Author Topic: A PvP System  (Read 1046 times)


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A PvP System
« on: September 27, 2005, 08:00:24 pm »
I am a fan of free PvP action, but I can understand that others do not want to be randomly attacted and looted. So, I have thought a little about some solutions to the problems that I have seen raised on the forum regarding free PvP.

1. Some people do not want to participate in free PvP because they just want go out there with a group of friends and kill some monsters.

The solution I have come up for this is to have an option when you are creating your character to be PvP, non PvP, or a combination where there are zones in which you can battle, or have guild wars. This allows players to choose whether they want to participate in PvP, but doesn\'t allow players to abuse a system where they can choose to PvP attack someone then choose not to PvP to avoid retaliation. This itself produces its own issue about changing from one to the other, say you think you like PvP but when you get mugged every few seconds you decide that you want to change to a non-PvP. There needs to be a system to do change from one to the other. I think there could be a trainer where you could go to and change, from PvP to non-PvP could be a free service, but changing from non-PvP to PvP should incure a fee either of gold or skill points this will make people who want to abuse this system think twice about swapping all the time.

2. A player of higher level can hide and easily pick off lower level players to loot them and gain level not allowing the new players a chance to level up. This makes the game not very fun for new comers.

My solution to this requires a few things a government, law enforces, and a detention centre.

There needs be a method for a new player to choose which government they belong to, or if they want to belong to any government at all. There needs to be a method for players to create a government, I was thinking something something like if a guild had x amount of people they have to option of electing a King and creating an empire and thus a new government. The king then can elect x amount of knights as law enforces. Players then can choose to serve under the king and therefore have the protections of the knights. If someone attacks/loots/kills a player they have committed a crime towards the government that player has chosen and the elected knights can attack those players and send them to the detention centre. Obviously if the knights kill someone that is not a criminal they themselves become a criminal and can be attacked by the other knights. I was thinking for a detention centre it could be some sort of hell for criminals where they have to fight demons or something that takes a bit of time so they are trapped down there for a time without leveling or gaining experience.

Umm thats about all I can think of at them moment, let me know what you guys think.


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« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2005, 08:12:44 pm »
im a little in the middle about the going to trainer to switch to pvp and non pvp. I just dont like the idea you can switch, to me it doenst really provide a Roleplaying experince. Plus what if you are middle level and want to pk people in skill level. All it really takes is one high level to make a lot of people not want to do pvp. Also in my mind Pking is a very evil thing to do and should also make your char. evil.

Oh I dont think you should even try to come up with the cops and robbers ideas anymore beacuse Paxx posted awhile back that he was very agaisnt the idea of that. plus the guild king thing can be abused if it for a position of power. Guild would give noobes money just to join up and stuff of that sort.


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« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2005, 08:21:22 pm »
plus the guild king thing can be abused if it for a position of power. Guild would give noobes money just to join up and stuff of that sort.

Yes true, but say you needed a guild of 100 people to make a government (I don\'t really know what is big for a guild 50 people maybe) paying off a 100 people is going to get quite expensive the only way to get that many people is if they all have the same ideas or they all get listened to or they they believe in it, just like a real government really.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2005, 08:22:41 pm by Supplanter »


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« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2005, 08:40:50 pm »
sadly though there are the people that give RP a bad rep for not having a life and they go out make enough money to pay off enoungh noobies or they even make so many chatures to get them that title. There are people that will get togther and break up how many accounts they need to do each to get one person in that place. You have to remeber you are dealing with the massives in a mmorpg like this one


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« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2005, 08:55:31 pm »
Ok yeah, but the only power that comes with the king really is that he can elect knights to protect his kingdom, I suppose you could do away with the king and just elects knights. And the only power of the knights is to be able to send criminals to the hell, so the knights only have power over players that kill the players that chose their government. :S


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« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2005, 02:18:04 pm »
how would you determan his kingdom how many kinghts he could have and should he have to pay them or whatnough. Will kinghts get something special. If yes then what and what about other people that just want to do crafts blacksmiths what do they get. Can kingdoms invade other kingdoms. Can people move up the system to become king or will the king have a son on a chature he has made. I could come up with a lot more questons but i dont think the kingdom idea is a good idea unless we have a competley rule government ecomney by players


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« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2005, 08:18:22 pm »
His kingdom would be determined by how many players choose to serve under him, A player can choose which kingdom he is going to pledge his loyalty to. The king doesn\'t actually own any space it just has followers. Knights won\'t get anything special, but I think they should be rewarded somehow for removing bandits. Just like a blacksmith gets money for selling the items he makes, a knights job is to rid the world of pesky criminals. The number of allowed knights could be calculated by they amount of players choose to serve in that kingdom. Although this could be easily abused by someone making mulitiple accounts to boost their numbers.


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« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2005, 11:01:17 pm »
what about having a hostility mode? kinda like from diablo2.
so that only ppl with hostility mode on can go around killing eachother