Author Topic: Quest for the Crystal - Recruitment/Rules/Out of Character Discussion  (Read 8622 times)


  • Hydlaa Notable
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I am recruiting for a RPT(Role playing thread) called \'Quest for the Crystal. What happnes is that the Crystal in Yliakum has been damaged(somehow), and a group of adventurers(the posters) has been called to retrieve a special item that will repair it. More info will be in a seperate thread from here, if I get at least 3 recruits, with a maximum of 8, including me. New players can join in later, too, with a maximum of 10. Right now, I\'ll be giving you the rules and info:


No flaming or insulting in any form will be allowed. Treat one another with respect.


You may not move or make another poster\'s character do anything unless you have the owner of the character\'s permission. Not even I, the Game Master(GM) can move players around unless I have permission.


Keep Out of Character(OC), or things you have to say that your character is not going to, to a minimum in the seperate thread. Keep them here, if possible. OOC posts are allowed there, as long as it has to do with the quest.
On occasion the GM may include a GM note to more fully describe an item, area, event or story point. These will be marked as GM, not OOC.


Keep In Character(IC) and OOC posts seperate. Do this by posting \'OOC:\' and the message like that.


No super characters will be allowed. No super items will be allowed, either. This is for the enjoyment of all, and fairness.
EDIT: You don\'t have to have flaws, but it simply means you can have more abilities. I will judge your character and see if he/she/it(Kran) is too powerful.


Do not have your character wander off, or make several posts about him and him only. This is an interacting story, and not about one character and one character only.


This is not exactly a rule, but it would be nice if this happened. Characters can learn of things through different ways. As the crystal is damaged, it should be easy to do this.

RULE 8: This is for creative storywriting, not hack and slash. I will try to put in riddles \'and stuff\' to enhance the atmosphere of this thread.

RULE 9: The GM can do anything with players who enter the roleplay thread withougt his/her permission. Players are granted permission when their character is approved.

Have fun!

These rules(and info) have been borrowed and revised from:,242,0,60

Look at the above link for better information.

Remember, IC is In Character, and OOC is Out of Character. All races must be from Planeshift, too, as this is based in Planeshift.

I will tell you how to create a character in another post. Thank you for reading this, and special thanks to those wishing to participate!
EDIT: Oh yeah, and the items, spells, and skills/flaws are to be made up by your imagination, as Planeshift isn\'t exactly \'out\' yet. So basically, all you have to do is have a good imagination, and you\'ll be fine. One more thing: Does GM really stand for Game Master?  ?(
« Last Edit: November 14, 2002, 10:19:23 am by Wormtail_ »
You pay the same price for doing something halfway as for doing it completely. So you might as well do it completely.
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  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2002, 05:52:48 pm »
Okay then, this will be how you create a character. It\'s also going to be my character, anyways. Also note that your character\'s name doesn\'t have to be your forum name, either. The class of your character is for deciding what your items are, your character\'s personality, and much, much more. Also, if your character has magic skills, be sure to post the spells. No super spells, either. Also, list items of importance, too. You are allowed to post other items, though.

Name of character: Rantal
Race: Lemur
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: Around 25(when converted to human age, anyways)
Class: Mage Archer

Light Staff: A lightweight staff that helps casting spells.
Book of Spells
Quiver of arrows
3 Healing potions
2 sets of light brown traveling robes
120 tria
Small leather helmet
Rusty dagger
5 stones


Cure poison
Light heal
Water Attack
Shooting Stars


Slightly insane; weak; Night Vision; more will be revealed as group travels.

Background/Personality: Rantal is slightly insane due to a rival in the Academy of Magic cursing him. Also, he learned archery at an early age because his father was an archer in an army. Sometimes, he rushes into things without thinking, but since magic requires use of the head, he is rather smart. His weakness in muscle and insanity are some of his flaws. His ability to do magic and ranged weapons are some of his higher points. Also, he has some skill with the staff. By his \'insanity,\' I mean he might come up with a completely stupid idea, do stupid things, and start talking nonsense at times.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2002, 05:13:32 pm by Wormtail_ »
You pay the same price for doing something halfway as for doing it completely. So you might as well do it completely.
-Richard Nixon

Despise the enemy and you will lose.
-Li Tien (or Dian)

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  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2002, 01:31:46 pm »
Bah, this thread recieved a rating of 1, and nobody wants to take place in this. I would like a reason as to why this thread recieved a rating of one, and if I consider the reason to be good, then I\'ll let this thread go to the bottom. It also seems as if nobody wants to interact with another person in writing stories... Hmmm...
You pay the same price for doing something halfway as for doing it completely. So you might as well do it completely.
-Richard Nixon

Despise the enemy and you will lose.
-Li Tien (or Dian)

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  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2002, 03:09:00 am »
I think its a great idea. I\'ll be in. Ill post my character info soon.

Just a question,

If the crystal is broken, does that mean everything is pitch black? or is it just partially broken.


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2002, 09:23:07 am »
Name of character: Tegdaen Silverblade
Race: Stonebreaker dwarf
Gender: Male
Age: 92
Class: Fighter

Double bladed axe.
Steel Buckler
Light armour
Potion of Kran strength
small hp potion
Mysterious musical instument
Leather gloves (too big for Tegdaen to wear)
5 Throwing stones

Money: 20 trias


Light heal


Infravision, bonus to strength, can play his mysterious musical instrument, weak in magic, weak swimmer.


Both of Silverblade\'s parents were killed by a group of Xacha\'s when he still of a young age. Because of this, he has a natural hatred of all Xacha\'s. His parents did not leave Tegdaen empty handed however. Before her death, Tegdaens mother bestowed him with the ability to cure light wounds. His father, Telmaren Silverblade, left behind a double bladed battle axe that his great, great grandfather used in the battle of Eastern Yliakum, hundreds of years ago.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2002, 05:38:40 pm by Silverblade »


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2002, 11:15:58 am »
Excellent, we have a new recruit! Oh, the crystal is only partially broken since the crystal was attacked by a few really powerful mages, but it\'s practically impossible to actually break it. Your character is approved, too.

I need at least 2 more recruits to start the post. If you\'d like, you can start planning ahead of time of what you\'re doing when the crystal is suddenly broken, and you can post ideas that iI might throw in to the storyline. As this is based in the underground city(can\'t spell name... :( ), we will be using the buildings there and perhaps make up our own.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2002, 11:22:22 am by Wormtail_ »
You pay the same price for doing something halfway as for doing it completely. So you might as well do it completely.
-Richard Nixon

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  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2002, 01:41:40 pm »
Name of character: Xolon
Race: Dwarf, Hammerwielder
Gender: Male
Age: 263
Class: Merchant/ Fighter

-Great Battleaxe (piercing bonus).
-Homemade heavy armour (lighter then usual).
-Leather boots.
-Decorated viking helmet.

-Little travellers smithing/repair set.
-Small survial kit (containing stuff like; a thunderbox, map, food, some coins..).

-Has learned how he can enchant his smithed items.

-Good smithing skills.
-Smart (for a dwarf).
-Loves a good dwarven stout and a hot meal.

-Not that fast.
-Extremely bad swimmer.
-Can be a bit grumpy (especially in the morning..).
-Dislikes bad smithers.

As a young dwarf, Xolon has always been fascinated by the art of creating metals into weapons and armoury. When he was old enough he helped an old blacksmith in his shop and learned the skill. Now known as one of the greatest smithers, Xolon has his own shop.

His Parents are still alive and living in Yliakum aswell. Xolon\'s father is an old hunter, who use to take Xolon into the woods to hunt for food. He tought Xolon the basics of fighting, the rest Xolon had to learn himself (well..some1 had to test his smithed merchandary).

Because of his love for smithing he got a huge strenght and big mussles. Unfortunatly is also bring slowness with it, but together with his outfit he can take most monsters..


« Last Edit: October 05, 2002, 01:46:46 pm by Xolon »


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2002, 01:59:28 pm »
*dances* One more recruit until I start the thread!

Okay then, now for the analysis for Xolon. How powerful is his enchanting of smithed items? I might tweak your character down a bit on the magic part, though. His magic skill should be able to enchant only items that were smtihed within a month, but it can only be minor enchantments, although as he uses more of his magic, the more skilled he gets. Oh yeah, and about his smithing skill... How about he can only smith one extra pair of iron armor or iron weapons(your choice) due to the lateness of the arrival of resources to his smith, and he only has some iron left to smith? Who will wear the armour? Will the armor be minorly enchanted? Nice character, but I don\'t want free armor for all of the characters. It makes things more interesting and challenging.

Spell for enchanting weapons should be two of the following: Extra damage, more accurate, item is able to be thrown for s short distance. You can make up your own if you\'d like, it just needs to be approved by me.

Spell for enchanting armor should be one of the following; Extra defense; minor protection against ailments/bad conditions; ability to glow and heat creatures around a small area. Make up your own if you\'d like.
You pay the same price for doing something halfway as for doing it completely. So you might as well do it completely.
-Richard Nixon

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  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2002, 03:56:41 pm »
i like the idea of a iron shortage..make me more grumpy ;)

About the enchanting, its not easy it takes some time doing the ritual with ingredients..(gems etc..). And yes it only gives bonusses like you mentioned (not a teach-and-die..bonus). His enchanting is still \'basic\', its a pretty new skill Xolon is learning..

Dunno whose gonna wear the new armour, mostly i only bring the extra iron in case of repairs...

Hope it clears up some things...



  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2002, 05:55:18 pm »
Well, you don\'t have to forge new items if you\'d like. You can just bring the iron to repair your items. Your character is now approved with the changes in enchanting(kind of) and that hsi skill is still new.

Now, lets start discussion on where we are when the crystal is damaged and how we meet! It will probably save some time rather than running around, trying to meet someone your character doesn\'t know about yet.

Just one more recruit...(I just had to say that...)
You pay the same price for doing something halfway as for doing it completely. So you might as well do it completely.
-Richard Nixon

Despise the enemy and you will lose.
-Li Tien (or Dian)

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  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2002, 05:56:55 am »
Maybe we should bring a Pack Mule with us, to carry all Xolons extra Iron, and other things. (could create some interesting scenarios also.)


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #11 on: October 06, 2002, 03:37:49 pm »
yeah, i like that idea..

and for our meeting, the city council asked for brave people to go on a quest. Tegdaen and me applied for it and met each other that way..



  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2002, 08:39:00 pm »
Finally! Planeshift forums are up again!

Anyhow, for the pack animal... How about this: While traveling through the Stone Labranyths(sp?), we manage to capture a creature and tame him/her. This creature can be either loyal to all of us, or loyal to just one person. So which idea is better: Owning one orignally, or capturing one?

As for meeting each other, I agree with that. The Council would undoubtly ask for people wishing to avenge the damage of the crystal(kind of) and find the parts necessary for repairing the crystal.
You pay the same price for doing something halfway as for doing it completely. So you might as well do it completely.
-Richard Nixon

Despise the enemy and you will lose.
-Li Tien (or Dian)

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  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2002, 06:25:53 am »
Yeah, lets find an animal and try to tame it.

And we will probably need a Megara or Pterosaur to fly us up to the crystal at some stage, so we better start saving our Trias.

And we are going to have to work out something to do about this... (Taken from the PS site.)

\"To the great regret of the scientists, radiation from the Crystal keeps them from exploring too near. Using logic and common sense, scientists concluded that the nearer than twelve steps from the Crystal, the radiation separates every molecular binding, sometimes even generating random chain reactions that could be very dangerous. However, since the Crystal is such a powerful source of every kind of magic in the city, some fool will dare to get too close and risk the dangers.\"

And please people, sign up for this so we can get started. Uncle Laanx wants YOU !!!


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #14 on: October 17, 2002, 08:21:31 pm »
I kind of thought that problem out... about the Crystal getting repaired, anyway.

Right now, I have around five choices you can choose from:

A: You make it up.
B: I make it up.
C: We all make it up.
D: We make it up as we go along.
D: Other

I\'ve got an idea for repairing the Crystal. How about the Crystal somehow attracts other pieces of really high magic to it or something like that? Or we could simply use some magic or ask NPCs to use their magic to repair the crystal. By now, I will be assuming we will be super characters, as only really powerful creatures can do something to the Crystal from beyond 12 paces, let alone damage it. The piece of crystal we are looking for is probably going to be around 10-15 shards of crystal from all over the crystal. And let\'s just say that the Crystal doesnt seperate pieces that are from the Crystal itself, too, so we won\'t have any problems there.

If the devs think this story interferes with what they think, let\'s call this another world that is very similar to this world.
You pay the same price for doing something halfway as for doing it completely. So you might as well do it completely.
-Richard Nixon

Despise the enemy and you will lose.
-Li Tien (or Dian)

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