact he had been unable to find any portal at all. For better or worse this strange cavern was his home now.
Wondering if he would ever get used to the feeling that it was constantly noon and not wanting to use one of the lifts; Hatchnet setout down the path heading for the nearest stair.
As he moved down the path a he came upon a sickly sweet scent that left a tart metallic taste in his mouth.


Quickly drawing his landsknecht from across his back he began to cast about for the source. It was then that he noticed the arrow fletchings sticking out above the tall grass and ran for the spot.
Finding a young female enkindukia with three arrows protruding from her chest. He rammed the point of his sword into the ground beside her and gently knelt to check if she still drew breath.
As he lifted her head from the ground she spoke ?Tell Mogura?.
His reaction was immediate ?Tell Mogura what?? ?Who did this to you??
She only replied with ?Beware?.

Taking an amulet from around her neck and gently pulling one of the arrows from her body he placed them in a pouch to show to the Lady Mogura. Standing he pulled his helm from his pouch and placed it upon his head; then sheathing his massive sword he began to run he needed to find the members of the Felines Layer and fast.