Author Topic: people irrespectful behaviours  (Read 474 times)


  • Hydlaa Notable
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people irrespectful behaviours
« on: August 24, 2005, 08:58:23 pm »
I was playing ps (its rare since the wipe to see me leveling) and I just bought my first sword point since the wipe.

I killed rogues in the sewers without problems (my char with 80 was everytime dodging). And I just went to ojaveda for the falka quest. I tried to kill some rats to keep on increasing the sword point I bought.


I saw a rogue. I tried to fight him and as it worked I continue until his end (I dont look at the system channel and as I thought he was moving I didnt runaway) : then a guy sent me a /tell saying I were an exploiters and a cheaters and that he will say everything because people like me are bad ...


Off course reading what he wrote, I felt insulted and said him I thought he could be more respectful.

Still no respect he kept on behaving like that

At this time I thought my char had dodged every hits. And i said that I could give my log to him. But I was kidding

he said yes

I answered that I wont go offline just to show him Im true I dont need to prove anything to that guy! And I add I am older than him on the game so he could respect a little more. I add I dispise this kind of pride behaviour.

He said I am the one who is proud because I said i was older.

At this time I was wondering why I chose to answer to that kind of guy... maybe is it a child and he is more annoying than anything else. I thought before I knew him but I am not sure now...

I said I was here since more than one year and I know that he is here since the beginning of the years : he answered of course the same kind of useless things.

And in fact I certainly said dumb things too.

Im not that kind of guy who ignore people ; I prefer speaking and let things in peace.

His name is not important but

I think the guy\'s name isnt important but I dislike the way people are behaving sometimes especially with the newbee but with the other members of the community. The issues in the game (such like wipes and others) make people more aggressive sometimes and I really regret that...

I hope you understand my message : if you speak to someone please be careful that people in front of you is allowed (at least !) to be respected.

This guy annoyed me and destruct all my hapiness...

Efflixi Aduro

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« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2005, 09:25:26 pm »
Heh its ok fken let them say whatever they want, we know you would never cheat. :)

Keep in mind this guy thought you were exploiting the game though. Its not like he knew you were just playing.
Lol Internet