Author Topic: Now Powerful, now Observes  (Read 1595 times)


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« Reply #15 on: October 06, 2005, 03:31:21 pm »
Man you sure know how to ramble. That was a huge post about how powerfull you are, yet when i challenged you it turned out you didnt want to fight me. Like Sangwa said he is the brains of the Empire, I am a soldier, and next time dont tell me you are too busy.
Jimmik: proud Dragoon in the Dark Empire. Keeping order and breakin\' faces.


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« Reply #16 on: October 06, 2005, 07:57:12 pm »
A voice suddenly speaks from nowhere, no owner visible.
\"Powerful... Hah! Don\'t make me laugh. Your ideal of \'Power\' is not even close to what it truely is. Physical strength means nothing. If you can defeat anyone and everyone on their own terms, then maybe you can claim the title of all-powerful. However... Can you cope with a distant bowman, who can kill at fifty paces or more? Can you cope with a mage who rains death and destruction upon his foes?\" the voice says, a hint of humour in its tone.

\"I think not. Especially a foe like the silent assassins, each which can kill a man faster than you. All you have is strength, no brain to deal with the cunning of the likes of Sangwa, no finess to deal with agents sent out against you, not even speed to deliver a killing blow against another warrior.\"

\"But, most importantly of all, that which you have not seemed to have realized, is that if you try to cut off the head of a group, most of the time, the rest becomes angered. Even if you manage to actually remove it, it matters little, for the rest of the group is still there.\"

\"If you insist on taking on the guilds of Ylakium, do so, but refrain from killing the head; take the whole guild on, then you\'ll be permitted to come back here and gloat. Not that we\'d listen.\"

\"All those are needed and more... Yet, even when you think that you\'ve reached perfection, it is that much easier to bring you to your knees, which is your failure...\"

The voice fades away, into nothingness
Crazy am I. Not responsable for crazyness that ensues.


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« Reply #17 on: October 06, 2005, 08:39:33 pm »
\"power,\" steuben shakes his head.

\"i have walked through fields of ash. i have felt your power.

\"i have waded rivers thick with blood. i have tasted your power.

\"i have walked emptied villages. i have seen your power.

\"i have stood in fields laid waste. i have smelled your power.

\"i have laid still in the dark. i have heard your power.

\"i have weilded your power. i wish that i could forake it.\"

he shakes his head and continues on.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2005, 08:44:36 pm by steuben »
may laanx frighten the shadow from my path.
hardly because the shadow built the lexx.
the shadow will frighten laanx from my path.


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« Reply #18 on: October 06, 2005, 11:25:32 pm »
OOC: Trying something different with the ic speach here.

Power? What pray tell do you know of power?
I will tell you of power.
Does not the smallest flower help to feed the entire bee hive?
Can not the smallest stone slay the mightiest giant?
Do not a woman and a man create new life within the woman\'s womb?
Till you have helped to feed an entire city, till you have slain a being that could easily crush you like giant crushing a pebble into sand, till you have given life to a child, do not come back claiming of power


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« Reply #19 on: October 07, 2005, 12:02:28 am »
This thread has turned into self-indulgent rambling.  A pity.
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« Reply #20 on: October 07, 2005, 02:24:28 am »
Originally posted by Hatchnet
OOC: Trying something different with the ic speach here.

Power? What pray tell do you know of power?
I will tell you of power.
Does not the smallest flower help to feed the entire bee hive?

Cannot my foot crush the bee and the flower?

Can not the smallest stone slay the mightiest giant?

The stone must be wielded with power, or the Giant an idiot.

Do not a woman and a man create new life within the woman\'s womb?

New life... The one thing that is harder to do alone than taking a life.

Till you have helped to feed an entire city, till you have slain a being that could easily crush you like giant crushing a pebble into sand, till you have given life to a child, do not come back claiming of power

I have helped feed the city, the city became a giant, then I have destroyed that city....

But giving life to a child... That is the one power that will always elude me.

And to Jimmik, I would have fought you, but you were far from me, when I tried to find you, you were no longer in reach. If you wish to fight, the acception still stands, I wanted to fight you, its just I could not find you.

Originally posted by Darkblade
A voice suddenly speaks from nowhere, no owner visible.
\"Powerful... Hah! Don\'t make me laugh. Your ideal of \'Power\' is not even close to what it truely is. Physical strength means nothing. If you can defeat anyone and everyone on their own terms, then maybe you can claim the title of all-powerful. However... Can you cope with a distant bowman, who can kill at fifty paces or more? Can you cope with a mage who rains death and destruction upon his foes?\" the voice says, a hint of humour in its tone.

I have became the warrior to defeat the mage. I have became the mage to defeat the archer. I have became the archer to defeat the assassain. I have became the assassian to defeat the king. I choose not to become the king because I choose not to rule over others. My power is for myself. When it comes to it, the only thing power is, is a word and a feeling in a man. No matter how many men think you are great. If you do not, then you are not.

When I defeat an opponent, I let them use any weapon they choose.

And if you think that because I won\'t use the same weapon as them I am weak. No I am strong for knowing the weapon they are weak against.

If running is a sign of weakness to you, then you don\'t know what power is.

If hiding means your scared, then try walking through a forest in the open when all your enemies are hidden in the shadows.

Theres all kinds of ways to determine power, but it all goes down to one thing. Can you be defeated in battle?

If your weapon is a massive army or a single sword. All power goes down to if you can be defeated in battle.

The meaning of defeat is not death. But its when your opponent chooses not to challenge you after his loss.

If your army is destroyed by a single sword, and you live to destroy that single sword, who then has the power? You or the man you killed...

The answer is you. If he could destroy an entire army but fall by you, then he was not a match for your strength.

But if he destroys your entire army and you, or you do not except his challenge, then you have been defeated.

No matter how many times you face this foe in battle. The time you choose not to face him ever, is the day you are defeated.

Power is of physical strength, will, and knowledge of your enemy. If you do not have the will to fight you have been defeated. No matter if you say the person is not worth it... If you choose not to fight him ever, you have been defeated.

Now there are times when a person isn\'t up to fighting, or declines the first time to tell his opponent that he should not fight. Those are fine, but if your opponent still chooses to fight, if you deny him, you have been defeated. No matter how many times you face him, not matter how
many times you beat him. If he still chooses to fight, then he is not defeated. But the day either of you choose not to fight again, is the day you are defeated.

Who I give my defeat to:

I have been defeated, but not by a creature. I have been defeated by something that is more powerful then most. Between you and me, I believe I will never win.

I give my semi-defeat to:

Constrabus- Who has fought me and won in an odd way, I think I know how to beat you, but I have to train more first.

Cerohirk- Who has fought me and won when I was weaker, I know I can defeat you, but I have to find you.

Sirunie- Who I train with, I don\'t think their will ever be a defeat between us, because we are always willing to fight each other.

And who I have defeated:

I don\'t need to put any names here, because it would be pointless. If you know I have beat you then thats all that matters. But if you think you can or have beat me, then we will fight. I have yet to be shown full defeat to a person.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2005, 02:54:56 am by Noobis »


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« Reply #21 on: October 07, 2005, 02:42:13 am »
Originally posted by Noobis
New life... The one thing that is harder to do alone than taking a life.

I disagree with this.  I think it\'s incredibly difficult to do EITHER responsibly, but it\'s EASY to do either poorly.  Really, it\'s not what people do but how they do it that counts in the end.

Originally posted by Noobis
And to Jimmik, I would have fought you, but you were far from me, when I tried to find you, you were no longer in reach. If you wish to fight, the acception still stands, I wanted to fight you, its just I could not find you.

Ah, so he challenged you from a distance thinking he could arrow you to death.  I\'ve always enjoyed that one.:)
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« Reply #22 on: October 07, 2005, 02:56:35 am »
OOC: He wasnt even in the same sector or region as me. I have no clue where he was, then when I went looking for him I crashed, then when I came back he was gone. So I had no chance to even fight him at all.

OOC: Also if I contridict anything, it probably has meaning, if not, then I forgot what I said in the past. ^^  I have a habit of contridicting myself.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2005, 03:05:33 am by Noobis »


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« Reply #23 on: October 07, 2005, 05:41:00 am »
Originally posted by Noobis
Power is of physical strength, will, and knowledge of your enemy. If you do not have the will to fight you have been defeated. No matter if you say the person is not worth it... If you choose not to fight him ever, you have been defeated.

To me, those things can be a part of power, but they are not themselves power.  Power is the ability to achieve your goals.  If you have no goals, then you have ultimate power.  Thus, desire leads to suffering.  However, to those who have desire and who embrace desire, we must walk down a different path.  We cannot deny who we are, because to do so is to admit defeat and to embrace a state of living death.  Sleep walking.  But you cannot make the mistake of confusing chaos with evil, or purity with good, or neutrality with honesty, or conflict with loss, or control with leadership.  Worse still is to confuse the ability to kill with the ability to control life, and I believe you have made this mistake.
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« Reply #24 on: October 07, 2005, 07:31:40 am »
Thus, desire leads to suffering. However, to those who have desire and who embrace desire, we must walk down a different path

Zanzibar, are you telling him to be a buddhist?  He should stop his fighting ways and start a nice little zen garden down by the ruins. Oh that would be so.....oh wait thats not a trainable way of this land.
Jimmik: proud Dragoon in the Dark Empire. Keeping order and breakin\' faces.


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« Reply #25 on: October 07, 2005, 07:37:13 am »
Originally posted by jimmyknife
Thus, desire leads to suffering. However, to those who have desire and who embrace desire, we must walk down a different path

Zanzibar, are you telling him to be a buddhist?  He should stop his fighting ways and start a nice little zen garden down by the ruins. Oh that would be so.....oh wait thats not a trainable way of this land.

Darn, thought you were on to something there too, ;)