Author Topic: GOOD PVP systems  (Read 2805 times)


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Re: GOOD PVP systems
« Reply #15 on: January 10, 2007, 05:35:46 am »
What are really the issues here?

Since there is no perma-death what is so bad about open PvP? You die, you go to death realm and your back. There is no loss execpt for a few minutes of making your way out.  How can you cry about open pvp? 

Ok role playing is the goal for PS.  Well how come open PvP can't be apart of such a role playing experience?  Doesn't the opposite make even less sense in such a world?  Some guy is role playing an a$$h0le and gets killed for it.  You think it is really roleplaying to have to request such an attack first?

Ususally the ONLY reason players cry about PvP in the first place, is because games are TOO unbalanced when it comes to character level or strength.  The degree of a noob vs. a veteran player is just too much.  It would be better to bring these seperations much closer together, giving even the noob the chance to kill a veteran player.  Will a system like this ever come about, probably not because of poor design for character stat builds.


It is stupid to cry about being killed when you lose absolutely NOTHING from dying.

What is the difference between a monster killing you or a player?  The monster kills you, you accept it, but if it is a player then that is somehow wrong??

If you want GOOD pvp, then you need to have a system that is generally fair for everyone. Allow even the newest character to have a chance against the oldest character. But most veteran players will cry about this since they dont like the idea of being killed by a noob. But if you bring these two closer together then you will not get a veteran player griefing noobs either.

All other systems will be horribly broken or make no sense in the context of the world or for an open roleplaying experience...



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Re: GOOD PVP systems
« Reply #16 on: January 10, 2007, 06:20:27 am »
Player A and B are married, they are having a romantic meal at Hydlaa tavern (if its possible with all the drunks ;)).

L33t Haxxor (planeshifts newest member) runs up behind player B and stabs her in the back.

This has no repercussions other than the fact that they have managed to ruin a perfectly quiet , private RP just because they are proving their L33tness.

This is really what I would think would happen, Ive seen far too many annoying newbies who think thats what the game is like. If it was like this I doubt it would be an improvement otherwise we would all be playing various other MMOs.


I also must point out that open PVP is available for us all. We all have the option to auto-accept all duel requests. The fact that hardly anyone uses the option means that the community as a whole does not like the idea of open PvP.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2007, 06:24:32 am by Idoru »

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Re: GOOD PVP systems
« Reply #17 on: January 13, 2007, 06:50:07 am »
I dont think that is so much the point as that all that happens when someone challenges you and your on auto accept is the system tab starts flashing. If there was some nice big red letters on the screen i think that would improve the amount of people using it... i know i would.


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Re: GOOD PVP systems
« Reply #18 on: January 13, 2007, 08:33:15 am »
Open PVP (sort of)

in cities when you try to attak someone you just dont because you know it is a stupid idea when your outside the cities you can risk it but there could be heaps of guards near cities then regular patrols. when you target a player it should tell you without goin to description how hard they will be to kill and if they are too easy there is no point in killing them. if you kill someone that is worth killing you should get some reward of sorts.
when someone dies there corpse is there for about 5 mins and if some guards see it they will be alert for you and will attack you at sight. something like runescapes skull symbol could be used when u attack someone but not as lame.

thats the best i could come up with hope u like it lol


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Re: GOOD PVP systems
« Reply #19 on: January 13, 2007, 12:12:02 pm »
As Narure pointed out, I too would use auto-accept PVP if you could:

a) Be warned of it.

but also...

b) Be given a countdown of 10 seconds before the duel starts.

I've added B because someone could just walk up to you, challenge and hit attack straight away.. and by the time you knew you'd been challenged they'd already be taking swipes at you.


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Re: GOOD PVP systems
« Reply #20 on: January 19, 2007, 09:28:20 pm »
to be honest, i tink open pvp will destroy the RP ambient.

the best idea to combine both i can tink of would be the restriction of area for pvp like have several spaces to do diferent things, but at the same time give those spaces a "racing" feeling for the players, sort of a objective thing.

examples: arenas (for 1 on 1, group vs group) raid areas (region control, guild vs guild)

on a side note: should a fighting guild(or a non job specific guild) should be called a guild or a tribe or something else?
In Asheron's Call apparently OpenPVP FFA no rules servers had elite leaders who became monarchs. the towns were relatively safe, and people organized/policed themselves. Sounds like RP to me.


As Narure pointed out, I too would use auto-accept PVP if you could:
a) Be warned of it.
b) Be given a countdown of 10 seconds before the duel starts.
I've added B because someone could just walk up to you, challenge and hit attack straight away.. and by the time you knew you'd been challenged they'd already be taking swipes at you.
So what? i've been on full loot OpenPvP servers and you get killed before you even knew someone was near. Grab an alternate set of gear and maybe a friend, hunt them down. If you are in a good guild, you won't get attacked - definitely increasing the social aspects.

If the notoriety system wasn't borked in UO, that would have been the best PvP. I'm looking forward to vanguard full loot openpvp (i want destroyable towns too), Age of Conan and Darkfall most of all. Warhammer Online could be cool but it looks like WoW of PvP.


I should point out that I want PvP to have a point, a purpose other than getting HK for crappy blue gear *cough*. If you don't want full loot, make it a percentage of cash on hand, with a little from the bank too. I want sieges and castles, territory and trade routes. I want my gameplay to affect the world. Ideally, if I save the princess, I want her to be saved!! (Chronicles of Spellborn is doing this and instancing old boss fights through an oracle's memories)

[ Please avoid making one post right after the other in the same thread. Just "Modify" your first post to add more information. --Karyuu ]
« Last Edit: January 19, 2007, 09:41:41 pm by Karyuu »
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Re: GOOD PVP systems
« Reply #21 on: February 17, 2007, 05:17:24 pm »
Before playing PS I was playing Dark Age of Camelot, which in my opinion has the best PvP system between all the mmorpgs I have tested so far. And they are quiet a few.

1. They have 3 realms and the players from the different realms cannot communicate with each other.

2. There are 6 relics. If a realm posesses a relic it gives a Bonus to everybody in that realm.

3. There are PvP exclusive zones at the gate to the realm. ( the wild  ;D ) and the entrances to the realms are guarded and fortified.

4. It is possible to lay siege, capture and occupy keeps in the ennemy realm. The realm which occupies the most keeps gets access to an exclusive zone with unique loots, etc...

Allright, in the case of DAOC the whole setting of the mmorpg is based on the PvPing side of the game. Besides, whenever a player kills an ennemy in PvP he gets Realm Points which allow him/her to access special skills.

So the PvP system has it's own rewards. I think that in order to get a good PvPing system one has to respect the following guidelines:

- It has to have a greater purpouse then just killing other players (relics, keeps, etc...)

- It has to be rewarding for the player without damaging the other players (realm points)

- It has to be absolutely limited to PvP specific areas (the wild, no man's land, etc.....)

The PvP system in DAOC was a total bliss, it gave huge adrenaline rushes, especially during sieges and kept the game interesting.

But off course these are just my 2 cents.