Author Topic: A life of a mage:Reson Seser  (Read 753 times)


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A life of a mage:Reson Seser
« on: September 22, 2005, 10:19:09 am »
There are two versions of this story, the breif one below and a long one afterwards(being written)-feel free to add comments, they could help me write the long version

The sound of swords clashing and arrows whistling through the air was heard all over the small forest village. The sodiers of the black flame were skilled, but the enkidukai weren\'t going to give up without a fight. a gust of smoke arose from a smal treehouse in the center of the village and surrounded the battlefeild. when it cleared, an enkidukai shouted \'\'My son! alas,who has let my son roam free in the times of war!\'\' Reson Seser stood above the battlefield.He was only at the young age of ten years old, but he was tall and imposing on all who looked at him. Strangely, he glowed with a blue light, and the wounded enkidukai got up when they saw him.It was the birth of the Blue Mage. Not thinking straight, Reson called on the water of the river to aid him,the gushing water healed the wounded and washed away the black flame,extinguished.

\'\'alas!\'\' his father cried \'\'our village is gone, and Reson is nowhere to be seen!\'\'
Reson was hiding deep in the branches of a tree .With his new found power,came visions,of bad things happening to his tribe. he left,knowing he would bring them only death.

As Reson grew up, he practised his power, and some fire too, to survive he forged his own swords out of tree and stone, and used them to hunt for food, thus becoming extremely skilled with weaponry of this kind. Reson has done many deeds, counting the wounds and healing them as he goes along , exept one, witch happened on a dark day, where for unspoken reasons Reson was up in a magical fight with a god , a blow he recieved to the stomach never healed. he defeated the spirit of the god, but barely, and because his wits came to him at the right moment, unlike when he found his power, the power of the blue way.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2005, 11:15:21 am by thealf »


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« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2005, 10:22:13 am »
that is a breif version of Reson Seser\'s life, the long version will be a while , may be a whole novel!


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long version
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2005, 11:36:25 am »
The birth of a mage

Reson Seser stared at the chaos through the window. the chaos replied with a series of arrows, which were easily dodged.
The clang of swords rang out all over the forest village know to Reson as home.
The soldiers of the black flame were strong and skilled, but all able enkidukai were fighting none the less, although they were losing. Reson was not considered \'able\' for two reasons, one, he had no tail bone, which made his tail flexible, but he couldn\'t use it to balance himself as iot took a lot of strength to shift it. Two, when he was born, the oracle said he was special, and the enkidukai didnt want to take a risk.
Suddenly Reson felt a strength in him, he felt like he was water, then ice, then.....powerful.
a cry sounded over the battlefield \'\'alas! who has let my son roam free while war is about!\'\' as Reson was standing on the platform, and he looked as if he was chanting \'\'oh river river of the ice,river of the water,while you provide in normal times, please aid us in war
oh river of the sun,river of the moon, river of the water and the earth, river that helps us live and thrive, please please please bring the blue......\'\'
Reson can still be heard murmuring that song today. it brought the river crashing down, healing the wounded and washing away the  evil.
After the battle the tribe decided to move on. Their village was in ruin, and Reson was nowhere to be seen. they found his ring in the river.\'\' alas! my son ,my son,has gone.\'\'

Reson died at that battle.But he was still alive...

end of chapter 1
                             Chapter 2

In Song

Reson\'s body was never found. Nor was his ring-yet.But the birds sang, and the creatures of the water howled. Only Reson understood the song :

All the people of this world, the ones that live and die
they may not see the light of day, but they\'re all one side
everyone has a chance to be true
even if they choose not to
eveyone can still live on
and the elements hold on

Reson was the chosen one to be the \'blue mage\'.He lived on. He stared at his tribe through the bush. He had to decide-stay with them, or seek information and revenge. He followed them for a long time, thinking, sometimes not even paying attention to what was going on around him.While his tribe slept one night, he had a vision.A vision of death, decay, and a song.He awoke to find a serpent, and no matter what he did it followed,so he decided to keep him.His pet snake, Jason. Realising what he must do, he set off, Jason on his shoulder,\'\'ok Jason,we\'re off,we\'re off in song.\'\'

end of chapter 2

               Chapter 3


Jason stopped, filckering his tongue in and out \'\' what is it?\'\' enquired Reson.
Reson and Jason had benn wandering through the woods for nearly a year, practising his power and making swords from stone, grass and mud.
They had travelled ahead of Reson\'s tribe, and arrived at a thick mass of trees.Jason scenced somthing through the under growth, and putting Jason his shoulder Reson climbed to have a look. After clambering up the tree for about forty feet Reson came to the canopy, and nearly fell down again with suprise.Before him stood a massive temple, black in colour, with a flame over the doorway.\'\' the black flame\'\' Reson muttered to himself, and suddenly sprang on to it\'s mighty walls, and crawled over it to find a way in.

Reson found a hole in the roof, but it was a chimney over the furnace, in the armory, which was filled with soldiers getting ready for war.Reson overheard a conversation \'\' alright men, that darn enki tribe must be destroyed!use all your hate and strength, and destroy those vile furballs!\'\'

\'\' who goes there!\'\' a quiet soothing voice arose behind Reson.He span around and struck out, but the elf dodged and said\'\' stop, tell me your buissness spy! i will either aid you or kill you, so watch out!\'\'

Reson\'s father had come to a clearing, the tribe following,\'\'we make camp here tonight, i scence a strange air in the breeze, we are close my fellow kindred, very close!\'\'

end of chapter 3

Chapter 4

The elves

The night itself seemed filled with fear.The tribe shivered under their blankets and creatures of the night were constantly howling.\'\'The time is now\'\'Reson\'s father said to his wife \'\'take all the women and childern, and lead them to a safe place, go, go now, you won\'t see me again.\'\'
As the villagers were led away Reson\'s father roused his folk, \'\'we are not many,but we are fierce, and this is our last stand! even after death, we will not rest until this temple is felled! haran! haran! it is our last stand!\'\'
As his father spoke, Reson was making a similar speech to the elves.But they were true elves, and agreed to help this mysterious mage.

The tribesman waited behind their makeshift baracades. their arrows were long spent, so no archer lay hidden in the undergrowth, or did they?
suddenly, it began, the soldiers aprang from the trees yelling and firing arrows, and crashing into the tribesmen with gleaming blades of steel.Reson\'s father was stuck with a poisoned arrow early on, and the black flame comander towered over him as his men were beaten back.\'\'now, your time has ended\'\' the captain raised his sword and was aqbout to strike when an elven arrow sped out of thje woods and hit him in the head.Reson came running,bow in hand, with an army of elves behind him,weilding fine crafted blades and the best bows.the onslaught began and the massive army was reduced to a ravaged party of men in black armor, who ripped of their black flame badges and surrendered imediately.Reson ran to his father,\'\' Reson, my boy,your alive,my time has come, you must leave me now, may be the elves will heal me,maybe i will die, but you must find the citizens of our tribe and save them, now...\'\'
\'\'no, i will heal you!\'\'
\'\'no, you must go!\'\'
\'\' i wont leave!\'\'
Ignoring his fathers council, he spent an hour trying to heal him, but failed, his father had gone.Suddenly he remembered, the convoy of people!


Reson ran as fast as he could, but he was too late.He walked through the pile of corpses to the where his mother lay, a massive gash in her chest.\'\'i\'m sorry mum.....\'\'He cradled her body and lateno gasonero,the elf commander who had helped him,walked up to Reson\'\'What will you do now,master mage of the blue?\'\'
Reson stood up,and in a commanding,mage-like tone he said \'\'i will practice my magic.No longer shall i be a rouge scouring the woods for the black flame,from now on, i shall be The Blue Mage!Healer,battle mage,helping others and fighting for all who are true,good or evil by the common folk\'s judgement.\'\'

              When all the world is in it\'s hour of need,
              When it is dieing,crying and in shame,
              I vow to be there for however long it takes
              To be noble,helpfull and true
              I will travel this whole Earth
              \'Til all the water is dried up
              and the ice melted by the rain
              The chaos is cruel and brings us death
              The good think they prevent it
              But really it won\'t work at all
              For being good is being bad
              And being bad is being good
              But all it is a string of wars
              I will try to stop all this
              follow if you want
              You and I may not come back
              But if you don\'t come,what\'s the point.
oh river of the sun,river of the moon,river of the water and the earth,
bring us courage,bring us faith,bring us the strenght to survive.
carry us oh carry us, cradle us and carry us, aid us reach the stars,
make us hapy,make us sad, provide us with our lives......

With this song,sang by himself and all the elves, Reson wandered off into the forest.

end of chapter 4
« Last Edit: September 24, 2005, 08:26:53 am by thealf »


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Please write more
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2005, 10:54:10 am »
That was one of the best stories (even got goosebumps in some parts).
I am actually speechless but I will be looking for more of your stories
« Last Edit: November 12, 2005, 05:29:13 am by Dylia »


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« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2005, 04:36:21 pm »
:) Compliment: I have to say there are parts in the story I really enjoyed. I really like the way you discribe events taking place.
Critisizm: I will admit the story seemed rushed and hard to follow. :/
   I've been outside, it's overrated and the graphics suck!