Author Topic: thieving or looting in pvp  (Read 854 times)


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thieving or looting in pvp
« on: August 17, 2005, 11:15:14 am »
ok i also had this idea for the theaving and looting thing.   since nobody  wants their brand new set of  armor that they have slaved away for nicked by the first guy that comes along (within a certain level restriction of course ) i thought up this:


since thieving is not a job where you stick around and  choose carefully the biggest most expensive thing a person has on them before running off with it, i think that it should be a random toss of the hat between any varuouse  low - medium weight items a player is carrieing on them at that time.  

anyone who has had somthing taken from them will be alerted and can then freely kill the thief if they can get them.  
thieving will be allowed anywhere  but if done in cities nearby guards will be allerted of your deeds and attack.   once again the alignment  issue comes into play with the subtracting of alignment points etc.  

pking and looting

ok like i said  to avoid the  outraged cry\'s of those who have just had their best taken from them, i think that looting should be down to the player or players that get the three least valuable items on that player as well as half their tria\'s.  

it would be nice to lift a heavy chain mail jerkin off a dead body but nobody ids going to stick around a corpse long enough to bother with that so they take anything they find in the pockets.

as far a party is concerned it would be a random toss up  of who gets  anything. the loot would be divided ( so the three items are given to three people ) randomly.  

 any armor apart from gloves or guantlets, jewelery and anything else in that type of thing would not be able to be taken. same   for weapons.  only daggers, short swords and such other things.
bare in mind that all weapons and armor looted would have to be  relativly low cost so as easy to replace by their previouse owners.  anything above a set amount of value would be excluded from looting.  

dunno what you all think of this but its just an idea to try and balaance things and keep people happy.  


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2005, 09:52:02 am »
you should NOT be able to thieve something is carrying or wearing.  Think about it, you are carrying a huge sword bigger than you, some guy comes up, manages to somehow take it out of you hand and you dont notice it.  :/

You only be able to thieve objects and money in the players\' inventories.  Also, I think that since a bunch of people are against thieveing and a bunch with it, you should only be able to thieve in places where only like 5 other people at most are.  (like in that dark ally no one wants to go down).  This would work great and make the world so much more Realistic.   Pls Pls Pls devs implement thieving soon ***sad puppy dog face***
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« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2005, 08:07:09 am »
What about u get pockets and there wil be random items in each pocket u got.
Wen u want to thief u first got to choose a pocket from wich to choose so if u got ur wallet in ur other pocket the wallet and money won\'t be stolen.
And this way u cant be thiefed for much bcuz a thief cant pick every pocket u got right?

Devs keep up da good work


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« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2005, 09:53:49 pm »
how bout you need to activate a flag first for thieving /thief maybe thne you can steal from anyone that has it on and if you have it on other players can also loot you.

and for PKing perhaps they can make it that you can gamble on duels.
like you both put 1 tria in the jackpot and the winner of the duel gets the  what eh and the other players betted.
perhpas if the PS team feels up for it they can also add a command called /PK which will activate another flag which will allow you to participate in PK without being in a duel. but thinsg like this will happen you need to ahev this flag on to be attack and attack others with this falg on.  but of course i think the loot thing could be perhaps that 3% of the victems money is dropped on the floor and all items have 15% chance of being lootable in the loot screen. and to keep it fair how bout the loot is claimed for 5-10 seconds by the killer after that anyone that wants to loot it can. so how you guys like my idea. that way we will all be happy if we need to have a mode activated to participate in certain things.
so how you guys like my idea

 and shorty13 there is somethign called mugging


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« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2005, 11:26:35 pm »
If there is even one player against thieving(as much as I am for it) it should not be implemented at all, against PCs.  NPCs like Harnquist could be robbed, however.  You can only loot what has been sold to these merchants.  This would create a dynamic where the thief would follow someone who has been killing trepors to the merchant to loot the merchant afterward.  

There are skills in place for this already.  They could be utilized to not get caught because if you are caught: jailtime!  This could be an instant port to a jail cell where you have to do in game jail time.

Quests could be set up so that NPCs sometimes receive items that are valuable for trade to other items(glyphs, weapons, etc.) that can only be gotten through the quest(like the energy glyph now).  This sets up hot spots for the thief to \"case\".  This also creates a dynamic that multiple thieves casing the same place draw attention to the group.  The thieves then have to roleplay how to deal with that.

Another dynamic could be thieves can rob from other thieves.  The option to thieve can be turned on, and anything stolen is marked as stolen goods(to prevent turning the option off to protect your stolen goods.  At this point, you could sell stolen goods to a PC and that PC is subject to it being ripped off(no other item, so shame on you for receiving stolen goods).  Guards could stop you and confiscate your stolen goods, creating a need for fences that can remove the \"stolen goods\" mark.

I can go into a lot more detail, but I think this sums it up for a system of thievery that satisfies the thief in me, without violating those that do not want to be targets for this practice.

« Last Edit: December 12, 2005, 11:28:57 pm by Kythag »
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  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2005, 01:55:35 am »
Those are interesting Ideas Mr Dying Inside. I believe they have been covered before in other posts, but that is a lot of reading to do.  So rather than respond with the usual \"use the search button\" response I have a couple of observations that have bugged me as I have thought about how PS could have a PK system.

I have not been in-game in a while, but the last time I was on you could not bank any items.  This means that your entire life savings is on your person.  Implimenting thieveryor PK of any kind before you have a way of securing valueable equipment in my opinion would be a mistake.

Also, when you die all of your items go with you. Thus, there is nothing left on your corpse to loot. So following that logic, If not even death can seperate me from my Tria how can a mere thief steal it from me?